Appendix E. Further Reading

Undergraduate textbooks on concurrency are [2, 31, 49]. [2] is strong on systems and languages, but has much less material on verification. [31] shows how to implement concurrent algorithms in Java, while [49] combines CSP-based theory with Java programming. Advanced textbooks on concurrency are [3, 23, 50, 51, 57]; they emphasize the formal verification of programs.

The discussion of distributed algorithms in Chapters 1012 just begins to scratch the surface of this fascinating topic. Extensive presentations can be found in [4, 48].

A summary of Leslie Lamport’s work on mutual exclusion and an extensive list of references is given in [1].

My textbook on mathematical logic [9] provides the background needed to study advanced books on concurrency.

The monitor construct is widely used, but there are so many options for defining its semantics that it can be difficult to understand. These issues are fully analyzed in [15]. Much material on monitors can be found in the historical collection of Per Brinch Hansen [13].

A good analysis of the confusing terminology of concurrency is given in [16].

References to specific languages and systems have been given throughout the book. Here we summarize the main ones: Ada [7, 18]; Java [31, 44]; Linda [28]; Promela and Spin [33]. Advanced programming techniques in Promela are described in [56].

Operating systems are a major application of concurrency. Two popular textbooks are [60, 63]. You will also find the historical collection [14] interesting. Textbooks on real-time systems are [19, 47].

Reports of concurrency problems in spacecraft [35, 62, 66] are extremely interesting and make for motivational reading!


This is a list of websites for the languages, tools and systems mentioned in the book. This list also includes the archive of Edsger W. Dijkstra’s technical notes and letters on verification and concurrency, Leslie Lamport’s list of his works (many of which can be downloaded), and the Oxford University Computing Laboratory’s website of links on concurrency and formal methods.

The URLs here and in the bibliography were checked on 15 September 2005.

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