
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking or tapping a link to get to the indexed material.


AAC format (see MPEG audio standards)

AACS (Advanced Access Content System), 327–329

AAF (Advanced Authoring Format), 538–539

Absolute accuracy error, 58

Absolute linearity error, 79

ABX test, 379, 383–384

AC ’97 (Audio Codec ’97), 528–529

AC-1 codec, 432

AC-2 codec, 432, 556

AC-3 codec (see Dolby Digital)

Acoustics, 1

Acquisition time, 54–55

A/D converter chip, 718–720, 721–722

A/D converters (see Analog-to-digital converters)

A/D modulator, 712–718

Adams, Robert, 714, 715

Adaptive delta modulation (ADM), 110–111

Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation (ADPCM), 112–113, 444–446, 453, 454

Adaptive filters, 668, 689–692

Adaptive Stream Management (ASM), 581

A/D–D/A converter chip, 721–722

ADM (see Adaptive delta modulation)

ADPCM (see Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation)

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), 557–558

ADSP-2116x SHARC family of chips, 674, 682–683

Advanced Access Content System (AACS), 327–329

Advanced Audio Coding format (see MPEG audio standards)

Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), 563

Advanced Authoring Format (AAF), 538–539

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 298, 327, 572

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 568

Advanced Streaming Format (ASF), 579

Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA), 518, 547

Advanced Video Codec High Definition (AVCDH) format, 332–333

AES (see Advanced Encryption Standard; Audio Engineering Society)

AES3 (AES/EBU) professional interface, 488–495

channel status block, 491–494

in Dolby Digital, 442

in Dolby E, 444

frame structure, 489–491

implementation, 494–495

in mLAN, 521

in MLP, 449

AES10 (MADI) standard, 495–497

AES11 standard, 503–505

AES17 standard, 42, 189

AES18 standard, 490, 506

AES24 standard, 506–507

AES28 standard, 208

AES42 standard, 495

AES31 standard, 540

AES47 standard, 562

AGC (automatic gain control), 232

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format), 536

Airy, George, 168

Airy pattern, 168–171, 175–176, 191

A-law companding, 106–107, 113, 454

Aliasing, 25–28

Allocation loops, AAC, 422–423

Alternative PCM systems, 102–113, 693–700

AM (see Amplitude modulation)

A/M protocol (Audio and Music Data Transmission Protocol), 521

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 489, 495, 515

AM-IBOC system, 621–625

Amplifiers, JFET, 55

Amplitude masking, 344–347

Amplitude modulation (AM), 47, 606, 621–625

Analog audio, 16–17

Analog dither, 36–45

Analog filters:

digital filters vs., 100, 645–646

lowpass filters, 25–28, 50–53, 89–100

Analog measurement, resolution of, 28

Analog output lowpass filters, 89–90

Analog sunset, 330

Analog-digital-analog conversion, 56–64

Analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, 56–64

accuracy of, 56–60

in block floating-point system, 105

dither in, 50

and jitter, 59, 120–124

oversampling, 62–64

sigma-delta, 711–720, 721–722

on sound cards and motherboards, 525–527

successive approximation, 60–62

timing accuracy of, 59, 120–124

Analysis-by-synthesis, 461–463, 467–469

AND operator, 13–16

Angle of incidence, 166–168, 170, 174

Anisotropic materials, 172

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 482, 489, 495, 515

Antheil, George, 566

Anti-aliasing filters, 25–28, 50–53

Anti-imaging filters, 89–100

Antinodes, 1

Anvil, 340

Aperture circuit, 86–89

Aperture error, 86–89, 100, 102

Arithmetic operations, 5–10

ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 568


ASF (Advanced Streaming Format), 579

ASM (see Adaptive Stream Management)

ASPEC (Audio Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding), 394, 395, 404, 430

ASRC (asynchronous sample rate converter), 507, 508

Associative laws, 15

Astigmatism, 200–201

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), 557–558

Asymmetric encryption, 572, 574

Asynchronous sample rate converter (ASRC), 507, 508

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), 561–562

A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile), 563

ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment), 518, 547

Atal, Bishnu, 467

ATIP, 225, 230

ATM (see Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

Atmospheric pressure, 1, 3

ATRAC (Audio transform acoustic coding), 181, 185, 425–430

ATRAC3plus codec, 430

ATSC standard, 627–628, 637, 638–644

AT&T, 616

AU file format, 535, 537

Audible differences, 383–384

Audio and Music Data Transmission Protocol (A/M protocol), 521

Audio Codec ’97 (AC ’97), 528–529

Audio coding (DVD-Video), 264–266

Audio data compression (lossless), 384–391

Audio Engineering Society (AES), 488 (See also AES/EBU)

Audio fingerprinting, 576–577

Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF), 536

Audio interconnection (see Interconnection and interfaces)

Audio Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding (ASPEC), 394, 395, 404, 430

Audio transform acoustic coding (ATRAC), 181, 185, 425–430

Audio Video Interleaved (AVI) format, 537, 539, 548

Audio webcasting, 581–582

Authentication, 571, 573

Authoring of DVD-Video, 268–269

Auto-dither systems, 44

Autofocus design (CD players), 200–201

Automatic gain control (AGC), 232

Autotracking (CD players), 201–204, 230

AVCHD (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) format, 332–333

AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) format, 537, 539, 548

Avid Corporation, 538, 539


Bandwidth, 21–23, 47, 453

Bandwidth extension, 476–479 (See also Spectral band replication)

Bark (unit), 342–352

Barkhausen, Georg Heinrich, 343

BARRNet, 570

Base 2 system, 5–8, 15

Base 10 system, 3, 6–8, 15

“Baseball” pattern, 176

Basilar membrane, 340, 343, 345, 346, 351, 360

BCA (Burst Cutting Area), 256, 310

BCD (see Binary coded decimal)

BCH codes, 149–150

BD (see Blu-ray)

BDAV (see Blu-ray)

BDMV (see Blu-ray)

BD-J (see Blu-ray)

BD-ROM Mark, 327–329

BD+, 329

Bell, Alexander Graham, 553

Bell Laboratories, 20, 356, 394, 430, 554

BER (see Bit-error rate)

BERL (see Burst-error length)

Bessel filters, 52, 102, 719, 721

BFUs (Block floating units), 427–429

BIFS (BInary Format for Scenes), 584, 589

Big-endian format, 533

Binary code(s), 8–10

unweighted, 10

weighted, 9–10

Binary coded decimal (BCD), 9–10

Binary digits (bits), 6–8

Binary FM code, 68

BInary Format for Scenes (BIFS), 584, 589

Binary number system, 6–8

Binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), 607–608

Binary point, 7

Binaural masking level difference (BMLD), 369

Biphase coding, 67–68, 70

Biphase mark code, 70

Biphase space code, 70

Bipolar offset error, 58

“Bird singing” (“birdies”), 35

Birefringence, 172, 191, 216, 217, 303, 312

BIS (Burst indicator subcode), 319

Bit allocation, 349–351, 354, 358, 360, 362, 363, 371, 377

AC-3 codec, 435–438

MP3 (Layer III), 407–409, 535

MPEG-1, 398–404

Bit-error rate (BER), 128

CD, 208

DAR, 606–609

fiber-optic systems, 514

Bits (binary digits), 6

Bitstream information (BSI) header, 441, 443

BLER (see Block-error rate)

Blesser, Barry, 44

Block correction codes, 139–142

Block floating units (BFUs), 427–429

Block floating-point systems, 105–106

Block-error rate (BLER), 128, 158–159, 208, 227

Blue Book standard, 222, 236

Blue lasers, 165, 215, 299, 303, 308

Bluetooth, 562–566

Blu-ray, 299–333

AVCHD format, 332–333

BDAV and BDMV, 321–324

BD-E and BD-R, 330–333

BD-ROM, 302

CD and DVD vs., 300

codecs, 313–318

audio codecs, 313–316

video codecs, 316–318

content protection, 327–330

watermarking, 329

development, 299–300

disc, 301–310

design, 303–306

manufacture, 308–310

Dolby Digital, 313–316

error correction, 319–321

HDMV and BD-J modes, 325–326

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP), 314

1-7PP (Parity preserve/Prohibited repeated minimum transition run length), 318–319

optical pickup, 306–308

profiles, 302

Reed–Solomon Product Code (RSPC), 319–321

recordable formats, 330–333

region playback code, 327

specifications, 310–312

stream format and directory, 321–324

3D format, 326–327

Universal Disc Format (UDF), 324–325

Blu-ray Disc Association, 299, 333

BMLD (binaural masking level difference), 369

Books, DVD, 246

Boole, George, 13

Boolean algebra, 13–16, 21

Boolean operators, 13

Bose, Raj Chandra, 149

BPSK (binary phase-shift keying), 607–608

Brandenburg, Karlheinz, 363, 365, 373, 394

Brick-wall filter, 25–28, 50–53, 89–100

Broadband ISDN, 561

Broadcast data, errors in, 146, 154

Broadcast Wave Format (BWF), 533–535

Broadcasting, digital, 597–644

with direct broadcast satellites (DBS), 601

satellites for, 597–601

“Brute force” attacks, 574

BSI header (bitstream information header), 441, 443

Bubble formation, 178

Buffers, 77–78, 118–119, 452

Buried data technique (noise shaping), 728–729

Burst Cutting Area (BCA), 256, 310

Burst errors, 128, 132, 133, 136, 148, 154, 157–158, 160, 162

Burst indicator subcode (BIS), 319

Burst length, 126, 163

Burst-error length (BERL), 128

Butterworth filters, 52, 63

BWF file format (Broadcast Wave Format), 533–535


Cabot, Richard, 373

Calibration of D/A converters, 80, 85, 105

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD), 560

Carroll, Lewis, 16

Carson, John, 20

Caruso, Enrico, 691

Cascaded (tandem) codecs, 370–371, 396

“Casting out 9s,” 130

CAT-5 cable, 486, 488

CATV, 512, 557, 641, 642

Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 20

Cauer filter, 52

CCETT, 394

CCI (see Copy control information)

CCIR (International Radio Consultative Committee), 380, 489

CCIR-601, 260, 262

CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee), 59, 494

CD (see Compact Disc)

CD-Audio, 188–235

CD-DA, 187, 218

CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Interface), 560–561, 567

CD Extra, 221–223

CD+G, 234

CD-i, 188, 233, 235

CD-MO, 233

CD+MIDI, 234

CD Plus 221

CD-R, 213, 224–231, 233, 235

CD-ROM, 188, 213, 219–223, 234, 235

and DAE, 540–543

CD-ROM/XA, 220–223, 233–235

adaptive differential pulse-code modulation (ADPCM) in, 113

CD-RW, 188, 231–233, 235

CD-RW-DA, 232

CD-3 format, 234–235

CD-UDF, 229, 233

CD-WO, 188, 224, 229

Cellular telecommunications, 558

CELP (see Code Excited Linear Prediction coding)

Cepstral analysis, 481

CGMS (Copy generation management system), 235, 293, 296

CGs (Channel Groups), 276–277, 285

Channel bits, 65–68, 190, 193–197, 207, 209

Channel codes, 65–75

applications, 75

group codes, 70–74

simple codes, 68–70

Channel Groups (CGs), 276–277, 285

Channel status block (AES3), 491–494

Chebyshev filter, 52

China Video CD (CVD), 235

CIC (see Cross-Interleave Code)

CIRC (see Cross-Interleave Reed–Solomon code)

Circuit merit (CM) scale, 482–483

Cladding, 509–512

Client-server networks, 560, 593

Clock jitter (see Jitter)


channel codes, 66, 68, 70

in reproduction processing, 77, 120

CLV (see Constant linear velocity)

CM (Circuit Merit) scale, 482–483

Coaxial cable, 485, 486, 494, 496, 499, 500

Code excited linear prediction (CELP) coding, 467–472

codebooks, 467, 470–471

encoder and decoder, 468–470

in MPEG-4, 585–586, 588

Code tables (group codes), 70

Code width (quantum), 58

Codecs, 107, 335–391, 451–483 (See also Low bit-rate coding; Speech coding)

Coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (COFDM), 609–611, 616 (See also Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)

Codes, efficiency of, 65–66, 70, 73

Coding (see Data coding)

COFDM (see Coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)

COM (Component Object Model), 538

Commutative laws, 15

Compact Disc (CD):

alternative CD formats, 218–235

cleaning of, 127

development, 187–188

disc design, 190–197

data encoding, 193–197

specifications, 188–190

features of, 188–189

and ISO/MPEG-1 standard, 394

manufacture of, 213–218

electroforming, 216

mastering, 214–216

premastering, 213–214

replication, 216–218

Photo CD, 221, 228, 231, 233–234

player design, 205–213

autofocus, 200–201

autotracking, 201–204, 230

EFM demodulation electrical design, 205–207

electrical design, 205–213

error detection and correction, 188, 207–208, 211

one-beam pickup, 202–204

optical disc design, 190–193

optical pickup, 200–204

output processing, 208–209

pickup control, 204

SACD, 235–243

subcode in, 209–213

Super Audio CD (SACD), 235–243

three-beam pickup, 200–202

Video CD, 188, 221, 235

Compact Disc Digital Audio (CD-DA), 187, 218

Compact Disc Extra (CD Extra), 221–223

Compact Disc Graphics (CD+G), 234

Compact Disc Interactive (CD-i), 188, 233, 235

Compact Disc Magneto-Optical (CD-MO), 233

Compact Disc Musical Instrument Digital Interface (CD+MIDI), 234

Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), 188, 213, 219–223, 234, 235

and DAE, 540–543

Compact Disc Read Only Memory/eXtended Architecture (CD-ROM/XA), 220–223, 233–235

adaptive differential pulse-code modulation (ADPCM) in, 113

Compact Disc Recordable (CD-R), 213, 224–231, 233, 235

Compact Disc ReWritable (CD-RW), 188, 231–233, 235

Compact Disc ReWritable Digital Audio (CD-RW-DA), 232

Compact Disc Universal Disc Format (CD-UDF), 229, 233

Compact Disc Write-Once (CD-WO), 188, 224, 229

Companded predictive delta modulation (CPDM), 111–112

Companding, 106–107

A-law, 106–107, 113, 454

μ-law, 106–107, 113, 454

Complements, number system, 11

Complex numbers, 650–652

Complex plane, 656–657

Complex waveforms, 4

Component Object Model (COM), 538

Compression (see Data compression)

Computer networks, Internet audio in, 558–567

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), 561–562

Bluetooth, 562–566

client-server networks, 560, 593

Ethernet, 519, 561, 565, 566, 568

MediaNet, 567

wide area networks (WANs), 560, 565

Wi-Fi, 566–567

Concealment, error, 129, 158, 162–164

Constant linear velocity (CLV):

Blu-ray, 305

CD, 193, 205, 220

CD-R, 225, 229–230

DVD, 248, 288–292

Constructive interference, 2

Consumer channel status block, 497–499

Content protection (with DVD), 293–297

digital transmission, 297

for recordable media, 296–297

watermarking, 297

Content Protection for Pre-Recorded Media (CPPM), 295–296

Content Protection for Recordable Media (CPRM), 296–297, 543

Content Scrambling System (CSS), 294–297

Continuously variable slope delta modulation (CVSDM), 111, 599

Converters (see Analog-to-digital (A/D) converters; Digital-to-analog (D/A) converters)

Convolution (discrete systems), 647–651, 653–656, 661, 663–665, 672, 692

Convolutional codes, 144–146

Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI), 560–561, 567

Copy control information (CCI), 297, 522

Copy generation management system (CGMS), 235, 293, 296

Copy protection:

DVD-Audio, 295–297

DVD-Video, 293–295

Copy Protection Technical Working Group (CPTWG), 293, 294, 295

CPDM (companded predictive delta modulation), 111

CPPM (Content Protection for Prerecorded Media), 295–296

CPRM (Content Protection for Recordable Media), 296–297, 543

CPTWG (Copy Protection Technical Working Group), 293, 294, 295

Craven, Peter, 387, 390, 449, 698, 728

CRCC (see Cyclic redundancy check code)

Critical angle, 166–168

Critical bands, 339–344, 351, 352, 365, 369, 375

Critical sampling, 23

Critical-listening tests, 376–383

Cross-Interleave Code (CIC), 148–149

Cross-Interleave Reed–Solomon code (CIRC), 154–158

CD, 189, 193, 207–208, 220, 227

Cross-interleaving, 148–149

Crystal oscillators, 121

CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection), 560

CSS (Content Scrambling System), 294–297

CSU (customer service unit), 554, 556

Curie temperature, 179

Customer service unit (CSU), 554, 556

CVD (China Video CD), 235

CVSDM (see Continuously variable slope delta modulation)

Cyanine dye, 226–227

Cyclic redundancy check code (CRCC), 133–138

in AC-3 codec, 441

in AES3, 493–494

in CD, 211

in MLP, 448, 449

in MPEG, 396


D15 mode (AC-3 codec), 435–437

D/A converters (see Digital-to-analog converters)

DAB (digital audio broadcasting), 601–628

DAE (digital audio extraction), 540–543

DAO recording, 224, 227, 232

DAR (see Digital audio radio)

Darling, Timothy F., 110

DARS (digital audio reference signal), 505, 506

DAT (see Digital Audio Tape)

Data buffers, 77, 682

Data coding:

Blu-ray, 318–321

CD, 193–197

DVD, 256–259

EFMPlus modulation, 258–259

Reed–Solomon Product Code (RSPC), 257–258

DVD-Audio, 275–280


audio coding, 264–266

video coding, 262–263

Data compression (lossless), 384–391

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP), 247, 265, 275–278, 279

Data density, 187, 190, 193, 194, 208, 236, 247, 248, 258, 300, 305

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 574

Data service unit (DSU), 554

Data transmission:

jitter in, 119–120

(See also Internet Audio)

dB (see Decibel)

DBS (see Direct broadcast satellites)

DC content, 67–75

DC suppression, 66–74

DCT (see Discrete cosine transform)

DDP (see Disc Description Protocol)

DDS (see Digital Data Service)

De Morgan’s theorem, 14, 15

Decaying tones, 35

Decibel (dB), 3

Decimal point, 7

Decimation, 477, 714–718

Decimation filters, 62–63, 711, 712–719

Decoding errors, minimizing, 68–69

De-emphasis equalization, 64, 88–89

Defects, error-causing, 126–128

De-interleaving, 78, 146–161

Delay blocks, 669, 683–686

Delay modulation, 70 (See also Modified frequency modulation)

Delivery Multimedia Integration Framework (DMIF), 584

Delta modulation (DM), 108–112, 454, 695–697

adaptive, 110–111

companded predictive, 111–112

DEM (dynamic element matching), 695, 720

Demodulation, 77

Demultiplexing, 77, 78

Department of Defense, 467, 484, 568

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 574

Destructive interference, 2

DFT (see Discrete Fourier transform)

Diagnostic rhyme test (DRT), 482

Differential coding, 107–113

Differential linearity error, 79, 84

Differential PCM (DPCM) systems, 107–113, 693–698

Differential phase-detection (DPD) method, 255, 256, 288

Diffraction, 2, 168–170

Diffraction grating, 175, 176, 307

Digital audio:

analog vs., 16–18

as numerical technology, 6–8

Digital audio broadcasting (DAB), 601–627

Digital Audio Disc Committee, 188

Digital audio extraction (DAE), 540–543

Digital audio radio (DAR), 601–627

data reduction with, 605

Eureka 147/DAB, 609–613

in-band digital radio, 613–616

AM-IBOC system, 621–625

FM-IBOC system, 616–621

HD Radio, 602, 616–625

spectral space for, 604–605

technical issues with, 606–609

transmission methods, 602–604

Digital audio reference signal (DARS), 505, 506

Digital Audio Tape (DAT):

and eight-to-ten modulation, 74

and error correction, 160–161

Digital Data Service (DDS), 556

Digital delay, 669, 683–686

Digital filters, 94–100, 660–669

adaptive filters, 668, 689–692

analog filters vs., 100, 645–646

and decimation, 714–718

defined, 94–95

finite impulse response (FIR) filters, 661–665

FIR oversampling, 97–100, 669, 671

infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, 665–667

output, 89–100

oversampling filters, 94–100, 669, 671

programming, 660–669

transversal filters, 94–100, 668, 677

Digital Linear Tape (DLT), 251, 269

Digital mixing consoles, 686–689

Digital radio, in-band (see In-band digital radio)

Digital reverberation, 685–686

Digital rights management (DRM), 327–330, 571–573

Digital signal processing (DSP), 645–692

adaptive filters, 668, 689–692

advantages of, 645–646

applications of, 646–647, 683–692

defined, 645–646

disadvantages of, 645–646

discrete systems in, 647–652

complex numbers, 650–652

impulse response and convolution, 647–650

linearity and time-invariance, 647

filters in (see Digital filters)

integrated circuits for, 672–675

fixed point and floating point, 674–675

processor architecture, 672–674

for loudspeaker correction, 689

mathematical transforms, 652–656

Fourier transforms, 646, 652–656, 663, 665

Laplace transforms, 652–653, 655, 657

z-transform, 652, 655–657, 661

for mixing consoles, 686–689

for noise removal, 689–692

oversampling filters, 94–100, 669, 671

poles and zeros, 657–659

programming for, 676–683

ADSP-2116x SHARC family of chips, 674, 682–683

filters, 660–669

Motorola code, 679–682

Texas Instruments code, 678–679

for reverberation, 685–686

sources of errors in, 670–672

transversal filters, 668, 677

and unit circle and region of convergence, 656–657

Digital sum value (DSV), 66–74

CD, 195

DVD, 258

Digital Television (DTV), 432, 443, 444, 627–644

and ATSC standard, 627–628, 637, 638–644

development of, 627–628, 638–639

display formats and specifications, 639–643

implementation of, 643–644

and MPEG-1 video standard, 630–636, 637

and MPEG-2 video standard, 630–636, 637–638

and video data reduction, 628–638

Digital Theater Systems (see DTS)

Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP), 293, 297, 330, 521–522, 644

Digital Transmission Licensing Administrator (DTLA), 522

Digital Visual Interface (DVI), 293, 297, 330

Digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion:

multi-bit with quasi fourth-order noise shaping, 709–711

multi-bit with third-order noise shaping, 706–709

one-bit, with second-order noise shaping, 702–705

Digital-to-analog (D/A) converters, 79–86

calibration of, 80, 85, 105

dynamic range of, 80

function of, 79–81

high-bit conversion, 85–86

jitter in, 120–124

R-2R ladder, 83–84, 693, 696

sigma-delta, 702–711

on sound cards and motherboards, 525–529

weighted-resistor, 81–82

and zero-cross distortion, 84–85

Dirac delta function, 170

Direct broadcast satellites (DBS), 601

Direct memory access (DMA), 518, 529, 672

Direct satellite radio, 601, 625–627

and PAC codec, 430–431

Sirius XM Satellite Radio, 625–627

Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), 566–567

Direct Stream Digital (DSD) coding, 110, 236, 238–243

Direct stream transfer (DST), 242–243

DirectMusic, 531

DirectShow, 531

DirectSound, 531

DirectSound3D API, 531

DirecTV, 601

DirectX, 531

Disc Description Protocol (DDP), 213–214, 251, 269, 289

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 361, 364, 367, 630–636

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 367, 646, 653–656, 665

Discrete systems, 647–652

and complex numbers, 650–652

defined, 647

and impulse response and convolution, 647–650

and linearity and time-invariance, 647

Discrete time sampling, 19–25

DisplayPort, 501


in D/A converters, 79–81, 84

dither and reduction of, 36–44

and output S/H circuit, 86–89

quantization, 33–35

zero-cross, 84–85

Distributive laws, 15

Dither, 39–44

Gaussian pdf, 39–44

rectangular pdf, 39–44

triangular pdf, 39–44, 671, 702, 723–725

types of, 39–44

DLT (Digital Linear Tape), 251, 269

DM (see Delta modulation)

DMA (see Direct Memory Access)

DMIF (Delivery Multimedia Integration Framework), 584

Dolby Digital, 264–267, 313–316, 432–444, 527, 628, 638, 640–643

applications and extensions, 443–444

bit allocation, 435–438

bitstream and decoder, 441–443

and Blu-ray, 313–316

and DVD-Video, 264–266

exponent strategies, 435–438

multichannel coding, 438–441

theory of operation, 434–435

Dolby Digital Plus (Enhanced AC-3), 313–316, 443

Dolby Digital Surround EX system, 443

Dolby E, 444

Dolby Laboratories, 444

Domain System Structure, 570

DOS, 531

Double complementation, 15

Double refraction, 172

Double SVCD format, 235

DPCM (see Differential PCM systems)

DPD method (Differential phase-detection method), 255, 256, 288

DRM (Digital rights management), 327–330, 571–573

Droop (in S/H circuit), 55, 62, 87

Dropouts, 126–127, 128–129

DRT (diagnostic rhyme test), 482

DSD coding (see Direct Stream Digital coding) DSLAMs, 557

DSOs, 554, 555

DSP (see Digital signal processing)

DSSS (direct sequence spread spectrum), 566–567

DST (direct stream transfer), 242–243

DSU (data service unit), 554

DSV (see Digital sum value)

DTCP (Digital Transmission Content Protection), 293, 297, 330, 521–522, 644

DTLA (Digital Transmission Licensing Administrator), 522


Blu-ray, 313–316

codec, 444–446

DTS HD Master, 314

DVD, 264–265, 275–277

DTV (see Digital Television)

DualDisc format, 251

DVD, 245–298

audio (see DVD-Audio)

CD vs., 245, 247–249

content protection with, 293–297

DVD-Audio copy protection, 295–297

DVD-Video copy protection, 293–295

for recordable media, 296–297

transmission, 297

watermarking, 297

data coding with, 256–259

EFMPlus modulation, 258–259

Reed–Solomon Product Code (RSPC), 257–258

data compression (MLP) with, 247, 265, 275–278, 279, 314

disc design, 248–251

manufacture of, 251–253

optical playback of, 253–256

specification, disc, 248–251

HD DVD, 297–298

and Universal Disc Format (UDF) Bridge, 246, 259–260

video (see DVD-Video)

DVD Technical Working Group, 245, 274

DVD-Audio, 246, 274–287

channel and coding options with, 275–280

copy protection, 295–297

disc contents, 280–283

programmers and developers, summary for, 283–287

DVD-R, 246, 288, 289–290

DVD+R, 246, 288, 289–290

DVD-RAM, 246, 288, 292–293

DVD-ROM, 246, 288

DVD-RW, 246, 288, 290–292

DVD+RW, 246, 288, 290–292

DVD-Video, 246, 260–274

authoring, 268–269

coding with, 262–264

audio coding, 264–266

copy protection, 293–295

video coding, 262–263

playback features, 266–268

programmers and developers, summary for, 270–274

DVI (Digital Visual Interface), 293, 297, 330

Dye-polymer recording, 182

Dynamic element matching (DEM), 695, 720

Dynamic range, 3–4, 59, 674–675

of alternative PCM systems, 103

CD, 189

of D/A converters, 81, 85–86

in DSP chips, 674–675, 682

in floating-point system, 103–104


Ear, human, 339–344

EBU (European Broadcasting Union), 488, 489, 494, 502

ECC blocks, 220, 237

Echo cancellation, 479–480

ECL (emitter coupled logic) interfaces, 509

Edison, Thomas, 21, 187

Edit decision list (EDL), 552

Edit Decision Markup Language (EDML), 540

EDL (edit decision list), 552

EDML (Edit Decision Markup Language), 540


Effective number of bits (ENOB), 86

EFM (see Eight-to-fourteen modulation)

EFMPlus modulation, 258–259

EIA (Electronic Industries Association), 494

EIAJ, 489, 497

EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics), 518, 547

8-4-2-1 code, 9–10

Eight-times oversampling filters, 99–101, 123

Eight-to-fourteen modulation (EFM), 68, 73–75

CD, 189, 190, 193–196, 205–207, 218

Eight-to-ten modulation, 74

EISA (Extended ISA), 517

Electroforming (CDs), 216

Electronic Industries Association (EIA), 494

Elliptical lowpass filters, 52

Email, 571, 581

Emitter coupled logic (ECL) interfaces, 509

Emphasis, 64, 88–89, 111

Encryption (Internet audio), 573–574

Enhanced AC-3 (see Dolby Digital Plus (Enhanced AC-3))

Enhanced CD, 221, 236

Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (EIDE), 518, 547

ENOB (effective number of bits), 86

Entropy, perceptual, 339, 360, 363, 384–386

Entropy coding, 385–386 (See also Huffman coding)

Equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) scale, 343

Ericsson, 565

Error concealment, 129, 158, 162–164

Error correction, 125–164

Blu-ray, 319–321

CD, 188, 207–208

CD-R, 227

CD-ROM, 220

Cross-Interleave Reed–Solomon code (CIRC), 154–158

DAT, 160–161

DVD, 257–258

with interleaving, 146–149

objectives of, 128–129

SACD, 237

Error correction codes, 138–149

block codes, 139–142

convolutional codes, 144–146

Hamming codes, 142–144

product codes, 158–162, 257–258, 319–321

Reed–Solomon codes, 149–158, 257–258, 318–321

Error detection:

Blu-ray, 319–321

CD, 207–208, 211

CD-ROM, 220–222

Cyclic redundancy check code (CRCC), 133–138

DVD, 257–258

with ISBN, 132–133

SACD, 237

with single-bit parity, 130–132

Error floor, 29–35, 60, 670–672, 675


absolute accuracy, 58

absolute linearity, 79

aperture error, 86–89, 100, 102

correction of (see Error correction)

detection of (see Error detection)

differential linearity, 79, 84

and digital audio duplication, 164

in digital signal processing, 670–672, 675

gain, 58, 59, 105

introduced by A/D converter, 56–60

of MSB vs. LSB, 80

offset, 58

round-off, 29–33

sources of, 126–128

switching, 84–85, 86, 88–89, 205

timebase, 114–124

types of, 128

(See also specific types of errors, e.g.: Quantization error)

Essence, 532–533, 538–540

Ethernet, 519, 561, 565, 566, 568

ETSI GSM Enhanced Full Rate Algebraic codec, 472, 483

Eureka 147/DAB, 609–613

European Broadcasting Union (EBU), 488, 489, 494, 502

Even parity, 130–132

Excess-3 code, 9–10

EXCLUSIVE OR (EX OR, XOR) operator, 13–16, 137 (See also Modulo 2 arithmetic)

Exponent (scale factor), 103–104, 399–400, 404, 407, 422

Exponents (AC-3 codec), 435–438

Extended ISA (EISA), 517

eXtensible Markup Language (XML), 572, 594

Extensible Media Commerce Language (XMCL), 572

Extraordinary ray, 172–173

Eye pattern, 115–116, 205–207


Faraday effect, 179

Fast Ethernet, 561, 565

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 356, 358, 361, 363, 376, 610, 655, 682, 692

AC-3 codec, 432, 434

in desktop audio software applications, 549

in MPEG, 399–404, 410–416

FCC (see Federal Communications Commission)

FDDI (see Fiber Distributed Data Interface)

FDDI II, 515

FDM (frequency-division multiplexing), 607

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 605, 612, 614, 615, 616, 621, 627, 639, 643

Federal Standard 1015 (LPC-10e), 466, 484

FFT (see Fast Fourier transform)

FHSS (frequency hopping spread spectrum), 563, 565

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), 73, 495, 496, 515, 560–561

Fiber-optic cable, 166–167, 509–513

installation of, 513–515

Fielder, Louis, 440

FIFO memory (First-in first-out memory), 118, 508

Figure of merit (FoM), 66, 74

Filter banks, 364–368

hybrid filters, 365–366

MDCT (see Modified discrete cosine transform)

polyphase filters, 366–368, 398, 404, 407, 410

QMF filter banks (see Quadrature mirror filter banks)


analog vs. digital, 100, 645–646

impulse response of, 90–94

oversampling, 94–100

(See also Digital filters)

Finite impulse response (FIR) filters, 97–100, 508, 661–665, 677–683

FIR filters (see Finite impulse response filters)

FireWire (IEEE 1394), 330, 518–521

First-in first-out (FIFO) memory, 118, 508

5.1-channel processing, 527

Fixed-point DSP architecture, 674–675, 681, 682

FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), 449

Flash memory, 543–544

Fletcher, Harvey, 340, 342

Floating-point DSP architecture, 674–675, 682

Floating-point systems, 103–106

FM (see Frequency modulation)

FM-IBOC system, 616–621

FMV (full-motion video), 233, 235

Foley, 550–551

FoM (figure of merit), 66, 74

Formant speech codec, 458, 460

Forward masking, 348

Foucault techniques, 204

4/5 group code, 71, 72, 73

Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 356

Fourier analysis, 340

Fourier theorem, 4

Fourier transform, 356, 367, 368, 646, 652–656, 663, 665 (See also Fast Fourier transform)

Fraunhofer, Joseph von, 168

Fraunhofer Institute, 394, 626

Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC), 449

Frequency, 2

Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), 563, 565

Frequency modulation (FM), 47, 68, 70, 74, 601–602, 605, 606, 608, 612 (See also FM-IBOC system)

Frequency range, 2

Frequency response, 2

CD, 189

of ideal brick-wall lowpass filter, 50

of lowpass filter, 51–52

SACD, 236, 241

Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), 607

Frequency-domain encoding, 355–363

Frequency-shift keying (FSK), 68, 70

Full-motion video (FMV), 233, 235

Fundamental frequency, 4


G2 music codec, 579–581

Gain error, 58, 59

in block floating-point system, 105

Galois, Evariste, 149

Galois Fields (GF), 149–151, 154, 160

Gaussian pdf, 39–44

GCR code (see Group coded recording code)

GEM (Globally Executable MHP) standard, 325–326

General Instrument Corporation, 627

Genlock, 119

Gerzon, Michael, 387, 390, 449, 698, 728

GF (see Galois Fields)

Globally Executable MHP (GEM) standard, 325–326

Granulation noise, 35

Gray, Elisha, 553

Gray code, 9, 10

Group coded recording (GCR) code, 71–72, 74

Group codes, 70–74

Group delay, 51, 62, 63

GSM (Groupe Speciale Mobile), 467


Hammer, 340

Hamming codes, 142–144

Hamming distance, 142–143

Hard-disk drives, 544–547

Harmonic Vector eXcitation Coding (HVXC), 476, 483, 585–586, 591

Harmonics, 4

Hawksford, Malcolm O. J., 110

HD Audio (High Definition Audio), 529–531

HD DVD, 297–298

HD Radio, 602, 616–625

AM-IBOC, 621–625

FM-IBOC, 616–621

HDCP (see High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection)

HDLC protocol (see High-level data link control protocol)

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface), 266, 330, 501

HDMV (see Blu-ray), 325–326

HDTV (see High-definition television)

HE AAC (see MPEG audio standards)

Head-related transfer function (HRTF), 527

Hearing, 336–349

Herre, Juergen, 424

Hexadecimal number system, 7–8

High Definition Audio (HD Audio), 529–531

High Sierra standard, 222

High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP), 293, 297, 330, 501

High-bit D/A conversion, 85–86

High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), 266, 330, 501

High-definition television (HDTV), 417, 519, 522, 584, 627–628, 638–640, 642, 643

Higher-order noise shaping, 700–701

High-level data link control (HDLC) protocol, 506

Hitachi, 188, 521

Hocquenghem, Alexis, 149

Holographic optical element (HOE), 307

HRTF (head-related transfer function), 527

Huffman coding, 384–390

MPEG, 407–409, 422–423, 535

Human hearing, range of, 2, 337, 342

Human speech, 455–457

Humidity, 3

Huygens’ principle, 168

HVXC (Harmonic Vector eXcitation Coding), 476, 483, 585–586, 591


IBI systems (see In-band interstitial systems)

iBiquity, 616, 625, 627

IBM-PC computers, 517, 518

IBOC (in-band on-channel) broadcasting, 613–625

ID3 tag, 535

IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm), 574

Idle tones, 702

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards:

IEC 908 standard, 187

IEC 10149 standard, 208, 220, 234

IEC 60958 standard, 489, 497, 499–501

IEC 61937 standard, 495, 499–500

IEC 62107 standard, 235

IEEE 1394 (FireWire), 518–521

IIR filters (see Infinite impulse response filters)

ILs (intensity levels), 3–4

IMDCT (see Inverse MDCT)

Impulse response, 90–94, 647–650

In-band digital radio, 613–625

AM-IBOC system, 621–625

FM-IBOC system, 616–621

HD Radio, 602, 616–625

In-band interstitial (IBI) systems, 615

In-band noise, 30, 101, 698–700, 702–707, 711–715, 724–728

In-band on-channel (IBOC) systems, 613–625

Index of refraction, 165–167, 170, 510–512

Indium antimonide, 181

Industry Standard Architecture (ISA), 517–518, 528, 529

Infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, 389–390, 665–667

Inner ear, 339–340

Input lowpass filter, 25–28, 50–53

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 518

Integral linearity, 56–58

Integrated circuits (digital signal processing), 672–675

fixed point and floating point, 674–675

processor architecture, 672–674

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), 555–556

Intel, 521, 529, 531, 532, 565

Intel Multimedia Extensions (MMX) instruction set, 532

Intensity levels (ILs), 3–4

Interconnection and interfaces, 485–516, 517–525

AES3 (AES/EBU) professional interface, 488–495

AES10 (MADI), 495–497

AES11 standard, 503–505

AES18 standard, 490, 506

AES24 standard, 506–507

fiber-optic cable, 509–513

installation, 513–515

multichannel audio digital interface (MADI, AES10), 495–497

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), 501–503

Sony Digital InterFace (SDIF-2) protocol, 486–488

Sony-Philips Digital InterFace (S/PDIF) format, 497–501

channel status block, 497–499

serial copy management system (SCMS) in, 500–501

Interface jitter, 116–117


constructive vs. destructive, 2

RF, 127

Interframe coding, 630, 634–635

Interleaving, 78, 146–161

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), 574

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (see IEC standards; ISO/IEC standards)

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 394–396, 417, 420, 442, 476, 483 (See also ISO/IEC standards)

International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR), 380, 489

International Standard Book Number (ISBN), 132–133

International Standard Recording Code (ISRC), 210–214

International Steering Committee (ISC), 274

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (see ITU standards)

International Telephone and Telegraph Company, 48

International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT), 494

Internet audio, 567–577

and Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), 557–558

and computer networks, 558–567

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), 561–562

and audio webcasting, 581–582

Bluetooth, 562–566

client-server networks, 560, 593

Ethernet, 519, 561, 565, 566, 568

MediaNet, 567

QuickTime, 536–537, 578–579

RealAudio, 537

RealAudio G2 music codec, 579–581

Shockwave, 579

TCP protocol, 568–569

UDP protocol, 482, 568–569

wide area networks (WANs), 560, 565

Wi-Fi, 566–567

digital rights management, 571–573

and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), 555–556

and MPEG-4 format, 582–594

audio coding, 585–589, 592–594

interactivity, 584–585

and MPEG-7 standard, 594–595

music downloading, 571, 578, 588

security with:

encryption, 573–574

fingerprinting, 576–577

watermarking, 574–576

streaming audio, 578–582

and VoIP, 454, 570–571

Internet Protocol (IP), 568–571

Internet Streaming Media Alliance (ISMA), 572, 593

Interpolation, 162

Inverse MDCT (IMDCT), 367–368, 406, 410, 429

IP (see Internet Protocol)

ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), 517–518, 528, 529

ISBN (see International Standard Book Number)

ISC (International Steering Committee), 274

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), 555–556

ISMA (Internet Streaming Media Alliance), 572, 593

ISO 9660 file structure, 221–223, 229, 234, 237

ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission) standards:

ISO/IEC 908 standard, 187

ISO/IEC 10149 standard, 208, 220, 234

ISO/IEC 11172 (MPEG-1) standard, 394–417

ISO/IEC 13818 (MPEG-2) standard, 316, 321, 417–425

ISO/IEC 14496 (MPEG-4) standard, 316, 476, 584

Isotropic materials, 172

ISRC (International Standard Recording Code), 210–214

ITOP, 217

iTunes, 537

ITU (International Telecommunication Union) standards:

ITU-G series, 483

ITU-G.723.1 codec, 113, 472

ITU-R series, 376, 379, 380, 382

ITU-T, 113, 476

ITU-T G.727 standard, 113

ITU-T G.728 codec, 472

ITU-T G.729.1, 474–476


Java (Blu-ray), 302, 322, 325–326

JFET (junction field-effect transistor) operational amplifiers, 55


in AES3, 494–495

clock, 119–123

in converters, 120–124

DAE, 540–543

in data transmission, 119–120

defined, 54

and eye pattern, 115–116, 205–207

interface, 116–117

manifestations of, 121–123

margin, 66

periodic, 115, 116, 121

random, 115, 116, 123

sampling, 116–117

in storage media, 117–119

types of, 115

JND (see Just-noticeable distortion)

Johnston, James, 351, 365, 373, 394, 415

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 629, 634

Joliet extension, 223

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) video compression format, 629, 634

Julius Caesar, 573

Junction field-effect transistor (JFET) operational amplifiers, 55

Just-noticeable distortion (JND), 350, 351

JVC, 188


Kaiser–Bessel windows, 367

AAC, 420

AC-3, 432, 434

Kerr effect, 179

Kotelnikov, V. S., 21


Ladder D/A chips, 80–85, 121–123, 693, 694, 711, 717

Lamarr, Hedy, 566

LAME, 410

LANs (see Local-area networks)

Laplace transform, 652–653, 655, 657

Large-scale integration (LSI) circuits, 188

Laser beam, 188–192, 198, 200–203, 217, 226, 230, 248–257, 289–291, 299, 303–310

Laser beam recorder (LBR), 214–215, 251, 308

Laser light, 170, 174–175, 178, 181, 182

Law, Malcolm, 449

Layer I (see MPEG audio standards)

Layer II (see MPEG audio standards)

Layer III (MP3) (see MPEG audio standards)

LBG (Linde, Buzo, Gray) algorithm, 471

LDC (long-distance code), 319

Least significant bit (LSB), 29, 31, 56, 80

and converters, 56–62

and dither, 39–44

error of MSB vs., 80

and quantization distortion, 31–32

LEDs (see Light-emitting diodes)

Left-handedness, 338

Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 6

LEO satellites (low earth orbit satellites), 600

Levinson–Durbin algorithm, 352, 389, 424, 470

LFE channel (see Low-frequency effects channel)

Li, Yajun, 177

Light, 165–170

diffraction of, 168–170

laser, 170, 174–175, 178, 181, 182

polarization of, 171–174

and resolution of optical systems, 170–171

refraction of, 165–167, 170, 510–512

Light Weight Digital Rights Management (LWDRM), 572

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 509, 512, 515

Limit cycles, 702

Line spectral frequencies (LSF), 464, 471

Linear PCM (LPCM) systems, 77–101

alternatives to, 102–113

adaptive delta modulation (ADM), 110–111

adaptive differential pulse-code modulation (ADPCM), 112–113, 444–446

block floating-point systems, 105–106

companded predictive delta modulation (CPDM), 111–112

delta modulation (DM), 108–110

differential PCM (DPCM) systems, 107–108

differential predictive coding, 108

floating-point systems, 103–105

μ-law and A-law companding, 106–107, 113, 454

nonuniform companding systems, 106

digital filters in: FIR oversampling filter in, 97–100

impulse response in, 90–94

noise shaping in, 100–102

output lowpass filter in, 97–100

Linear predictive coding (LPC), 464–467

Linear time-invariant discrete (LTD) systems, 647–648, 659–660

Linearity, 59, 79–80, 84, 85

differential, 79, 84

integral, 56–58

Lipshitz, Stanley, 38, 39, 94, 671, 723

Little-endian format, 533

Local-area networks (LANs), 560, 566–567

Logical expressions, 14–16

Long-distance code (LDC), 319

Lossless Real-time Coding (LRC), 449

Loudness, 336–338, 342, 343, 354, 376

Loudspeaker correction, 689

Loudspeakers, 2, 689

Low bit-rate coding, 335–391, 393–449

AAC (see MPEG audio standards)

AC-3 (see Dolby Digital)

amplitude masking, 344–347

ATRAC codec, 181, 185, 425–430

DTS codec, 444–446

filter banks, 364–368

MDCT (see Modified discrete cosine transform)

polyphase filters, 366–368, 398, 404, 407, 410

QMF filter banks (see Quadrature mirror filter banks)

MPEG-1 (see MPEG audio standards)

MPEG-2 (see MPEG audio standards)

psychoacoustics, 336–339

temporal masking, 347–349, 357, 361, 402, 435

Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, 600

Low-frequency effects (LFE) channel:

AC-3, 432–433, 441, 442

DTS codec, 444–445

DTV, 641

MPEG, 418

Lowpass filters, 25–28, 50–53, 89–100

Chebyshev, 52

ideal brick-wall, 50

impulse response, 90–94

input, 50–53

output, 89–90

LPC (linear predictive coding), 464–467

LPC-10e (Federal Standard 1015), 466, 484

LPCM (see Linear PCM systems)

LSB (see Least significant bit)

LSF (line spectral frequencies), 464, 471

LSI (large-scale integration) circuits, 188

LTD systems (see Linear time-invariant discrete systems)

Lucent Technologies, 616, 625, 627

LWDRM (Light Weight Digital Rights Management), 572


Macintosh computers, 518, 521, 533, 536, 537

Macromedia, 579

MADI (Multichannel audio digital interface), 495–497

Magnetic media (hard-disk drives), 544–547

Magneto-optical (MO) recording, 179–181, 233

Manchester code, 70

Mantissa (data value), 103–104, 399–400, 404, 407, 422

Manufacturing process:

Blu-ray, 308–310

CD, 213–218

DVD, 251–253


MASH system, 706–708

Masking, temporal, 347–349, 357, 361, 402, 435 (See also Amplitude masking)

Mastering, disc, 214–215, 251, 308

Mathematical transforms, 652–656

Fourier transform, 646, 652–656, 663, 665

Laplace transform, 652–653, 655, 657

z-transform, 364, 652, 655–657, 661

Material eXchange Format (MXF) standard, 539–540

Matsushita, 188, 394

Maxwell, James Clerk, 510

MCNS (Multimedia Cable Network System), 557

MD (see MiniDisc and ATRAC data reduction)

MDCT (see Modified discrete cosine transform)

Mecca, Charles, 177

Media Key Block, 327–329

MediaNet, 567

Medium, propagation, 1, 2

Medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites, 600

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP), 443, 446–450

in Blu-ray, 314

in DVD, 247, 265, 275-278, 279

Metadata, 324, 532–533, 539, 572, 576, 577, 594

MFM (see Modified frequency modulation)

MHP (Multimedia Home Platform), 325

Micro UDF, 259, 269

Microphone, 1, 479–480

Microsoft, 521, 531, 533, 539, 540, 579

Microsoft DirectX API suite, 531–532

Middle ear, 339–340

Middle/side (M/S) coding, 369–370, 409–410, 421, 425, 439

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), 501–503

Miller code, 70, 74 (See also Modified frequency modulation)

MiniDisc (MD) and ATRAC data reduction, 181, 185, 425–430

Mitsubishi, 188

Mixed Mode CDs, 221–223

Mixing consoles, digital, 686–689

mLAN protocol, 521

MLP (see Meridian Lossless Packing)

MLT (modulated lapped transform), 368

MMCD (MultiMedia Compact Disc), 245

MMX instruction set, 532

MO recording (see Magneto-optical recording)

Modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT), 361, 363, 367–368

AAC, 420, 423, 425

AC-3, 432, 434

ATRAC, 426, 429

MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3), 404–407

PAC, 430

window switching, 407

Modified frequency modulation (MFM), 67–68, 70, 71, 73, 74

Modular number systems, 10

Modulated lapped transform (MLT), 368

Modulation (see specific types of modulation, e.g.: Pulse-code modulation (PCM))

Modulo 2 arithmetic, 10, 14, 131, 134–138, 142, 145, 150 (See also EXCLUSIVE OR operator)

Mole data, 371

Monkey’s Audio, 449

Monotonic converters, 58, 102

Morse, Samuel, 558

Morse code, 385

MOS (Mean opinion score), 475, 482

Most significant bit (MSB), 79–86

and analog signal amplitude change, 80

error of LSB vs., 80

Motherboard audio, 525–527

Motorola code, 679–682

Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), 394, 476, 628

MP3 (MPEG-1 Layer III) (see MPEG audio standards)

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), 394, 476, 628

MPEG audio standards:

bitstream format, 396–398

development, 394–396

MPEG-1, 398–417, 630–637

Layer I, 398–402

example, 399–402

Layer II, 402–404

Layer III (MP3), 404–410

bit allocation, 407–409

MPEG-2, 417–425, 630–638

AAC, 419–425

allocation loops, 422–423

temporal noise shaping, 420–425

video compression algorithm, 628–638

MPEG-2.5 standard, 419

MPEG-4 standard, 582–594

audio coding, 585–589

AVC, 302

HE AAC, 592

interactivity, 584–585

MPEG-7 standard, 594–595

MPEG-21 standard, 572

polyphase filters, 366–368, 398, 404, 407, 410

precursors, 393–394

psychoacoustic modeling, 410–417

model 1, 410–414

model 2, 414–417

psychoacoustics, 336–339

spectral band replication (SBR), 371–373

spreading function, use of, 399, 411, 413–417

tandem codecs, 370–371, 396

temporal masking, 347–349, 357, 361, 402, 435

Video CD, 188, 221, 235

video data reduction, 628–629

MP3 (see MPEG audio standards)

MP3PRO, 409

MP@HL protocol, 628, 637, 638

MP@ML protocol, 262, 263, 636–638

M/S (middle/side) coding, 369–370, 409–410, 421, 425, 439

MSB (see Most significant bit)

MSB error, 80

μ-law companding, 106–107, 113, 454

Multichannel audio digital interface (MADI), 495–497

Multichannel coding, 264–266, 275–280, 314, 369–370, 372, 417–419, 425, 438–441

Multimedia Cable Network System (MCNS), 557

MultiMedia Compact Disc (MMCD), 245

Multimedia Home Platform (MHP), 325

Multimode fiber-optic cable, 511–515

Multiplexing, 77, 78


Music downloading, 571, 578, 588

Music synthesis, sound cards for, 525–528

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), 501–505, 521, 531, 570, 579, 586, 588

and CD+MIDI, 234

for soundtrack production, 550–551

MUSICAM codec, 393–395, 398, 402, 404

Muting, 162–164

MXF standard (Material eXchange Format standard), 539–540


NA (see Numerical aperture)

NAB (National Association of Broadcasters), 612–613, 615, 616

NAND operator, 13–16

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), 612–613, 615, 616

National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC), 615, 616

National Television Systems Committee (NTSC), 504, 505, 515, 627–628, 637, 640

Near Instantaneously Companded Audio Multiplex (NICAM), 355

NEARnet, 568, 570

Negative numbers, 8–13

Networks (see Computer networks, Internet audio in)

NICAM (Near Instantaneously Companded Audio Multiplex), 355

Nine’s complement, 11

NMN (noise-masking-noise), 347

NMR (noise-to-mask ratio), 349–351, 374, 376

NMT (noise-masking-tone) 347, 350–351, 414, 415, 417

Nodes, 1


in block floating-point system, 105–106

and dither, 39–44, 50

in nonuniform companding systems, 106

quantization error, 33–35

Noise floor, 29–35, 60, 674–675 (See also Dynamic range)

in-band, 30, 79, 100–102, 698–700, 702–707, 711–715, 724–728

out-of-band, 100–102, 698–700, 704, 711, 712, 715, 719

Noise modulation, 59

Noise removal, digital signal processing for, 689–692

Noise shaping, 63, 86, 100–102, 110, 463, 468, 693–729

DSD, 239–241

DSP, 669, 671

higher-order, 700–701

of nonoversampling quantization error, 722–729

buried data technique, 728–729

psychoacoustically optimized noise shaping, 724–728

perceptual coding, 363, 389, 407, 423–425, 449

Noise-masking-noise (NMN), 347

Noise-masking-tone (NMT), 347, 350–351, 414, 415, 417

Noise-to-mask ratio (NMR), 349–351, 374, 376


in A/D converters, 59

in D/A converters, 79–80, 84

in high-bit D/A converters, 85

Nonmonotonicity, 79

Nonoversampling, 722–729

Nonreturn to zero (NRZ) code, 66–74

CD, 195–196, 207

Nonreturn to zero inverted (NRZI) code, 69–74

CD, 195–196, 207

Nonreturn to zero (NRZ) signal:

dc content of, 66–67

spectral response of, 68

Nonsubtractive dither, 38–42 Nonuniform companding systems, 106

NOR operator, 13–16

NOT operator, 13–16

NRSC (see National Radio Systems Committee)

NRZ code (see Nonreturn to zero code)

NRZ signal (see Nonreturn to zero signal)

NRZI code (see Nonreturn to zero inverted code)

NTSC (see National Television Systems Committee)

Number systems, 5–7, 11

Numerical aperture (NA), 168, 171, 175

in Blu-ray, 303, 307

in CD, 190–191, 199, 215

in DVD, 247, 248, 255, 288

in SACD, 236

Nyquist, Harry, 20

Nyquist frequency, 21–25

and aliasing, 25–28

and input lowpass filters, 25–28, 50–53

and jitter, 121–123

oversampling and extension of, 62–64, 94–97

Nyquist theorem, 21–25


OCF codec, 394

Octave, 4

ODRL (Open Digital Rights Language), 572

OFDM (see Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)

Offset error, 58

OFL (original file length), 409

Ogg Vorbis codec, 446

Ogura, K., 20

OMFI (Open Media Framework Interchange), 537–538

One-beam pickup, 202–204

One’s complement, 11

OPC (Optimal power calibration), 225, 229

Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL), 572

Open Media Framework Interchange (OMFI), 537–538

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, 562

Operations, arithmetic, 5, 8–10

Oppenheim, Alan, 692

Opposite track path (OTP), 249, 303

Optic axis, 172, 173

Optical disc media, 174–183 (See also Blu-ray; CD; DVD)

design of, 174–175

dropouts with, 126–127, 128–129

erasable, 178–183

dye-polymer erasable optical recording, 182

magneto-optical recording, 179–181, 233

phase-change optical recording, 181–182

nonerasable, 175–178

read-only optical storage, 175–177

write-once optical recording, 177–178

and optical phenomena, 174–175

theatrical film audio formats, 183–185

Optical media, errors with, 126–127, 128–129

Optical phenomena (see Light)

Optical pickup:

Blu-ray, 306–308

CD, 197–204

DVD, 253–256

Optical power calibration (OPC), 225, 229

Optical recording, 177–183

Optical spectrum, 165–166

Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA), 260, 324

Optical time-domain reflector (OTDR), 513

Optically assisted magnetic recording (see Magneto-optical (MO) recording)

OptiFROG, 449

Optimal power calibration (OPC), 225, 229

OR operator, 13–16

Orange Book, 221, 224, 227–234

Ordinary ray, 172, 173

Organ of Corti, 340

Original file length (OFL), 409

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), 610, 616, 621, 624

Oscillators, crystal, 121

Oscilloscope, 115, 116

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, 562

OTDR (optical time-domain reflector), 513

OTP (Opposite track path), 249

Outer ear, 339–340

Output lowpass filter, 89–100

function of, 89

and impulse response, 90–94

Output processing, 102, 208–213

Overflow, 10, 666, 670, 672, 674, 682

Oversampling, 94–100, 648, 669, 671

eight-times, 99, 101, 123

filters, 94–100

FIR, 97–100

four-times, 95, 97–100, 102

and high-bit D/A converters, 85

and noise shaping, 100–102

two-times, 62, 99, 123

Oversampling A/D converters, 62–64, 711–720, 721–722

Overshoot, 51, 52, 100

Overtones, 4


P channel (CD), 209, 211

PAC (Perceptual Audio Coding) codec, 430–431

Packet writing, 229

PAL/SECAM standard, 189, 235, 638

PAM (see Pulse-amplitude modulation)

PAM staircase, 48, 49, 53, 87, 89

Parallel track path (PTP), 249, 303

Parity, 130–133

Parity preserve/Prohibited repeated minimum transition run length (1-7PP), 318–319

Park, Sangil, 714, 715

Partial constant angular velocity (PCAV), 229–230

Passband, 50–52

PBS (see Polarized beam splitter)

PBX (private branch exchange), 553

PC 99 specification, 529

PCA (power calibration area), 224, 225, 290

PCAV (partial constant angular velocity), 229–230

PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect), 517–518, 529

PCI (Presentation control information), 266, 270–272, 284–285

PCM (see Pulse-code modulation)

PCMCIA, 518, 546

PDM (see Pulse-density modulation)

PE (see Phase encoding)

Peak-to-peak jitter, 114, 115

PEAQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality), 376

Perceptual Audio Coding (PAC) codec, 430–431

Perceptual coding (see Low bit-rate coding)

Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ), 376

Performance evaluation, perceptual coding, 373–384

and audible differences, 383–384

critical listening, 376–383

Period, 2

Periodic jitter, 115, 116, 121

Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), 517–518, 529

Personal computer audio, 517–552

and Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) standard, 538–539

and AES31 specification, 540

and digital audio extraction (DAE), 540–543

file formats for, 532–537

AIFF format, 536

Broadcast Wave Format (BWF), 533–535

JPEG format, 537

MP3 files, 535

QuickTime, 536–537, 579–581

RealAudio, 537

Waveform Audio (.wav) file format, 533–534

and flash memory, 543–544

hard-disk recording with, 544–547

and Intel Multimedia Extensions (MMX) instruction set, 532

interconnection methods, 517–525

ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment), 518, 547

IEEE 1394 (FireWire), 518–521

PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect), 517–518, 529

SCSI (Small Computer System Interface), 518–519, 547

Universal Serial Bus (USB), 522–525

and Media eXchange Format (MXF) standard, 539–540

and Microsoft Direct X API suite, 531–532

and Open Media Framework Interchange (OMFI) standards, 537–538

software applications, 548–552

and sound cards, 525–527

Audio Codec ’97 (AC ’97) component specification in, 528–529

for music synthesis, 526–527

for surround sound processing, 527

and Windows Multimedia API, 531

PGCI (see Program Chain Information)

PGCs (see Program Chain)

Phase encoding (PE), 70, 74

Phase grating, 175, 176, 307

Phase margin, 66

Phase modulation (PM), 70, 74

Phase response (analog filters), 52, 63

Phase shift, 2, 52, 70, 171, 189

Phase transition metal (PTM), 308

Phase-change optical recording, 181–182, 231–232, 288–292, 331

Phase-locked loop (PLL) circuits:

jitter reduction with, 114–118

in reproduction, 75

Phase-shift keying (PSK), 607–608, 615

Philips Corporation, 187, 188, 235, 245, 394, 497

Phon (unit), 337

Photo CD, 221, 228, 231, 233–234

PI errors (DVD), 258

Pickup control (CD), 204

PIN photodiodes (see Positive-intrinsic-negative photodiodes)

Pioneer, 188

Pirkle, Will, 542

Pitch, 2, 4, 336, 338, 343, 372

Pits, 169, 175–177, 190–193, 248–249, 303–306

Plain old telephone system (POTS), 553–555

Plexiglass, 216

PLL circuits (see Phase-locked loop circuits)

PM (phase modulation), 70, 74

PNM (pulse-number modulation), 48

PO errors (DVD), 258

Point of presence (POP), 554

Polarization, 171–174

Polarized beam splitter (PBS), 199, 201, 307

Pole vectors, 657–659, 658, 667

Polyphase filters (pseudo-QMF, PQMF), 365, 366

Polyphase quadrature mirror filter (PQMF) banks, 366–368, 425

POP (point of presence), 554

Positional notation, 6, 7, 9

Positive-intrinsic-negative (PIN) photodiodes, 509

Post-masking, 348

POTS (plain old telephone system), 553–555

Power calibration area (PCA), 224, 225, 290

Power spectrum density, 67

Power supply, and A/D converter accuracy, 59–60

PPM (see Pulse-position modulation)

PQMF (see Polyphase filters (pseudo-QMF))

PQMF banks (see Polyphase quadrature mirror filter banks)

Predictive coding

ADPCM, 112–113, 444–446, 453, 454

LPC, 464–467

Predictive delta modulation, companded, 111–112

Predictive speech coding, 461–463

Pre-echo, 348, 361–363, 377, 406, 415, 417, 423–424, 427, 430

Pre-emphasis equalization, 64, 88, 111

“Pre-Gap” technique, 212, 222–223, 229

Pregroove, 225–232, 289–292, 331–332

Pre-masking, 348

Premastering, CD, 213–214

Presentation control information (PCI), 266, 270–272, 284–285

Private branch exchange (PBX), 553


output, 102, 208–213

record, 64–65

Profiles (Blu-ray), 302

Program Chain (PGC), 263, 270–273, 284–285

Program Chain Information (PGCI), 270–271, 283–284


for digital signal processing, 676–683

ADSP-2116x SHARC family of chips, 674, 682–683

filters, 677

Motorola code, 679–682

Texas Instruments code, 678–679

DVD-Audio, 283–287

DVD-Video, 270–274

Propagation time (A/D converters), 56

Pseudo-QMF (see Polyphase filters)

PSK (phase-shift keying), 607–608, 615

Psychoacoustic modeling (MPEG-1 audio standard), 410–417

model 1, 410–414

model 2, 414–417

Psychoacoustically optimized noise shaping, 724–728

Psychoacoustics, 336–339

PTM (Phase transition metal), 308

PTP (Parallel track path), 249, 303

Pulse modulation (see Pulse-code modulation)

Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), 48–49, 53, 87, 89

Pulse-code modulation (PCM), 28, 33, 48–49, 65, 387

limitations of, 335

Pulse-density modulation (PDM), 694, 703, 704

Pulse-number modulation (PNM), 48

Pulse-parameter modulation, 48

Pulse-position modulation (PPM), 47–48

Pulse-width modulation (PWM), 47–49, 694, 706, 708, 710


Q channel (CD), 211–212

QAM (see Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)

QMF (see Quadrature mirror filter banks)

QPSK (see Quadrature phase-shift keying)

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 608, 622, 624

Quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks, 364–368, 372, 426, 429, 430, 446, 473, 474

DTS codec, 446

MiniDisc, 426–429

Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), 601, 607–608, 609, 622


in fixed linear PCM systems, 28–36

in nonuniform companding systems, 106–107

Quantization distortion, 35, 45, 50

Quantization error (noise), 30–43, 60, 63, 100–102

adaptive delta modulation (ADM), 110–111

in A/D converters, 56–61

in alternative PCM systems, 103–112

delta modulation (DM), 108–110, 695–697

and dither, 36–44

in-band, 30, 101, 698–700, 702–707, 711–715, 724–728

and subband coding, 344, 348, 353, 355, 357, 363, 374

Quantization step size, 31, 103–113

Quantum (code width), 58

Quarter-wave plate (QWP), 173, 199, 201, 307

QuickTime, 536–537, 579–581

QWP (see Quarter-wave plate)


Radio (see Digital audio radio; Direct satellite radio; In-band digital radio)

Radio-frequency (RF) interference, 127

Radix-minus-one complement, 11

Random jitter, 115, 116, 123

Random-bit errors (random errors), 126, 128, 136, 148, 149, 157, 160, 161

Ray-Chaudhuri, Dwijendra Kumar, 149

Rayleigh criterion, 170

RDC (Redistribution Control Descriptor), 644

RDT (Real Delivery Transport), 582

Read Raw Sector commands, 541–542

Read Sector commands, 542

Read-only optical storage, 175–177

Real Delivery Transport (RDT), 582

RealAudio, 537

RealAudio G2 music codec, 579–581

RealNetworks, 572, 578, 581

RealServer, 578

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), 578, 582

Real-Time Text Data (RTXTDT), 284

Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP), 582

Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), 582, 584, 594

Real-time Transport Streaming Protocol (RTSP), 578, 582

Record processing, 64–65

Recording, digital audio, 47–65

analog-to-digital (A/D) converter for, 56–64

channel coding in, 65–75

input lowpass filter, use of, 25–28, 50–53

and pulse-code modulation (PCM), 47–50

record processing in, 64–65

sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit, role of, 53–56

Rectangular pdf, 39–44

Recurrent codes, 144

Red Book standard (see CD-Audio), 187, 219

Redistribution Control Descriptor (RDC), 644

Redundancy, 129–132

Reed, Irving, 149

Reed–Solomon (RS) error correction codes, 149–158

Reed–Solomon Product Code (RS-PC), 158–162, 257–258, 319–321

Reeves, Alec, 48

Reflected code system, 10


light, 167–169, 176, 181

signal, 127

Refraction (of light), 165–167, 170, 172

Region of convergence, 656–657

Replication, disc, 216–218, 252–253, 308–310

Reproduction, digital audio, 77–102

alternatives to, 102–113

adaptive delta modulation (ADM), 110–111

adaptive differential pulse-code modulation (ADPCM), 112–113, 444–446

block floating-point systems, 105–106

companded predictive delta modulation (CPDM), 111–112

delta modulation (DM), 108–110

differential PCM (DPCM) systems, 107–108

differential predictive coding, 108

floating-point systems, 103–105

μ-law and A-law companding, 106–107, 113, 454

nonuniform companding systems, 106

digital filters in, 95–97

FIR oversampling filter in, 97–100

impulse response in, 90–94, 647–650

noise shaping in, 100–102, 463, 725

output lowpass filter in, 89–100

output processing in, 102

output sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit in, 86–89

timebase correction in, 119–124

converters, jitter in, 59, 120–124

data transmission, jitter in, 119–120

eye pattern, 115–116, 205–207

interface vs. sampling jitter, 116–117

storage media, jitter in, 117–119

Reproduction processing, 102

Residual signal, 464–477

Residue signal, 378

Resistor ladder D/A converter, 81–85, 693, 694, 711, 717

Resolution, 56, 64, 79–81

Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF), 533

Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), 582

Response, impulse, 90–94, 647–650

Return to zero (RZ) code, 69

Reverberation, digital, 685–686

ReWritable (see Compact Disc ReWritable (CD-RW))

RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format), 533

Right-handedness, 338

Ringing (analog filters), 52

RLL codes (see Run-length limited codes)

Robinson–Dadson curves, 337

Rock Ridge extension, 223

Round-off error, 44, 670, 675

RS error-correction code (see Reed–Solomon error-correction codes)

RSA Laboratories, 574

RSP (Real-time Streaming Protocol), 578, 582

RS-PC (see Reed–Solomon Product Code)

RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol), 582

RTCP (Real-time Transport Control Protocol), 582

RTSP (Real-time Transport Streaming Protocol), 578, 582

R-2R ladder D/A converters, 83–84, 693, 694, 711, 717

RTXTDT (Real-Time Text Data), 284

Run-length limited (RLL) codes, 70–75

EFM, 73

for optical recording, 75

synchronization in, 70–71

zero modulation, 73–74

RZ (return to zero) code, 69


SACD (see Super Audio CD)

Sample rate converters, 507–509

Sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit:

input, 53–56

output, 86–89

Sampling, and need for filtering, 89–90

Sampling frequency, 19–25, 507–509

CD, 189

oversampling, 94–100

Sampling jitter, 116–117

Sampling theorem, 20–25

Sanyo, 188

SAOL (Structured Audio Orchestra Language), 588

SAPP (Simple Audio Play Pointer), 282–284, 286, 287

SAR A/D converters (see Successive approximation register A/D converters)

SASBF (Synthetic Audio Sample Bank Format), 586, 588

SASL (Structured Audio Score Language), 588

Satellite digital audio radio service (SDARS), 626

Satellites, 597–601

Saturation recording, 545–547

SBC (Subband codec) (for Bluetooth), 563–564

SBR (see Spectral band replication)

Scalable sampling rate (SSR) profile, 420, 424–425, 586

Scalable speech coding, 472–473

G.729.1, 474–476

MPEG-4, 474–476

Scale factor, 399–400, 404, 407, 422, 464

Schroeder, Manfred, 467, 685

SCMS (Serial Copy Management System), 500–501

SCSI (Small Computer System Interface), 518–519, 547

SD disc (see Super Density disc)

SDARS (see Satellite digital audio radio service)

SDG (subjective difference grade), 381

SDIF-2 protocol (see Sony Digital InterFace protocol)

SDIF-3, 486

SDII (Sound Designer II), 533, 536

SDIO specification, 543

SDM (see Sigma-delta modulation)

SDTV (Standard Definition Television), 638–640, 643

S/E ratio (see Signal-to-error ratio)

Security (Internet audio):

encryption, 573–574

fingerprinting, 574–576

watermarking, 576–577

Self-clocking codes, 65–73

Serial Copy Management System (SCMS) in S/PDIF format, 500–501

Servo systems, 65–68

and jitter, 117–118

optical media, 174, 193, 200–205, 217

Settling time:

for A/D converters, 56

for D/A converters, 81

for S/H circuits, 55

SFM (see Spectral flatness measure)

S/H circuit (see Sample-and-hold circuit)

Shannon, Claude, 13, 21, 129

Shaping (see Noise shaping)

Shockwave, 579

SI (synchronization information) header, 441

SID (Source Identification) code, 309

Sigma-delta conversion, 63, 693–695, 697–701

A/D conversion, 63, 711–718

A/D converter chip, 718–720

A/D–D/A converter chip, 721–722

D/A conversion, 702–711

multi-bit with quasi fourth-order noise shaping, 709–711

multi-bit with third-order noise shaping, 706–709

one-bit with second-order noise shaping, 702–705

D/A converter chip, 720–721

deficiencies overcome by, 79, 693–694

delta modulation, 454, 695–697

digital filtering and decimation, 714–718

first-order sigma-delta modulator, 698–700

higher-order noise shaping, 700–701

idle tone, 702

limit cycles, 702

noise shaping, 101–102, 110, 463, 468, 693–729

Sigma-delta modulation (SDM), 86, 102, 110, 123, 693–722

Sign bit, 10, 12

Signal processing, time and frequency domains for, 652–657

Signal reflection, 127

Signal-to-error (S/E) ratio, 32–33, 42–44, 695, 697, 698, 700, 719, 724

Signal-to-mask ratio (SMR), 347–351, 358, 360

AC-3 codec, 436

DTS codec, 445

MPEG standard, 399–402, 411–415

Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, 32, 43

AC-3 codec, 436

adaptive delta modulation (ADM), 110–111

CD, 189

for D/A converters, 85

defined, 86

delta modulation (DM), 109–110

differential PCM (DPCM) systems, 113

in floating-point system, 104

in low bit-rate coding, 373–375

in nonuniform companding systems, 106

Signed-magnitude representation, 8

Sign-magnitude configuration, 85

SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data), 532

Simple Audio Play Pointer (SAPP), 282–284, 286, 287

Simple codes, 68–70

Sine wave, 4

Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD), 532

Single-bit parity, 130–132

Single-mode fiber-optic cable, 512–513

Sinusoidal speech codec, 461

Sirius XM Satellite Radio, 625–627

6-3-1-1 code, 9–10

16-bit conversion resolution, 56

16-bit D/A converters, 79–81

Slew rate, 89, 100, 109, 121

Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), 518–519, 547

desktop audio interconnection method, 518

and hard-disk recording, 544–547

IEEE 1394, 519

SMART (System Managed Audio Resource Technique), 279

SMPTE VC-1, 316

SMR (see Signal-to-mask ratio)

S/N ratio (see Signal-to-noise ratio)

Snell’s law, 167

SNR (see Signal-to-noise ratio)

Solomon, Gustave, 149

Sone (unit), 337, 344

SONET protocol, 515, 643

Sony Corporation, 184–185, 187–188, 235, 299, 426

Sony Digital InterFace (SDIF-2) protocol, 486–488

Sony Dynamic Digital Sound (SDDS) system, 184, 425

Sony-Philips Digital InterFace (S/PDIF) format, 497–500

AES3 channel status block vs., 497

serial copy management system (SCMS) in, 500–501

Sound, 1–5

amplitude of, 3

diffraction and refraction of, 2

frequency of, 2

overtones, 4

propagation of, 1–2

speed of, 2–3

as waveform, 2–5

Sound cards, 525–527

Audio Codec ’97 (AC ’97) component specification in, 528–529

for music synthesis, 527–528

for surround sound processing, 527

Sound Designer II (SDII), 533, 536

Sound generators, 2

Sound pressure level (SPL), 3–4, 337–339

SoundBlaster cards, 532

Soundtrack production, 550–551

Source-filter model, 457–458

Source Identification code (SID), 309

Spatial frequency, 168, 170–171

S/PDIF format (see Sony-Philips Digital InterFace format)

Spectral band replication (SBR), 371–373 (See also Bandwidth extension)

Spectral compression, 112, 363, 423–425

Spectral flatness measure (SFM), 415

Spectral shaping (see Noise shaping)


optical, 165–166

radio, 604–605

satellite, 598–599

Speech coding, 451–484

bandwidth extension, 476–479

CELP (code excited linear prediction), 467–472

codebooks, 470–471

encoder and decoder, 468–470

examples, 472

vector quantization, 471–472

channel codecs, 458–461

criteria, 451–453

echo cancellation, 479–480

formant codecs, 458–461

human speech, 455–457

linear predictive coding, 464–467

predictive speech coding, 461–463

quantifying performance, 482–483

scalable speech coding, 472–476

G.729.1 and MPEG-4, 474–476

sinusoidal codecs, 458–461

source coding, 453–455

source-filter model, 457–458

speech coding standards, 483–484

Speech recognition, 481

Speex codec, 482

variable bit rate, 480–481

voice activity detection, 480

waveform coding, 453–455

SPG (sync pulse generator), 505

SPL (sound pressure level), 3–4, 337–338

Spot size, 170, 171, 174, 191, 255, 303, 305, 307, 319

Spreading function, 343, 351–352, 394, 399, 411, 413–417, 438

Springer, Kenneth, 608

SRMs (System Renewability Messages), 522

SSR (scalable sampling rate) profile, 420, 424–425, 586

Stampers, 216–217, 252–253, 308–309

Standard Definition Television (SDTV), 638–640, 643

Statistical sampling, 20, 383–384

Stereo variable area (SVA), 183, 184

Stereoscopic 3D (Blu-ray), 326–327

Stirrup, 340

Stockham, Thomas, 65, 691–692

Stopband, 50–52

Storage media:

jitter in mechanical, 117–119

(See also specific headings, e.g.: Optical media)

Streaming audio, 578–582

Structured Audio Orchestra Language (SAOL), 588

Structured Audio Score Language (SASL), 588

Stuart, Robert, 449

Studio Advisory Committee, 260

Subband codec (SBC) (for Bluetooth), 563–564

Subband coding, 344, 348, 353, 355, 357, 363, 374

Subcode bits (CD), 209–213

Subjective difference grade (SDG), 381

Subtractive dithering, 38, 44

Successive approximation register (SAR) A/D converters, 60–62

Super Audio CD (SACD), 235–243

disc design, 236–238

DSD modulation in, 238–242

DST lossless coding in, 242

features, 235–236

player design, 242–243

Super Density (SD) disc, 245

Super Video CD (SVCD), 235

SureStream protocol, 578, 581, 582

Surround sound processing, 527

SVA (stereo variable area), 183, 184

SVCD (Super Video CD), 235

Swedish Radio, 395

Switching errors, 88–89

Symmetric encryption, 573–574

Sync pulse generator (SPG), 505

Synchronization, 65, 75, 485–505

Synchronous Optical NETwork (SONET) protocol, 515, 643

Synthesis, music, 526–527

Synthetic Audio Sample Bank Format (SASBF), 586, 588

System Managed Audio Resource Technique (SMART), 279

System Renewability Messages (SRMs), 522


T-0, T-1, T-2, T-4 lines, 555

Table of contents (TOC):

CD, 211–212

CD-R, 224–229

CD-ROM, 222–223

Super Audio CD (SACD), 237–242

Tandem (cascaded) codecs, 370–371, 396

TAO recording (track-at-once recording), 228, 232

T-carrier networks, 554

TCP (see Transmission Control Protocol)

TCP/IP (see Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

TDAC (see Time-domain aliasing cancellation)

TDM (see Time-division multiplexing)

TDRS (Tracking Data and Relay System), 603

Telephone services, 553–555

Television (see Digital Television)

Tellurium, 182

Temperature, 2, 181–182, 226–227, 609

Temporal masking, 347–349, 357, 361, 402, 435

Temporal noise shaping (TNS), 363, 420–425

Test tones:

D/A converters, 81

low bit-rate codecs, 373–375

speech codecs, 482–483

Texas Instruments code, 678–679

Texture change method, 178

THD+N (total harmonic distortion plus noise), 58, 59, 123, 373

Theatrical film audio formats, 183–185

Thomson Multimedia, 394

3D stereoscopic (Blu-ray), 326–327

3PM code (see Three-position modulation code)

Three-beam pickup, 200–202

Three-position modulation (3PM) code, 71–75

Threshold of hearing, 337, 344–347, 410–413

Timbre, 4

Time sampling, 19–25

Time Warner, 245, 295

Timebase correction (see Jitter)

Timecode, 213, 237, 493, 502, 504–505

Time-division multiplexing (TDM), 528, 607

Time-domain aliasing cancellation (TDAC), 367

AAC, 420

AC-3, 432, 434, 435, 442

Time-domain impulse response, 90–94, 647–650

Time-invariance (discrete systems), 647

Time-multiplexed data code, 65

TIR (total internal reflection), 167, 510

TMN (see Tone-masking-noise)

TNO (see Track number)

TNS (see Temporal noise shaping)

TOC (see Table of contents)

Tonality, detection and characterization of, 350, 352, 413–417, 429

Tone-masking-noise (TMN), 347, 350–351, 414, 415, 417

Toshiba, 188, 245, 293, 295, 298

Total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N), 58, 59, 123, 373

Total internal reflection (TIR), 167, 510

Track number (TNO), 211–212

Track-at-once (TAO) recording, 228, 232

Tracking Data and Relay System (TDRS), 603

Transducers, 1, 689

Transform coding, 360–363

subband coding vs., 355–356

Transforms, 652–656

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 568–569

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 568

Transport stream, 270–274, 283–287, 321–324, 396–398, 442, 617, 628, 640–642

Transversal filters, 94–100, 668, 677

Tree diagrams, 145–146

Triangular pdf, 39–44, 671

24-bit conversion resolution, 29

2-out-of-5 code, 9, 10

Two’s complement, 10–13, 81, 670, 671, 674, 703

Two-times oversampling, 62, 99, 123

Tyndall, John, 510


UAWG (see Universal ADSL Working Group)

UDF Bridge (see Universal Disc Format Bridge)

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 568, 578–580, 582, 594

U-Matic format, 213

Uniform pdf (see Rectangular pdf)

Uniform quantization, 28, 103, 107

Unipolar offset error, 58

Unitary system, 6

Universal ADSL Working Group (UAWG), 557

Universal Disc Format (UDF) Bridge, 246, 259–260, 324–325

Universal Serial Bus (USB), 522–525

Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable, 494

Unweighted binary codes, 10–13

UPC/EAN code, 212

U.S. Mail, 227

U.S. Navy, 220

USA Digital Radio, 616, 625

USB (Universal Serial Bus), 522–525

USB-On-the-Go (USB OTG), 524

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 568, 578–580, 582, 594

UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cable, 494


Vanderkooy, John, 38, 39, 94, 671, 723

VANS (Victor Advanced Noise Shaping), 709–710

Variable bit rate, 339, 408, 449, 480–481, 482

Variable-length coding (VLC), 633, 635

VCO (voltage-controlled oscillator), 117

Vector quantization (VQ), 471–472

Verance, 297, 329

Vernon, Steve, 439

VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association), 521

Victor Advanced Noise Shaping (VANS), 709–710

Video CD, 235

Video coding, 628–638

Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA), 521

Video workstations, 551–552

Virtual Dolby, 527

Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), 584

VLC (Variable-length coding), 633, 635

Vocal tract, 455–457

Vocoder, 458–459

Voice activity detection, 480

Voice coding (see Speech coding)

Voice VOC file format, 536

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), 454, 472, 473, 474, 482, 483, 570–571

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 117

VQ (vector quantization), 471–472

VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), 584


Wannamaker, Robert, 39, 725

WANs (see Wide area networks)

WARC (World Administrative Radio Conference), 605


Blu-ray, 329

DVD, 297

Internet audio, 574–576

speech coding, 478

Waveform Audio (.wav) file format, 533–534


after output filtering, 102

complex, 4

deterioration of, 77, 115

Wavefronts, 168

Wavelength, 2

Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), 513

Wave-parameter modulation, 47

WDM (wavelength division multiplexing), 513

Webcasting, 581–582

Weighted binary codes, 9–10

Weighted-resistor D/A converters, 81–82

WG-4 (Working Group 4), 274

White Book Video CD format, 221, 235

White noise, 35, 39

Whittaker, E. T., 20

Wide area networks (WANs), 560, 565

Wi-Fi, 566–567

Window margin, 66

Windows Media (WMA), 298, 316, 449, 467, 571, 579

Windows Media Encoder (WME), 579

WMA (Windows Media), 298, 316, 449, 467, 571, 579

WME (Windows Media Encoder), 579

WO optical recording (see Write-once optical recording)

Wolf, Emil, 177

Word length, 29–35

Working Group 4 (WG-4), 274

World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC), 605

World War II, 44

Write-once (WO) optical recording, 177–178, 224–231, 289–290, 330–331


XM Satellite Radio (see Sirius XM Satellite Radio)

XMCL (Extensible Media Commerce Language), 572

XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 572, 594

XrML, 572


Yellow Book standard, 220–221, 247


ZCLV (zoned constant linear velocity), 230, 288, 292

Zero modulation (ZM) coding, 73–74

Zero vectors, 657–659, 658, 667

Zero-cross distortion, 84–85

ZM coding (see Zero modulation coding)

Zoned constant linear velocity (ZCLV), 230, 288, 292

z-transform, 364, 652, 655–657, 661

Zwicker, Eberhard, 341, 345, 348

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