Abort( ) method (Thread), Killing Threads
abstract classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Limitations of Abstract, Interfaces, Interface Versus Abstract Class
example, Abstract Classes
interfaces vs., Interfaces, Interface Versus Abstract Class
limitations of, Limitations of Abstract
abstract methods, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes
example, Abstract Classes
AcceptSocket( ) method, Network I/O, Creating a Network Streaming Server, Handling Multiple Connections
(TcpListener), Creating a Network Streaming Server
Access database example, Using OLE DB Managed Providers
access modifiers, Access Modifiers, Using Static Constructors, Property Access Modifiers, Controlling Access, Defining and Implementing an Interface
interface methods and, Defining and Implementing an Interface
property, Property Access Modifiers
static constructors and, Using Static Constructors
Activator class, Late Binding
ActiveX controls, Importing ActiveX Controls, Creating an ActiveX Control, Importing a Control in .NET
creating, Creating an ActiveX Control
importing, Importing ActiveX Controls, Importing a Control in .NET
in .NET, Importing a Control in .NET
actual type, substituting generic type for, Collection Interfaces
Add( ) method, List<T>, Dictionaries, Building a Web Service, Creating the Proxy, Building a Multimodule Assembly
(Dictionary), Dictionaries
(List), List<T>
web services, building, Building a Web Service
addition operator (+), Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /), Using the operator Keyword
overloading, Using the operator Keyword
AddRange( ) method (List class), List<T>
address-of (&) operator, Pointers
ADO.NET, Accessing Data with ADO.NET, The ADO.NET Object Model, The ADO.NET Object Model, DataTables and DataColumns, DataRelations, Rows, Data Adapter, DBCommand and DBConnection, DataReader, Getting Started with ADO.NET, Using OLE DB Managed Providers, Working with Data-Bound Controls, Populating a DataGrid Programmatically, Customizing the DataSet
data-bound controls, Working with Data-Bound Controls, Populating a DataGrid Programmatically, Customizing the DataSet
customizing DataSet, Customizing the DataSet
populating DataGrid programmatically, Populating a DataGrid Programmatically
getting started with, Getting Started with ADO.NET
object model, The ADO.NET Object Model, The ADO.NET Object Model, DataTables and DataColumns, DataRelations, Rows, Data Adapter, DBCommand and DBConnection, DataReader
core classes, The ADO.NET Object Model
DataAdapter, Data Adapter
DataReader, DataReader
DataRelations, DataRelations
DataTables and DataColumns, DataTables and DataColumns
DBCommand and DBConnection, DBCommand and DBConnection
Rows collection, DataTable, Rows
OLE DB Managed Provider, Using OLE DB Managed Providers
overview, Accessing Data with ADO.NET
All attribute target, Attribute targets
Amazon Web Services, The Overall Design, Creating the Web Services Client
client application (example), The Overall Design
developer kit, Creating the Web Services Client
Amazon.com, Putting It All Together
AND (&) operator, Operator Precedence
AND operator (&&), Use of Logical Operators with Conditionals, Operator Precedence
anonymous methods, The C# Language, Using Anonymous Methods
app domains, Marshaling and Remoting, Application Domains, Application Domains, Application Domains, Creating and Using App Domains, Marshaling Across App Domain Boundaries, Specifying the marshaling method, Context
contexts, Context
creating and using, Creating and Using App Domains
events, Application Domains
marshaling across boundaries, Marshaling Across App Domain Boundaries, Specifying the marshaling method
example, Specifying the marshaling method
methods and properties of, Application Domains
threads vs., Application Domains
AppDomain class, Application Domains, Creating and Using App Domains
CreateDomain( ) method, Creating and Using App Domains
append argument, Working with Text Files
Append( ) method (StringBuilder), Manipulating Dynamic Strings
AppendFormat( ) method (StringBuilder), Manipulating Dynamic Strings, Manipulating Dynamic Strings
AppendText( ) method, Working with Files, Working with Files
(File class), Working with Files
(FileInfo class), Working with Files
Application class, DoEvents( ) method, Sorting the list of selected files
applications, Console Applications, Building Windows Applications, The Overall Design, Creating the Web Services Client, Displaying the Output, Searching by Category, Programming .NET and COM
console, Console Applications
importing ActiveX controls and COM components into, Programming .NET and COM
overall design, The Overall Design
web services client, Creating the Web Services Client, Displaying the Output, Searching by Category
creating, Creating the Web Services Client
displaying output, Displaying the Output
searching by category, Searching by Category
Windows, Building Windows Applications (see Windows Forms)
ArgumentException, Rethrowing Exceptions
arguments, Method Arguments, Web Form Events
event, Web Form Events
arithmetic operators, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /)
ArithmeticException, Creating dedicated catch statements
array of arrays, Jagged arrays, Jagged arrays, Jagged arrays
(see also jagged arrays)
arrays, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Arrays, Declaring Arrays, Understanding Default Values, Accessing Array Elements, Accessing Array Elements, The foreach Statement, Initializing Array Elements, Multidimensional Arrays, Rectangular arrays, Rectangular arrays, Jagged arrays, Jagged arrays, Array Bounds, Array Conversions, Sorting Arrays, Sorting Arrays, List<T>, List<T>, Implementing IComparable, Implementing IComparer
accessing elements, Accessing Array Elements
accessing members with index operator, Creating Polymorphic Methods
array of, Jagged arrays
bounds of, Array Bounds
conversion, Array Conversions
declaring, Declaring Arrays
default values, Understanding Default Values
example, Accessing Array Elements
initializing elements, Initializing Array Elements
iterating through with foreach, The foreach Statement
List class, List<T>
multidimensional, Multidimensional Arrays, Rectangular arrays, Rectangular arrays, Jagged arrays
initializing two-dimensional, Rectangular arrays
jagged arrays, Jagged arrays
rectangular arrays, Rectangular arrays
of objects, Creating Polymorphic Methods
size of, List<T>
Sort( ) method, Sorting Arrays
sorting, Sorting Arrays, Implementing IComparable, Implementing IComparer
example, Implementing IComparable, Implementing IComparer
as operator, The as Operator, The is Operator Versus the as Operator
is operator vs., The is Operator Versus the as Operator
ASP controls, Server Controls
ASP.NET, Programming ASP.NET Applications and Web Services, Programming ASP.NET Applications and Web Services, Understanding Web Forms, Understanding Web Forms, Understanding Web Forms, Web Form Events, State, Web Form Life Cycle, Creating a Web Form, Code-Behind Files, Adding Controls, Adding Controls, Server Controls, Data Binding, Web Services, Displaying the Output, Implementing the Grid
C# programming and, Programming ASP.NET Applications and Web Services
code separation pages in Version 2.0, Understanding Web Forms
code-behind files, Code-Behind Files
controls, adding to Web Forms, Adding Controls
data-bound controls, Data Binding
DataGrid, implementing (example), Implementing the Grid
event handlers, Web Form Events
life cycles, handling, Web Form Life Cycle
Server Controls, Server Controls
server-side controls, Adding Controls
state for server controls, State
web controls, Understanding Web Forms
Web Forms, Understanding Web Forms, Creating a Web Form
creating, Creating a Web Form
overview, Understanding Web Forms
web services, Web Services (see web services)
web site, creating (example), Displaying the Output
ASP.NET 1.1 programmers note, Code-Behind Files, Adding Controls and Events
aspx.cs file, Adding Controls and Events
code-behind model, Code-Behind Files
asp:label control, Displaying the Output
.aspx file extension, Code-Behind Files
assemblies, The C# Language, Controlling Access, Assemblies and Versioning, PE Files, PE Files, Metadata, Security Boundary, Manifests, Manifests, Multimodule Assemblies, Building a Multimodule Assembly, Private Assemblies, Private Assemblies, Type Discovery, Creating and Using App Domains
defined, The C# Language
dynamic binding at runtime, Creating and Using App Domains
manifests, Manifests
metadata, Metadata
modules, PE Files
mscorlib, Manifests
multimodule, Multimodule Assemblies, Building a Multimodule Assembly
building, Building a Multimodule Assembly
PE (Portable Exchange) files, PE Files
private, Private Assemblies
reflecting on, Type Discovery
security boundaries, Security Boundary
shared, Private Assemblies (see shared assemblies)
Assembly attribute target, Attribute targets
Assembly.Load( ) static method, Type Discovery
AssemblyInfo.cs file, Building a Multimodule Assembly
AssemblyLoad event, Application Domains
AssemblyResolve event, Application Domains
AssemblyResolver, loading assemblies, Loading the assembly
assignment, Calculate and reassign operators, Operator Precedence, Indexers and Assignment
indexers and, Indexers and Assignment
operator precedence, Operator Precedence
self-assignment operators, Calculate and reassign operators
assignment operator (=), Nested if statements, The Assignment Operator (=)
equals operator (==) vs., Nested if statements
asynchronous I/O, Streams, Asynchronous I/O, Network I/O
asynchronous network file streaming, Asynchronous Network File Streaming
asynchronous network streaming server example, Handling Multiple Connections
attributes, The C# Language, Attributes and Reflection, Attributes, Attribute targets, Applying attributes, Custom Attributes, Declaring an attribute, Naming an attribute, Constructing an attribute, Using an attribute, Using an attribute
applying, Applying attributes
custom, Custom Attributes, Declaring an attribute, Naming an attribute, Constructing an attribute, Using an attribute, Using an attribute
constructing, Constructing an attribute
declaring, Declaring an attribute
example, Using an attribute
naming, Naming an attribute
using, Using an attribute
defined, Attributes and Reflection
targets, Attribute targets
Attributes property, Working with Directories, Working with Files
(DirectoryInfo class), Working with Directories
(FileInfo class), Working with Files
author’s web site, The Overall Design
Autocomplete feature of Intellisense, Case Sensitivity
AutoPostBack property, Postback versus nonpostback events
AWSProductData object, Creating the desktop application
AxImp command-line utility, Importing ActiveX Controls, Manually importing the control
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