background threads, Killing Threads
backing store, Streams
backslash, Creating Strings (see \\, under Symbols)
base class, Inheritance, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Calling Base Class Constructors, Abstract Classes, The Root of All Classes: Object
abstract classes as, Abstract Classes
constructors, calling, Calling Base Class Constructors
Object class as root of all classes, The Root of All Classes: Object
virtual method, overriding, Creating Polymorphic Methods
base type (underlying type) for enumerations, Enumerations
BeginRead( ) method, Binary Files, Asynchronous I/O, Asynchronous I/O
(Stream class), Binary Files, Asynchronous I/O
BeginWrite( ) method (Stream class), Binary Files, Asynchronous I/O
Berkeley socket interface, Creating a Network Streaming Server
binary files, Binary Files
Binary formatter, Understanding marshaling with proxies
binary operators, Using the operator Keyword
binary read (of a file), Binary Files
BinaryFormatter, Using a Formatter
BinaryReader class, Reading and Writing Data
BinarySearch( ) method, Arrays, List<T>
(System.Array), Arrays
List class, List<T>
BinaryWriter class, Reading and Writing Data
binders, Creating and Using App Domains
binding, Reflection, Creating and Using App Domains, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET
importing the COM DLL to .NET, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET
late, Reflection (see late binding)
Boolean expressions, if...else statements
boolean value type, C and C++ programmers note, Working with Built-in Types
boxing types, Working with Built-in Types, Boxing and Unboxing Types, Structs as Value Types, Accessing Sealed Classes and Value Types, Accessing Sealed Classes and Value Types
interface reference, Accessing Sealed Classes and Value Types, Accessing Sealed Classes and Value Types
structs, Structs as Value Types
branch keywords, Unconditional Branching Statements, Conditional Branching Statements
conditional branching, Conditional Branching Statements
unconditional branching, Unconditional Branching Statements
branching, Statements (see conditional branching unconditional branching)
break statements, Unconditional Branching Statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs, The continue and break statements
use with switch statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
breakpoints, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger
compiling and running programs, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger
setting, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger
browsers, Understanding Web Forms, Network I/O
IP addresses and, Network I/O
Web Forms, running on, Understanding Web Forms
buffered streams, Buffered Streams
BufferedStream class, Reading and Writing Data, Buffered Streams
buffers, Binary Files, Pointers, Pointers
pinned in memory, Pointers, Pointers
bugs, defined, Handling Exceptions
built-in types, Types, Working with Built-in Types, Choosing a built-in type, Choosing a built-in type, Converting built-in types, The Root of All Classes: Object
char, Choosing a built-in type
choosing, Choosing a built-in type
converting, Converting built-in types
Object as root, The Root of All Classes: Object
value types, listing of, Working with Built-in Types
buttons, Data Binding, Data Binding
(see also controls)
data binding and, Data Binding
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