data, Reading and Writing Data, Handling Transient Data
reading and writing, Reading and Writing Data
transient, handling, Handling Transient Data
data binding, Data Binding, Data Binding, Data Binding, Data Binding, Data Binding, Adding Controls and Events
binding fields to radio button control (example), Data Binding
choosing a data source, Data Binding
configuring a data source, Data Binding
controls and events, adding to Web Forms, Adding Controls and Events
testing your query, Data Binding
data classes, .NET framework, The .NET Framework
data compartment, Isolated Storage
Data namespace, The Dot Operator (.)
Data Source Configuration Wizard, Working with Data-Bound Controls
DataAdapter object, Data Adapter, DataAdapter
databases, Accessing Data with ADO.NET, Relational Databases and SQL, Relational Databases and SQL
(see also ADO.NET)
defined, Relational Databases and SQL
relational, Relational Databases and SQL
DataColumn objects, DataTables and DataColumns
DataColumnCollection objects, DataTables and DataColumns
DataGrid, Populating a DataGrid Programmatically, Implementing the Grid, Handling the RowDataBound Event
implementing (example application), Implementing the Grid
Item_Bound method, Handling the RowDataBound Event
populating programmatically, Populating a DataGrid Programmatically
DataReader objects, DataReader
DataRelation objects, The ADO.NET Object Model
DataRow objects, Tables, Records, and Columns
DataSet class, Tables, Records, and Columns, The ADO.NET Object Model, DataRelations, Getting Started with ADO.NET, Customizing the DataSet
creating a DataSet, Getting Started with ADO.NET
customizing, Customizing the DataSet
Relations property, DataRelations
DataTable objects, Tables, Records, and Columns, The ADO.NET Object Model, Rows
Rows collection, Rows
DataTableCollection, The ADO.NET Object Model
DBCommand object, DBCommand and DBConnection
DBConnection object, DBCommand and DBConnection
deadlocks, synchronizing threads, Deadlock
deadly embrace (deadlock), Deadlock
debuggers, Compiling and Running “Hello World”, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger
setting breakpoints, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger
starting program without the debugger, Compiling and Running “Hello World”
debugging, Code-Behind Files, Loading the assembly
choosing your debugger, Loading the assembly
enabling for web applications, Code-Behind Files
decimal datatype, Working with Built-in Types, Choosing a built-in type
Java programmers note, Working with Built-in Types
declarative languages, SQL
declarative pinning, Pointers
Declarative Referential Integrity (DRI), Declarative Referential Integrity
declarative web programming, Understanding Web Forms
decoupling class state from method, Encapsulating Data with Properties
decrement and increment operators, Increment and Decrement Operators
Decrement( ) method (Interlocked), Using Interlocked
deep copy, The ICloneable Interface
DefineDynamicAssembly( ) method (AppDomain), Application Domains
definite assignment, Overcoming Definite Assignment with out Parameters
Delegate attribute target, Attribute targets
delegate keyword, Delegates
delegated methods, invoking manually (example), Retrieving Values from Multicast Delegates
delegates, The C# Language, Delegates and Events, Delegates, Using Delegates to Specify Methods at Runtime, Using Delegates to Specify Methods at Runtime, Delegates and Instance Methods, Static Delegates, Delegates as Properties, Multicasting, Events and Delegates, Events and Delegates, Solving Delegate Problems with Events, Using Anonymous Methods, Retrieving Values from Multicast Delegates, Invoking Events Asynchronously, Callback Methods, Starting Threads, Asynchronous I/O
(see also events)
anonymous methods, using, Using Anonymous Methods
as properties, Delegates as Properties
events and, Events and Delegates, Events and Delegates, Solving Delegate Problems with Events
implementing events with delegates, Events and Delegates
solving delegate problems with events, Solving Delegate Problems with Events
instance methods and, Delegates and Instance Methods
invoking delegate methods (example), Using Delegates to Specify Methods at Runtime
multicast, retrieving values from, Retrieving Values from Multicast Delegates, Invoking Events Asynchronously, Callback Methods
callback methods, Callback Methods
invoking events asynchronously, Invoking Events Asynchronously
multicasting, Multicasting
requested by BeginRead( ), Asynchronous I/O
specifying methods at runtime, Using Delegates to Specify Methods at Runtime
static, Static Delegates
ThreadStart class, Starting Threads
Delete button event, handling (example), Handling the Delete Button Event
delete operator, C and C++ programmers note, Working with Built-in Types
Delete( ) method, Working with Directories, Working with Files, Working with Files
(DirectoryInfo class), Working with Directories
(File class), Working with Files
(FileInfo class), Working with Files
deleting files, Modifying Files
Dequeue( ) method (Queue), Queues
dereference (*) operator, Pointers
derived classes, Inheritance, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Abstract Classes, The Root of All Classes: Object
abstract classes as base class, Abstract Classes
overriding base class virtual method, Creating Polymorphic Methods
deserialization, Deserializing the object, Deserializing the object, Handling Transient Data
example, Deserializing the object
Deserialize( ) method (SoapFormatter), Understanding RegisterWellKnownServiceType
designing applications, The Overall Design
destructors, Destroying Objects, Destructors Versus Dispose, Structs
dispose versus, Destructors Versus Dispose
not supported by structs, Structs
dictionaries, Dictionaries, IDictionary<K,V>
IDictionary interface, IDictionary<K,V>
digital signatures, Strong Names
Dim and New keywords (VB6), Creating Objects
dirCounter variable, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object
directly accessing memory, The C# Language
directories, Recursing through the subdirectories, Expanding a directory, Files and Directories, Working with Directories, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object
DirectoryInfo object, creating, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object
recursing through subdirectories, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object
expanding, Expanding a directory
recursing through subdirectories, Recursing through the subdirectories
working with, Working with Directories
Directory class, Working with Directories, Working with Directories, Reading and Writing Data
methods, Working with Directories
Directory property (FileInfo class), Working with Files
DirectoryInfo class, Working with Directories, Working with Directories, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object, Working with Files, Modifying Files, Reading and Writing Data
creating instance of, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object, Modifying Files
GetFiles( ) method, Working with Files
methods, Working with Directories
DirectoryInfo objects, TreeNode objects
dirSub.Attributes property, Recursing through the subdirectories
disconnected data architecture, Accessing Data with ADO.NET
discovery (type), Type Discovery
Dispose( ) method, Destructors Versus Dispose, Implementing the Close( ) Method, The using Statement, Web Form Life Cycle
invoked by Close( ), Implementing the Close( ) Method
invoked by using statement, The using Statement
Distributed interNet Applications (DNA) architecture, The .NET Platform
Div( ) method, Building a Web Service
DivideByZeroException, Creating dedicated catch statements
division (/) operator, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /)
DllImportAttribute class, P/Invoke
DLLs (dynamic link libraries), Assemblies and Versioning, Multimodule Assemblies, The End of DLL Hell, Importing COM Components, P/Invoke
assemblies and, Assemblies and Versioning
calling functions with P/Invoke, P/Invoke
COM components, importing, Importing COM Components
multimodule assemblies and, Multimodule Assemblies
shared assemblies and, The End of DLL Hell
DNA (Distributed interNet Applications) architecture, The .NET Platform
do statements, Statements
documentation comments, XML Documentation Comments
DoEvents( ) method (Application), Sorting the list of selected files
doÉwhile loops, The do...while loop
dot operator, Console Applications (see under Symbols)
double type, Choosing a built-in type
DrawWindow( ) method, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Abstract Classes
calling on array of Control objects, Creating Polymorphic Methods
Control class, Abstract Classes
abstract class and method, Abstract Classes
Control class, marking as virtual, Creating Polymorphic Methods
DRI (Declarative Referential Integrity), Declarative Referential Integrity
dynamic binding, Creating and Using App Domains
dynamic strings, Manipulating Dynamic Strings, Manipulating Dynamic Strings
delimiter limitations, Manipulating Dynamic Strings
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