C and C++ programmers notes, Classes, Objects, and Types, Methods, Namespaces, Types, Working with Built-in Types, Working with Built-in Types, Definite Assignment, Enumerations, Conditional Branching Statements, Conditional Branching Statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs, Defining Identifiers, Defining Classes, Initializers, Destroying Objects, Overcoming Definite Assignment with out Parameters, Implementing Inheritance, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Limitations of Abstract, The Root of All Classes: Object, Using the operator Keyword, Logical Pairs, Conversion Operators, Structs, Indexers, Collection Interfaces, Strings and Regular Expressions, Strings, Throwing and Catching Exceptions
abstract classes, limitations in C#, Limitations of Abstract
binary operators, Using the operator Keyword
boolean value type, Working with Built-in Types
case statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
conditional expressions, Conditional Branching Statements, Conditional Branching Statements
copy constructor, Initializers
delete operator, Working with Built-in Types
destructors, Destroying Objects
enum types, Enumerations
exceptions, throwing, Throwing and Catching Exceptions
generics (C#) vs. C++ templates, Collection Interfaces
implicit keyword, Conversion Operators
indexers, Indexers
inheritance, The Root of All Classes: Object
Main( ) method, Methods
namespaces, Namespaces
operator overloading, logical pairs, Logical Pairs
preprocessor, Defining Identifiers
private or protected inheritance, Implementing Inheritance
reference parameters, Overcoming Definite Assignment with out Parameters
reference types, Types
semicolons, Classes, Objects, and Types, Defining Classes
strings, Strings and Regular Expressions, Strings
structs, Structs
unassigned variables, Definite Assignment
virtual methods, overriding, Creating Polymorphic Methods
C#, The C# Language, The C# Language, Compiling and Running “Hello World”, C# Language Fundamentals, Types, Programming ASP.NET Applications and Web Services, Understanding Web Forms, Synchronization, C# Keywords
class definitions, The C# Language
collections, strongly typed, Types
command-line compiler, compiling Hello World program, Compiling and Running “Hello World”
keywords, C# Keywords
language, The C# Language, C# Language Fundamentals, Programming ASP.NET Applications and Web Services
ASP.NET and, Programming ASP.NET Applications and Web Services
fundamentals, C# Language Fundamentals
overview, The C# Language
lock statement, Synchronization
Web Forms, using with, Understanding Web Forms
C-Style comments (/* ... */), Comments
call stack, Exception Objects
callback methods, Callback Methods
camel notation (naming convention), Case Sensitivity, Identifiers
capability classes, Interfaces
Capacity property (List), List<T>, List<T>
CaptureCollection class, Using CaptureCollection
case statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
C and C++ programmers note, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
VB6 programmers note, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
case-sensitivity, Case Sensitivity, Identifiers, Manipulating Strings, Customizing the DataSet
identifiers, Identifiers
string comparisons, Manipulating Strings
string comparisons within DataTables, Customizing the DataSet
cast operator, converting types using, Converting built-in types
casting, Converting built-in types, Enumerations, Casting to an Interface, Multicasting
converting between enum and integral type, Enumerations
to an interface, Casting to an Interface
multicasting delegates, Multicasting
catch statements, The catch Statement, Taking corrective action, Unwinding the call stack, Creating dedicated catch statements
dedicated catch statements, creating, Creating dedicated catch statements
taking corrective action, Taking corrective action
unwinding the call stack, Unwinding the call stack
channels, Marshaling and Remoting, Understanding marshaling with proxies, Building a Server, Building the Client
creating, Building a Server
registering on the client, Building the Client
ChannelServices class, Building a Server
char type, Choosing a built-in type
characters, types in regular expressions, Regular Expressions
Chars field, Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Dynamic Strings
(String), Manipulating Strings
(StringBuilder), Manipulating Dynamic Strings
Class attribute target, Attribute targets
class keyword, Classes, Objects, and Types
class members, Classes and Objects, Using Static Members
instance members or static members, Using Static Members
classes, The .NET Framework, The C# Language, Classes, Objects, and Types, Methods, Editing “Hello World”, Classes and Objects, Defining Classes, Defining Classes, Defining Classes, Access Modifiers, Method Arguments, Static Classes, Specialization and Generalization, Controlling Access, Abstract Classes, Sealed Class, The Root of All Classes: Object, Nesting Classes, Structs, Defining Structs, Implementing More Than One Interface, Overriding Interface Implementations, Explicit Interface Implementation, Indexers, Viewing Metadata
.NET framework, The .NET Framework
abstract, Abstract Classes (see abstract classes)
C#, support for defining and working with, The C# Language
collection within, accessing, Indexers (see indexers)
creation and naming in Visual Studio .NET, Editing “Hello World”
defining, Defining Classes, Defining Classes, Access Modifiers, Method Arguments
access modifiers, Access Modifiers
method arguments, Method Arguments
Time class (example), Defining Classes
defining types, Classes, Objects, and Types
differences between structs and, Structs, Defining Structs
implementing an interface, Overriding Interface Implementations
implementing multiple interfaces, Implementing More Than One Interface, Explicit Interface Implementation
instance of that class vs., Defining Classes
methods, Methods
nesting, Nesting Classes
Object class as root class, The Root of All Classes: Object
overview, Classes and Objects
public, Controlling Access
reflection, Viewing Metadata
relationships between, UML diagrams, Specialization and Generalization
sealed, Sealed Class
static, Static Classes
Clear button event, handling (example), Handling the Clear button event
Clear( ) method, Arrays, List<T>, Queues, Stacks, Dictionaries
(Dictionary), Dictionaries
(List), List<T>
(Queue), Queues
(Stack), Stacks
(System.Array), Arrays
client-activated server objects, Understanding Server Object Types
client-side support, .NET web services, Client-Side Support
clients, Building the Client, Understanding RegisterWellKnownServiceType, Creating a Streaming Network Client, Handling Multiple Connections, Asynchronous Network File Streaming
for asynchronous network I/O, Handling Multiple Connections, Asynchronous Network File Streaming
remoting service, Building the Client, Understanding RegisterWellKnownServiceType
building, Building the Client
streaming network client, creating, Creating a Streaming Network Client
Clone( ) method, The ICloneable Interface, Stacks, Strings, Strings, Manipulating Strings
(Stack), Stacks
ICloneable interface, The ICloneable Interface
String class, Strings
Close( ) method, Implementing the Close( ) Method
CLR (Common Language Runtime), The .NET Platform, The .NET Framework, Methods, Using Static Constructors, Shared Assemblies, Understanding marshaling with proxies, Threads and Synchronization, Asynchronous I/O, Serialization
asynchronous I/O, Asynchronous I/O
main, or first, class method, Methods
marshaling by reference and, Understanding marshaling with proxies
running static constructors, Using Static Constructors
serializing objects, Serialization
shared assemblies and, Shared Assemblies
threading support, Threads and Synchronization
CLS (Common Language Specification), The .NET Framework
code region (Visual Studio), collapsing, #region
code reuse, Polymorphism
code separation (Web Forms user interface), Understanding Web Forms
code style guidelines (Microsoft), Case Sensitivity
code-behind files, Understanding Web Forms, Code-Behind Files, Code-Behind Files, Implementing the Grid
differences in ASP.NET in Versions 1.x, Code-Behind Files
output display for web service client (example), Implementing the Grid
code-behind pages, Programming ASP.NET Applications and Web Services
collections, Types, Arrays, Indexers, and Collections, Indexers, Collection Interfaces, The IEnumerable<T> Interface, Constraints, List<T>, Implementing IComparable, Implementing IComparer, Queues, Stacks, Dictionaries, Using Regex Match Collections, Adding Controls
classes, Arrays, Indexers, and Collections
dictionaries, Dictionaries
editing ListItems collection, Adding Controls
interfaces, Collection Interfaces, The IEnumerable<T> Interface, Constraints
IComparable, Constraints
IEnumerable, The IEnumerable<T> Interface
List class, List<T>, Implementing IComparable, Implementing IComparer
implementing IComparable, Implementing IComparable
implementing IComparer, Implementing IComparer
MatchCollection, Using Regex Match Collections
queues, Queues
stacks, Stacks
strong typing in .NET, Version 2, Types
within a class, accessing, Indexers (see indexers)
Collections namespace, The Dot Operator (.)
Columns collection (DataTable), DataTables and DataColumns
columns, database, Tables, Records, and Columns, Displaying the Output
web services client application (example), Displaying the Output
COM (Component Object Model), Programming .NET and COM, Importing COM Components, Coding the COMTestForm Program, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET, Importing the Type Library, Creating a Test Program, Using Late Binding and Reflection
importing COM components, Importing COM Components, Coding the COMTestForm Program, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET, Importing the Type Library, Creating a Test Program, Using Late Binding and Reflection
coding COMTestForm (example), Coding the COMTestForm Program
COM DLL to .NET, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET
late binding and reflection, Using Late Binding and Reflection
test program, creating, Creating a Test Program
type library to .NET, Importing the Type Library
programming, Programming .NET and COM
command-line compiler, Compiling and Running “Hello World”
commandString parameter, Getting Started with ADO.NET
comments, Comments, Comments, XML Documentation Comments
multiline, Comments
XML documentation comments, XML Documentation Comments
Common Language Runtime, The .NET Platform (see CLR)
Common Language Specification (CLS), The .NET Framework
Common Type System (CTS), The .NET Framework
Compare( ) method (String), Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Strings, Using Delegates to Specify Methods at Runtime
CompareOrdinal( ) method (String), Manipulating Strings
CompareTo( ) method, Constraints, Implementing IComparable, Implementing IComparer, Implementing IComparer, Manipulating Strings
(String), Manipulating Strings
custom version (example), Implementing IComparer
compilation, Compilation and the MSIL, Compiling and Running “Hello World”, Normalization
MSIL files and, Compilation and the MSIL
normalization and, Normalization
running Hello World program, Compiling and Running “Hello World”
Component Object Model, Programming .NET and COM (see COM)
component-oriented programming, The C# Language
Concat( ) method (String), Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Strings
conditional AND operator (&&), Operator Precedence
conditional branching, Statements, Conditional Branching Statements, if...else statements, Nested if statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
if...else statements, if...else statements
nested if statements, Nested if statements
switch statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
conditional expressions, Conditional Branching Statements, The Ternary Operator
C and C++ programmers note, Conditional Branching Statements
conditional operator (?), Clicking the target TreeView
conditional OR operator (||), Operator Precedence
Configuration namespace, The Dot Operator (.)
connection string, Creating the desktop application
connections (multiple), handling by network streaming server, Handling Multiple Connections
connectionString parameter, Getting Started with ADO.NET
console, Console Applications, Creating a Streaming Network Client, Handling Multiple Connections
applications, Console Applications
writing to, Creating a Streaming Network Client, Handling Multiple Connections
asynchronous network streaming server, Handling Multiple Connections
network streaming client, Creating a Streaming Network Client
Console class, Variables and Constants, The for loop, Working with Text Files, Pointers
Write( ) method, The for loop, Pointers
WriteLine( ) method, Variables and Constants, Working with Text Files
Console object, Console Applications, The Dot Operator (.)
dot operator and, The Dot Operator (.)
writing text to the monitor, Console Applications
constants, Constants, Constants, Constants, Constants, Enumerations, Enumerations
enumerated, Enumerations
enumerations as alternative to, Enumerations
initialization of, Constants
reinitializing at compile time, Constants
symbolic, Constants
constraints, Implementing IComparer, Declarative Referential Integrity
on relationships among database tables, Declarative Referential Integrity
Constructor attribute target, Attribute targets
constructors, Constructors, Constructors, Constructors, Initializers, Using Static Constructors, Overloading Methods and Constructors, Calling Base Class Constructors, Calling Base Class Constructors, Defining Structs
base class, calling, Calling Base Class Constructors
declaring, Constructors, Constructors
default, Calling Base Class Constructors
overloaded, defined, Initializers
overloading, Overloading Methods and Constructors
static, Using Static Constructors
structs, Defining Structs
Contains( ) method, List<T>, Queues, Stacks
(List), List<T>
(Queue), Queues
(Stack), Stacks
ContainsKey( ) method (Dictionary), Dictionaries
ContainsValue( ) method (Dictionary), Dictionaries
context-agile objects, Marshaling Across Context Boundaries
context-bound objects, Marshaling Across Context Boundaries
ContextBoundObject, Marshaling Across Context Boundaries
contexts, Marshaling and Remoting, Context, Context-Bound and Context-Agile Objects, Marshaling Across Context Boundaries
context-bound and context-agile objects, Context-Bound and Context-Agile Objects
marshaling across boundaries, Marshaling Across Context Boundaries
continue statements, Unconditional Branching Statements, The continue and break statements
Control class, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Abstract Classes
abstract, creating, Abstract Classes
creating array of Control objects, Creating Polymorphic Methods
DrawWindow( ) method, indicating polymorphism, Creating Polymorphic Methods
controls, Populating the TreeView Controls, Handling TreeView Events, Working with Data-Bound Controls, Populating a DataGrid Programmatically, Customizing the DataSet, Understanding Web Forms, Code-Behind Files, Adding Controls, Server Controls, Data Binding, Displaying the Output, Importing ActiveX Controls, Creating an ActiveX Control, Importing a Control in .NET
ActiveX, importing, Importing ActiveX Controls, Creating an ActiveX Control, Importing a Control in .NET
creating an ActiveX control, Creating an ActiveX Control
in .NET, Importing a Control in .NET
adding to Web Forms, Adding Controls, Server Controls
Server Controls, Server Controls
asp:label control, Displaying the Output
binding data to, Data Binding
data-bound, ADO.NET, Working with Data-Bound Controls, Populating a DataGrid Programmatically, Customizing the DataSet
customizing DataSet, Customizing the DataSet
DataGrid, populating programmatically, Populating a DataGrid Programmatically
TreeView controls (example), Populating the TreeView Controls, Handling TreeView Events
handling events, Handling TreeView Events
populating, Populating the TreeView Controls
web, Understanding Web Forms, Code-Behind Files
server-side, Code-Behind Files
conversion operators, Conversion Operators
Copy button event, implementing (example), Implementing the Copy Button Event, Getting the selected files, Sorting the list of selected files
getting selected files, Getting the selected files
sorting list of selected files, Sorting the list of selected files
copy constructor, Initializers
Copy( ) method, Arrays, Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Strings, Working with Files
(File class), Working with Files
(String), Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Strings
(System.Array), Arrays
CopyTo( ) method, List<T>, Queues, Stacks, Stacks, Manipulating Strings, Working with Files, Modifying Files
(FileInfo), Working with Files, Modifying Files
(List), List<T>
(Queue), Queues
(Stack), Stacks, Stacks
(String), Manipulating Strings
Cos( ) method, Late Binding, Late Binding
calling dynamically, Late Binding
Count property, List<T>, Queues, Stacks, Dictionaries
(Dictionary), Dictionaries
(List), List<T>
(Queue), Queues
(Stack), Stacks
Create( ) method, Working with Directories, Working with Files, Working with Files, Web Streams
(DirectoryInfo class), Working with Directories
(File class), Working with Files
(FileInfo class), Working with Files
(WebRequest), Web Streams
CreateChildControls( ) method, Web Form Life Cycle, Web Form Life Cycle
CreateComInstanceFrom( ) method (Activator), Late Binding
CreateDirectory( ) (Directory class), Working with Directories
CreateDomain( ) method (AppDomain), Application Domains, Creating and Using App Domains
CreateFile( ) method, Pointers
CreateInstance( ) method, Arrays, Array Bounds, Creating and Using App Domains, Creating and Using App Domains
(System.Array), Arrays
CreateSubdirectory( ) method (DirectoryInfo class), Working with Directories, Modifying Files
CreateText( ) method (File class), Working with Files
CreationTime property, Working with Directories, Working with Files
(DirectoryInfo class), Working with Directories
(FileInfo class), Working with Files
CTS (Common Type System), The .NET Framework
culture, Other Required Assemblies
CurrentDomain property (AppDomain), Application Domains
custom attributes, Custom Attributes, Using an attribute
example, Using an attribute
custom exceptions, Custom Exceptions
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