Chapter 1. Hello, .NET

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

Sixth century B.C. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu

Software development today is an industry beset by incompatibilities. Modules written in different languages don’t easily integrate. Programs run on separate machines must jump through hoops to talk to each other. Applications developed for different operating systems are built on incompatible APIs, making porting difficult. And as the industry’s focus shifts from stand-alone applications and client/server programs to applications that live and run on the Web, new kinds of incompatibilities appear—incompatibilities between programming models that have stood the test of time and models that have evolved without planning or forethought to fill a void that needed filling. Instead of compiled languages, we have scripting languages. Instead of rich graphical user interfaces, we have HTML. And instead of object-oriented programming, we have enterprise-class applications built with mixtures of procedural code, HTML, DHTML, XML, COM, and other unrelated technologies.

Microsoft has a vision of the future that addresses these issues and many more. That vision is embodied in an initiative called Microsoft .NET. Microsoft .NET, or simply .NET as it is more commonly called, is a new way of building and deploying software that leverages standards such as HTTP and XML to make interoperability a reality rather than a dream, and that relies on the Internet to make software services available on an unprecedented scale. An important part of the initiative is the .NET Framework, which is a platform for building and running .NET applications. The framework isn’t required for building .NET applications, but it makes the development process eminently easier and less time-consuming. Among its many benefits: it brings object-oriented programming to the Web; it eliminates many of the most common and debilitating kinds of software bugs; and it provides a common API for all languages, meaning the language that you choose at the beginning of a project won’t paint you into a corner at the end.

This chapter is your first step on the road to becoming a .NET Framework programmer. In it, you’ll become acquainted with the framework’s two core components: the common language runtime and the .NET Framework class library. You’ll learn about metadata, common intermediate language, managed modules, and assemblies. At the end of the chapter, you’ll write your first framework application. The information you come away with will enrich your understanding of the .NET Framework and help you understand what goes on under the hood when you build and run the applications presented in subsequent chapters.

The Microsoft .NET Initiative

The term “Microsoft .NET” refers to a massive effort on Microsoft’s part to get away from traditional software development and to build—with help from partners all over the industry—the Internet into a service-oriented software platform. Read the documents that provide an overview of .NET on Microsoft’s Web site, and you’ll encounter the term “XML Web services” repeatedly. An XML Web service is an application that runs on a Web server and exposes callable API functions, or Web methods, to clients on the Internet. XML is part of the name because Web services and Web service clients use XML to exchange data. As XML Web services proliferate, the Internet will become a software platform with an API far richer than any operating system. Today’s applications rely primarily on operating system services. Tomorrow’s applications will use Web services to validate credit card purchases, check the status of airline flights, and perform other everyday tasks. With luck, your favorite restaurants will make their menus available via a Web service so that you can check the daily specials from the comfort of your computer desk.

Web services aren’t something that Microsoft invented, nor are they proprietary to Microsoft .NET. Web services rely on open standards such as HTTP, XML, and SOAP. (SOAP, in case you don’t know, is an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol; it’s an Internet standard that describes how applications can interoperate—that is, call methods on each other—using HTTP and other protocols.) Because they’re an industry standard and not a Microsoft standard, Web services are already proliferating on the Internet. Significantly, most of the Web services that are available today do not use the .NET Framework and do not run on Windows. Web services are about interoperability. It’s relatively simple to write a Web service client that runs on Windows and invokes methods on a Web service running on Linux. In the future, online directories that are themselves Web services will enable companies to advertise their Web services. Need a Web service that exposes real-time stock quotes or shipment tracking information? Microsoft and others are building UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) registries that make such information available on a global scale.

If XML Web services can be written without Microsoft’s help, then what does Microsoft .NET bring to the party? Plenty. First, .NET validates the Web service concept by throwing the weight of an industry giant behind it. Second, Microsoft is busy writing Web services of its own, promoting Web service initiatives such as .NET My Services, upgrading its enterprise server products to fit seamlessly into a service-oriented world, and upgrading Visual Studio and other development tools to speak the language of Web services. Third, and perhaps most important, is that Microsoft .NET includes the .NET Framework. You can write Web services using x86 assembly language if you want to, but the .NET Framework makes writing Web services so easy that just about anyone can write one. You’ll learn all about Web services and the framework’s support for them in Chapter 11.

The Microsoft .NET Framework

The .NET Framework is a platform for building and running applications. Its chief components are the common language runtime (CLR, or simply “the runtime”) and the .NET Framework class library (FCL). The CLR abstracts operating system services and serves as an execution engine for managed applications—applications whose every action is subject to approval by the CLR. The FCL provides the object-oriented API that managed applications write to. When you write .NET Framework applications, you leave behind the Windows API, MFC, ATL, COM, and other tools and technologies you’re familiar with, and you use the FCL instead. Sure, you can call a Windows API function or a COM object if you want to, but you don’t want to because doing so requires transitioning from managed code (code run by the CLR) to unmanaged code (native machine code that runs without the runtime’s help). Such transitions impede performance and can even be vetoed by a system administrator.

Microsoft .NET is chiefly about XML Web services, but the .NET Framework supports other programming models as well. In addition to writing Web services, you can write console applications, GUI applications (”Chapter 4“), Web applications (”Chapter 5“), and even Windows services, better known as NT services. The framework also helps you consume Web services—that is, write Web service clients. Applications built on the .NET Framework are not, however, required to use Web services.

Next to XML Web services, the portion of the framework with the greatest potential to change the world is ASP.NET. The name comes from Active Server Pages (ASP), which revolutionized Web programming in the 1990s by providing an easy-to-use model for dynamically producing HTML content on Web servers using server-side script. ASP.NET is the next version of ASP, and it provides a compelling new way to write Web applications that’s unlike anything that has preceded it. Because ASP.NET is such an important part of the framework, and because the number one question asked by developers in the software industry today is “How do I write applications that run on the Web?,” a large portion of this book—all of Part II, in fact—is devoted to it.

But first things first. The key to understanding the .NET Framework and the various programming models it supports is to understand the common language runtime and the FCL. The next several sections discuss both and introduce other important concepts that are vital for learning how to write Web services and other managed applications.

The Common Language Runtime

If the .NET Framework were a living, breathing human being, the common language runtime would be its heart and soul. Every byte of code that you write for the framework either runs in the CLR or is given permission by the CLR to run outside the CLR. Nothing happens without the CLR’s involvement.

The CLR sits atop the operating system and provides a virtual environment for hosting managed applications. When you run a managed executable, the CLR loads the module containing the executable and executes the code inside it. Code that targets the CLR is called managed code, and it consists of instructions written in a pseudo-machine language called common intermediate language, or CIL. CIL instructions are just-in-time (JIT) compiled into native machine code (typically x86 code) at run time. In most cases, a given method is JIT compiled only one time—the first time it’s called—and thereafter cached in memory so that it can be executed again without delay. Code that isn’t called is never JIT compiled. While JIT compilation undeniably impacts performance, its negative effects are mitigated by the fact that a method is compiled only once during the application’s lifetime and also by the fact that the CLR team at Microsoft has gone to extraordinary lengths to make the JIT compiler as fast and efficient as possible. In theory, JIT compiled code can outperform ordinary code because the JIT compiler can optimize the native code that it generates for the particular version of the host processor that it finds itself running on. JIT compiled code is not the same as interpreted code; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

The benefits of running code in the managed environment of the CLR are legion. For starters, as the JIT compiler converts CIL instructions into native code, it enacts a code verification process that ensures the code is type safe. It’s practically impossible to execute an instruction that accesses memory that the instruction isn’t authorized to access. You’ll never have problems with stray pointers in a managed application because the CLR throws an exception before the stray pointer is used. You can’t cast a type to something it’s not because that operation isn’t type safe. And you can’t call a method with a malformed stack frame because the CLR simply won’t allow it to happen. In addition to eliminating some of the most common bugs that afflict application programs, code verification security makes it eminently more difficult to write malicious code that intentionally inflicts harm on the host system. In the unlikely event that you don’t want code verification security, you can have it turned off by a system administrator.

Code verification security is also the chief enabling technology behind the CLR’s ability to host multiple applications in a single process—a feat of magic that it works by dividing the process into virtualized compartments called application domains. Windows isolates applications from one another by hosting them in separate processes. An unfortunate side effect of the one-process-per-application model is higher memory consumption. Memory efficiency isn’t vital on a stand-alone system that serves one user, but it’s paramount on servers set up to handle thousands of users at once. In certain cases (ASP.NET applications and Web services being the prime examples), the CLR doesn’t launch a new process for every application; instead, it launches one process or a handful of processes and hosts individual applications in application domains. Application domains are secure like processes because they form boundaries that managed applications can’t violate. But application domains are more efficient than processes because one process can host multiple application domains and because libraries can be loaded into application domains and shared by all occupants.

Another benefit of running in a managed environment comes from the fact that resources allocated by managed code are garbage collected. In other words, you allocate memory, but you don’t free it; the system frees it for you. The CLR includes a sophisticated garbage collector that tracks references to the objects your code creates and destroys those objects when the memory they occupy is needed elsewhere. The precise algorithms employed by the garbage collector are beyond the scope of this book, but they are documented in detail in Jeffrey Richter’s book Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming (Microsoft Press, 2002).

Thanks to the garbage collector, applications that consist solely of managed code don’t leak memory. Garbage collection even improves performance because the memory allocation algorithm employed by the CLR is fast—much faster than the equivalent memory allocation routines in the C runtime. The downside is that when a collection does occur, everything else in that process stops momentarily. Fortunately, garbage collections occur relatively infrequently, dramatically lessening their impact on performance.

Programming Languages

Yet another benefit of running applications in a CLR-hosted environment is that all code reduces to CIL, so the programming language that you choose is little more than a lifestyle choice. The “common” in common language runtime alludes to the fact that the CLR is language-agnostic. In other environments, the language you use to implement an application inevitably affects the application’s design and operation. Code written in Visual Basic 6, for example, can’t easily spawn threads. To make matters worse, modern programming languages such as Visual Basic and Visual C++ use vastly different APIs, meaning that the knowledge you gain programming Windows with Visual Basic is only marginally helpful if your boss asks you to write a DLL in C++.

With the .NET Framework, all that changes. A language is merely a syntactic device for producing CIL, and with very few exceptions, anything you can do in one language, you can do in all the others, too. Moreover, regardless of what language they’re written in, all managed applications use the same API: that of the .NET Framework class library. Porting a Visual Basic 6 application to Visual C++ is only slightly easier than rewriting the application from scratch. But porting a Visual Basic .NET application to C# (or vice versa) is much more reasonable. In the past, language conversion tools have been so imperfect as to be practically useless. In the era of the .NET Framework, someone might write a language converter that really works. Because high-level code ultimately compiles to CIL, the framework even lets you write a class in one language and use it (or derive from it) in another. Now that’s language independence!

Microsoft provides CIL compilers for five languages: C#, J#, C++, Visual Basic, and JScript. The .NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) even includes a CIL assembler called ILASM, so you can write code in raw CIL if you want to. Third parties provide compilers for other languages, including Perl, Python, Eiffel, and, yes, even COBOL. No matter what language you’re most comfortable with, chances are there’s a CIL compiler that supports it. And you can sleep better knowing that even if you prefer COBOL, you can do almost anything those snobby C# programmers can do. That, of course, won’t prevent them from ribbing you for being a COBOL person, but that’s another story.

Managed Modules

When you build a program with the C# compiler, the Visual Basic .NET compiler, or any other compiler capable of generating CIL, the compiler produces a managed module. A managed module is simply an executable designed to be run by the CLR. It typically, but not always, has the file name extension EXE, DLL, or NETMODULE. Inside a managed module are four important elements:

  • A Windows Portable Executable (PE) file header

  • A CLR header containing important information about the module, such as the location of its CIL and metadata

  • Metadata describing everything inside the module and its external dependencies

  • The CIL instructions generated from the source code

Every managed module contains metadata describing the module’s contents. Metadata is not optional; every CLR-compliant compiler must produce it. That’s important, because it means every managed module is self-describing. Think about it this way. If someone hands you an ordinary EXE or DLL today, can you easily crack it open and figure out what classes are inside and what members those classes contain? No way! If it’s a managed module, however, no problem. Metadata is like a COM type library, but with two important differences:

  • Type libraries are optional; metadata is not

  • Metadata fully describes a module; type libraries sometimes do not

Metadata is important because the CLR must be able to determine what types are present in each managed module that it loads. But it’s also important to compilers and other tools that deal with managed executables. Thanks to metadata, Visual Studio .NET can display a context-sensitive list of the methods and properties available when you type the name of a class instance into the program editor, a feature known as IntelliSense. And thanks to metadata, the C# compiler can look inside a DLL containing a class written in Visual Basic .NET and use it as the base class for a derived class written in C#.


A module’s core metadata is stored in a collection of tables. One table, the TypeDef table, lists all the types defined in the module. (“Type” is a generic term for classes, structs, enumerations, and other forms of data understood by the CLR.) Another table lists the methods implemented by those types, another lists the fields, another lists the properties, and so on. By reading these tables, it’s possible to enumerate all the data types defined in the module as well as the members each type includes. Additional tables list external type references (types and type members in other modules that are used by this module), the assemblies containing the external types, and more.

Additional metadata information is stored outside the tables in heaps containing items referenced by table entries. For example, class names and method names are stored in the string heap; string literals are stored in a separate heap called the user-string heap. Together, metadata tables and heaps define everything you (or the CLR) could possibly want to know about a module’s contents and external dependencies.

The portion of a managed module that holds the module’s CIL is sprinkled with metadata tokens that refer to entries in the metadata tables. Each row in each table is identified by a 32-bit metadata token consisting of an 8-bit table index and a 24-bit row index. When a compiler emits the CIL for a method, it also emits a metadata token identifying the row containing information about the method. When the CLR encounters the token, it can consult the table to discover the method’s name, visibility, signature, and even its address in memory.

The metadata format is interesting from an academic point of view, but it’s rare that an application developer finds use for such knowledge. Most applications don’t manipulate metadata directly; they leave that to the CLR and to compilers. Applications that need to read and write metadata can do so by using either of two APIs provided by the .NET Framework. Called the reflection APIs, these APIs insulate the developer from the binary metadata format. One is an unmanaged API exposed through COM interfaces. The other is a managed API exposed through classes in the FCL’s System.Reflection namespace.

Using the reflection APIs to write a tool that lists the types and type members in a managed module is relatively easy. But if inspecting metadata is your goal, you don’t have to write a tool because the .NET Framework SDK has one already. Called ILDASM, it uses reflection to reveal the contents of managed executables. Figure 1-1 shows ILDASM displaying ImageView.exe, one of the sample programs in Chapter 4. The tree depicts the one class defined in the module (MyForm) and all the members of that class. But here’s the cool part. If you start ILDASM with a /ADV (for “Advanced”) switch and select the View/MetaInfo/Show command (or press Ctrl+M, which works regardless of whether you started ILDASM with a /ADV switch), a window pops up detailing all the rows in all the metadata tables (Figure 1-2). By checking and unchecking items in the View/MetaInfo menu, you can configure ILDASM to display metadata in different ways.

The ILDASM view of ImageView.exe.
Figure 1-1. The ILDASM view of ImageView.exe.
Metadata displayed by ILDASM.
Figure 1-2. Metadata displayed by ILDASM.

Common Intermediate Language

CIL is often described as a pseudo-assembly language because it defines a native instruction set for a processor. In this case, however, the processor is the CLR, not a piece of silicon. You don’t have to know CIL to program the .NET Framework any more than you have to know x86 assembly language to program Windows. But a rudimentary knowledge of CIL can really pay off when a method in the FCL doesn’t behave the way you expect it to and you want to know why. You don’t have the source code for the FCL, but you do have the CIL.

In all, CIL includes about 100 different instructions. Some are the typical low-level instructions found in silicon instruction sets, like instructions to add two values together (ADD) and to branch if two values are equal (BEQ). Other instructions work at a higher level and are atypical of those found in hardware instruction sets. For example, NEWOBJ instantiates an object, and THROW throws an exception. Because the CIL instruction set is so rich, code written in high-level languages such as C# and Visual Basic .NET frequently compiles to a surprisingly small number of instructions.

CIL uses a stack-based execution model. Whereas x86 processors load values into registers to manipulate them, the CLR loads values onto an evaluation stack. To add two numbers together, you copy them to the stack, call ADD, and retrieve the result from the stack. Copying a value from memory to the stack is called loading, and copying from the stack to memory is called storing. CIL has several instructions for loading and storing. LDLOC, for example, loads a value onto the stack from a memory location, and STLOC copies it from the stack to memory and removes it from the stack.

For an example of CIL at work, consider the following C# source code, which declares and initializes two variables, adds them together, and stores the sum in a third variable:

int a = 3;
int b = 7;
int c = a + b;

Here’s the CIL that Microsoft’s C# compiler produces, with comments added by hand:

ldc.i4.3  // Load a 32-bit (i4) 3 onto the stack
stloc.0   // Store it in local variable 0 (a)
ldc.i4.7  // Load a 32-bit (i4) 7 onto the stack
stloc.1   // Store it in local variable 1 (b)
ldloc.0   // Load local variable 0 onto the stack
ldloc.1   // Load local variable 1 onto the stack
add       // Add the two and leave the sum on the stack
stloc.2   // Store the sum in local variable 2 (c)

As you can see, the CIL is pretty straightforward. What’s not obvious, however, is how the local variables a, b, and c (locals 0, 1, and 2 to the CLR) get allocated. The answer is through metadata. The compiler writes information into the method’s metadata noting that three local 32-bit integers are declared. The CLR retrieves the information and allocates memory for the locals before executing the method. If you disassemble the method with ILDASM, the metadata shows up as a compiler directive:

.locals init (int32 V_0, // Local variable 0 (a)
              int32 V_1, // Local variable 1 (b)
              int32 V_2) // Local variable 2 (c)

This is a great example of why metadata is so important to the CLR. It’s used not only to verify type safety, but also to prepare execution contexts. Incidentally, if a C# executable is compiled with a /DEBUG switch, ILDASM will display real variable names instead of placeholders such as V_0.

The .NET Framework SDK contains a document that describes the entire CIL instruction set in excruciating detail. I won’t clutter this chapter with a list of all the CIL instructions, but I will provide a table that lists some of the most commonly used instructions and describes them briefly.

Table 1-1. Common CIL Instructions




Converts a value type into a reference type


Calls a method; if the method is virtual, virtualness is ignored


Calls a method; if the method is virtual, virtualness is honored


Casts an object to another type


Loads a numeric constant onto the stack


Loads an argument or argument address [A] onto the stack


Loads an array element onto the stack


Loads a local variable or local variable address [A] onto the stack


Loads a string literal onto the stack


Creates a new array


Creates a new object


Returns from a method call


Copies a value from the stack to an argument


Copies a value from the stack to an array element


Transfers a value from the stack to a local variable


Throws an exception


Converts a reference type into a value type

The same ILDASM utility that lets you view metadata is also a fine CIL disassembler. For a demonstration, start ILDASM and use it to open one of the System.*.dll DLLs in the \%SystemRoot%Microsoft.NETFrameworkv1.0.nnnn directory. These DLLs belong to the .NET Framework class library. After opening the DLL, drill down into its namespaces and classes until you find a method you want to disassemble. Methods are easy to spot because they’re marked with magenta rectangles. Double-click the method and you’ll see its CIL, complete with compiler directives generated from the method’s metadata. Better still, ILDASM is a round-trip disassembler, meaning that you can pass the disassembled code to ILASM and reproduce the CIL that you started with.

When speaking to groups of developers about CIL, I’m often asked about intellectual property issues. If you and I can disassemble the FCL, what’s to prevent a competitor from disassembling your company’s product? Reverse-engineering CIL isn’t trivial, but it’s easier than reverse-engineering x86 code. And decompilers that generate C# source code from CIL are freely available on the Internet. So how do you protect your IP?

The short answer is—it depends. Code that runs only on servers—XML Web services, for example—isn’t exposed to users, so it can’t be disassembled unless someone breaches your firewall. Code distributed to end users can be scrambled with third-party code obfuscation utilities. Obfuscators can’t guarantee that no one can read your code, but they can make doing so harder. In the final analysis, someone who has physical access to your CIL and wants to reverse-engineer it badly enough will find a way to do it. If it’s any consolation, the Java community has grappled with this problem for years. There is no perfect solution other than sticking strictly to server-side apps.


You now know that compilers that target the .NET Framework produce managed modules and that managed modules contain CIL and metadata. But you might be surprised to learn that the CLR is incapable of using managed modules directly. That’s because the fundamental unit of security, versioning, and deployment in the .NET Framework is not the managed module but the assembly.

An assembly is a collection of one or more files grouped together to form a logical unit. The term “files” in this context generally refers to managed modules, but assemblies can include files that are not managed modules. Most assemblies contain just one file, but assemblies can and sometimes do include multiple files. All the files that make up a multifile assembly must reside in the same directory. When you use the C# compiler to produce a simple EXE, that EXE is not only a managed module, it’s an assembly. Most compilers are capable of producing managed modules that aren’t assemblies and also of adding other files to the assemblies that they create. The .NET Framework SDK also includes a tool named AL (Assembly Linker) that joins files into assemblies.

Multifile assemblies are commonly used to glue together modules written in different languages and to combine managed modules with ordinary files containing JPEGs and other resources. Multifile assemblies are also used to partition applications into discrete downloadable units, which can be beneficial for code deployed on the Internet. Imagine, for example, that someone with a dial-up connection wants to download a multi-megabyte application housed in a single-file assembly. Downloading the code could take forever. To mitigate the problem, you could divide the code into multiple files and make the files part of the same assembly. Because a module isn’t loaded unless it’s needed, the user won’t incur the cost of downloading the portions of the application that aren’t used. If you’re smart about how you partition the code, the bulk of the application might not have to be downloaded at all.

How does the CLR know which files belong to an assembly? One of the files in the assembly contains a manifest. Physically, the manifest is just more metadata; when a compiler creates a managed module that also happens to be an assembly, it simply writes the manifest into the module’s metadata. Logically, the manifest is a road map to the assembly’s contents. Its most important elements are

  • The assembly’s name

  • A list of the other files in the assembly, complete with cryptographic hashes of the files’ contents

  • A list of the data types exported from other files in the assembly and information mapping those data types to the files in which they’re defined

  • A version number in the format (for example, 1.0.3705.0)

The manifest can also include other information such as a company name, description, requested security permissions, and culture string. The latter identifies the assembly’s targeted culture (for example, “en-US” for “United States English”) and is typically used with so-called “satellite assemblies” that contain only resources. Figure 1-3 depicts a multifile assembly that consists of three managed modules and a JPEG file. Main.exe holds the manifest, and the manifest contains references to the other files. In the eyes of the file system, these are still separate files. But to the CLR, they’re one logical entity.

Multifile assembly.
Figure 1-3. Multifile assembly.

In the absence of information directing them to do otherwise, compilers produce assemblies that are weakly named. “Weakly named” means that the assembly is not cryptographically signed and that the CLR uses only the name stored in the assembly manifest (which is nothing more than the assembly’s file name without the file name extension) to identify the assembly. But assemblies can be strongly named. A strongly named assembly contains the publisher’s public key and a digital signature that’s actually a hash of the assembly manifest where the public key is stored.

The digital signature, which is generated with the publisher’s private key and can be verified with the public key, makes the assembly’s manifest (and, by extension, the assembly itself) tamperproof. A strongly named assembly’s identity derives from the assembly name, the public key, the version number, and the culture string, if present. Any difference, no matter how small, is sufficient to distinguish two otherwise identical assemblies.

The SDK’s AL utility can be used to create strongly named assemblies. Most language compilers, including the C# and Visual Basic .NET compilers, can also emit strongly named assemblies. It’s up to you whether to deploy weakly or strongly named assemblies. The right choice is dictated by the assemblies’ intended use. If an assembly is to be deployed in the global assembly cache (GAC)—a global repository used by assemblies designed to be shared by multiple applications—it must be strongly named.

An assembly must also be strongly named if you want to take advantage of version checking. When the CLR loads a weakly named assembly, it does no version checking. That can be good or bad. It’s good if you replace an old version of the assembly with a new one (perhaps one that has undergone bug fixes) and want applications that use the assembly to automatically use the new one. It’s bad if you’ve thoroughly tested the application against a specific version of the assembly and someone replaces the old assembly with a new one that’s riddled with bugs. That’s one symptom of the DLL Hell that Windows developers are all too familiar with. Strong naming can fix that. When the CLR loads a strongly named assembly, it compares the version number in the assembly to the version number that the application doing the loading was compiled against. (That information, not surprisingly, is recorded in the module’s metadata.) If the numbers don’t match up, the CLR throws an exception.

Strict version checking, of course, has pitfalls of its own. Suppose you elect to use strong naming, but later you find a bug in your assembly. You fix the bug and deploy the revised assembly. But guess what? Applications that use the assembly won’t load the new version unless you rebuild them. They’ll still load the old version, and if you delete the old version, the applications won’t run at all. The solution is to modify the CLR’s binding policy. It’s relatively simple for an administrator to point the CLR to a new version of a strongly named assembly by editing a configuration file. Of course, if the newer version has bugs, you’re right back to square one. That’s why you don’t let just anyone have administrator privileges.

Working with assemblies sounds pretty complicated—and at times, it is. Fortunately, if you’re not building shared assemblies or assemblies that link to other assemblies (other than the FCL, which, by the way, is a set of shared assemblies), most of the issues surrounding naming and binding fall by the wayside. You just run your compiler, copy the resulting assembly to a directory, and run it. Couldn’t be much simpler than that.

The .NET Framework Class Library

Windows programmers who code in C tend to rely on the Windows API and functions in third-party DLLs to get their job done. C++ programmers often use class libraries of their own creation or standard class libraries such as MFC. Visual Basic programmers use the Visual Basic API, which is an abstraction of the underlying operating system API.

Using the .NET Framework means you can forget about all these anachronistic APIs. You have a brand new API to learn, that of the .NET Framework class library, which is a library of more than 7,000 types—classes, structs, interfaces, enumerations, and delegates (type-safe wrappers around callback functions)—that are an integral part of the .NET Framework. Some FCL classes contain upward of 100 methods, properties, and other members, so learning the FCL isn’t a chore to be taken lightly. The bad news is that it’s like learning a brand new operating system. The good news is that every language uses the same API, so if your company decides to switch from Visual Basic to C++ or vice versa, the investment you make in learning the FCL isn’t lost.

To make learning and using the FCL more manageable, Microsoft divided the FCL into hierarchical namespaces. The FCL has about 100 namespaces in all. Each namespace holds classes and other types that share a common purpose. For example, much of the window manager portion of the Windows API is encapsulated in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. In that namespace you’ll find classes that represent windows, dialog boxes, menus, and other elements commonly used in GUI applications. A separate namespace called System.Collections holds classes representing hash tables, resizable arrays, and other data containers. Yet another namespace, System.IO, contains classes for doing file I/O. You’ll find a list of all the namespaces present in the FCL in the .NET Framework SDK’s online documentation. Your job as a budding .NET programmer is to learn about those namespaces. Fortunately, the FCL is so vast and so comprehensive that most developers will never have to tackle it all.

The following table lists a few of the FCL’s namespaces and briefly describes their contents. The term “et al” refers to a namespace’s descendants. For example, System.Data et al refers to System.Data, System.Data.Common, System.Data.OleDb, System.Data.SqlClient, and System.Data.SqlTypes.

Table 1-2. A Sampling of FCL Namespaces




Core data types and auxiliary classes


Hash tables, resizable arrays, and other containers

System.Data et al

ADO.NET data access classes


Classes for generating graphical output (GDI+)


Classes for performing file and stream I/O


Classes that wrap network protocols such as HTTP

System.Reflection et al

Classes for reading and writing metadata

System.Runtime.Remoting et al

Classes for writing distributed applications


Classes for writing Windows services


Classes for creating and managing threads


HTTP support classes


Classes for writing Web services


Classes for writing Web service clients


Core classes used by ASP.NET


ASP.NET server controls


Classes for GUI applications

System.Xml et al

Classes for reading and writing XML data

The first and most important namespace in the FCL—the one that every application uses—is System. Among other things, the System namespace defines the core data types employed by managed applications: bytes, integers, strings, and so on. When you declare an int in C#, you’re actually declaring an instance of System.Int32. The C# compiler recognizes int as a shortcut simply because it’s easier to write

int a = 7;

than it is to write

System.Int32 a = 7;

The System namespace is also home for many of the exception types defined in the FCL (for example, InvalidCastException) and for useful classes such as Math, which contains methods for performing complex mathematical operations; Random, which implements a pseudo-random number generator; and GC, which provides a programmatic interface to the garbage collector.

Physically, the FCL is housed in a set of DLLs in the \%SystemRoot%Microsoft.NETFrameworkv1.0.nnnn directory. Each DLL is an assembly that can be loaded on demand by the CLR. Core data types such as Int32 are implemented in Mscorlib.dll; other types are spread among the FCL DLLs. The documentation for each type lists the assembly in which it’s defined. That’s important, because if a compiler complains about an FCL class being an undefined type, you must point the compiler to the specific assembly that implements the class for you. The C# compiler uses /r [eference] switches to identify referenced assemblies.

Obviously, no one chapter (or even one book) can hope to cover the FCL in its entirety. You’ll become acquainted with many FCL classes as you work your way through this book. Chapter 3 kicks things off by introducing some of the FCL’s coolest classes and namespaces. For now, realize that the FCL is the .NET Framework API and that it’s an extraordinarily comprehensive class library. The more you use it, the more you’ll like it, and the more you’ll come to appreciate the sheer effort that went into putting it together.

Your First .NET Framework Application

If the information presented thus far in Chapter 1 seems hopelessly abstract, take heart: things are about to get concrete very quickly. It’s time to develop your first .NET Framework application. And what better way to start than by writing a managed version of "Hello, World“? To keep it simple, we’ll write a console application—one that runs in a command prompt window. That will keep the code as uncluttered as possible and allow us to focus on the issues that matter most.

Hello, World

Figure 11-4 lists the contents of Hello.cs, a C# source code file containing the .NET Framework version of “Hello, world.” To compile it, open a command prompt window, go to the directory where Hello.cs is stored, and type the following command:

csc /target:exe /out:Hello.exe Hello.cs

This command invokes the C# compiler and produces an executable named Hello.exe. The /target switch, which can be abbreviated /t, tells the compiler to produce a console application. Because a console application is the default, and because the default EXE file name is the name of the CS file, you can save wear and tear on your fingers by compiling the program with the command

csc Hello.cs

Once the compilation process is complete, run Hello.exe by typing hello at the command prompt. “Hello, world” should appear in the window, as shown in Figure 1-5.

Example 1-4. “Hello, world” in C#.


using System;

class MyApp
    static void Main ()
        Console.WriteLine ("Hello, world");
Output from Hello.exe.
Figure 1-5. Output from Hello.exe.

So what happened when you ran Hello.exe? First, a short x86 stub emitted by the compiler transferred control to the CLR. The CLR, in turn, located and called the program’s Main method, which compiled to three simple CIL instructions. The JIT compiler transformed the instructions into x86 machine code and executed them. Had you compiled and run the EXE on another type of machine, the same CIL instructions would have compiled to instructions native to the host processor.

Inside Hello.cs

Let’s talk about the code in Figure 11-4. For starters, every application has to have an entry point. For a C# application, the entry point is a static method named Main. Every C# application has one. Because C# requires that all methods belong to a type, in Hello.cs, Main is a member of MyApp. There’s nothing magic about the class name; you could name it Foo and it would work just the same. If an application contains multiple classes and multiple Main methods, a /main switch tells the C# compiler which class contains the Main method that’s the entry point.

The one and only statement in MyApp.Main is the one that writes “Hello, world” to the console window. If Hello were a standard Windows application written in C or C++, you’d probably use printf to write the output. But this isn’t a standard Windows application. It’s a .NET Framework application, and .NET Framework applications use the FCL to write to console windows. The FCL’s System namespace features a class named Console that represents console windows. Look up Console in the FCL reference, and you’ll find that it contains a static method named WriteLine that writes a line of text to the window (or to wherever standard output happens to point at the time).

The statement

using System;

at the beginning of the program is a syntactical simplification. Remember that the FCL contains more than 7,000 members divided into approximately 100 namespaces. Without the using directive, you’d have to qualify the reference to Console by prefacing the class name with the namespace name, as shown here:

System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello, world");

But with the using directive, you can abbreviate the reference by specifying only the class name. It’s not a big deal here, but when you write programs containing hundreds, perhaps thousands, of references to FCL classes, you’ll appreciate not having to type the namespace names over and over. Most languages support the using directive or an equivalent. In Visual Basic .NET, it’s called Imports.

What happens if two namespaces contain identically named classes and you use both of those classes in your application? Simple: you have to qualify the references one way or another. The following code won’t compile because both namespaces contain classes named ListBox:

using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
ListBox winLB = new ListBox (); // Create a Windows Forms ListBox
ListBox webLB = new ListBox (); // Create a Web Forms ListBox

Consequently, you have two choices. The first is to fully qualify the class names:

System.Windows.Forms.ListBox winLB =new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox ();
System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox webLB =
    new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox ();

The second is to use an alternative form of the using directive to create aliases for the fully qualified class names:

using winListBox = System.Windows.Forms.ListBox;
using webListBox = System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox;
winListBox winLB = new winListBox (); // Create a Windows Forms ListBox
webListBox webLB = new webListBox (); // Create a Web Forms ListBox

This example is admittedly contrived because you’ll probably never use a Web Forms ListBox and a Windows Forms ListBox in the same program (not for any reason I can think of, anyway). But the principle is valid just the same.

More About the Main Method

Hello’s Main method accepts no parameters and returns no data, but that’s just one of four different ways that you can prototype Main. All of the following are legitimate:

static void Main ()
static int Main ()
static void Main (string[] args)
static int Main (string[] args)

The args parameter is an array of strings containing the program’s command-line arguments. The string at index 0 is the first argument, the string at index 1 is the second, and so on. If you rewrote the program this way:

using System;

class MyApp
    static void Main (string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine ("Hello, " + args[0]);

and started it by typing hello .NET, the output from the program would be “Hello, .NET.” Use the form of Main that receives an args parameter if you want to accept command-line input in your program.

The modified form of Hello.cs in the previous paragraph has one little problem: if you run it without any command-line parameters, it throws an exception because the 0 in args[0] constitutes an invalid array index. To find out how many command-line parameters were entered, read the string array’s Length property, as in:

int count = args.Length;

This statement works because an array in the framework is an instance of System.Array, and System.Array defines a property named Length. You can use Length to determine the number of items in any array, no matter what type of data the array stores.

Inside Hello.exe

If you’d like to see Hello.exe as the CLR sees it, start ILDASM and open Hello.exe. You’ll see the window shown in Figure 1-6. The first red triangle represents the assembly manifest. Double-click it, and you’ll see a list of assemblies that this assembly depends on (“.assembly extern mscorlib”), as shown in Figure 1-7. You’ll also see the assembly name (“.assembly Hello”) and a list of the modules that make up the assembly. Because Hello.exe is a single-file assembly, it’s the only module that appears in the list.

ILDASM displaying the contents of Hello.exe.
Figure 1-6. ILDASM displaying the contents of Hello.exe.
Hello.exe’s manifest.
Figure 1-7. Hello.exe’s manifest.

ILDASM also reveals that Hello.exe contains a class named MyApp and that MyApp contains two methods: a constructor (.ctor) and Main. The constructor was generated automatically by the compiler; it’s a default constructor that takes no arguments. The “S” in the box next to Main indicates that Main is a static method. Double-clicking Main displays the CIL generated for that method by the C# compiler. (See Figure 1-8.) The statement


isn’t CIL but is simply a directive noting that this method is the program’s entry point. The entry point’s identity came from Hello.exe’s CLR header. Next, the statement

.maxstack 1

is information obtained from the method prologue—data bytes preceding the method in the CIL—indicating that this method requires no more than one slot in the CLR’s evaluation stack. The CLR uses this information to size the evaluation stack prior to invoking the method.

Main’s CIL consists of just three simple instructions:

  • A LDSTR instruction that places “Hello, world” on the evaluation stack

  • A CALL instruction that calls System.Console’s WriteLine method in Mscorlib

  • A RET instruction that ends the method

As you can see, it’s relatively easy to use ILDASM to figure out how a method works. Early .NET Framework developers spent copious amounts of time figuring out how the FCL works by poring over the CIL for individual methods.

The Main method disassembled.
Figure 1-8. The Main method disassembled.

The Big Picture

Hello.exe is a far cry from a full-blown Web service or an eBay-style Web app, but it’s an important beginning. Why? Because at the CLR level, all applications are created equal. Once you know how to write code that leverages the CLR, learning to write GUI applications, Web applications, and other .NET Framework application types is simply a matter of learning the programming models and getting to know your way around the FCL—which is precisely what the remainder of this book is about.

To summarize what you’ve learned so far: the .NET Framework is a platform for Web services and other kinds of applications. Applications that target the .NET Framework are managed applications. They’re made of CIL and metadata, and they’re JIT compiled at run time and executed by the CLR. Languages such as C# and Visual Basic .NET are syntactic tools for generating CIL. For the first time in programming history, language is unimportant because, at the end of the day, all languages exercise the same set of features in the CLR and FCL.

Ironically, the .NET Framework grew out of an effort by a lot of smart people at Microsoft to make COM programming easier. Little did they know that the solution they’d come up with wasn’t to fix what was broken, but to tear it down and start over again. That’s what the .NET Framework is: a new beginning. The sooner you can let go of the old ways of writing and executing code, the more quickly you’ll adapt to the .NET way.

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