How to do it...

Let's now see an example in which we've used the broadcast function. We have a root process of rank equal to 0 that shares its own data, variable_to_share, with the other processes defined in the communicator group:

  1. Let's import the mpi4py library:
from mpi4py import MPI 
  1. Now, let's define the communicator and the rank parameter:
rank = comm.Get_rank() 
  1. As far as the process of rank equal to 0 is concerned, we define the variable to be shared among the other processes:
if rank == 0: 
    variable_to_share = 100      
    variable_to_share = None 
  1. Finally, we define a broadcast, having the rank process equal to zero as its root:
variable_to_share = comm.bcast(variable_to_share, root=0) 
print("process = %d" %rank + " variable shared  = %d "    
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