Skills needed to make a program

Now, we will review our list of elements needed to make a successful game, and we will brainstorm the solutions to program each element. Taking time now to figure out how we want to solve the problem helps us create a program that works well once the pieces are put together.

Each player enters their name, and then places four items in their backpack. In order to get the player names into the computer, we will need to make a variable to hold the name of each player. We will use raw_input() to get the items and store the items in the computer:

Skills needed to make a program

Each player gets a chance to guess what is in the other player's backpack.

Remember our game Higher or Lower? This function will be like higher and lower. We will compare the first player's guesses to the items in the second player's backpack. We will need to use raw_input to do prompt the guesses. Then, we will need some if/elif/else logic to compare the guesses and give the user output. The output will be printed to the screen using print.

If the player guesses correctly, a message is printed, and one point is added to the score.

If the player guesses incorrectly, a different message is printed, and no points are added to the score.

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