Dead End

I started by refactoring to create a dependency injection seam [63797de]. The idea was to inject an HttpClient mock that would allow me to inspect the resulting argument to its execute() method in retrieve-Response(). To that end, I elevated the HttpClient instance to a class field initialized in the default constructor, which I now needed to make explicit. I then factored out a constructor that took an HttpClient instance as an argument and reworked the default constructor to chain to the new one, passing a fresh instance.

In writing the test to exploit the seam, I discovered that many of the methods of DefaultHttpClient and AbstractHttpClient, including the single-argument version of execute() that the code uses, are final, preventing override and therefore obviating the injection approach. Commit [03e0517] removed the new constructor but kept the new version of the default constructor and left the HttpClient instance as a field.

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