


About the Author

Part I: Principles and Practices of Testing

Chapter 1: Engineering, Craftsmanship, and First-Time Quality

Engineering and Craftsmanship

The Role of Craftsmanship in First-Time Quality

Practices Supporting Software Craftsmanship


Unit Testing under Code Checker Constraints

Unit Testing for Coverage

Chapter 2: Intent of Code

Where Did I Put That Intent?

Separating Intent from Implementation

A Simple Example That Makes You Think

Chapter 3: Where Do I Start?

An Approach to Testing

Understand Your Scope

A Conceptual Framework for Testing

State and Behavioral Testing

To Test or Not to Test

The Recipe

Test the “Happy Path”

Test the Alternate Paths

Test the Error Paths

Test the Data Permutations

Test the Defects

Chapter 4: Design and Testability

A Word on Design Paradigms

Encapsulation and Observability

Representational Encapsulation

Behavioral Encapsulation

Shades of Testing

Encapsulation, Observability and Testability

Coupling and Testability

Chapter 5: Testing Principles

Craft Your Tests Well

Couple Inputs to Outputs

Use a Naming Convention

Avoid Test Code in Production

Verify Intent over Implementation

Minimize Coupling

Prefer Minimal, Fresh, Transient Fixtures

Use Available Facilities

Prefer Complete over Partial Verification

Write Small Tests

Separate Your Concerns

Use Unique Values

Keep It Simple: Remove Code

Don’t Test the Framework

Don’t Test Generated Code

Sometimes Test the Framework

Part II: Testing and Testability Patterns

Chapter 6: The Basics

Bootstrapping Constructors

Testing Simple Getters and Setters

Share Constants

Locally Redefine

Temporarily Replace

Encapsulate and Override

Adjust Visibility

Verification by Injection

Chapter 7: String Handling

Verification by Containment

Verification by Pattern

Exact Verification by Value

Exact Verification with Formatted Results

Chapter 8: Encapsulation and Override Variations

Data Injection

Encapsulate Loop Conditions

Error Injection

Replace Collaborators

Use Existing No-Op Classes

Chapter 9: Adjusting Visibility

Packaging Tests with Code

Break It Down

Changing Access Levels

Test-Only Interfaces

Naming the Unnamed

Becoming friend-ly

Coerced Access via Reflection

Declarative Scope Changing

Chapter 10: Interlude: Revisiting Intent

Testing the Singleton Pattern

Singleton Intent

The Testing Strategy

Testing the Singleton Nature

Testing the Class Purpose

Discerning Intent

Chapter 11: Error Condition Verification

Check the Return Value

Verify the Exception Type

Verify the Exception Message

Verify the Exception Payload

Verify the Exception Instance

Thoughts on Exception Design

Chapter 12: Use Existing Seams

Direct Calls



Dependency Injection

Callbacks, Observers, Listeners, and Notifiers



Logging and Other Facilities of Last Resort

Chapter 13: Parallelism

A Brief Introduction to Threads and Race Conditions

Some History

Race Conditions


A Strategy for Race Condition Reproduction

Test the Thread Task Directly

Synchronize through Common Lock

Synchronize through Injection

Example: Injecting Synchronization through Logging

Use Supervisory Control

Statistical Verification

Debugger APIs

Part III: Worked Examples

Chapter 14: Test-Driven Java


First Functionality

Cutting the Cord

Moving to Multiples

Ghost Protocol

Dead End

Spy Craft

Exercising Options

Moving Downstream


Chapter 15: Legacy JavaScript

Getting Started


On Toothpaste and Testing

Scaling Up

Software Archeology




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