Engineering and Craftsmanship

One of the things that differentiates software engineering from other engineering disciplines is that we regularly and fully practice all aspects of the software construction process. Other types of engineers generally have interest and skills in their fields’ associated construction processes, but they rarely live them as a daily activity.

Automotive engineers may spend time on the assembly line, but they do not work it regularly. Civil engineers may supervise and inspect the building of bridges or buildings, but they spend little time driving rivets, pouring concrete, or stringing suspension cables. Probably the closest to software engineers’ total immersion might be the handful of test pilots who are also aeronautical engineers, in that they participate in design, construction, inspection, and verification of the craft they fly.

As a result of this renaissance approach to software, we tend to blur the lines between craft, engineering, and creative endeavor. Add to that a healthy dose of participation in the problem domain of our software, and it is no wonder that we entangle the concerns of our work. But what do I mean by that?

Professional software practitioners code, design, architect, test, measure, and analyze on multiple levels. Several of these activities clearly constitute engineering. The design and validation of others are also clearly engineering. But no matter how you cut it, the act of coding is an act of craftsmanship, of doing. We may “engineer” concurrently with the motions of our fingers on the keyboard, but we still exercise a craft.

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