
All authors say that they could not have written their books without the support of their partners in life. I did not appreciate the full meaning of that until going through the process myself. I really could not have brought this book to fruition without the continual support and encouragement of my wife, Jenny, from her patience with the time investment to the daily statement of, “I’ll clean up dinner. You go write.”

I would like to thank Greg Doench for his patience with a first-time author and his experienced guidance through the editorial process. The review feedback of Zee Spencer, Eric E. Meyer, and Jerry Eshbaugh helped me focus and refine the material to its current form; I hope I did their feedback justice.

Trent Richardson, author of the jQuery Timepicker Addon used as the subject of the worked example in Chapter 15, has been wonderfully enthusiastic and supportive of the efforts to bring the project under test. He has accepted all pull requests to date. As of this writing, the first release with tests just went live.

I have had the opportunity to coach and manage several teams over the years. You do not really know something until you know how to teach it. You all know who you are. Thank you for being my reason to grow.

The authors of many articles in Dr. Dobbs’ Journal and Software Development magazine stimulated my early thinking on test-early approaches. Eric E. Meyer, Jean-Pierre Lejacq, and Ken Faw showed me the disciplined ways of TDD. Many of my formative opportunities occurred with or through Christopher Beale. Our careers have intertwined, including our work with Joe Dionise; much of my early design and architecture experience was forged under their mentorship.

Finally, two professors have unknowingly had a strong influence that culminated in this book. Professor Lee, formerly of the University of Michigan in the early 1990s, showed me that computer science could be more than just a hobby. In my first class of my master’s program, Professor Janusz Laski of Oakland University introduced me to formal verification and static and dynamic analysis methods, instrumental in my understanding and advocacy of tools to support the software-development process.

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