The Role of Craftsmanship in First-Time Quality

Craftsmanship connotes skill. The skill with which we code affects the outcome of what we do. No matter how much we architect, design, or conceive our software, a poor implementation can undermine it all.

Traditionally, we relied on verification by our own attention or that of a quality assurance group to manually make sure the software behaved correctly. A developer once said to me, “I write my code, then I train it to do the right thing.” While I lauded the underlying attentiveness to ultimate correctness, that statement also communicates a lack of intention for or attention to the initial product. The punch line came when he spent a week changing some core code in a complicated system and asked for three weeks to test the result.

Lean manufacturing operates under a principle of building the quality into a product. Rework is a form of waste to be eliminated from the system.3 Writing software so you can rewrite it or patch it once the bugs are found is rework.

3. There are many references on Lean, the Toyota Production System, and waste (or muda) in that context. An accessible place to start is

Testing software that should be correct can be seen as wasteful. Given that we have not figured out how to create software without defects, some degree of post-coding testing is required. However, testing it more than once is clearly inefficient, which is what happens when a defect is found, fixed, and retested.

Another form of waste is inventory, which can be seen as opportunity cost. Time spent fixing bugs is time during which the correctly written parts of the software have not been delivered and are therefore not delivering customer or business value. That time is also time in which a developer could have been working on other valuable activities, including professional development.

Improving the craftsmanship aspect of your work pays you and your company back with multipliers. It allows you to deliver more value with less waste in less time and with greater opportunity for personal satisfaction.

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