Declarative Scope Changing

Some of the more dynamic languages—I have used this with Perl in particular—allow you to declaratively change the scope of a block of code, much like reflection-base coercion. Although this features carries great potential for evil if you use it to pry open other people’s encapsulation, we use it only for good. It leverages the general principle of using the rules of packages to give tests access to the code they are testing, doing so in a more targeted and purposeful way.

Let’s look at an example using the Class::Std module for Perl object-oriented development (Listing 9-13). Class::Std lets you ascribe methods with traits that represent their visibility, much like the protected and private keywords in Java and C++. Using Class::Std, you use the RESTRICTED and PRIVATE traits, respectively. Class::Std uses Perl’s dynamic reflection capabilities to intercept calls to these methods and to ensure the calls come from the appropriate scope, either from the class in which they are declared or, in the case of RESTRICTED, from a class derived from that class.

Listing 9-13: A class with a private method using Class::Std in Perl

package My::Class;
use Class::Std;
  sub some_internal_method : PRIVATE
    # Do something the world need not see

If some_internal_method is sufficiently complex, it is best tested by itself rather than only through its callers. Its declaration as PRIVATE makes this difficult . . . unless we use our new trick (Listing 9-14).

Listing 9-14: Using declarative scope changing to test the code in Listing 9-10

package My::Test::Class;
use base qw(Test::Unit::TestCase);
sub test_some_internal_method {
  my $self = shift;
  my $sut = My::Class->new();
  my $result;

    package My::Class;

    $result = $sut->some_internal_method();

  # Assert something about $result

The package declaration within the test fools Class::Std into thinking that some_internal_method is being called from its own class. The surrounding braces let us restrict the declarative relocation only to the narrow scope of our call like good code citizens. Even if we choose to violate encapsulation for testability, we only do it for the minimum duration for which we need it.

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