Appendix A. Project List

This appendix contains the list of projects in the RESTful Web Clients GitHub repository. You can use this as a cross-reference back to the code examples in the book. This is accurate as of the release date of the book.

You can also use this as a standalone guide to the repository itself. However, over time, this list might become outdated and the best source will be the repository itself. So it will be a good idea to keep an eye on the repository for any additions/updates.

Chapter 1, Our HTML Roots and Simple Web APIs

Chapter 2, JSON Clients

Chapter 3, The Representor Pattern

Chapter 4, HAL Clients

Chapter 5, The Challenge of Reusable Client Apps

No repositories for this chapter.

Chapter 6, Siren Clients

Chapter 7, Versioning and the Web

No repositories for this chapter.

Chapter 8, Collection+JSON Clients

Chapter 9, Hypermedia and Microservices

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