
I would like to thank the many people who helped make this book possible. First, to the wonderful team at Pearson, especially Laura Lewin, Olivia Basegio, and Songlin Qiu. You have made this a truly enjoyable experience.

Next, to my technical reviewers, Joel Martinez, Dr. Michael Gourlay, and Budi Purnomo, for your time and expert advice. Your insights have made this book so much better. A special thanks to Michael Gourlay, who contributed the code for the Runtime Type Information (RTTI) and Factory discussions.

I would also like to thank my students and colleagues at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy, especially Nick Zuccarello, Brian Salisbury, and Brian Maricle, who contributed 3D models and textures.

Finally, to my wife Janette, who not only provided a seemingly infinite supply of encouragement and patience, but also contributed more than a few of the illustrations.

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