
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


10% rule, The Ten Percent Rule


accidental rebels, Accidental Rebels
corporate social responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility Rebels
defined, Glossary
patient advocate rebels, Patient-Advocate Rebels
adelante, Glossary
advocacy versus obsession, Retreating: Give Yourself a Break
alienating colleagues, fear of, Alienating Colleagues
alliances, Build a Rebel Alliance
(see also rebel alliance)
surprising, Build a Rebel Alliance
disagreements and, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
early warning signs of, Anger will always be there
in conflict, When You’re Mad as Hell
managing, techniques for, When You’re Mad as Hell, When You’re Mad as Hell
paradox of, Anger will always be there
ass-talking, Navigating the Organizational Landscape, Glossary
assumptions, cleansing, Cleanse Your Assumptions
Athena trap, Glossary


bad rebels, Am I Becoming a Bad Rebel?Questions to Ponder
avoiding bad rebel behavior, Avoiding Bad Rebel Behavior, Ways to Avoid Bad Rebel Behavior
being an idea carrier, not an idea warrior, 3. Be an Idea Carrier, Not an Idea Warrior
finding your true rebel calling, 5. Find Your True Rebel Calling
keeping your sense of humor, 2. Keep Your Sense of Humor
not playing the hero, 4. Don’t Play the Hero
playing within the rules, 1. Play Within the Rules
bad rebel doing good, Avoiding Bad Rebel Behavior
defined, Glossary
rebel arc, Am I Becoming a Bad Rebel?
versus good rebels, Good Rebels, Great Work, What Motivates Rebels
Barra, Mary, In a World Without Rebels
BBBs (see bureaucratic black belts)
benevolent bureaucrats, Benevolent bureaucrats, Glossary
bosses (see managers)
bureaucracy versus order, Rebels Want Change That Really Matters
bureaucratic black belts (BBBs), Bureaucratic black belts, Glossary
types of, Work Politics: Four Types of People You May Meet
benevolent bureaucrats, Benevolent bureaucrats
bureaucratic black belts (BBBs), Bureaucratic black belts
summary, Wind surfers
tugboat pilots, Tugboat pilots
wind surfers, Wind surfers
understanding their roles and befriending them, Which Relationships Are Especially Important?
burnout, A Guide to Rebel Self-Care
business cycles, What are the business cycles?


career limiting moves, Glossary
Central Intelligence Agency (see CIA)
adaptive change for organizations, Don’t Expect Rebels to Have All the Details
organizational habits that enable change, creating, Create Organizational Habits that Enable Change
Character Strengths and Virtues (Peterson and Seligman), Lean on Your Strengths
Chödron, Pema, Resetting: Determine the Next Step
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), Show What’s at Stake
heretic at, Dealing with Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
involuntary sabbatical from being a rebel, Resetting: Determine the Next Step
women and minorities at, Being Different
coaching rebels, Beyond General Coaching
collaborative decision making, perils of, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas
communicating your ideas, Communicating Your IdeasQuestions to Ponder, Communicating Your Ideas
being positive and pithy, Be Positive and Pithy
building support, Build Support
ten percent rule, The Ten Percent Rule
gauging reaction to your ideas, Gauging the Reaction to Your Ideas
important elements of, Communicating Your Ideas
painting a picture, Paint a Picture
showing that the idea can really work, Show That the Idea Can Really Work
showing what’s at stake, Show What’s at Stake
when people don’t like your idea, What If They Don’t Like Your Idea?
complaints, Glossary
anger in, When You’re Mad as Hell
defined, Three Stages of Conflict
fear of, Having to Deal with Conflict
managing, Managing ConflictQuestions to Ponder
controversy, Controversy: Considering Ideas
disagreement, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
fighting about ideas, Conflict: Fighting About Ideas
meanness and getting things done, Managing Conflict
stages of conflict, Three Stages of Conflict
types of conflict, Managing Conflict
using productively, Who Are These Good Rebels?
value of, …But That Doesn’t Mean We Like It
conflict of values, Managing Conflict
consensus, building, When You Are in the Arena (AKA the Meeting), Glossary
controversy, Three Stages of Conflict, Controversy: Considering Ideas
benefits of having mastered organizational landscape, Here’s Where Your Work Pays Off
defined, Glossary
necessary for change, Controversy Is Necessary for Change…
productive use of, teaching rebels, Help rebels use controversy productively
rebel strategies for managing, Here’s Where Your Work Pays Off
don’ts, Some Rebel Don’ts
making controversial meetings productive, Making Controversial Meetings Productive
value of, …But That Doesn’t Mean We Like It
what you’ll gain from productive discussions, What You’ll Gain
coporate social responsibility rebels, Corporate Social Responsibility Rebels
“Counseling Gifted Adults”, Working Ahead
credibility, gaining, Gaining CredibilityQuestions to Ponder
building a rebel alliance, Build a Rebel Alliance
doing your homework, Show That the Idea Can Really Work
increasing your trustworthiness, Increasing Our Trustworthiness
understanding your boss, Understanding Your Boss
listening closely to pick up important signals, Listen Closely to Pick Up Important Signals
showing respect, R-E-S-P-E-C-T
worries your boss may have, What Worries Your Boss?
with practicality of your ideas, Paint a realistic picture
credit for your ideas, not getting, Someone Else Taking Credit
culture of organizational silence, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas


dark side, flirting with, Glossary
deals, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
deception, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
decision makers in organizations, How Are Decisions Made?
understanding their perspectives, What’s Their Perspective?
decision making
consensus building and, When You Are in the Arena (AKA the Meeting)
understanding for your organization, Decision Making
deflection, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
delay, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
denial, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
Design to Survive (Mastors), Patient-Advocate Rebels
destroy tactic, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
differences of rebels, Being Different
Puerto Rican woman in the CIA, Being Different
disagreement, Three Stages of Conflict
constructive, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
disagreeing without being disagreeable, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
making it safe for rebels to disagree, Make It Safe to Disagree
managing when you’re leading a meeting, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
discomfort, Glossary
discounting, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
discrediting, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
discretionary energy, Glossary
diversity, organizations and, Being Different
dividing a group over controversial issues, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
doubt, Dealing with Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
(see also fear, uncertainty, and doubt, dealing with)
fears versus, Dealing with the Devils of Self-Doubt
overcoming self-doubt, Dealing with the Devils of Self-Doubt
Ds, ten Ds to stop your idea, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
dulcifying, or appeasing, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea


Eastman Kodak, In a World Without Rebels
as motivator of human behavior, Show What’s at Stake
taking personal emotion out of a statement, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
empathy, importance in developing good relationships, Empathize: What’s it like to be them?
ending well (controversial meetings), Ending well
energy, discretionary (see discretionary energy)
environment, changing to get away from doubt, Change Your Environment
ethnic, gender, and minority differences of rebels, Being Different
existing frames or views, Show What’s at Stake


failure, dealing with, Resetting: Determine the Next Step
questions for a prospective boss, Finding the Right Boss
fear, uncertainty, and doubt, dealing with, Dealing with Fear, Uncertainty, and DoubtQuestions to Ponder
fears that can hold you back, Ten Fears That Can Hold You Back
alienating colleagues, Alienating Colleagues
having to deal with conflict, Having to Deal with Conflict
hurting your chances of promotion, Hurting Your Chances of Being Promoted
hurting your reputation, Hurting Your Reputation
implementing your ideas, Now Go Make This Happen
looking stupid, Looking Stupid
losing your job, Losing Your Job
presenting to senior management, Presenting to Senior Management
someone else taking credit, Someone Else Taking Credit
upsettng your boss or senior managers, Upsetting Your Boss (or the Powers That Be)
self-doubt, Dealing with the Devils of Self-Doubt
getting away from by changing your environment, Change Your Environment
overcoming by cleansing your assumptions, Cleanse Your Assumptions
overcoming by identifying your give-up line, Identify Your “Give-Up” Line
overcoming by leaning on your strengths, Lean on Your Strengths
top rebel fears, Top 10 Rebel Fears
Fisher, Robert, Empathize: What’s it like to be them?
flirting with the dark side, Glossary
frames or views, existing, Show What’s at Stake
framing, guidelines for, Guidelines for Framing
Fredrickson, Barbara, Generating optimism, a rebel’s greatest asset
friends, finding at work, Finding friends at work
future thinkers, Three Common Rebel Tendencies
allowing present thinkers to implement your ideas, Someone Else Taking Credit
rebels engaging in past, present, and future thinking, Being a Future Thinker


gaining credibility (see credibility, gaining)
GBS (Guillain-Barré Syndrome), Patient-Advocate Rebels
General Motors recall (2014), In a World Without Rebels
getting things under control, Glossary
give-up line, Glossary
identifying yours, Identify Your “Give-Up” Line
Giver, The, In a World Without Rebels
giving up on your idea, Giving Up on Your Idea
Glass, Philip, Resetting: Determine the Next Step
goals and vision
aligning your ideas with organizational goals, Who Are These Good Rebels?
defining clearly for an organization, Be Very Clear About Success
knowledge of, for your organization, Goals and Vision
good rebels
bad rebels versus, Good Rebels, Great Work, What Motivates Rebels
characteristics of, Preface, Good Rebels, Great Work
defined, Glossary
from birth, Good Rebel from Birth?
tactics and behaviors of, Who Are These Good Rebels?
Gordon, Ruth, Cleanse Your Assumptions
groupthink, In a World Without Rebels
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), Patient-Advocate Rebels


Harvard Negotiation Project, Empathize: What’s it like to be them?
heroism, Glossary
avoiding playing the hero, 4. Don’t Play the Hero
boss not making the rebel a hero, Relationships, Messengers, and Heroes
How might we? questions, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
humor and laughter, importance of, 2. Keep Your Sense of Humor
Hunnicutt, Benjamin, Don’t Let Work Consume You


aligning with organizational goals, Who Are These Good Rebels?
being an idea carrier, not an idea warrior, 3. Be an Idea Carrier, Not an Idea Warrior
manager stealing your ideas, R-E-S-P-E-C-T
positioning, organizational values and, What Is Most Valued?
presentation of, teaching rebels, Show rebels how to present ideas
too far ahead of their time, The Ten Percent Rule
images, using to communicate ideas, Be Positive and Pithy
Immunity to Change model, Cleanse Your Assumptions
implementing your ideas, fear of failure in, Now Go Make This Happen
importance or urgency of your idea, ratings on, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
innovation, Glossary
innovative versus thoughtful, 5. Find Your True Rebel Calling
inspirational sayings
on who rebels are, One-Line Inspirations
on why rebels are needed, One-Line Inspirations
insubordination, Losing Your Job
interpersonal conflict, Managing Conflict
involuntary three-year sabbatical (from being a rebel), Resetting: Determine the Next Step


Keegan, Robert, Cleanse Your Assumptions


Lahey, Lisa, Cleanse Your Assumptions
leaning on your strengths, Lean on Your Strengths
leaving your organization, Leaving Your Organization
Lewis, C.S., Finding friends at work
lizard brain, Anger will always be there
defined, Glossary
looking stupid, fear of, Looking Stupid
losing your job, fear of, Losing Your Job


fear of upsetting your boss or senior managers, Upsetting Your Boss (or the Powers That Be)
learning what your boss likes and dislikes, Upsetting Your Boss (or the Powers That Be)
finding a supportive boss or influential mentor, It’s easier with a supportive boss
finding the right boss, Finding the Right Boss
past, present, and future thinkers, communicating your ideas to, Being a Future Thinker
presenting to senior management, fear of, Presenting to Senior Management
suppressing good ideas, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas
understanding your boss, Understanding Your Boss
showing respect, R-E-S-P-E-C-T
strategies to reduce bosses’ fears, What Worries Your Boss?
what they say and what they really mean, Listen Closely to Pick Up Important Signals
worries of your boss, What Worries Your Boss?
managing a rebel, Give This Chapter to Your BossQuestions to Ponder
art of, The Art of Managing Rebels
beyond general coaching, Beyond General Coaching
guiding a rebel on the next steps, Guide rebels on the next steps
helping a rebel to understand organizational landscape, Help them understand the organizational landscape
helping a rebel to use controversy productively, Help rebels use controversy productively
more things to never say to a rebel, No Lip Service
no lip service, No Lip Service
showing a rebel how to present ideas, Show rebels how to present ideas
teaching a rebel to be prepared, Teach rebels to be prepared
creating the right work environment, Creating the Right Work Environment
defining success clearly, Be Very Clear About Success
making it safe to disagree, Make It Safe to Disagree
not expecting rebels to have all the details, Don’t Expect Rebels to Have All the Details
organizational habits that enable change, Create Organizational Habits that Enable Change
overcoming your biases, Beware Your Biases
relationships, messengers, and heroes, Relationships, Messengers, and Heroes
giving rebels the right work, Give Rebels the Right Work
positions for understanding the organization, Positions for Understanding the Organization
real work, Real Work, Not Innovation Task Forces
thorniest problems, The Thorniest Problems
motivations of rebels, What Motivates Rebels
caring more about work, They Care More About Work Than Most
wanting change that really matters, Rebels Want Change That Really Matters
signals you’re sending to your team, What Signals Are You Sending to Your Team?
things to never say to a rebel, What Signals Are You Sending to Your Team?
worth the effort, Are Rebels Worth the Effort?
Mastors, Pat, Patient-Advocate Rebels
Mead, Margaret, Build Support
meanness and getting things done, Managing Conflict
as arenas for conflict, When You Are in the Arena (AKA the Meeting)
discussion, After presenting your idea
ending well, Ending well
explaining the focus of the meeting, Explain the focus of the meeting
ground rules for good conduct, Establish some ground rules
what you’ll gain, What You’ll Gain
controversial, making them productive, Making Controversial Meetings Productive
disagreements, handling, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
encouraging expression of honest opinions, Make It Safe to Disagree
messengers, rebels as, Relationships, Messengers, and Heroes, Afterword
milestones in achieving your idea, Show That the Idea Can Really Work
Milliken, Frances, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas
minorities, thinking style and, Being Different
mistakes of rebels, Top 10 Rebel Mistakes
Morrison, Elizabeth, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas
Myself Among Others (Gordon), Cleanse Your Assumptions


NASA, Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, In a World Without Rebels
negativity, Am I Becoming a Bad Rebel?
negotiation, core skills in, Empathize: What’s it like to be them?
1984 (Orwell), In a World Without Rebels


obsession, Am I Becoming a Bad Rebel?
retreating from, Retreating: Give Yourself a Break
opposition tactics to stop your idea, Opposition Tactics: The 10 Ds to Try to Stop Your Idea
defined, Glossary
generating, Generating optimism, a rebel’s greatest asset
believing that you can succeed, Generating optimism, a rebel’s greatest asset
order versus bureaucracy, Rebels Want Change That Really Matters
organizational culture
and rebels’ chances of promotion, It depends on the organizational culture
examining, Finding the Right Boss
organizational environment, navigating, Navigating the Organizational LandscapeQuestions to Ponder, How Well Do You Know Your Organization?Assessing Timing
assessing timing, Assessing Timing
avoiding organizational traps, Ways to Avoid Organizational Traps
preparing, not improvising, Don’t Improvise
saying thank you, Say Thank You
scaring people, Don’t Improvise
benefits of, Here’s Where Your Work Pays Off
business cycles, What are the business cycles?
decision making, How Are Decisions Made?, Decision Making
determining what is most valued, What Is Most Valued?
developing especially important relationships, Which Relationships Are Especially Important?
developing good relationships, Developing Good Relationships
empathy for people with different perspectives, Empathize: What’s it like to be them?
goals and vision, Goals and Vision
helping a rebel understand the organizational landscape, Help them understand the organizational landscape
resource allocation for new projects, How are resources allocated for new projects?
understanding perspectives of decision makers, What’s Their Perspective?
why people say no, Why Do People Say No?
work politics and types of people you may meet, Work Politics: Four Types of People You May Meet
organizational silence, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas
“Organizational Silence: A Barrier to Change and Development in a Pluralistic World,”, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas
Orwell, George, In a World Without Rebels


painting a picture, Paint a Picture
realistically, Paint a realistic picture
past thinkers, Being a Future Thinker
rebels at work, Being a Future Thinker
patient advocate rebels, Patient-Advocate Rebels
focusing on ideas instead of, Who Are These Good Rebels?
phrasing questions to avoid focus on, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
perspective taking, What’s Their Perspective?, Respect other views
pessimism, Am I Becoming a Bad Rebel?
Peterson, Christopher, Lean on Your Strengths
positive and pithy communications, Be Positive and Pithy
Positivity (Fredrickson), Generating optimism, a rebel’s greatest asset
doing your homework, Show That the Idea Can Really Work
for controversial meetings, Be prepared, and get help from allies
teaching rebels to be prepared, Teach rebels to be prepared
present thinkers, Being a Future Thinker
rebels at work, Being a Future Thinker
presenting ideas
fear of presenting ideas to senior management, Presenting to Senior Management
showing rebels how to, Show rebels how to present ideas
pretending you can, Cleanse Your Assumptions
Prober, Paula, Working Ahead
making controversial meetings productive, Making Controversial Meetings Productive
rebels and, Increasing Our Trustworthiness
promotion, chances of, Hurting Your Chances of Being Promoted
dependence on organizational culture, It depends on the organizational culture
finding a supportive boss, It’s easier with a supportive boss
improving by engaging in good rebel practices, It’s easier if you engage in good rebel practices
public speaking, fear of, Presenting to Senior Management
Puerto Rican woman in the CIA, Being Different


asking good questions, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
for resetting your perspective, Resetting: Determine the Next Step
looking stupid, asking questions and, Looking Stupid
quitting, Knowing When to Quit
deciding whether to stay or go, Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?
finding the right boss in the future, Finding the Right Boss
giving up on your ideas, Giving Up on Your Idea
leaving your organization, Leaving Your Organization


reaction to your ideas, gauging, Gauging the Reaction to Your Ideas
rebel alliance
building, Build a Rebel Alliance
approaches to, Build a Rebel Alliance
surprising alliances, Build a Rebel Alliance
communicatng your idea to, Build Support
defined, Glossary
rebel arc, Glossary
rebel calling, Glossary
rebel self-care (see self-care for rebels, guide to)
rebel takeoff point, Glossary
rebel win, Glossary
rebels at work
bad versus good rebels, Good Rebels, Great Work
defined, Glossary
fears that can hold you back, Ten Fears That Can Hold You Back
finding your true rebel calling, 5. Find Your True Rebel Calling
makings of, What Makes Me a Rebel at Work?Questions to Ponder
accidental rebels, Accidental Rebels
careful rebel, Good Rebel from Birth?
characteristics of rebels, What Makes Me a Rebel at Work?
common rebel tendencies, Three Common Rebel Tendencies
good rebels from birth, Good Rebel from Birth?
life stages and being a rebel, Rebels Along the Way
patient advocate rebels, Patient-Advocate Rebels
realizing you’re a rebel, Good Rebel from Birth?
many contexts and roles, examples of, Who Are These Good Rebels?
mistakes, top ten, Top 10 Rebel Mistakes
public sector rebels, learning bureaucratic ropes, Say Thank You
qualities they bring to the work, Are Rebels Worth the Effort?
rebels without a cause, Show That the Idea Can Really Work
recommended reading for, Recommended Rebel Reading
resasons for stepping up, Somebody Do Something
tactics and behaviors of successful rebels, Who Are These Good Rebels?
ways to be more effective, 20 Ways to Be a More Effective Rebel
world without rebels, dangers of, In a World Without Rebels
Rebels at Work community, How to Use This Handbook
rebels, outside organizations, need for, Afterword
bosses with rebels, Relationships, Messengers, and Heroes
developing good relationships in an organization, Developing Good Relationships
identifying especially important relationships in an organization, Which Relationships Are Especially Important?
reputation, harming
fears about, Hurting Your Reputation
obsession with your ideas, Retreating: Give Yourself a Break
resistance to new ideas, why people say no, The Five Whys
respecting other views, Respect other views
showing respect for your bosses, R-E-S-P-E-C-T
showing to increase trustworthiness, Increasing Our Trustworthiness
retreating, resetting, and restoring resiliency (three Rs), The Three Rs of Rebel Self-Care, Glossary
resetting, Resetting: Determine the Next Step
involuntary three-year sabbatical, Resetting: Determine the Next Step
restoring resiliency, Resiliency: Find the Strength You Need
finding friends at work, Finding friends at work
generating optimism, Generating optimism, a rebel’s greatest asset
leaning on our strengths, Leaning on our strengths
retreating, Retreating: Give Yourself a Break
rewards and risks, evaluating for your ideas, Show What’s at Stake, Hurting Your Reputation
riot act, reading to established powers, Reading the Riot Act
as a wake up call, A wake-up call
formulating a rebel riot act, Formulating a rebel riot act
risk, uncertainty versus, What Worries Your Boss?
Rs (three) (see retreating, resetting, and restoring resiliency)


Sakichi Toyoda, The Five Whys
self-care for rebels, guide to, A Guide to Rebel Self-CareQuestions to Ponder
knowing when to quit, Knowing When to Quit
deciding whether to stay or go, Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?
finding the right boss, Finding the Right Boss
giving up on your ideas, Giving Up on Your Idea
leaving your organization, Leaving Your Organization
not letting work consume you, Don’t Let Work Consume You
people versus work, importance of, Work Is Not More Important Than People
three Rs of rebel self-care, The Three Rs of Rebel Self-Care
resetting, Resetting: Determine the Next Step
resiliency, Resiliency: Find the Strength You Need
retreating, Retreating: Give Yourself a Break
warning signs that you need a break, Heed the Warning Signs
self-doubt, Dealing with the Devils of Self-Doubt
overcoming by changing your environment, Change Your Environment
overcoming by cleansing your assumptions, Cleanse Your Assumptions
overcoming by identifying your give-up line, Identify Your “Give-Up” Line
overcoming by pretending you can, Cleanse Your Assumptions
Seligman, Martin, Lean on Your Strengths
showing how your idea can work, Show That the Idea Can Really Work
silence, organizational, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas
Sirois, Maria, Leaning on our strengths
social responsibility, corporate, Corporate Social Responsibility Rebels
someone else taking credit for your ideas, fear of, Someone Else Taking Credit
Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, In a World Without Rebels
strengths, Lean on Your Strengths
determining, Lean on Your Strengths
leaning on, Leaning on our strengths
Stroh, Linda, Increasing Our Trustworthiness
strong hand at the controls, Glossary
structural conflicts, Managing Conflict
subordinates, negative feedback from, Organizational Silence: We Don’t Really Want Your Ideas
successful rebels, tactics and behaviors of, Who Are These Good Rebels?
support, building, Build Support
ideas too far ahead of their time, The Ten Percent Rule
ten percent rule, The Ten Percent Rule
surprising alliances, Build a Rebel Alliance
Szymanski, Boleslaw, The Ten Percent Rule


ten percent rule, The Ten Percent Rule
tendencies (common), of rebels, Three Common Rebel Tendencies
being a future thinker, Being a Future Thinker
being different, Being Different
working ahead, Working Ahead
that which refuses to budge, Glossary
thinking styles, Being a Future Thinker, Someone Else Taking Credit
determining a person’s style, Being a Future Thinker
thinking profile of rebels at work, Being a Future Thinker
thoughtful versus innovative, 5. Find Your True Rebel Calling
three Rs (see retreating, resetting, and restoring resiliency)
throwing rebels under the bus, In a World Without Rebels, Managing Conflict
timing, assessing for change ideas, Assessing Timing
Tolkien, J.R.R., Finding friends at work
Toyota Motor Corporation, The Five Whys
fear of being seen as, Losing Your Job, Hurting Your Reputation
rebels versus, Rebels Want Change That Really Matters
trustworthiness, increasing, Increasing Our Trustworthiness
behaviors that predict trustworthiness, Increasing Our Trustworthiness
tugboat pilots, Tugboat pilots


uncertainty, Dealing with Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
(see also fear, uncertainty, and doubt, dealing with)
risk versus, What Worries Your Boss?
upsetting your boss, fear of, Upsetting Your Boss (or the Powers That Be)


values, conflict of, Managing Conflict
visual metaphors of what’s at stake, Be Positive and Pithy


way things have always been, Glossary
Weber, Max, Work Politics: Four Types of People You May Meet
what, not who, focusing on, Some Rebel Don’ts
what’s at stake, showing, Show What’s at Stake
common categories of messages, Show What’s at Stake
in controversial meetings, Show the so-what
using visual metaphors, Be Positive and Pithy
When Things Fall Apart (Chödron), Resetting: Determine the Next Step
why questions, avoiding during disagreements, Disagreement: Talking About Ideas
Williston, Samuel, Empathize: What’s it like to be them?
wind surfers, Wind surfers
women, thinking style and, Being Different
creating the right environment for rebels, Creating the Right Work Environment
defining success clearly, Be Very Clear About Success
making it safe to disagree, Make It Safe to Disagree
not expecting rebels to have all the details, Don’t Expect Rebels to Have All the Details
organizational habits that enable change, Create Organizational Habits that Enable Change
overcoming your biases, Beware Your Biases
relationships, messengers, and heroes, Relationships, Messengers, and Heroes
finding friends at, Finding friends at work
giving rebels the right work, Give Rebels the Right Work
positions for understanding the organization, Positions for Understanding the Organization
real work, Real Work, Not Innovation Task Forces
thorniest problems, The Thorniest Problems
not letting work consume you, Don’t Let Work Consume You, Heed the Warning Signs
people versus work, importance of, Work Is Not More Important Than People
rebels caring more about, They Care More About Work Than Most
work politics, four types of people you may meet, Work Politics: Four Types of People You May Meet
working ahead, Working Ahead
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