Appendix 12: Sample records transfer instruction and forms for staff

How to transfer semi-current records to the Archive

1 Introduction

The Gallery’s Archive store is primarily for the storage of records which have been identified for permanent preservation. It may also be used for the storage of semi-current records where these records cannot be maintained within departments.

What are semi-current records?

Semi-current records are those records which are no longer required by the department for frequent reference, but need to be maintained in the medium term because they have ongoing financial, administrative or legal value.

What happens to the records after transfer?

Semi-current records transferred to the Archive will be processed and managed by Gallery Records staff. This means they will be assigned a retention/review period and logged on to the department’s Records database.

Which semi-current records can be transferred to the Archive?

Semi-current records can only be transferred to the Archive where the transfer has been agreed with the Gallery Records staff. Records transferred must be in hard-copy (i.e. paper) format. Please do not send any records in digital format – i.e. CDs, DVDs etc. The Gallery currently has no provision for the long-term preservation of such records. If you want to retain the content of records stored in digital format you will need to print to paper and transfer the hard copy.

Can records be retrieved by departments after transfer?

Yes, once records have been transferred to the Archive they can be retrieved by departments on demand.

2 How to transfer material: what do I do?

image Contact Gallery Records staff – to discuss and agree details of transfer. Please do not send any unsolicited material. Records received by Gallery Records staff without prior agreement will be returned.

image Order boxes – semi-current records will only be accepted for transfer if they are packed into boxes supplied by Gallery Records staff (other boxes/files do not fit on Archive shelves). Once the transfer has been agreed, you will need to estimate how many records transfer boxes you require and notify Gallery Records staff accordingly. Please do not send any material in the internal mail. Records received in this fashion will be returned.

image Weed records – before transferring any records to the Archive you must carry out an initial review of the material in order to weed out and destroy any material that is insignificant or ephemeral. This may include duplicates; drafts; unimportant notes/correspondence; and other records of no further value. Please note, as the creator of the records you are the best person to carry out this task.

image NB. Gallery Records staff will retain all material transferred in its entirety. A second review/weed may be carried out by Gallery Records staff at the appointed review time (see below).

image Prepare records – before placing in the boxes, all records should be removed from lever-arch files, ring-binders etc., and placed in cardboard folders. These can be obtained from general stationery stores. Each file should be clearly labelled, with a title that succinctly represents its contents. Gallery Records staff will check folders when processing records and will return all boxes where files have not been labelled.

image Pack boxes – when packing boxes, where possible only place like files in the same box, e.g. files that relate to the same activity, or are from the same record type. Packing the records in this way will help Gallery Records staff to manage the review process (see below). Do not overfill boxes as they will not fit on the shelves, can be dangerous to lift and cannot be reused. Do not secure the boxes with string or tape – if the lid does not fit properly the box is too full. Do not write on the outside of the box.

image Arrange for collection of boxes – contact Gallery Records staff who will arrange for the boxes to be collected. If you are delivering the boxes yourself, you must hand them to a member of the Gallery Records team: any boxes left in the Gallery Records work area will be returned to departments.

3 What happens to my records?

Gallery Records staff will process your transfer. This involves checking all contents; assigning a review period to the box; recording relevant details on to the Records database; and physically transferring the boxes to the basement.

Assigning action and review periods

image Following an initial weed by creating departments, all semi-current records transferred to the Archive must be assigned a second review period.

image Second review periods are assigned at box level and take the following format: action, number of years, e.g. Review + 6.

image In relation to the above, action equals either destroy, review or transfer to Archive.

image The number of years determines when the action will take place. In most cases this will be + 6, in accordance with the Limitations Act, 1980.

image The action and review periods are assigned by Gallery Records staff, taking into account the ongoing legal, financial, historical and administrative value of the particular type of record transferred.

image The action and review periods for some record types are well established. This tends to be the case where departments have a strong tradition of regularly transferring material (e.g. exhibition case files).

image If your department does not regularly transfer material, or the type of records contained in the particular transfer is completely new, then an action and review period needs to be established following consultation with Gallery Records staff.

Managing action and review periods

image The second review and weeding process will take place in accordance with the review period assigned to the records on transfer (see above). This process will be undertaken solely by Gallery Records staff.

image You will be notified of any records identified for destruction. If, for any reason, you wish to retain the records for a further period you will need to discuss this with Gallery Records staff.

image You will not be notified about records which have been reviewed and will be transferred to the Archive for permanent preservation. Such records will be catalogued on to the historical records database (CALM) and made readily available to staff and the public.

4 How do I recall my records if I need to consult them?

image Any semi-current records transferred to the Archive can be recalled by departments at any time. Please contact Gallery Records staff who will aim, where possible, to offer a same-day service.

image Retrieval requests should be directed to Gallery Records staff only. Other staff in the Archive and Library department have no dealings with these records.

Author: Charlotte Brunskill.

Source: By kind permission of the National Portrait Gallery.


Source: By kind permission of the Museum of London.

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