
Recall the conclusions of the recent MIT conference on the future of work: reaping the benefits of automation relies on leaders who optimize the combination of human and automated work and organize to support it.

Part One of the book has shown you how to deconstruct and reinvent jobs to optimize work-automation combinations. Part Two describes how to organize and lead to support and enhance those work-level solutions.

Chapter 5 describes how work automation requires rethinking the very meaning of the organization, including examples that redefine it as a hub of entrepreneurs. You will see how your decisions on optimizing the work can and must be supported by equally sound decisions about organizational factors such as structure, power, culture, accountability, and information.

In chapter 6, we discuss how to reinvent leadership to reflect the constant evolution of work and changing human-automation combinations. Our examples show that leadership will be determined less by fixed institutional structures and become more democratic and more socially determined and more fluid, as work is perpetually upgraded and reconfigured.

These organizational and leadership transformations are built upon work-level optimization, but they are also necessary to maximize the social and economic value of that optimization.

Finally, in chapter 7, we suggest how you can apply the framework to your own work and career. We invite you to reinvent yourself by deconstructing and reconfiguring your work, capabilities, development, and career paths, using the principles of reinventing jobs from part one. Work will constantly evolve faster than ever. So, all workers and leaders must redefine their personal relationships with work as a constant process of reconfiguration, reoptimization, and reinvention.

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