Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Active Review of Intermediate Designs (ARID) 159
Agile approach 8
Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) 84–86, 84f
Analytic network process (ANP) 84–86, 104–105, 110–111, 110f
Archample method 
architecture stakeholders 270, 271f
characterization 283, 283t
architect 270, 271f
architecture evaluator(s) 271f, 272
bottom-up evaluation 273, 274f
decomposition 272
top-down evaluation 273, 273f
PL architect 270, 271f
PL architecture evaluator(s) 271f, 272
preparation phase 272
project decision makers 270, 271f
REFoRM project, Aselsan REHİS  See (REFoRM project, Aselsan REHİS)
reporting and workshop 274, 275t
Architectural conformance checking 
architectural erosion/architectural drift 181
checking layers 200–201
classification scheme 189–190
complexity 183
component-based systems 186–189, 186f, 188f
contribution and limitations 202–204, 204t
CQL 184
domain-specific reference architectures 201
DSM 184
graphical approach 185, 185f
Lattix LDM 184
logical formalism 205
minimal satisfying structure 190–191, 191f
prototypical implementation 191–194, 192f, 193f
reflexion modeling 184
restricting assumptions 191
software development phases 182f, 183
StoreGUI 190–191
tool support 182–183
transformation 183–184, 190
Architectural erosion/architectural drift 181
Architectural software quality assurance (aSQA) 160
Architecture-level modifiability analysis (ALMA) 159
Architecture trade-off analysis method (ATAM) 11, 159, 175–176
Artifact-Level Quality Assessment functions 
aggregated qualities 48
definition 47
derived qualities 48
system-level qualities 47
Attribute driven design (ADD) method 10
architecting project 29
artifacts and activities 23
candidate architectural drivers 24, 25f
design constraints 24, 25f
embedded systems 26
external validity 37
fault-tolerant systems 23
functional requirements 24, 25f
geographical information systems 26
architecture tactics 34
first iteration 33–34
team workload division and assignment 33
terminology 33
iterative process 24, 25f, 26
machine learning 26
MVC 26
participants 28
quality attributes 24, 25f
recursive decomposition process 24
research perspective 36–37
RUP 26
SEI 24
Siemens Four Views 26
training 29, 36


Code query languages (CQL) 184
Common component modeling example (CoCoME) 
architectural rules 198–200, 198f, 200f
architecture and design models 189, 195f
Cash Desk system 197
channels 197–198, 197f
component-based systems 194–195
data transfer objects 195–196
informal architectural rule 196
inventory subsystem 194
service-oriented layer 196, 196f
three-layer-architecture 194
Composite product line (CPL) 264
Construct validity 37
Contract-based software development 
documentation processing 328
fixed-fee contract 327–328
vs. in-house development systems 328
motivation 326–327
multi-stage contract 328
procedural part 327
research sources 327
transactional part 327
variable price contracts 327–328
Cost benefit analysis method (CBAM) 18, 159, 160
Customer-configurable products  See Quality assurance technique


Agile and Lean principles 211–212, 211f
early warning systems 214
indicators 215
industrial dashboards  See (Industrial dashboards)
information quality 216–217
overview 210
stakeholders 215
standardization 212–214, 213f
succinct visualization 215–216
Decision-centric architecture review (DCAR) method 
agile development methods 157
ALMA 159
architecture presentation 167–168
aSQA 160
ATAM 159, 175–176
business drivers and domain overview presentation 167
CBAM 159, 160
decision analysis 170
decision completion 168
decision documentation 169–170
decision prioritization 168–169, 169t
evaluation report 171
evaluation schedule 171, 172t
industrial experiences 172–175
participants 165–166
presentation 167
retrospective 170
SAAM 159
scrum integration 
in sprints approach 176–177
up-front architecture approach 175–176
team preparation 166–167
Dependency structure matrices (DSM) 184
Domain model 9


E-commerce application 
activities 146–147, 147f
communication management 146
content management 146
design decision 149
key quality issues 149, 149f
management component 145
online trading 146
order tracking 146
public relationship 146
quality attributes 147, 148, 148f
quality trade-off points 148
report generation 146
research questions 145, 149–150
Embedded systems development 15
Ethical validity 37


Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) technique 126–127, 152, 153
Family-architecture Assessment Method (FAAM) 159
Financial report generator (FRG) 53
Flight management system (FMS) 
aviation electronic systems 235
features 238, 238t
model-based deployment 
application components 249, 250f, 251
product-centered software deployment 251–253, 252t, 254t
product-line-centered software deployment 253–255
resource model 249, 250f
model-based testing 
configurable state machine 242, 243f
product-centered approach 244–245, 244t, 246–247
product-line-centered 245–247, 245f, 246f, 256
product line model level 242–243, 243t, 244
Force-Related Quality Intention 48
Functional Size Measurement (FSM) method 342


German Federal Office of Administration (BVA) 201
Goal model 87–88, 88f, 111–112
Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) approach 272–273
Grounded theory method 333


Hazard analysis of software architectural designs (HASARD) method 
automation techniques 154
behavior view 123–124
cause-consequence analysis 130–132, 133f
cause effect analysis 126
code view 123–124
conceptual view 123–124
contribution factors 136–138, 137f
design decision 138–139, 138f
development view 123–124
e-commerce application  See (E-commerce application)
FMEA technique 126–127, 152, 153
graphical quality modeling notation 127
hazard identification techniques 126
HAZOP method 129–130, 131t, 132t
hierarchical model 124, 125
key open problem 153–154
model-based quality analysis method 126, 153
module view 123–124
quality analysis process 127–128, 128f
quality issues interrelationships 140–142
quality model 
activity-based approach 151–152, 154
construction technique 127, 135–136, 136f
graphic notation 133–135, 134f, 135f
hierarchical quality models 151
qualitative models 151
quality risks 139–140
quality view 124
relational quality models 124–125
scenario-based quality analysis method 125, 153
software hazard analysis method 127
software tool 127
SQUARE tool 143–145, 143f, 144f
trade-off points 142
Hazard and operability studies (HAZOP) method 129–130, 131t, 132t
Human computer interaction (HCI) community 303


i* framework 82, 88f
Industrial dashboards 
Ericsson AB 
auxiliary measurement system monitoring dependencies 220, 220f
0-defect criterion 219
MS Vista Gadget 219, 220, 220f
overview 217t, 218
product release readiness indicator 219
recommendations 225–226
Saab electronic defense systems 
build radiators 223
code complexity 224
external product quality 224–225, 224f
grayed-out field 224
hotspots 224
internal quality 223, 223f
overview 217t, 218–219
tree map/heatmap 223
Volvo Car corporation 
auxiliary trends 222
check-in pace indicator 222
check-in trend indicator 222
components 221
development progress monitoring 221, 221f
heatmap of revisions per model per week indicator 222
number of check-ins during the current week indicator 222
number of check-ins last week indicator 222
overview 217t, 218
stakeholder 221
Interaction candidates detection 
different FRQ, different types of QRQ 91t, 93t, 94t, 96t, 97
different FRQ, same type of QRQ 91t, 93t, 94t, 96–97, 96t
generating alternatives 
performance relaxation template 101t, 102–104
quantities 98
security relaxation template 98–102, 100t
steps 98, 99f, 102–104
initialization phase 
setting up initial tables 92–94, 93t, 94t
setting up life cycle 94
quality requirements 89, 90f
classification 91, 91t
pairwise comparisons 89, 90f
possible interactions 89–91, 91t
same FRQ, different types of QRQ 91t, 93t, 95, 96t
same FRQ, same type of QRQ 91t, 93t, 94–95, 95t, 96t
Interest-Related Quality Intention 48
Iterative development process 6–8, 7f


Knowledge-Related Quality Intention 48


Lazy acquisition 15
Lifecycle approaches 
agile methods 8
incremental approach 6
iterative development process 6–8, 7f
waterfall 5–6, 5f
state of the art 
advantage 14
agile approach 13–14
software architecture 13
Twin Peaks model 14
Lightweight evaluation 
architecture decision forces 
configuration language 163, 164f
domain-specific language (DSL) 163
implementation effort 163, 164f
resulting force 163, 164f
architecture evaluation methods 
architectural software quality assurance 160
goal of 159
pattern-based architecture review 160
SAAM evaluation 159
scenario-based evaluation methods 159
side effects 158
decision relationship view model 161–163, 162f
executive decision 161
existence decision 161
PBAR 160
property decision 161


Managing traffic ticket (M-ticket) system 
Android application 315–317
entities interaction 320–321
modified software architecture 317, 318f
SSF mechanism 317–320, 318f, 319t
usability requirements 317, 322
user preference mechanism 318f, 319–320, 319t, 320t
Medical planning and simulation (MPS) systems 
architecture stage 
active reviews 298
analysis 297
documentation 296
evaluation 297
implementation and maintenance 298
incremental synthesis 298
process 297–299
simple design 298–299
stakeholders 295–296, 296t
synthesis proposes 297
user interaction 296
development and architecture process constraints 292
model correctness 292
model-view-controller architecture 292
requirements engineering and architecture analysis 292
medical imaging product lines 291
model correctness 294–295
performance 293
simulation screenshot 287, 288f
software development 
CLEVR approach 290
conceptual modeling 290
higher-level software engineering concept 290
requirements-related aspects 291
VRID approach 290
typical MPS system 287, 288f
usability 294
virtual reality vs. soft-ware systems 291
Mobile software development 
architectural patterns 304
HCI community 303, 304–305, 323
M-ticket system 
Android application 315–317
entities interaction 320–321
modified software architecture 317, 318f
SSF mechanism 317–320, 318f, 319t
usability requirements 317, 322
user preference 318f, 319–320, 319t, 320t
real mobile application 322–323
SE community 303
stringent software 304
usability, definition 303
usability mechanism 
classification 305–306
MVC pattern 305–306
research questions 306–307
user preferences  See (User preference mechanism)
Model-based deployment 258
automatic/machine-supported design 247
definition 247–248
flight management system 
application components 249, 250f, 251
product-centered software deployment 251–253, 252t, 254t
product-line-centered software deployment 253–255
resource model 249, 250f
spatial and temporal deployment 248–249, 249f
Model-based testing (MBT) 257–258
definition 241–242
flight management system 
configurable state machine 242, 243f
product-centered approach 244–245, 244t, 246–247
product-line-centered 245–247, 245f, 246f, 256
product line model level 242–243, 243t, 244
UML state machine 242
Model-driven software development (MDSD) approach 
architectural rules 182
consistency checking approaches 181–182
Modeling and analysis of real-time and embedded (MARTE) systems 83, 92–93, 102
Model View Controller (MVC) 26, 305–306
Multi-objective optimization (MOO) 86–87
Multiple product line (MPL) engineering 
application engineering 264–265
Archample method  See (Archample method)
architecture views 
configuration item (CI) 267
definition 267
existing viewpoints 267
product line decomposition viewpoint 267, 268–269, 268t, 269f
product line dependency viewpoint 267, 269–270, 270f
composite pattern 264–265, 265f
CPL 264
definition 264
domain engineering 264–265
REFoRM project at Aselsan REHİS 266–267, 266f
software architecture analysis methods 265, 266f


QuaRO method 86–87, 86t
requirements interaction management 
constraints 112–114
decision variables 112
inputs 88f, 96t, 100t, 101t, 111–112
parameters 111
solution 114–115
target function 112


Pattern-based architecture review (PBAR) 160
Problem-oriented requirements engineering 
context diagram 83
domains 83
problem diagram 83
problem frames 82
UML class diagrams 83
Product line architecture 15
Product Line Potential Analysis (PLPA) 282–283
Product Line Technical Probe (PLTP) 282
Property-oriented harmonization 57


Quality assessment 45–46
execution-level concepts 50–51
property-level assessments 46f
specification-level concepts 
artifact-level quality assessment functions 47–48
quality-related intentions 48
quality structure 46–47
quality types 46
software artifacts 46
stakeholders 48
view-defining sets (VDS) 48–49
tabular definition 47f
Quality assurance technique 
configurable models 
feature model 238–239, 238t
optional element 237
parameterized element 237
system views 236–237
variability view 237–238
XOR container 237
definition 233
FMS 235, 235f
model-based deployment  See (Model-based deployment)
product-centered approaches 240, 240f
product-line-centered approaches 240–241, 240f, 255–256
Quality attributes (QAs) 
architecture design 
ADD, S4V and RUP method 10
definition 9
documentation 10–11
experience-based evaluation 12
quantitative vs. qualitative approaches 11
scenario-based evaluation 11
characteristics 3–4
“FURPS+” classification 4
lifecycle approach 
agile methods 8
incremental approach 6
iterative development process 6–8, 7f
waterfall 5–6, 5f
nonfunctional requirements 9
physical constraints 4–5
Quality Aware Software Engineering (QuASE) process 
analysis stage 65
dissemination stage 65
elicitation stage 64, 65–66, 66f
integration stage 64
Quality-driven process support approaches 61
Quality requirements (QRQ/QRs) 89, 90f
case study participants 
interview-based exploratory case studies 332
organizations 330–331, 331t
pricing agreements 331
software architects 331–332
vendors 330–331
classification 91, 91t
contract elements 346–348
contract’s role 351
data analysis strategy 333
data collection, research instrument 332–333
documentation 340, 349
checklists 338–339
computer-based environment 339
exit point analysis 339–340
experimental serious-game-based process 339
functional requirements specification 339
elicitation approaches 338–340
limitations 353–354
negotiation 350
pairwise comparisons 89, 90f
possible interactions 89–91, 91t
prioritization criteria 
client’s willingness to pay and affordability 340, 349
key decision makers 341
maintainability and evolvability 341–342
requirements 341
technical and cost limitations 341
quantification 342–343, 349–350
requirements negotiations 345–346
research objective and plan 329–330
case study research 330
structured open-end in-depth interviews 330
SAs and RE staffs vocabulary 349
software architects 
as a bridge 335–336
business analysts 334
distinctive roles 335, 335f
domain knowledge 336
job description 334–335
programmer 334
QR as a service 336
as a review gatekeepers 336
role in 348
software architecture perspective 329
system quality properties 325
terminology 337–338
validation 344–345, 350
Quality requirements optimization (QuaRO) method 
i* framework 82, 88f
Intertwining Requirements & Architecture phase 76, 76f
optimization 86–87, 86t
preparatory phases 
Understanding the Problem phase 81f, 89
Understanding the Purpose phase 87–88, 88f
problem-oriented requirements engineering 81f, 82–84
reconciliation phase  See (Interaction candidates detection)
software engineering process 75–76, 76f
valuation of requirements 84–86, 84f
Quality view harmonization 
characteristics 67
definition and levels 52
dimensions of 42
empirical studies 
characteristics 62–63
data processing 63–64
postmortem analysis 63
soundness factors 64
structured and semi-structured interviews 63
foundational ontology 
selection of 45
Unified Foundational Ontology  See (Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO))
future research 67
implementation directions 67
practical application 
QuASE process 64–65
QuIRepository 65
QuOntology 65
process activities 
generic process-based techniques 61
organizational entities 60
prototyping techniques 62
quality subjects 60–61
request-centered techniques 61
scenario-centered techniques 61
simulation-based techniques 62
quality assessment  See (Quality assessment)
quality harmonization process 
initial assessment and negotiation decision 58–59
negotiation process 59–60
property-oriented harmonization 57
property state 57–58
rank-oriented harmonization 57
substitution artifacts 56–57
quality subjects’ positions in 51–52
software artifact 53
view harmonization 
harmonizing artifacts 53–54
property types 54
quality view alignment 55–56
QuaRO-ANP-Network 96t, 105–110, 107f, 109f
QuIRepository 65
QuOntology 65


Rank-oriented harmonization 57
Rational unified process (RUP) 10, 26
REFoRM project, Aselsan REHİS 
Archample method, MPL 
CPL 269f, 275, 280
four project line 275, 277f, 280
GQM evaluation approach 275–279, 279t
high-level business goals 275–279
mission domain applications level 278f, 280
MPL design alternative 281–282, 281f
one project line 275, 276f, 279, 280t
preparation phase 275
reporting and workshop 282
layered reference architecture 266–267, 266f
Requirements interaction management 
definition 75
functional and quality requirements optimizing process 75–76, 76f
constraints 112–114
decision variables 112
inputs 88f, 96t, 100t, 101t, 111–112
parameters 111
solution 114–115
target function 112
smart grid system  See (Smart grid system)
ANP advantages 104–105
with ranking 108–110, 110f
setting up QuaRO-ANP-Network 96t, 105–108, 107f, 109f


Siemens Four Views 26
Siemens’ 4 Views (S4V) method 10
Smart grid system 
functional requirements 
performance 80–81, 81f
security and privacy 80
smart metering 79, 79t
protection profile 77–78, 78f
Software architecture analysis method (SAAM) 159
Software engineering (SE) community 303
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) 23, 282
Software nonfunctional assessment process (SNAP) 342
Software process conceptualization techniques 61
Software product quality monitoring  See Dashboards
Spearman’s ρ correlation coefficient 31–32, 32t
Stakeholder consumer sub-network 108, 109f
Statement component (StoreGUI) 190–191
State of the art 
architecture representation 15–16
lifecycle approaches 13–14
loose coupling 12–13
quality-centric design 13
reuse design 13
self-adaptation 16–17
value-driven perspective 
design for change 18
economics 17–18, 19
structural and technical perfection 17
Superdecisions 107f, 108, 109f, 110f
definition 2
quality 2–3
System status feedback (SSF) mechanism 
architectural component 310, 311f
case model 307, 309f
generic component 
system awareness 307
system-initiated status 309
system status notification 309
user-initiated status 309
usability-enabling design guidelines 307, 308t, 309f


Technology acceptance model (TAM) 
criterion validity 37
face validity 37
perceived ease of use (PEU) 
attribute driven design first iteration 36
content validity 37
Cronbach’s α values 30
data collection 29–30, 30t
measure 27, 28t
medians 31, 31t
Spearman’s ρ correlation 31–32, 32t
terminology 35
Wilcoxon signed rank test 31, 32t
perceived usefulness (PU) 
analysis of 35
content validity 37
Cronbach’s α values 30
data collection 29–30, 30t
measure 27, 28, 28t
medians 30, 31t
Spearman’s ρ correlation 31–32, 32t
tactics 36
team workload division and assignment 35
Wilcoxon signed rank test 31, 32t
willingness to use (WU) 
Likert scale 35
measure 27, 28, 28t
median and mode 31, 31t
Spearman’s ρ correlation 31–32, 32t
Wilcoxon signed rank test 31, 32t
Test-driven development (TDD) 8


UML tool 158, 168, 174–175
Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) 
endurants 44
entities 44
trope 44
events 44
fragments 43f
hierarchy 43–44
property type 
color and domain 44
property structures 44
relator 44
subset of 45
Unified Modeling Language (UML) 241–242
Usability supporting architectural patterns 304
User preference mechanism 
architectural component 314–315, 316f
case model 310–312, 312f
generic component 312–314
usability-enabling design guidelines 312, 313t


Vector optimization 86
Viewpoint-Related Quality Intention 48


Wilcoxon signed rank test 31, 32t
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