Published by

LID Publishing Ltd

The Loft, 19a Floral Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 9DS

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© Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH and Rethink GmbH, 2014

© LID Publishing Ltd, 2014

Printed in Spain by Corfas S.A.

ISBN: 978-1-907794-56-8

Conception and Realisation

Rethink GmbH, Hegelplatz 1, 10117 Berlin


Creative Team

Brian O’Connor, Suvi Häring, Elisabeth Moch, Vera Müller,

Anne Schälike, Maria Thiele, Frank Zinsmeister

Editorial Team

Andrew Bulkeley, Kevin Cote, Axel Hansen, Anthony Heric,

Stefan Kesselhut, Jörn Kengelbach, Aimee Male, Dave Rimmer, Katrin Seegers,

Barbara Serfozo, Marlene Sørensen, Lisa Wicklund, Ralf Wildung

Project Management

Sarah Broßeder, Andrea Schumacher


Twentyfour Seven GmbH

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