Debugger – catch your mistakes!

A typical debugger provides the ability to halt when specific conditions are encountered. It also offers sophisticated functions, such as running a program step by step, breaking or pausing the program for an examination based on breakpoints, and tracking the values of the variables at that state. RubyMotion Version 1.24 and above support debugging using GDB: the GNU project debugger (

The RubyMotion debugger provides the following inbuilt debugging facilities:

  • It stops the program at a specific line
  • It examines the problem when the program has stopped
  • It checks the value for the variables at a specific breakpoint


    The RubyMotion compiler implements the DWARF debugging format's metadata for the Ruby language. This allows external programs, such as the debugger in our case, to retrieve source-level information about the RubyMotion application. The metadata is saved under a .dSYM bundle file at the same level as the .app bundle in the build directory of your project.

How to start debugging

There are three ways in which we can start the debugger.

While testing on a simulator

We can start the debugger with a simulator. The debugger will directly attach itself to the app and replace the interactive shell (REPL).

To start, just type:

$rake simulator debug=1

While testing on a device

We can start debugging with the device running simultaneously. The build system will start the iOS debugging server on the device and then remotely attach the debugger on your shell right after the application has been deployed on the device.

$rake device debug=1

In the release mode, local variables might not be accessible in the debugger as they are optimized to fit into CPU registers.


To test your application on a device, you are required to enroll for the Apple Developer Program. We will discuss this in detail in later chapters.

Entering commands before starting

We might need some breakpoint before loading the application; we can do this as follows:

$rake debug=1 no_continue=1

On execution of this command, the GDB will start and we will be able to set the breakpoints. This is discussed in more detail in the next section.


We can put breakpoints at a specific location of our application code using the break command and then pass the location where the debugger should stop the execution of the code using the file_name:line_number notation.

Let's try putting a breakpoint in our current application. To do so, we need to start our HelloWorld application in debugging mode as follows:

$rake simulator debug=1
     Build ./build/iPhoneSimulator-5.1-Development
  Simulate ./build/iPhoneSimulator-5.1-Development/
Attaching to process 86665.
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
0x8fe6c030 in __dyld__dyld_start ()
Function "rb_exc_raise" not defined.
Breakpoint 1 (rb_exc_raise) pending.
Function "malloc_error_break" not defined.
Breakpoint 2 (malloc_error_break) pending.
Reading symbols for shared libraries .............................................................................................................. done
Breakpoint 1 at 0x37136
Pending breakpoint 1 – "rb_exc_raise" resolved
Breakpoint 2 at 0x97bdec97
Pending breakpoint 2 – "malloc_error_break" resolved
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Reading symbols for shared libraries ... done

Now let's set a breakpoint on the eighth line of the file app_delegate.rb as follows:

(gdb) break app_delegate.rb:8
Breakpoint 3 at 0x80085: file app_delegate.rb, line 8

With the preceding command, the execution of your application will halt at line number 8 of the app_delegate.rb file.

Listing breakpoints

To list the breakpoints that have been set up in the current debugging environment, we use the info breakpoint command as follows:

(gdb) info breakpoint
Num Type           Disp Enb Address    What
1   breakpoint     keep y   0x000adff6 <rb_exc_raise+6>
2   breakpoint     keep y   0x97bdec97 <malloc_error_break+6>
3   breakpoint     keep y   0x00080085 in rb_scope__application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:__ at app_delegate.rb:8

We can see that the list of breakpoints created in the last section can also be seen in the list.

Moving between the different breakpoints

The continue command will continue the execution of the program until it reaches the next breakpoint.

(gdb) continue

We can also use its alias c as follows; it is more handy to use:

(gdb) c
Breakpoint 3, rb_scope__application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:__ (self=0x9408440, application=0x9401750, launchOptions=0x4) at app_delegate.rb:8

The next command will continue the execution of the program until the next source-level location. This is usually the very next line in the Ruby source code. You should have a look at the terminal for the relevant source code line.

(gdb) next

Checking the value of a local variable

This is an important feature of debugging, to check the value of a variable at a specific breakpoint.

(gdb) pro alert

This shows that the alert is an object of the UIAlertView class

Pro (print-ruby-object) accepts two parameters as follows:

  • The object on which the variable will be retrieved.
  • The variable name that you want to get.


To check the variables available for us to execute, run the following command:

$info locals

Checking the value of an instance variable

We can also check the value of an instance variable during some breakpoint using pri (print-ruby-ivar) as follows:

pri self "@tweet"

pri accepts two commands as follows:

  • The object on which the instance variable will be retrieved.
  • The instance variable that you want to get. Make sure to include the @ character in the name.


You can use pri @tweet instead of pri self @tweet.

Disable breakpoint

To disable a breakpoint, use disable followed by the breakpoint number; it has to be disabled as follows:

(gdb) disable 3

Exit debugger

Type quit to exit the debugger as follows:

(gdb) quit
The program is running.  Quit anyway (and detach it)? (y or n) y
Detaching from process 6792.


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