
Steve Hughes—I would like to thank all those people who have helped me progress in my career, helping me to get to the point where I could write a book like this. Thanks to Terry Hughes, my dad, for the great advice. Thanks to Werner Godt, shipping manager at BHP, for his vision and confidence in me. Thanks to Ed Jankowski, my father-in-law, for an opportunity to learn from his experience. Thanks to Kari Koehler, Principle Consultant, Magenic Technologies, for showing me the ropes on SQL Server. Thanks to my wife, Sheila, and my kids, Kristyna, Alex, and Andrew, for putting up with the late hours and lost weekends to see the writing of this book through. Most importantly, thanks to God for giving me the ability to do any of this.

Steve Miller—I would like to thank Maryanne for her support on this project.

Jim Samuelson—My deepest thanks go to my wife, Jane. Your encouragement and faith in me has allowed me to pursue my dreams. Your unending patience, sacrifice, and constant belief in me, is an example of true love. I also must thank Terry Lindgren, who has been my mentor and friend for the last ten years. Terry, without your encouragement and guidance, I would not have the life I have today.

Marcelino Santos—Thanks, Grace!!! Thanks to Bob Owen at Peregrine Capital for giving me the opportunity to “blaze the trail” with DTS on my trusty server “Tarzan” for the better part of a year. Thanks to Jim Samuelson for asking me to help write the DTS white paper and inviting me to be part of this book.

Brian Sullivan—I would like to dedicate this book to my father, William Sullivan.

The Group—All of us would like to thank all the New Riders editorial staff, especially Laura Loveall, Ann Quinn, Karen Wachs, and Leah Williams for their help and expertise. You took a group of techies who knew nothing about writing a book and showed us how to turn our ideas and knowledge into something that can be helpful. We would also like to thank Ted Daley, Mary Hooke, and Euan Garden, who have made significant contributions to the technical quality and consistency of the book; your influence is in every page. Finally, we must thank Greg Frankenfield and Paul Fridman for creating a unique company called Magenic Technologies. We have never before seen a gathering of such great talent formed into one company focused on one thing—using Microsoft Technologies to build high-impact solutions. We have learned so much from everyone at Magenic.

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