Chapter 10. Interacting with a Package Using Visual Basic

Interacting with a Package Using Visual Basic

In Chapter 9, “Building a Package Using Visual Basic,” you saw that in some situations the DTS Designer might not be the best tool to implement your solution. You then created a VB program that used the DTS object model to transform and load data into a SQL database. In this chapter, you will build on this knowledge and investigate some best practices. You will learn about the following:[1]

  • Executing DTS packages from Visual Basic

  • Making best-practice modifications to DTS VB .bas files

  • Loading and saving packages

  • Event Handling

  • Error Handling

Armed with this knowledge, we will investigate DTS solutions to various real-world problems. Although DTS provides tasks to deal with most common data transformation problems, in some situations you will want to complement DTS with a programming language such as Visual Basic. Usually, these situations are not due to technical limitations of DTS, but due to business or user requirements.

You can use Visual Basic to do the following:

  • Create a simplified DTS package scheduler for users to manage when and how often packages are being run.

  • Process the data before doing DTS work, such as converting the data to a .csv file.

  • On a predetermined schedule, download files from the Web; log successes and failures; and notify the administrator of failures, completions, and their associated processing time.

  • Perform file-management tasks prior to DTS importing the data. Such tasks can include copying; deleting; renaming; comparing two files; and checking file properties, such as date and size. Then you can have DTS process only those files that are valid.

  • Create a custom FTP task that extracts data from a remote system and then kick off DTS to populate a data warehouse.

In this chapter, we will build Visual Basic/DTS packages that will:

  • Process all files in a directory

  • Process spreadsheets in an Excel workbook

  • Process XML input

  • Process Outlook messages

Although all examples were developed using SQL 2000, the basic principles will work with little or no modifications against a SQL 7.0 Server.

Executing DTS Packages in Visual Basic

To execute your DTS package in Visual Basic, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new standard .exe project.

  2. Depending on your requirements, add references to the following:

    1. Microsoft DTSDataPump Scripting Object Library

    2. Microsoft DTSPackage Object Library

    3. Microsoft DTS Custom Tasks Object Library

  3. Dimension a package object.

  4. Load the package.

  5. Execute the package.

  6. Uninitialize the package.

VB is not limited to defining and running packages. It is also possible to load and execute a previously defined package.

When you finish with the Package or Package2 object, you should release references to all DTS objects except the Package and call the UnInitialize method. When you release package references, include object variables that you declared WithEvents to handle package events.

DTS client applications can respond to the events raised by DTS. DTS raises events to communicate the status of work being done, thereby allowing you to control the execution of the package, task, or step. The execution status can show successful completion or an error; both are a type of execution status. Chapters 4 and 5 provide the full list of execution-status values for a task C. Chapter 6, “DTS Workflows,” provides the full list of execution-status values for packages.

By default, when you run a project, you get no indication of completion or errors. Adding completion notification and error handling is recommended.

Making Best-Practice Upgrades to the VB .bas Files

In most cases it is easier to use VB to manipulate an existing DTS package. When you want to script and edit a package, consider modifying the VB code to create and return a Package object as follows:

  1. Name the file PackageName.bas.

  2. Change Sub Main to Function Package.

  3. Do not execute the Uninitialize method.

  4. Return the package created.

This process will allow you to manipulate the existing and scripted packages separately from the rest of your code.

The changes can be seen in Listing 10.1.

Example 10.1. Recommended Changes to the Package .bas File

Option Explicit 
Public goPackageOld As New DTS.Package 
Public goPackage As DTS.Package2 

Public Function Package() As DTS.Package2 
  '∼∼Private Sub Main() 
  Set goPackage = goPackageOld 
' Save or execute package 
  'goPackage.SaveToSQLServer "(local)", "sa", "" 
  Set Package = goPackage 
  Set goPackage = Nothing 
  Set goPackageOld = Nothing 
End Function 

To include PackageName.bas in your project, call the package as shown in Listing 10.2.

Example 10.2. Calling the Package from VB

' DTS 2000 - Best Practices 
Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Option Explicit 

Private Sub Form_Load() 
  Set moPackage = PackageName.Package 
End Sub 

Loading and Saving Packages in Visual Basic

VB is not limited to defining and running packages. Both the Package and Package2 objects provide methods to load, save, or execute a previously defined package.

To load a package, create a Package or Package2 object and then invoke one of the following object methods:

  • LoadFromRepository

  • LoadFromSQLServer

  • LoadFromStorageFile

To save a package, create a Package or Package2 object and then invoke one of the following object methods:

  • SaveToSQLServer

  • SaveToSQLServerAs

  • SaveToRepository

  • SaveToRepositoryAs

  • SaveToStorageFile

  • SaveToStorageFileAs

If the package is run before being saved, you must call the UnInitialize method first.

To save a VB .bas file scripted by DTS Designer or ScriptPkg to a SQL Server package, follow these steps:

  1. At the end of Sub Main, uncomment this line:

    'objPackage.SaveToSQLServer ... 
  2. Comment out the following line:

  3. Run the project.

Package Load and Save Repository Methods

The Package and Package2 objects provide the LoadFromRepository method to load a DTS package from a Microsoft Meta Data Services Repository and the SaveToRepository and SaveToRepositoryAs methods to save a DTS package to a Microsoft Meta Data Services Repository. Listing 10.3 shows the method syntax.

Example 10.3. Package Load and Save Repository Methods

Package.LoadFromRepository _ 
  RepositoryServerName, RepositoryDatabaseName, _ 
  RepositoryUserNaem, RepositgoryUserPassword, 

  PackageGUID, [VersionGUID], [PackageName], _ 
  [Flags], [pVarPersistStgOfHost] 
Package.SaveToRepository _ 
  RepositoryServerName, RepositoryDatabaseName, _ 
  RepositoryUserName, RepositoryUserPassword, _ 
  [Flags], [CategoryID], [pVarPersistStgOfHost] 

Package.SaveToRepositoryAS _ 
  NewName, _ 
  RepositoryServerName, RepositoryDatabaseName, _ 
  RepositoryUserName, RepositoryUserPassword, _ 
  [Flags], [CategoryID], [pVarPersistStgOfHost] 

Table 10.1 shows parameter use.

Table 10.1. Repository Load and Save Parameters




Meta Data Services server name. If empty or NULL, RepositoryDatabaseName is evaluated as an ODBC DSN; otherwise, RepositoryServerName and RepositoryDatabaseName are used to create a con-nection without a DSN.


Meta Data Services database name or data source name (DSN).


Meta Data Services username.


Meta Data Services user password.


Package identifier GUID string.


Version identifier GUID string.


Name of package to be loaded.


Value from the DTSRepositoryStorageFlags constants, indicating user authentication type:

  • DTSReposFlag_Default—Use Nnme and password provided.

  • DTSReposFlag_UseTrustedConnection—NT authentication


Screen layout information associated with a package (used only by DTS Designer)

Listing 10.4 shows how to load and save a package to Microsoft Data Services Repository.

Example 10.4. VB Code to Load and Save a Package to a Repository

Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Set moPackage = New DTS.Package2 

'Load Repository Package 
moPackage.LoadFromRepository _ 
  "Brians_LPTS2K", "", "", "", _ 
  "", "", "LoadMftCustomersToTempDB", _ 

'Save Repository Package 
moPackage.SaveToRepositoryAs _ 
  "NewPackage", _ 
  "Brians_LPTS2K", "", "", "", _ 

Package Load and Save SQL Server Methods

The Package and Package2 objects provide the LoadFromSQLServer method to load a DTS package from SQL Server local packages and the SaveToSQLServer and SaveToSQLServerAs methods to save a DTS package to SQL Server local packages. Listing 10.5 shows the method syntax.

Example 10.5. Package Load and Save to SQL Server Methods

Package.LoadFromSqlServer _ 
  ServerName, [ServerUserName], [ServerPassword], [Flags], _ 
  [PackageOwnerPassword], [PackageOperatorPassword], _ 
  [PackageCategoryID], _ 
  [pVarPersistStgOfHost], _ 

Package.SaveToSqlServer _ 
  ServerName, [ServerUserName], [ServerPassword], [Flags], _ 
  [PackageOwnerPassword], [PackageOperatorPassword], _ 
  [PackageCategoryID], _ 
  [pVarPersistStgOfHost], _ 

Package.SaveToSqlServer _ 
  NewName, _ 
  ServerName, [ServerUserName], [ServerPassword], [Flags], _ 
  [PackageOwnerPassword], [PackageOperatorPassword], _ 
  [PackageCategoryID], _ 
  [pVarPersistStgOfHost], _ 

Table 10.2 shows parameter use.

Table 10.2. SQL Server Load and Save Parameters




Server name


Server username


Server user password


Value from the DTSSQLServerStorageFlags constants indicating user authentication type:

  • DTSSQLStgFlag_Default—Use name and password provided

  • DTSSQLStgFlag _UseTrustedConnection—NT authentication


Package password if the package is encrypted


Package identifier GUID string


Version identifier GUID string


Package name


Screen layout information associated with a package (used only by Package Designer)

The code in Listing 10.6 shows you how to load and save a package to a SQL server.

Example 10.6. VB Code to Load and Save a Package to SQL Server

Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Set moPackage = New DTS.Package 

 'Load SQL Package 
moPackage.LoadFromSQLServer _ 
  "Brians_LPTS2K", _ 
  "", "", DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, _ 
  "", "", "", "LoadMftCustomersToTempDB" 

'Save SQL Package 
moPackage.SaveToSQLServerAs _ 
  "NewName", _ 
  "Brians_LPTS2K", _ 
  "", "", DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, _ 
  "", "", "" 

Package Load and Save Storage File Methods

The Package and Package2 objects provide the LoadFromStorageFile method to load a DTS package from a .dts file and the SaveToStorageFile and SaveToStorageFileAs methods to save a .dts file. Listing 10.7 shows method syntax.

Example 10.7. Package Load and Save to Storage File Methods

Package.LoadFomStorageFile _ 
  UNCFile, _ 
  Password, [PackageGUID], [VersionGUID], [Name], _ 

Package.SaveToStorageFile _ 
  [UNCFile], [OwnerPassword], [OperatorPassword], _ 
  [pVarPersistStgOfHost], _ 
Package.SaveToStorageFileAs _ 
   NewName, _ 
  [UNCFile], [OwnerPassword], [OperatorPassword], _ 
  [pVarPersistStgOfHost], _ 

Table 10.3 shows parameter use.

Table 10.3. Storage File Load and Save Parameters




File specification of DTS package storage file


Package password if the package is encrypted


Package identifier GUID string


Version identifier GUID string


Package name


Screen layout information associated with a package (used only by Package Designer)

The code in Listing 10.8 shows loading and saving a package to a DTS storage file.

Example 10.8. VB Code to Load and Save a Package to a DTS Storage File

Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Set moPackage = New DTS.Package2 

moPackage.LoadFromStorageFile _ 
   "C:DTS2000DataLoadMftCustomersToTempDB.dts", " 

moPackage.SaveToStorageFile _ 

Handling DTS Package Events in Visual Basic

The DTS package can raise various status and control events during package execution. If you want to receive these events, you must declare a package WithEvents and provide event handlers in either a form or class module.

A Package2 object may not be declared WithEvents. If you require Package2 functionality, it is a simple matter to create a Package object and assign it to a Package2 object. Use the Package2 object to access Package2 functionality while the Package event handlers respond to events.

After you declare a package WithEvents, you must provide event handlers for all the package events. If you fail to do so, you will receive an access violation error when an unhandled event is raised. If a particular event is not of interest, provide a minimal handler consisting of the public Sub and EndSub statements.

DTS supports multiple threads that allow concurrent processing of package steps. Visual Basic, however, does not support multiple threads. To use event handlers, it is important that you set the ExecuteInMainThread property to True for each step object in the package.

Table 10.4 describes DTS package events and the information returned when specified conditions occur.

Table 10.4. DTS Package Events



Information Returned


A step has started.

Step name


A step has completed.

Step name


This event occurs periodically during step execution.

Step name, progress count (which is rowcount), percentage complete, and description


This event gives the application a chance to cancel a step.

Step name


A DTS error occurred during package execution.

Step name, error code and description, help file and context, and interface ID

The flow of DTS package events is as follows:

  1. OnStart once at the beginning of each step.

  2. OnQueryCancel if it is safe to terminate the step.

  3. During step execution:

    • OnProgress may occur one or more times to provide progress information.

    • OnQueryCancel may occur at times when it is safe to terminate the step.

  4. OnFinish once at the end of each step.

  5. OnQueryCancel if it is safe to terminate the step.

    OnError may occur at any time.

Listing 10.9 shows how to set up package execution to respond to events. Code for the actual event handlers is included with the event descriptions.

Example 10.9. Code to Have a VB Component Respond to Package Events

Private moPackageOld as DTS.Package 
Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Public moPackageEventHandler WithEvents as DTSPackage 

Private Sub form_Load() 
 ' Establish Package and Event Handler 
  Set moPackageOld = New DTS.Package 
  Set moPackage = moPackageOld 
  Set moPackageEventHandler = moPackageOld 

 ' All Steps/Tasks MUST run on VB Main Thread 
  Dim oStep As DTS.Step 
  For Each oStep In moPackage.Steps 
    oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True 

 ' Execute 

Exit Sub 

OnStart Event

The package raises an OnStart event at the beginning of each DTS task and step. To handle the event, you must provide a handler of the form shown in Listing 10.10.

Example 10.10. Using the DTS Package OnStart Event

Private Sub moPackageEventHandler _OnStart(ByVal EventSource As String) 
  MsgBox EventSource + " - " + "OnStart" 
End Sub 

In this event and all package events, moPackageEventHandler is the name of the pack-age declared WithEvents. For all package events, tasks defined by DTS return the step name for EventSource. Custom tasks may return whatever they want.

OnFinish Event

The package raises an OnFinish event at the end of each DTS task and step.To handle the event, you must provide a handler of the form shown in Listing 10.11.

Example 10.11. Using the DTS Package OnFinish Event

Private Sub moPackageEventHandler _OnFinish(ByVal EventSource As String) 
  MsgBox EventSource + " - " + "OnFinish" 
End Sub 

OnProgress Event

The package raises an OnProgress event from time to time to provide task-progress information.

The ProgressRowCount property of the DataDriveQuery Task or a DataPump Task can be used to configure the number of rows processed between events.

To handle the event, you must provide a handler of the form shown in Listing 10.12.

Example 10.12. Code to Respond to the DTS Package OnProgress Event

Private Sub moPackageEventHandler_OnProgress( _ 
  ByVal EventSource As String, _ 
  ByVal ProgressDescription As String, _ 
  ByVal PercentComplete As Long, _ 
  ByVal ProgressCountLow As Long, _ 
  ByVal ProgressCountHigh As Long) 

MessageBox ("" & _ 
  "ProgressDescription: " & ProgressDescription & vbCrLf & _ 
  "PercentComplete: " & PercentComplete & vbCrLf & _ 
  "ProgressCountLow: " & ProgressCountLow & vbCrLf & _ 
  "ProgressCountHigh: " & ProgressCountHigh, 
   EventSource ) 
End Sub 

Table 10.5 defines OnProgress event parameters.

Table 10.5. OnProgress Event Parameters




Source of event being executed. Tasks defined by DTS return the step name for EventSource. Custom tasks may return whatever they want.


Description of task progress.


Percentage of task completed. If the percentage completed cannot be reported, 0 is returned.


Low 32 bits of units (such as rows) completed.


High 32 bits of units (such as rows) completed.

OnQueryCancel Event

The package raises an OnQueryCancel event only when it is safe to stop execution of the task. Use this event to terminate package execution gracefully.

To handle the event, you must provide a handler of the form shown in Listing 10.13.

Example 10.13. Code to Interact with the DTS Package OnQueryCancel Event

Private Sub moPackageEventHandler_OnQueryCancel( _ 
  ByVal EventSource As String, _ 
  pbCancel As Boolean) 

  if MsgBox ("Continue to Execute",vbOKCancel) = OK then 
    pbCancel = False 
    pbCancel = True 
  End If 
End Sub 

If pbCancel is set to True by the event handler, DTS stops task execution and fails with an error. If a task completes quickly, the event may not occur.

About pbCancel

The value of pbCancel may be True or False when the event is raised.

It is important to explicitly set pbCancel to False if you do not want to cancel execution!

OnError Event

The package raises an OnError event to indicate and provide information about an error. The event also allows the event handler to cancel task execution. A step does not terminate after an error unless the MaximumErrorCount is exceeded or the event handler explicitly sets pbCancel to True.

To handle the event, you must provide a handler of the form shown in Listing 10.14.

Example 10.14. Code to Respond to the DTS Package OnError Event

Private Sub moPackageEventHandler_OnError( _ 
  ByVal EventSource As String, _ 
  ByVal ErrorCode As Long, 
  ByVal Source As String, _ 
  ByVal Description As String, _ 
  ByVal HelpFile As String, _ 
  ByVal HelpContext As Long, _ 
  ByVal IDofInterfaceWithError As String, _ 
  pbCancel As Boolean) 

  If MsgBox ( _ 
    "ErrorCode:    " & ErrorCode & vbCrLf & _ 
    "Source:     " & Source & vbCrLf & _ 
    "Description:   " & Description & vbCrLf & _ 
    "HelpFile:    " & HelpFile & vbCrLf & _ 
    "IDofIFWErr:   " & IdofInterfaceWithError, _ 
    EventSource, _ 
    VbOkCancel) <> vbOK then 
    pbCancel = False 
    pbCancel = True 
  End If 
End Sub 

Table 10.6 defines OnError event parameters.

Table 10.6. OnError Event Parameters




Source of event being executed. Tasks defined by DTS return the step name for EventSource. Custom tasks may return whatever they want.


Error code of the failure.


Source of error message (an OLE DB provider description, for example).


Description of the error.


Help-file name.


Help context ID.


ID of the user interface returning the error, a globally unique identifier (GUID).


If pbCancel is set to True by the event handler, DTS stops task execution.

Handling DTS Package Errors in Visual Basic

At the highest level, a DTS object property set, get, or method execution succeeds or fails. Errors that occur while you are creating DTS objects and setting their properties are to be dealt with using standard VB error handling.

The package FailOnError property specifies whether package execution halts on any step error. A step FailPackageOnError property determines whether package execution halts when an error occurs in that step. Unless one of these properties is set to True, errors that occur during Package or Package2 Execute are processed by DTS and are not propagated back to the caller.

When FailOnError or FailPackageOnError is True, the description of the returned error often tells you only that the package failed because a (named) step failed. To determine why a step failed, you query each step’s GetExecutionErrorInfo for more information. To determine which step(s) raised errors, the ExecutionStatus property of the step should be DTSStepExecStat_Completed, and the ExecutionResult property should have the value DTSStepExecResult_Failure.

If FailOnError is True, an error may have occurred in only one step. Otherwise, depending on package workflow, multiple steps may have failed.

The error handler needs to iterate through all the objects in the Steps collection to find all errors.

The code in Listing 10.15 shows a typical package error handler.

Example 10.15. Code to Manage DTS Package Errors

Private Sub RunDTSPackage( ) 
  Dim xoPackage As New DTS.Package 
  On Error GoTo PackageError 
  xoPackage.FailOnError = True 
  Unload me 
  Exit Sub 

  MsgBox( "Package Error: " & Err.Number _ 
    & Err.Description & vbCrLf _ 
    & PackageErrors(moPackage), _ 
    vbExclamation, App.EXEName 
  Unload Me 
  Exit Sub 
End Sub 

Private Function PackageErrors(ByVal aoPackage As DTS.Package2) As String 
  Dim xoStep      As DTS.Step 
  Dim xsMessage    As String 
  Dim xlErrNum     As Long 
  Dim xsDescription  As String 
  Dim xsSource     As String 

  If xoPackage Is Not Nothing Then 
    'Find Steps that Failed 
    'Steps that did not execute are ignored 
    For Each xoStep In aoPackage.Steps 
       If oStep.ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Completed _ 
       And oStep.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then 
         'Populate Error information 
         oStep.GetExecutionErrorInfo xlErrNum, _ 
           xsSource, xsDescription 
         'Build Error Message 
         xsMessage = xsMessage & vbCrLf _ 
         & "Step " & xoStep.Name & " failed,, error: " __ 
         & xlErrNum & vbCrLf _ 
         & xsDescription 
      End If 
    PackageErrors = sMessage 
        End If 
End Function 

Processing Multiple Input Files

Now that you have a better understanding of the issues and techniques for accessing the DTS object model in Visual Basic, let’s take a look at some real problems.

There are many situations when the data you require is located in many files or directories. DTS has no trouble loading data from a single file or even from all the files in a directory at the time the package is created. It is more complicated to set up a package to scan a directory and process all files.


Sparks Corporation is attempting to get a better handle on its shipping and receiving. To meet this objective, they purchased handheld scanners for every shipping clerk.

Each package is scanned as it is shipped or received. The scanners, which normally are disconnected from the network, are set in a docking station daily to recharge their batteries and download data to a network drive, C:DTS2000DataScanner. [2]

Each scanner stores data in a separate file, using the name Scanner_SCANNERID_YYYYMMDD_HHMM.csv. SCANNERID is the scanner’s identifier. YYYYMMMDD_HHMM is the year, month, day, hour, and minute of the last entry in the file. Table 10.7 defines the file format.

Table 10.7. Scanner File Format




Scanner ID


Scanned date and time


Scanner independent sequence number, used to ensure that no data is missing


The bar code scanned


‘S’ for shipments,‘R’ for items received

You have been asked to create a program to load the data into SQL Server.


Build a package that can load a single file. Then use a VB program to scan the directory and call the package once for each file.

First, you create a package that can load a single scanner .csv file. Then use the DTS Import Wizard to create a package as follows: [3]

  1. Data Source: text file C:DTS2000DataScannerScanner_hp1234z_20010209_1050.csv.

  2. File Format: Delimited, Skip=0. First row has column names; accept the default settings for all other fields.

  3. Column Delimiter: comma.

  4. Destination: your SQL Server tempdb.

  5. Select Source Tables: Change [tempdb].[dbo].[Scanner_....] to [tempdb].[dbo].[ScannerData].

  6. Run:Yes.

  7. Save: To SQL Server package LoadScannerToTempDb.

Before running the package again, you need to modify the LoadScannerToTempDb Task so that it does not attempt to create the table if it exists. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the package, using DTS Designer.

  2. Select the Create Table [tempdb].[dbo].[ScannerData], and insert the following SQL statement before Create Table :

    if not exists (select * from tempdb..sysobjects where id = 
  3. Save the package to C:DTS2000WorkSpaceLoadScannerToTempDb.dts.

Now all that remains is to create the VB program to process many files. Follow these steps:

  1. Open VB, and begin a standard .exe.

  2. Reference the DTS object model.

  3. Set up the program to handle DTS package events and errors as described in “Handling DTS Package Events in Visual Basic” and “Handling DTS Package Errors in Visual Basic” earlier in this chapter.

  4. Include code to find the scanner data files, load the package, and execute once for each file (see Listing 10.16).

Example 10.16. VB Program to Scan a Directory and Call a DTS Package Once for Each File

Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Private moPackageOld As DTS.Package 
Private WithEvents moPackageEventHandler As DTS.Package 

Private Sub Form_Load() 
  Dim xsDir As String       'Directory to Processes 
  Dim xoFiles As New Collection 'List of Files to Process 
  Dim xsFile As Variant      'File Name 
  Dim xiFile As Integer      'File Handle 
Dim xsBuffer As String     'File I/O buffer 
  Dim xsTry As String       'Tell ErrorHandler whatz up 

  On Error GoTo PackageError 

  'Get Directory 
  If UBound(Split(Command())) > 1 Then 
    xsDir = Split(Command())(1) 
    xsDir = mksScannerDataDir 
  End If 
  xsDir = xsDir & IIf(Right(xsDir, 1) <> "", "", "") 

  'Get File List 
  xsFile = Dir(xsDir & mksScannerFiles, vbNormal) 
  While xsFile <> "" 
    xoFiles.Add xsFile 
    xsFile = Dir() 
  'Load DTS Package 
  Set moPackageOld = New Package 
  Set moPackage = moPackageOld 
  Set moPackageOld = Nothing 
  moPackage.LoadFromStorageFile mksPackageName, "" 

  'Process Files 
  For Each xsFile In xoFiles 
    'Verify File Format 
    '  Could not be done in file load loop 
    '  ANY file I//O between dir calls 
    '  may cause it to lose it's place 
    xiFile = FreeFile() 
    Open xsDir & xsFile For Input As xiFile 
      Line Input #xiFile, xsBuffer 
    Close xiFile 
    If UCase(Trim(xsBuffer)) = mksScannerData Then 
      'Establish an Event Handler 
      Set moPackageEventHandler = moPackage 
      'Set DataSource 
      moPackage.Connections("Connection 1").DataSource = _ 
        xsDir & xsFile 
      'All Steps/Tasks MUST run on VB Main Thread 
      Dim oStep As DTS.Step 
      For Each oStep In moPackage.Steps 
        oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True 
      'Let VB see Errors 
      moPackage.FailOnError = True 
      txtDTSEvents = txtDTSEvents & vbCrLf & vbCrLf 
      txtDTSEvents = txtDTSEvents & vbCrLf & _ 
        "  Error: Not a Scanner Data File" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf 
    End If 

  Set moPackage = Nothing 
  Exit Sub 

End Sub 

As you can see, the most complicated part of the job is looking for the files and verifying the format. With that done, it is a simple matter to set the package connection information and execute the package. See C:DTS2000VBPackages ProcessManyFiles ProcessManyFiles.vbp for the complete code.

All that remains is to insert or update records from tempdb into the MFT database.

Processing Multiple Spreadsheets

DTS provides an interface for many OLE DB-compliant data sources. Excel is no exception. If you were to point the DTS Wizard at an Excel workbook, it would build a Create Table and Import Task for each spreadsheet.

This would be fine if each spreadsheet contained different data, but the spreadsheets may have similar data and are separated only to make editing and viewing more manageable. In this case, you could use a postload process to combine the data into a single table. However, people like to play with workbooks, so there is a good chance that one spreadsheet will have a slightly different format, making it difficult to postprocess.


Sparks Corporation does work in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. It is important that they have up-to-date accurate currency information. The accounting department has been maintaining a currency workbook. Each currency is maintained in its own spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet contains date, currency, and currency exchange information (see C:DTS2000DataCurrency.xls).

You have been asked to develop a program to load the data into the MFT database once a month.


Build a package that can load a single spreadsheet. Then build a VB program to load each spreadsheet.

First, create a package that can load a single Excel spreadsheet. Go to C: DTS2000PackagesSqlServer2000LoadCurrencyToTempDb.dts. Then use the DTS Import Wizard to create a package as follows:

  1. Data Source: Excel 97-2000 (see C:DTS2000DataCurency.xls)

  2. Destination: Your SQL Server tempdb

  3. Select Source Tables: Select the USD table and set the destination to [tempdb].[dbo].[Currency]

  4. Run:Yes

  5. Save: To SQL Server package LoadCurrencyToTempDb

Before running the package again, you need to modify the LoadScannerToTempDb Task so that it does not attempt to create the table if it exists. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the package, using DTS Designer.

  2. Select the create table [tempdb].[dbo].[Currency], and insert the following at the top of the SQL statement:

    if not exists (select * from tempdb..sysobjects where id = 
  3. Save the package to C:DTS2000WorkSpaceLoadCurrencyToTempDb.dts.

All that remains is to create the VB program to process many files. Follow these steps:

  1. Open VB, and begin a standard .exe.

  2. Reference the DTS object model.

  3. Set up Form1 with the txtDtsEvent, Event, and Error process as shown in Listing 10.16.

  4. Include code to find the scanner data files, load the package, and execute once for each file (see Listing 10.17).

Example 10.17. VB Program to Find Scanner Data Files in an Excel Spreadsheet, Load a DTS Package, and Execute it Many Times by Changing the Connection

Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Private moPackageOld As DTS.Package 
Private WithEvents moPackageEventHandler As DTS.Package 

Const mksPackageName = _ 
Const mksCurrencyFile = "C:DTS2000DataCurrency.xls" 
Option Explicit 

Private Sub Form_Load() 
  On Error GoTo PackageError 

 'Define Excel Objects 
  Dim xoXL As Excel.Application 
  Dim xoWB As Excel.Workbook 
  Dim xoSheet As Excel.Worksheet 
  Dim xoRange As Excel.Range 

  Dim xoSheets As New Collection 
  Dim xsSheetName As Variant 

  Dim xsSql As String 

' Start Excel,, Get Application Object and Open Workbook 
  Set xoXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
  xoXL.Visible = False 
 ' Load DTS Package 
  Set moPackageOld = New Package 
  Set moPackage = moPackageOld 
  Set moPackageOld = Nothing 
  moPackage.LoadFromStorageFile mksPackageName, "" 

 ' Validate SpreadSheets 
  For Each xoSheet In xoWB.Sheets 
    If UCase(xoSheet.Cells(1, 1)) = "DATE" __ 
    And UCase(xoSheet.Cells(1, 2)) = "CURRENCY" __ 
    And UCase(xoSheet.Cells(1, 3)) = "CONVERSIONFACTOR" __ 
      xoSheets.Add xoSheet.Name 
      Msgbox ("Validate: " & xoSheet.Name & _ 
        "Not a Currency Spreadsheet" 
    End If 
 ' Release Excel Object References prior to Executing Package 
  Set xoRange = Nothing 
  Set xoSheet = Nothing 
  Set xoWB = Nothing 
  xoXL.Visible = False 
  xoXL.UserControl = False 
  Set xoXL = Nothing 

 ' Process SpreadSheets 
  For Each xsSheetName In xoSheets 
    'Establish an Event Handler 
    Set moPackageEventHandler = moPackage 
    'Set DataSource 
'  Only by Scripting the Package to VB and looking at the code 
    ' will you have a hope of knowing where to set this 
    ' Beware the Single Quote is a "`" not a "'" 
    moPackage.Connections("Connection 1").DataSource = _ 
    If xsSql = "" Then 
      xsSql = moPackage.Tasks( _ 
        "Copy Data from USD$ to [tempdb].[dbo].[Currency] Task"). _ 
          Properties( "SourceSQLStatement").Value 
      xsSql = Left(xsSql, InStr(xsSql, "`USD$`") - 1) 
    End If 
    moPackage.Tasks( _ 
      "Copy Data from USD$ to [tempdb].[dbo].[Currency] Task"). _ 
       Properties("SourceSQLStatement").Value = _ 
         xsSql & "`" & xsSheetName & "$`" 
    'All Steps/Tasks MUST run on VB Main Thread 
    Dim oStep As DTS.Step 
    For Each oStep In moPackage.Steps 
      oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True 

  Set moPackage = Nothing 
Exit Sub 

Listing 10.17 is a little more complex. First, you create an Excel object and use it to verify spreadsheets.

Processing a spreadsheet requires a little more work. The DTS DataSource does not change. Instead, you need to modify the connection SourceSqlStatement. OLE DB exposes each spreadsheet in a workbook as SpreadSheetName$. To get the package to access a different spreadsheet, you modify the SourceSQLStatement, stripping off the USD$ generated for the original package and replacing it with SpreadSheet$. See C:DTS2000VBPackagesProcessManyFilesProcessManySpeadSheets.vbp for the complete code.

You could have written code to select only currencies that interest you, but it’s less work to exclude them when you copy the data from tempdb to the MFT database.

Loading XML via DTS

XML is a powerful platform-independent markup language used to represent data. It is the hottest new technology for moving data among computer applications on the same computer, different computers, or even different operating systems.

Simple XML Document Format

An XML document is created using an eXtensible markup language. In its simplest format, an XML document begins with the XML version tag, followed by a document begin tag (<DocumentName >), one or more elements, and a document end tag (<DocumentName >).

Each element consists of a element header ( <ElementTag>) and one or more Attribute = Value pairs, terminated by a element termination (>), as shown in Listing 10.18.

Example 10.18. XML Format

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<Element Attribute = Value … >
<Element Attribute = Value … >

Currently, there is no OLE-DB interface for processing XML documents. As a result, DTS cannot process XML directly. Using VB, however, you can load an XML document and convert it to a .csv file that can be processed in the usual manner.

XML does not limit the number of elements in a document. Smaller documents can be processed without much effort. If the document is large (100,000 elements or more), the parser will attempt to load the entire file. At best, this may take a long time; at worst, it will consume all memory, causing the system to hang.

To deal with large XML documents, you need to read the XML stream and pass it into the parser in smaller chunks.


Sparks Corporation does work in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. It is important that they have up-to-date, accurate currency information. Previously, the accounting department maintained a currency workbook, but it recently began to store the information as an XML document, as shown in Listing 10.19 (see C:DTS2000DataCurrency.xml).

Example 10.19. XML Currency Data

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<Currency Currency="USD: Date="1998-04-01T00:00:00" 
<Currency Currency="USD" Date="1998-05-01T00:00:00" 

You have been asked to develop a program to load the XML data into the MFT database once a month.


Write a VB program to convert the XML document to .csv format. Then use the LoadCurrencyToTempdb package to load the data into SQL Server.

Listing 10.20 shows the code for converting XML to .csv.

Example 10.20. VB Program to Convert XML Documents and Then Load Them with DTS

' DTS 2000 - Process Many Files 
Const mksCurrencyXmlFile = "C:DTS2000DataCurrency.xml" 
Const mksCurrency'.CSV'File = "C:DTS2000WorkSpaceCurrency.'.csv'" 
Const mksXMLVersion As String = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>" 
Const mksXMLStartTag As String = "<Currencies>" 
Const mksXMLEndTag As String = "</Currencies>" 
Const mksXMLTagName As String = "Currency" 

Const mksPackageName = _ 

Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Private moPackageOld As DTS.Package 
Private WithEvents moPackageEventHandler As DTS.Package 

Option Explicit 

Private Sub form_load() 
  On Error GoTo PackageError 

 ' Load XML and Convert to '.CSV' 
  Dim xiXmlFile, xsXmlDoc As String, xsXmlText As String 
  Dim xi'.csv'File 

  xiXmlFile = FreeFile() 
  Open mksCurrencyXmlFile For Input As xiXmlFile 

  xi'.csv'File = FreeFile() 
  Open mksCurrency'.CSV'File For Output As xi'.csv'File 
  Print #xi'.csv'File, "Currency,Date,ConversionFactor" 

  xsXmlDoc = "" 
  While Not EOF(xiXmlFile) 
    Line Input #xiXmlFile, xsXmlText 
    'Strip Out XML Version 
    'Document Begin and End Tags 
    If InStr(xsXmlText, mksXMLVersion) = 0 _ 
    And InStr(xsXmlText, mksXMLStartTag) = 0 Then 
      xsXmlDoc = xsXmlDoc & xsXmlText 
    End If 
    'When there is no more data 
    'Or the chunk is large enough, process 
    If EOF(xiXmlFile) or Len(xsXmlDoc) > 4098 Then 
      SaveXmlTo'.csv' xi'.csv'File, _ 
         mksXMLVersion & mksXMLStartTag & _ 
         xsXmlDoc & mksXMLEndTag 
      xsXmlDoc = "" 
    End If 
  Close xiXmlFile 
  Close xi'.csv'File 

 ' Load DTS Package 
  Set moPackageOld = New Package 
  Set moPackage = moPackageOld 
  Set moPackageOld = Nothing 
  moPackage.LoadFromStorageFile mksPackageName, "" 

  'Process File 
  'Point the Source Connection to the .'.csv' File 
  moPackage.Connections("Connection 1").DataSource = _ 
  'All Steps/Tasks MUST run on VB Main Thread 
  Dim oStep As DTS.Step 
  For Each oStep In moPackage.Steps 
    oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True 

  Set moPackage = Nothing 
  Unload Me 
  Exit Sub 
End Sub 
Private Sub SaveXmlTo'.csv'(ai'.csv'File, asXmlDoc) 
  Dim aoXmlDoc As MSXML.DOMDocument 
  Dim aoRecords As MSXML.IXMLDOMNodeList 
  Dim aoRecord As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode 
  Dim ai 

  'Declare a XML Document and Load it 
  Set aoXmlDoc = New MSXML.DOMDocument 
  aoXmlDoc.async = False 
  aoXmlDoc.loadXML (asXmlDoc) 

  'Step Through XML Nodes and Export as '.CSV' 
  Set aoRecords = aoXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(mksXMLTagName) 
  For ai = 0 To (aoRecords.Length - 1) 
    Set aoRecord = aoRecords.nextNode 
    Print #ai'.csv'File, _ 
      aoRecord.Attributes.getNamedItem("Currency").Text & "," __ 
      & aoRecord.Attributes.getNamedItem("Date").Text & "," __ 
      & aoRecord.Attributes.getNamedItem("ConversionFactor").Text 
End Sub 

In the first half of the code, you parse the input XML document and break it into manageable chunks—in this case, 4K, but larger chunks (64K or more) are possible.

While reading the input document, you strip off the XML, Document Start and Document End tags. However, Microsoft’s XMP Parser requires properly formatted XML documents. Prior to giving the chunk to the parser, you must wrap it in each chunk with XML Document Start, and Document End tags.

To process the chunk, set the parser’s async property to False and force synchronous loading. Use getElementsbyTagName to retrieve a collection of records. Use nextNode to step through every record, and use Attributes.getNamedItem("AtributeName") to retrieve field data, which is formatted and written to a .csv file.

When the original file is consumed, you can pass the .csv file to the LoadCurrencyToTempdb DTS package for processing. See C:DTS2000 VBPackagesProcessXmlProcessXml.vbp for the complete code.

All that remains is to insert or update the records from tempdb into your destination database.

XML for SQL Server 2000

As an alternative to the solution discussed in this section, you can use the XML Bulk Load component from Microsoft. The XML Bulk Load component gives you high-speed XML-based data loading directly into SQL Server tables. This component is distributed free from Microsoft at When it is installed, you can execute from any programming language that can work with ActiveX components, such as Visual Basic, VC++, and even VBScript in DTS.

To load an XML document using XML Bulk Load, you will need to provide a mapping of the XML elements to SQL Server tables and fields; this mapping is called XDR Schema. The XDR (XML Data Reduced) Schema is an XML-like document that describes the structure of an XML document and can contain the relational equivalence for the data. For example, the XML Document in Listing 10.19 will have an XDR Schema similar to the one in Listing 10.21.

Please note that the XDR Schema has a section that contains the XML element’s name and associated data type, followed by a section that maps each element to the DBMS sql:relation (table in SQL Server) and sql:field (field in the referenced SQL Server table). For this example, the data goes into the table Currency and loads data into three fields: Currency, Date, and ConversionFactor.

Example 10.21. XDR Document for Listing 10.19

      <?xml version "1.0" ?> 
<Schema xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data" 

<ElementType name="Currency" dt::type="string"/> 
<ElementType name="Date" dt::type="datetime"/> 
<ElementType name="ConversionFactor dt:type="numeric"/>   
<ElementType name="Currencies" sql:relation="Currency"> 
      <element type="Currency" sql:field="Currency"/> 
      <element type="Date" sql:field="Date"/> 
      <element type="ConversionFactor" sql:field="ConversionFactor"/> 
</Element type> 

To use the XML Bulk Load component in DTS, you need to use the ActiveX Script Task. First, create an instance of the XML Bulk Load object, connect it to SQL Server by setting the ConnectionString property, and then execute it while referencing an XDR Schema and the XML document. Listing 10.22 shows the structure of the code. Please note that the XML Bulk Load has a full object model to support the work, and many more properties are available than the ones discussed in this example. The code in Listing 10.22 sets the ErrorLog file location.

Example 10.22. ActiveX Script That Loads an XML Document called SampleXMLDocument, Using the SampleXDRSchema.xml for the Data Mappings, and Outputs All Errors into ErrorLog.txt

set oBulkLoad = CreateObject("SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad") 
oBulkLoad.ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data 
oBulkLoad.ErrorLogFile = "c:ErrorLog.txt" 
oBulkLoad.Execute = "c:SampleXDRSchema.xml", "c:SampleXMLDocument.XML" 
set oBulkLoad = Nothing 

The XML Bulk Load can load data into either single or multiple tables; you just have to make sure that the correct mappings are in the XDR Schema. For more information on the XML Bulk Load as well as full documentation, visit the XML site at For more information on XDR Schemas, see SQL Server Books Online.

Processing Outlook via DTS

Email is pervasive in modern business because it is one of the simplest methods of moving data among different computers or even operating systems. Many programs email data to subscribers automatically. What is missing is an automated method for loading email data into SQL Server.


MFT has relocated accounting to an office in another city. Each month, it emails Currency.xml to you. You need to develop a program to scan incoming email and process any messages that contain Currency.xml data.


The best solution to the preceeding scenario is to develop a program to scan email and feed any Currency.xml documents to the package developed in the previous solution.

When developing the application, you need an early-bound reference to a Microsoft Outlook-type library. Table 10.8 lists the filenames of the type libraries for the different versions of Microsoft Outlook.

Table 10.8. Outlook Object References

Outlook Version

How Type Library Appears in References List


Outlook 97

Microsoft Outlook 8.0 Object Library



Microsoft Outlook 98 Object Library


Outlook 2000

Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library


The code in Listing 10.23 shows scanning and processing email.

Example 10.23. VB Program to Scan Emails and Process Them with DTS

Private moPackage As DTS.Package2 
Private moPackageOld As DTS.Package 

Const mksPackageName = _ 
Const mksCurrencyFile = "C:DTS2000DataCurrency.xls" 
Option Explicit 

Private Sub Form_Load() 
  Dim xoOutlook As Outlook.Application 
  Dim xoNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace 
  Dim xoMail As Outlook.MailItem 

  Dim xi'.csv'File 
  Dim xsTry As String 

  On Error GoTo PackageError 

 ' Start Outlook.. 
  Set xoOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 

 ' Logon. No affect if you are already running and logged on 
  Set xoNameSpace = xoOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") 

 ' Open '.csv' File 
  xi'.csv'File = FreeFile() 
 Open mksCurrency'.CSV'File For Output As xi'.csv'File 
  Print #xi'.csv'File, "Currency,Date,ConversionFactor" 

 ' Cycle Through Inbox, looking for CurrencyXML Message(s) 
  For Each xoMail In xoOutlook.Session.Folders( _ 
    "Mailbox - Brian Sullivan").Folders("inbox").Items 
    If UCase(olMail.Subject) = "CURRENCY XML" Then 
      SaveXmlTo'.csv' xi'.csv'File, _ 
        mksXMLVersion & mksXMLStartTag & _ 
          xoMail.Body & _ 
    End If 

 ' Clean up Outlook 
  Set xoNameSpace = Nothing 
  Set xoMail = Nothing 
  Set xoOutlook = Nothing 

 ' Close '.CSV' file 
  Close xi'.csv'File 

 ' Load DTS Package 
  Set moPackageOld = New Package 
  Set moPackage = moPackageOld 
  Set moPackageOld = Nothing 
  moPackage.LoadFromStorageFile mksPackageName, "" 
End Sub 

The first portion of Listing 10.23 deals with scanning email and extracting XML data to a .csv file. The rest of the code is similar to previous examples.

Divide and conquer is a powerful tool. Separating data extraction from data loading allows you to use known tools to find the data and then allows DTS to transform and load it quickly. See C:DTS2000VBPackagesProcessOutlookProcessOutlook.vbp for the complete code.


In this chapter we have gone through several situations that showed you how to use Visual Basic to run, control, and respond to DTS packages. We covered event handling, error handling, and executing packages. We have used those basics to make DTS packages participate in a variety of solutions in which an external program can provide assistance. This is by no means all there is about writing applications to interact with DTS, but it is my hope that this chapter will provide you with a framework for many of your Visual Basic and ETL application needs.

[1] All data, scripts, and programs used in this chapter are available for download from or The self-extracting ZIP file will create a directory structure based on DTS2000. TheVisual Basic programs discussed in this chapter are available in DTS2000VBProjectsBestPractices. You can extract the files to any drive or directory, but all file references in this book are based on C:DTS2000.

[2] All data files and scripts used in the book are available for download from or The self-extracting ZIP file will create a directory structure starting with DTS2000. You can extract the files to any drive or directory, but all file references in this book are based on C:DTS2000.

[3] All data files and scripts used in the book, including this package LoadScannertoTempDB. dts, are available for download from or The self-extracting ZIP file will create a directory structure starting with DTS2000. All packages in this book are located in the Packages subdirectory of the DTS2000 directory.

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