
Refactor the register.jsp page you developed on Day 13 to use custom tags. Write a useApplicant tag that provides support for accessing the Applicant Session bean and remove the need for the webagency.ApplicantBean class. Model your code on the changes to the advertise.jsp page and the new useCustomer tag you were shown in today's work. As a starting point for the code for your exercise, use the agency code. The existing agency.jsp page includes the code for creating a new applicant and for selecting an existing applicant for update or deletion.

You will need to create the following JSP files to support the register applicant functionality:

  • register.jsp

  • createApplicant.jsp

  • deleteApplicant.jsp

  • updateApplicant.jsp

You can use the versions of these files from Day 13 and modify them to use the tag libraries you developed today for handling locations and skills. In addition, you will need to develop a new custom tag to create an instance of a Register Session bean for use on the Web page. Call the new Tag Library class UseApplicantTag.java.

Model your implementation and use of this tag on the example UseCustomerTag shown in this chapter.

Don't forget to add an entry for the UseApplicant tag to the agency.tld file.

A solution to this exercise is incorporated in the Agency case study stored in the agency sub-directory of Day 14 on the accompanying Web site.

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