Understanding the JSR Process

There are several stages to transforming an initial JSR to a final specification, and each involves different entities concerned with the JCP. However, the process consists of three main stages, which are shown by Figure B.1.

Figure B.1. The JCP process.

As you can see, the process consists of three main sections. The first, Initiation, is where a JCP member submits a JSR. This JSR is open for review by JCP members and the public. Once reviewed, the Executive Committee decides whether to approve the request. If the request is approved, the process moves into the Community Draft stage.

This stage is where the Expert Group is formed. The Expert Group then writes the first draft of the specification and makes the draft available for Community Review by JCP members. The Expert Group may update the draft at this point, or they may pass the draft immediately to the Executive Committee for approval. If the draft is approved, the process moves into the final stage--Public Review and Specification Finalization.

This final stage commences with the group posting the draft on the Internet so that the public can review and comment on it. After the public review is complete, the Expert Group may modify the draft to include feedback from the public. At this point, the group prepares the proposed final draft and ensures that the RI and TCK are complete. After the proposed final draft is complete, the group passes it to the Executive Committee for final approval. If the specification is approved, it is then released.

After the Expert Group releases the final specification, the specification is not simply abandoned. Instead, it is subject to an ongoing process of review and modification. Within this process, there might be requests for revisions or enhancements to the specification, or a need for further clarification and interpretation of the specification. The Executive Committee is responsible for reviewing each proposed change, and will decide on a suitable course of action to implement the change.

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