Day 3. Naming and Directory Services

Days 1 and 2 introduced you to enterprise computing concepts and J2EE technologies such as EJBs and Servlets. This chapter will show how the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) supports the use of many of the J2EE components.

In its simplest form, JNDI is used to find the resources (such as EJBs) that you have registered via the J2EE server. Advanced use of JNDI supports sophisticated storage and retrieval of Java objects and other information.

This day's work will include

  • Using Naming and Directory Services

  • JNDI and X.500 names

  • Obtaining a JNDI Initial Context

  • Binding and looking up names

  • Name attributes

  • Objects and References

  • JNDI events and security

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