© Fernando Doglio 2018
Fernando DoglioScaling Your Node.js Appshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3991-9_3

3. Ways to Scale

Fernando Doglio1 
La Paz, Canelones, Uruguay

Thus far, we’ve covered different architectural patterns and pain points that can cause you to want to scale your application. It is now time to start going through different scaling techniques.

This chapter will cover differences between scaling vertically and horizontally, as well as other techniques, such as using microservices, clustering, and even load balancers to handle increased traffic.

Without further ado, let’s get cracking.

Scaling Techniques

It is important to note that the following techniques don’t require a specific architectural pattern to be used; what I covered in the previous chapter can be considered an independent topic (in most cases) from this one. In practice, especially for big platforms with complex components, different patterns might apply depending on the needs of each one.

Vertical or Horizontal Scaling?

When it’s time to start scaling, the most basic things you can do are either improving the hardware your code is running on, or simply adding more computers to distribute the load among them.

That is the essence of vertical and horizontal scaling (as seen in Figure 3-1). You can think of this as changing your old car’s tires compared to buying a new Ferrari when trying to get more horsepower. With the first method you’re always trying to add resources to your existing hardware: memory, processing power, disk, anything that might help out depending on your needs.
Figure 3-1

Simple reminder diagram to understand what vertical and horizontal scaling means

This approach normally requires some downtime because of the physical changes that need to take place. Whatever benefits you might get from doing this are limited by the resources you must add to the hardware. There is, of course, a sort of improved vertical scaling option, which is available if you’re in a cloud-based environment. In these situations, your cloud provider will allow you to switch your application from one type of hardware to another. This can be done with a few clicks. Options are limited, but at least you’re not constrained by your original hardware’s specs. For example, Amazon will let you switch your t2.nano instance that only has half a Gigabyte worth of RAM for a t2.2xlarge one, which actually has 32 GB of RAM and 8 virtual CPUs. If memory or CPU power was your bottleneck, this would solve it).

The main problem with vertical scaling, though, is that sooner or later you’re going to hit the cap for your scaling capacity. No matter what service you’re paying for, eventually you’ll run out of specs to improve.

And here is where horizontal scaling enters. Instead of improving a single server, you’re now working with a pool of them, and adding to that pool is as simple as connecting the new server to it (or removing one from it). You can design your application to withstand such changes and avoid any real downtime when scaling. With that you gain “elasticity” in your capacity, and control over how much money you want to spend, during both normal operation and peak hours.

There are a few considerations that you should take into account when designing your architecture for horizontal scaling:
  • Service oriented architectures : These are the easiest to horizontally scale. If yours is not designed around services, it might be a good idea to evaluate whether that pattern is a fit for your use case. As long as you have small, interconnected services, you can focus on scaling the ones that are suffering and leave the rest alone, avoiding a great deal of headaches.

  • Stateless microservices: If your architecture is based on them, adding new copies of the services being overworked will not be a problem. I will cover this in the next chapter, but having stateful microservices keeping session information while trying to scale is not a trivial task. You will need to have extra considerations before deciding to boot-up a new copy of the affected service.

  • Tier separation : A good idea for structuring your services is to give them a separation between their presentation, their processing, and their storage access code. This will let you focus on the main pain points. Tier separation is closely related to the previous point. You could take it one step further even, and analyze your individual services. You could try to split them into individual components following the three-tier approach. This will give you more control over what to scale, instead of blindly scaling your entire module, because one specific part of it is affected (for example, data access inside your module might be suffering from a high workload, while the rest of it might not be as badly affected).

Taking Advantage of the Cloud

If it is elasticity you’re aiming for, and your architecture is ready to be horizontally scaled, then the cloud is the right path for you. Manually handling elastic architectures is practically impossible; the main benefits of automatic elastic behavior don’t usually go hand-in-hand with manual administration. For example:
  • Ability to handle highly predictable spikes of traffic with predefined growth and shrink scripts: If you happen to have studied your traffic and have predictable patterns (that is, if you have high peaks during specific hours of the day), you can schedule your infrastructure changes. (For example, you might increase the number of processing nodes during high traffic and remove the extra ones after the peak passes.) This is a service that Azure and AWS provide, but GCP (Google Cloud Platform) doesn’t, because it claims to have good enough reaction time to avoid the need for such a service.

  • Capacity to handle changes in traffic automatically with near-realtime speed: (Note that it usually takes time to spin up new instances and scale platforms, but doing so is fast enough to be useful.) Cloud providers usually allow you to monitor different resources from your instances, such as disk space, memory, and processor utilization. You can also usually monitor custom metrics, and you can even generate them from your application to provide more accurate and precise scaling behavior.

  • Cost management : This is another added benefit that derives from the previous points. With all cloud providers, you’re always paying for what you use. So by accurately estimating the required size for your infrastructure, you gain more control over your expenses.

  • Improving the overall health of your cluster by replacing nodes that are not working correctly: You can monitor specific indicators and decide when to terminate an unhealthy instance and replace it with a new one.

  • Better availability: By deploying into multiple zones, you gain the ability to remain operational even when big network outages occur.


In case you’re not aware of the terminology, a “zone” in this scenario refers to a specific geographic location (usually a datacenter). So multi-zone deployments refer to having your code deployed in different parts of the world.

The Power of a Multi-Zone Deployment

Although it is not strictly related to scaling your architecture, taking advantage of a multi-zone deployment on the cloud is a must if you have the chance. This is usually something that most of the major cloud providers already allow, so you should consider, when planning your architecture, deploying and even scaling into multiple zones.

By doing this, you gain tolerance for big network outages that tend to affect an entire geographical zone. These types of network problems aren’t very common, but when they happen, big sections of the internet are isolated from the world, and this is something you want to avoid.

There are two types of resources to consider this technique for: services and data. If it’s services you’re deploying, then all you have to do is make sure you’re deploying behind a load balancer (such as Elastic Load Balancing for AWS). Figure 3-2 shows an example of such a case. By doing so, you’ve made sure that no matter what happens, your services will always be available.
Figure 3-2

Multi-zone service deployment

But if you’re actually deploying data, or a data storage platform such as a database, this is also a good idea for you. To make it work, however, requires some extra work. In the case of data, what you want is to make it available no matter what. To accomplish this, you must make sure you’re properly replicating your data. Figure 3-3 shows one example of what such a deployment might look like.
Figure 3-3

Multi-zone replica schema

Clustering Your Application

The term cluster implies a group of things acting together with a common goal; and when applied to software architecture, it usually implies a group of nodes (servers) acting together to fulfill a request.

But here I’m going to discuss clustering from a Node.js perspective and how this concept can actually help you scale your Node apps.

As you may know, Node.js runs in a single-threaded environment; and even though there may be some multi-threading involved (at the lowest levels) to help deal with asynchronous calls, that is definitely outside the normal user’s realm. To all intents and purposes, Node.js is a single-threaded language, and because of that, any normal deployments will not take full advantage of your multi-core systems, unless told otherwise.


Version 10.5.0 Node.js introduced experimental support for actual threads, but because this feature is still very new and not yet stable, I will not cover it here. If you want to know more, please visit Node’s documentation.1

But although Node.js is single threaded, you still have a way to overcome this limitation and make the most out of your servers—you just need to remember to cluster your application!

The cluster module should be your first step toward scaling your applications, regardless of the scaling technique you might consider next. This module allows you to fork your process multiple times, having the forks work in parallel using as many cores as your processor might have.

The nice thing about this module is that if you already have an existing application that needs to be clustered, you don’t really have to change it to make it work; you simply need to add a few lines of code and suddenly you’re forking processes and having them act as a single app. Let me show you a basic example in Listing 3-1.


You don’t need to download the cluster module from anywhere; it’s included as part of the native modules in Node.

const cluster = require('cluster');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) {
} else {
function masterProcess() {
  console.log(`Master ${process.pid} is running`);
  for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
    console.log(`Forking process number ${i}...`);
function childProcess() {
  console.log(`Worker ${process.pid} started and finished`);
Listing 3-1

Basic clustering example code

The code from this example doesn’t do much, but it is more than enough to show you how to start working with this module. And just to make sure we’re all on the same page, the code in Listing 3-1 takes care of creating as many forks as there are logical cores in your CPU and inside each fork, it will print a message and then exit.


In Listing 3-1, the numCPUs variable contains the number of logical cores in your CPU. This means the number of physical cores times the number of threads they can handle at once. So a four-core CPU with a hyperthreading factor of 2 will have eight logical cores.

The main take-away from the example is the IF statement at the beginning of the code, because that basically implies that this file is executed at least twice: once as the main process that is executed to start the flow, and once (at least) again as the actual fork. So to avoid a classic case of the infinite forking scenario, you need that initial IF statement. The other interesting bit is that to create a new process (or worker), you simply use the cluster object and nothing else; it is completely separate from the code of the child process. This allows you to clusterize any development, new or old. Look at Listing 3-2 (the main file for a generic API based on the restify2 module) for an example of clustering an existing API.
const restify = require("restify"),
        restifyPlugins = restify.plugins,
        config = require("config");
const cluster = require('cluster');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
function start(){
        const server = restify.createServer(config.get('server'))
                mapParams: true
        restify.defaultResponseHeaders = data => {
          this.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        server.listen(config.get('server.port'), () => {
if(cluster.isMaster) {
        for(let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
} else {
module.exports.start = start;
Listing 3-2

Example of a clusterized index.js file for a generic API


that the code in Listing 3-2 is an example from an existing project, and if you try to run it directly, without the rest of the code around it, you’ll run into problems. Try to understand this code by reading it instead of by executing it.

In the example, the content for the start function is what you would normally add in your API’s main file. This would start the server, set the access control headers, and configure a couple of plugins, all with the help of restify. You could very well use that code, and your entire project would work correctly. It would only take advantage of one of your CPU cores, but it would still work. But if you add the extra bits of code shown in Listing 3-2, you’re now ready to start increasing your processing capacity proportionally to the number of cores in your processor. It’s that easy!

The way this module works is by spawning copies of the process (by forking them) and sharing the port between them. The main worker will listen to the port you specify, and it will share the connections with the rest of the worker processes in round-robin order.

Just as when dealing with microservices and scale problems caused by in-memory session data, Node’s cluster module does not provide any kind of routing logic. This means that you should not rely too much on in-memory information, since subsequent requests from the same client are not ensured to land on the same server process.

Worker processes can share information through the main process via IPC (Inter Process Communication) by using Event Emitter-like mechanics as shown in Listing 3-3.
const cluster = require('cluster');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) {
} else {
function masterProcess() {
  console.log(`Master ${process.pid} is running`);
  for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
  for(const id in cluster.workers) {
    cluster.workers[id].on('message', msg => {
      console.log("[", msg.id,"] - ", msg.text)
function childProcess(total) {
  process.send({id: process.pid, text: `Worker ${process.pid} executed, counter: ${total} `})
  if(total < 10) {
    setTimeout(childProcess, 1000, total + 1);
  } else {
Listing 3-3

Example of IPC used to share data through processes

This example creates one child process per core in your CPU, and each process will count from 0 to 10 at one-second intervals. On each run, a process will send its notification text to the main process through a new message broadcast using the send method of the process object.

Finally, to look at one more example, you can see in Listing 3-4 that you can’t rely on in-memory data, because multiple processes might end-up handling requests.
const cluster = require('cluster');
const http = require('http');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) {
  console.log(`Master ${process.pid} is running`);
  // Fork workers.
  for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
} else {
  // Workers can share any TCP connection
  // In this case it is an HTTP server
  http.createServer((req, res) => {
    console.log("Worker " , process.pid, " handled the request");
    res.end('hello world ');
Listing 3-4

Printing out a process ID to show how subsequent requests might yield unwanted results

Figure 3-4 shows the output from Listing 3-4 when a set of subsequent requests is received (as suggested by Listing 3-5). As you can see by the color-coded process IDs, not all requests will be served by the same process, which becomes a problem if you’re relying on in-memory data to formulate your responses.
Figure 3-4

Output showing how requests are handled by different processes

In order to fully test the example in Listing 3-4, you need to give your process enough traffic to merit the use of one or more cores. In my case, I used Apache Benchmark3 to simulate 100 requests with 10 concurrent users (as seen in Listing 3-5), and the results show how throughout all of the 100 lines of output, you get the process IDs of all your instances (see Figure 3-4 for details).
$ ab -n 100 -c 10 http://localhost:8000/
Listing 3-5

Command line required to test the previous example

Clustering with PM2

The cluster module is great, because it allows you to make the most of your CPU with minimum effort; but that’s about all it can do for you. If you want more control over how it’s done, or need to know a bit more about what exactly is happening with your cluster, there is very little you can do out of the box.

In this case, you might want to consider an external tool such as PM2,4 which will take care of clusterizing your app and at the same time provide monitoring and management capabilities. All you have to do is install it as shown in Listing 3-6 and then use it to start up your app (as shown in Listing 3-7).
$ npm install pm2 -g
Listing 3-6

Command line to install PM2 after you’ve installed Node.js

$ pm2 start index.js --name "my app" -i max
Listing 3-7

Starting your app with pm2

With that command, you’ll be starting up your application, naming it “my app” in PM2’s list of processes, and taking advantage of all your CPU cores (thanks to the -i max modifier). Figure 3-5 shows the output from the start command .
Figure 3-5

Output from pm2 start command

As an added bonus, your processes are now being monitored by PM2, and if any of them crashes for any reason, it will be restarted automatically. PM2 is also saving everything you throw at stdout and stderr, so if you happen to be simply logging with console.log and console.err, you can look at that output using the command shown in Listing 3-8.
$ pm2 logs
Listing 3-8

Command to show the last few lines of the log files

Figure 3-6 shows the possible output from the logs. As you can see, the same line is repeated four times, thanks to the four processes running in parallel (because of my four cores).
Figure 3-6

Output from the pm2 logs command

In Conclusion

Clustering is and should be your first step toward scaling whatever Node.js application you might be working on. Depending on your needs, you might want to go with the cluster module. You don’t need anything extra; simply add a few lines of code and you’re done. On the other hand, if you’re looking to avoid changing your code, and you need extra support for your production environment, then PM2 or similar solutions should definitely be your choice.

Microservices to the Rescue

I’ve already touched on this subject during the previous chapter, and I’ll probably return to it in future ones. Splitting your application into a set of services, each one small enough to be easy to maintain and focused on one or just a few functionalities, simplifies the task of scaling by replication.

In many cases horizontally scaling your application should be enough to solve whatever performance issues you might be having; but if your application is not ready for it, the cost of such a solution might end-up being too high.

Horizontal scalation means being able to both add and remove services to increase and decrease your processing power. And as you can see in Figure 3-7, doing so for a monolithic application (one that’s not been properly prepared for this and has its code and logic from all services coupled) is not nearly as easy (or inexpensive) as doing it for small services within a much bigger application.
Figure 3-7

Differences between scaling a monolithic and a microservices-based architecture

The diagram in Figure 3-7 provides two versions of scalation by duplication. The first approach can’t focus on the most affected areas, since a monolithic solution can only be considered as a unified block. Duplicating these applications is easy, because there is no inter-service communication to deal with, but the main drawback with this approach lies in the fact that if only one of your layers is affected and it’s the source of your scalation needs, you still need to duplicate the entire codebase.

The second approach in the diagram, however, shows how different sections of your platform can be scaled differently depending on your needs. This is one of the many benefits provided by the microservices route (or any of its variations). That being said, you need to remember that if you’re planning on doing this, you need to make sure your code is actually ready for it. The following considerations can help you in that regard:
  • Decouple your code: This is a basic one, but if you can’t follow this step, your scaling efforts are doomed. This practice will not only allow you to split your code into individual services, but it will also provide you with added benefits, such as easier-to-maintain codebase, simpler logic (which in turn usually yield fewer bugs), and added extensibility by adding new (future) services to the existing ecosystem.

  • Understand what it means to inter-communicate services: Whether you want to accept it or not, your architecture will end-up with a (possibly) big number of services, and you need an easy way to orchestrate them and let them communicate with each other whenever necessary. I will cover this subject in the next chapter, so I’m not going to go into much detail now. That being said, you might want to think about why this subject is such a major one in scaling microservice-based architectures.

  • Automate as much as possible: This is another item you can get away without if you’re dealing with a monolithic architecture, because deploying (and other similar tasks) can be done simply by copying a set of files from one place to the other. But if you expect your platform to be easily replicated and horizontally scaled, thinking about automating deployments, having a well-defined set of coding rules and standards, and a documented control flow (such as gitflow), among other things, will definitely pay off. This is usually the case because in these type of projects several development teams need to work together, sometimes even in different code bases but creating systems that need to act as one. Once you start factoring in the human aspect of development, having a well-defined set of standards and rules definitely helps keep the chaos in check.

In Conclusion

Microservices is a topic that you’ll read about throughout this book because it is a very helpful pattern for scaling Node.js platforms (since Node is usually used to create APIs).

That being said, and as I’ve already covered in previous chapters, it is not a silver bullet and will not work for you every time. You need to remember when this pattern is helpful and how you need to prepare your code and your team to be able to get the most out of it.


There is no one way to scale your architecture; in fact, there is even more than one way to cluster your Node.js applications. In this chapter I’ve tried to show you a few ideas about how to tackle this topic; it is up to you to apply them to your own circumstances.

In the next chapter, I’ll cover some common problems that arise when starting to scale your application for the first time and offer some suggestions for tackling them.

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