
Acceptance speech, 168-169

Accessories, 122, 123

Active listening, 173-174

Analogy, 60-61

Anecdotes, 62

Anti-self, 34

Anxiety, 164

Apocalypto, 58-59

Attention, focused, 37

Attire, 115-123, 174

Audience feelings, 144-145

Audience needs, 46-49, 52

Audience, 43-53

Audience, flirting with the, 80-81, 84

Bacon, Francis, 88

Basil ganglia, 104

Bay, Michael, 18

Behavior, 127-128, 134

Body language, 98-100, 102

Body of a speech, 150-155, 161, 164

Brain fart, 90-91, 101, 102

Brain, public speaking and, 19-22, 37

Cacioppo, John, 131-132

Campbell, Joseph, 56

Categorizing information, 139-142, 160

Change, 104

Charm, 83

Clemens, Samuel, 23

Clothing, 115-123, 174

Commencement speech, 172-173

Commitment, 81

Comparison, social, 73-74

Conclusion of a speech, 150-155, 161, 164

Confidence, 27, 81, 101

Connection, 51

Credibility, 110

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 88-89

Cuddy, Amy, 27-28

Cue, 127-128, 134

Darwin, Charles, 45

Davis, Viola, 168

Demographics, 44-45

Disfluencies, 105

Dress, 115-123, 174

Duhigg, Charles, 127

Embellishing, 64

Emotions, 40, 89

Enclothed cognition, 117-118, 123

Essentialism, 133

Eulogy, 171-172

Expectations, audience, 46-49, 52

Eye contact, 28-29, 174

Fabrications, 64

Fairness, 60

Familiarity, 95-97

Fear, 11, 17, 21-22

Feedback, 131-133, 136

Feelings, audience, 144-145

Fight, flight, or freeze, 20-22, 29, 30, 35

Figures of speech, 61

Filler words, 105-106, 113

Flirting with the audience, 80-81, 84

Flow, 88-90, 101

Focus, 113

Focused attention, 37

Gestures, 98-100, 102, 175

Habit loop, 127-128, 134

Habits, 126-129, 134, 136

Habits, maladaptive, 104-105

Hammer trick, 109

Hanson, Rick, 36

Hats, 119-120

Headlines, 145-148, 161

Hero’s journey, 56

Highlighting words, 95, 101, 102

High-rising terminal, 107-108, 113

Hitler, Adolf, 183

Hood, Bruce, 133

Humor, 174

Humor, self-deprecating, 69

Hunting and gathering, 138-139, 160

Imagery, 38-39, 41

Impact words, 95

Impromptu speech, 163-166

Information, categorizing, 139-142, 160

Inner critic, 34-36, 40

Introduction speech, 166-167

Introduction to a speech, 150-155, 161, 164

Jewelry, 121

Journey, hero’s, 56

Labels, 72-75, 83, 84

Liberman, Mark, 106

Listening, active, 173-174

Live theater, 89-90

Lucas, George, 56, 58

Main points, 151

Maladaptive habits, 104-105

Marble mouth, 110-112, 114

Meetup, 180-181

Memorial speech, 171-172

Memorization, 157, 167, 175

Message, 144

Metaphors, 61

Mirror neurons, 82

Moore, Gordon, 126

Mortenson, Greg, 65

Motifs, 56

Name it to tame it, 38, 41

Needs, audience, 46-49, 52

Negative self-talk, 33-41, 164

Nerves, 17-31, 128

Neuroscience, 37

Nonverbal cues, 98-100, 102

Notes, speech, 157-158

On the Origin of Species, 45

Origin of speeches, 45

Outlining a speech, 150-155, 161

Overview, topic, 151

Passion, 46, 81-83, 84, 85

Passive listening, 173

Personal credibility statement, 152

Personal self-interest, 45

Personality, clothing and, 118

Philadelphia Flyers, 129-131

Podium, 108-109

Pollack, John, 60

Posture, 174

Power of Habit, The, 127

Power of stories, the, 55-70

Power pose, 27-28, 31

Power, 27

Practicing, 155-157, 161

Prefrontal cortex, 104

Presentation speech, 169-170

Presenting self, 76-77

Pretzel legs, 108-109, 113

Primitive brain, 19-20, 22-23

Professional connection, 152

Psychology, 13

Public speaking ritual, 135

Reactants, 132

Recruiting audience members, 47

Rejection, 19, 22, 29, 46, 132

Relaxing, 27, 30

Research, 138-139, 160, 167

Reward, 127-128, 134

Richards, Ann, 183, 184-195

Ritual, public speaking, 135

Rituals, 129

Roast, 170-171

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 46

Routines, 129

Rumors, 64

Security blanket, 133-134, 136

Segregates, 105

Self, presenting, 76-77

Self-concept, 72-85

Self-deprecating humor, 69

Self-directed speech, 33-41

Self-interest, 45

Self-talk, negative, 33-41, 164

Similes, 61

Smiling, 121, 123, 175

Smith, Kate, 129-131

Social comparison, 73-74

Social labels, 72

Speaking, writing vs., 91-95

Speech notes, 157-158

Speech sins, 103-114

Speech, speed of, 109-110, 114, 175

Speeches, types of, 163-173

Speed of speech, 109-110, 114, 175

Spencer, Herbert, 45

Stage flight, 18

Stories, the power of, 55-70

Storytelling, 55-70

Stranger danger, 19

Stress, 26

Stretching, 26-28, 30

Survival of the fittest, 45

Taylor, Ken, 143

Testimonials, 62

Theater, live, 89-90

Themes, universal, 57e-59e, 67, 68

Thinking brain, 29, 30

Threats, perception of, 20-21

Three Cups of Tea, 65

Toast, 170-171

Toastmasters International, 180

Topic overview, 151

Transitional sentences, 152

Truth, 46

Twain, Mark, 23

Types of speeches, 163-173

Underdog, 59-60

Underdressing, 116

Universal themes, 57-59, 67, 68

Uptalking, 107-108, 113

Vagus nerve, 27

Visual aids, 159, 175

Visualization, 39

Walk toward, run away theory, 104

Warren, Elizabeth, 183-184, 195-201

White Out, 24-26, 90, 175

Writing a speech, 137-161

Writing out loud, 93-95, 102

Writing, speaking vs., 91-95

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