
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


Aardvark, Mode, Mode
access control, Learning + Collaboration
actionable results, Actionable ResultsActionable Results, Actionable Results, Actionable Results, Actionable Results, Actionable Results, Actionable Results
Digg, Actionable Results
Google, Actionable Results
Yahoo!, Actionable Results
advanced search, Faceted NavigationPersonalization, Advanced Search, Advanced Search, Advanced Search, Personalization
Flickr, Advanced Search
personalization, Advanced SearchPagination, Personalization, Personalization, Personalization, Personalization, Pagination
Alexander, Apophenia Redux, Design Patterns
alternate views, Alternate ViewsPredictability, Alternate Views, Predictability
Amazon, Content, Search, Progressive Disclosure
adaptive facets, Search, Faceted Navigation
category match, Unified Discovery
memory managers, Recognition Over Recall
No Results, Quit
pearl growing, Personalization
Product Pages, Search
scoped search, Unified Discovery
Amazon Mobile, Faceted Navigation
Ambient Devices, Elements of Interaction, Elements of Interaction
Ambiently, Mode
anatomy of search, The Anatomy of SearchAll Together Now, Users, Users, Users, Interface, Interface, Interface, Engine, Learning + Collaboration, Learning + Collaboration, Content, Content, Content, Creators, Creators, Context, Context, Portal, Search, Objects, Objects, All Together Now, All Together Now
content, Content, Content, Content
context, ContextAll Together Now, Context, All Together Now
context of use, Users
creators, Creators, Creators
engine, EngineLearning + Collaboration, Learning + Collaboration, Learning + Collaboration, Learning + Collaboration, Learning + Collaboration
interface, Interface, Interface, Interface
users, UsersUser Experience Honeycomb: Searcher’s Edition, Users, User Experience Honeycomb: Searcher’s Edition
Android mobiles, Experience Discovery
Ann Arbor Library, Elements of Interaction, Autocomplete
pogosticking, Pearl Growing
thrashing, Pogosticking
apophenia, Apophenia Redux
autosuggest, The Box
interfaces, Elements of Interaction, Autocomplete
AroundMe, Recognition Over Recall
artificial intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Apophenia Redux, Debrief
Artist Rising, Narrow, Faceted Navigation
Au, Principles of Design
audience, Audience
augmented reality (AR), Experience Discovery
autocomplete, The Box, Thrashing, Incremental Construction, Immediate Response, Autocomplete, Autocomplete, Autocomplete, Autocomplete, Autocomplete, Best First, Faceted Navigation, Personalization, Structured Results, Actionable Results, Platform, Autocomplete
desktop application, Autocomplete
Firefox, Autocomplete
Google, Autocomplete, Autocomplete
visual, Autocomplete
autosuggest, The Box, Thrashing
scoped search, Autocomplete


categories, CategoryCategory, Category
ChemSpider, Audience, Category
Citysearch, Autocomplete, Category, Category
Cognition, Debrief, Debrief
collaboration, The Engine
collaborative filtering, Engines of Discovery
discovery of, The Discovery of Color, The Discovery of Color, The Discovery of Color, The Discovery of Color, The Discovery of Color
concept maps, Context, Methods and Deliverables
content, Learning + CollaborationContent, Content, Content, Content
content management system, Portal
context, ContextAll Together Now, Context, All Together Now, All Together Now
context of use, Users
Cooliris, Pogosticking
Cooper, Platform
Corbis, Debrief
Cover Flow, Users, Principles of Design, Platform
cross-channel design, Elements of Interaction
CSA Illumina’s thesaurus browser, Expand
Csikszentmihalyi, Behavior


Delicious, Actionable Results, Category, Format
deliverables and methods, Methods and Deliverables, Methods and Deliverables
demographics, Users
interaction, Elements of InteractionElements of Interaction, Elements of Interaction, Elements of Interaction
principles of
direct manipulation, Direct Manipulation
design patterns, Design PatternsThe End of the Beginning, Design Patterns, Autocomplete, Best First, Best First, Federated Search, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Advanced Search, Pagination, Pagination, Structured Results, Structured Results, Structured Results, Actionable Results, Unified Discovery, Unified Discovery, The End of the Beginning
actionable results, Actionable ResultsActionable Results, Actionable Results, Actionable Results, Actionable Results, Actionable Results
advanced search, Faceted NavigationPersonalization, Advanced Search, Advanced Search, Personalization, Personalization
autocomplete, AutocompleteAutocomplete, Autocomplete, Autocomplete, Autocomplete, Autocomplete, Autocomplete
best first, Best First, Best First
faceted navigation, Faceted NavigationAdvanced Search, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Advanced Search
federated search, Federated SearchFederated Search, Federated Search, Federated Search, Federated Search
pagination, PaginationPagination, Pagination
structured results, Structured ResultsActionable Results, Actionable Results, Actionable Results
unified discovery, Unified DiscoveryThe End of the Beginning, The End of the Beginning
desktop search, The Discovery of Color
Digg, Actionable Results
direct manipulation, Direct ManipulationDesign Patterns, Direct Manipulation, Design Patterns
discovery engines, Engines of DiscoveryMode, Topic, Format, Audience, Audience, Platform, Mode, Mode
audience, Audience
categories, CategoryCategory, Category
format, FormatFormat, Format, Format, Format
mode, ModeMode, Mode
diversity, Best First
Dogear, Category
Dopplr, Autocomplete, Topic, Topic


EBSCO, Category, Category
Editor’s Choice, Best First
Endeca’s guided summarization, Structured Results, Pagination
enhancing understanding, Learn
Epicurious, Topic
Etsy, Advanced Search
Everyzing, The Discovery of Color
Evri, The Engine
Exalead, Advanced Search
Expand (pattern), Narrow
experience discovery, Experience DiscoveryExperience Discovery, Experience Discovery, Experience Discovery, Experience Discovery, Experience Discovery
expertise types, Users


faceted navigation, Users, Interface, Learning + Collaboration, Content, Search, Narrow, Best First, Federated Search, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Faceted Navigation, Advanced Search, Personalization, Pagination, Structured Results, Structured Results, Unified Discovery, Unified Discovery, Category, Topic
Amazon, Faceted Navigation
Cisco, Category
Kayak, Faceted Navigation
Volkswagen UK, Faceted Navigation
features (search engine), Learning + Collaboration
federated search, Learning + Collaboration, Search, Best First, Federated Search, Federated Search
file formats (search engine), Learning + Collaboration
filtering, Learning + Collaboration, Content
sliders, Elements of Interaction
filters, Filter, Incremental Construction, Alternate Views, Best First, Faceted Navigation, Personalization, Pagination, Debrief
findability, Pattern Recognition, The Goal, Find, Act, Elephant in the Room, A Mapmaker’s Manifesto, Content, Context, Portal, Search, Objects, Faceted Navigation
autocomplete, Autocomplete
Five Ws (and one H), Interface
Flickr, The Box, The Discovery of Color, Content, Search, Objects, Objects, Objects, Objects, Best First, Advanced Search
advanced search, Advanced Search
user model, Objects
format, Format, Format, Format
fragmentation, Context, Federated Search
FriendFeed, Personalization
future possibilities, Tangible FuturesExperience Discovery, Search Scenarios, Debrief, Debrief, Debrief, Debrief, Experience Discovery, Experience Discovery, Experience Discovery, Experience Discovery, Experience Discovery


GazoPa, Advanced Search
Genentech, Advanced Search
Get Satisfaction, Topic
Getty, The Discovery of Color
Gibson, The Box, Apophenia Redux
Glass, Objects
Google, Pattern Recognition, Search
Accessible Search, Alternate Views
Amazon’s Product Pages, Search
autocomplete, Autocomplete
pagination, Pagination
personalization, Debrief
Similar link, Pearl Growing, Mode
snippets, Pagination
special query types, The Box
structured results, Structured Results
Google Desktop, The Discovery of Color, Platform
Google Maps, Progressive DisclosureImmediate Response, Progressive Disclosure, Immediate Response
Google Mobile, The Box, The Box, Personalization, Platform, Platform
single-click phone and map features, Actionable Results
Google Public Data, Structured Results
Google’s PageRank, Category
GoPubMed, Topic
GoTo, The Discovery of Color
guided summarization, Structured Results


Mac OS X operating system, Platform
matching categories and related terms, Expand
Mechanical Turk, Understand
metadata, Faceted Navigation
methods and deliverables, Methods and Deliverables
Metro Paris Subway, Experience Discovery
Microsoft, Best First
Bing, Pagination, Pagination
Midomi, The Discovery of Color, Advanced Search
minimal disruption, Minimal Disruption
mobile applications, Actionable Results
mobile browsing, Minimal Disruption
mobile pagination patterns, Pagination
mobile search interaction, Elements of Interaction
mobile voice search, Autocomplete
mode of discovery, ModeMode, Mode, Mode
Modista, Format
MrTaggy, Format, Format
multisensory search, Debrief
music, The Discovery of Color, The Discovery of Color


National Cancer Institute, Best First
navigation and filtering, Learning + Collaboration
NetFlix, The Discovery of Color, Direct Manipulation
Newssift, Structured Results
Newton’s color wheel, The Discovery of Color
No Results, Quit


pagination, PaginationPagination, Pagination, Pagination, Pagination, Pagination
inline paging, Pagination
Pandora, The Engine, Users, Pearl Growing, Tangible Futures
paradox of the active user, Users
PARC, Format
pattern language for architecture, Apophenia Redux
pattern recognition, Pattern RecognitionApophenia Redux, Understanding Search, The Engine, The Discovery of Color, The Discovery of Color, The Discovery of Color, A Mapmaker’s Manifesto, Apophenia Redux, Apophenia Redux, Apophenia Redux, Apophenia Redux
elephant in the room, Elephant in the RoomThe Sadness of Search, Elephant in the Room, The Sadness of Search, The Joy of Search
understanding search
engine, The Engine, The Engine, The Engine
goal, The Goal, Ask, Find, Understand, Share
Pattern Recognition by William Gibson, Apophenia Redux
patterns of behavior, BehaviorThrashing, Quit, Quit, Narrow, Expand, Expand, Pearl Growing, Pearl Growing, Pogosticking, Thrashing, Thrashing
Expand, Narrow
pogosticking, Pogosticking
Quit, Patterns of Behavior
thrashing, Thrashing
pearl growing, Expand, Debrief
Amazon, Personalization
performance, Learning + Collaboration
personalization, Pattern Recognition, The Discovery of Color, Content, Context, Best First, Faceted Navigation, Structured Results, Actionable Results, Engines of Discovery, Debrief, Debrief
Amazon, Personalization
Google, Debrief
search by location, Personalization
platforms, PlatformMode, Mode
pogosticking, Pearl Growing
PointCast, The Discovery of Color
popularity, Best First
sort by title, Best First
portal, PortalAll Together Now, Portal, Search, All Together Now, All Together Now
preattentive variables, Principles of Design
precision versus recall, Users
predictability, Predictability
pricing model (search engine), Learning + Collaboration
primary colors of search, The Discovery of Color
principles of design, Principles of DesignDesign Patterns, Principles of Design, Progressive Disclosure, Progressive Disclosure, Immediate Response, Immediate Response, Alternate Views, Alternate Views, Predictability, Recognition Over Recall, Recognition Over Recall, Direct Manipulation, Direct Manipulation, Design Patterns
alternate views, Alternate ViewsPredictability, Predictability
direct manipulation, Direct ManipulationDesign Patterns, Design Patterns
incremental construction, Incremental Construction
predictability, Predictability
progressive disclosure, Progressive DisclosureImmediate Response, Progressive Disclosure, Immediate Response
progressive disclosure, Progressive DisclosureImmediate Response, Progressive Disclosure, Immediate Response
ProQuest, Category
psychographics, Users
PsycINFO database, Category, Category


qualities of the searcher’s experience, User Experience Honeycomb: Searcher’s Edition
query, Interface
Quit (pattern), Patterns of Behavior


scented widgets, Faceted Navigation
advanced search design pattern, Advanced SearchPersonalization, Advanced Search, Advanced Search, Personalization
anatomy of, Engine
users, Users
fast, Search
federated, Search
joy of, The Joy of Search
personalizing by location, Personalization
poor, Elephant in the Room
sadness of, The Sadness of Search
search analytics, Learning + Collaboration
search box, The BoxThe Box, The Box, The Box, The Box, The Box
search engine, EngineLearning + Collaboration, Learning + Collaboration, Learning + Collaboration, Learning + Collaboration
search engine results page (SERP), Learn, Interface, Narrow, Pearl Growing
search modes, Users
search scenarios, Search ScenariosExperience Discovery, Sensorium, Semantic Singularity, Debrief, Debrief, Debrief, Debrief, Experience Discovery, Experience Discovery
flock, Flock
search types, Users
Searchblog, Personalization
Searchme, Direct Manipulation, Actionable Results, Actionable Results
searchvalence, Searchvalence
semantic agent, Debrief
semantic singularity, Semantic SingularityDebrief, Debrief, Debrief, Debrief
Semantic Web, Pattern Recognition
sensorium, SensoriumSemantic Singularity, Debrief, Semantic Singularity
shareable search stacks, Actionable Results
similar sensewheel, Sensorium
snippets, Pagination
diversity, Pagination
Songza, The Discovery of Color, Direct Manipulation
sorting by date, Best First
speed, Learning + Collaboration
Spotlight, Platform
iPhone, Platform
Spotlight Search, Actionable Results
structured results, Structured ResultsActionable Results, Structured Results, Structured Results, Actionable Results
Google, Structured Results
StumbleUpon, Mode
Suggested Links, Best First
synesthesia, The Discovery of Color
system architecture, Learning + Collaboration


technographics, Users
text-to-speech, Alternate Views
The Back of the Napkin, Context
The Gap, Predictability
The Singularity Is Near, Debrief
ThingM, Elements of Interaction
thrashing, Pogosticking
title, Best First
TiVo, Platform, Platform
Triangle Research Libraries, Immediate Response
Twain, Apophenia Redux
TweetDeck, Category
Twitter, Pattern Recognition, The Box, Understand, The Discovery of Color, Personalization, Category, Mode, Debrief
social searches, Personalization


vendor credentials, Learning + Collaboration
video, The Discovery of Color
Viewzi, Alternate Views
visual autocomplete, Autocomplete
visual facet widgets, Structured Results
Volkswagen UK, Faceted Navigation


Wales, Creators
Washtenaw Community College, Category, Category
Watts, Context
web page, Content
Where, Recognition Over Recall
widgets, Faceted Navigation
Wikipedia, Creators, Search, Unified Discovery
Wikitude, Experience Discovery
Winchester Mystery House, Context, Context, Search
WineM, Elements of Interaction
Wolfram Alpha, Structured Results, Debrief


autocomplete, Thrashing, Autocomplete
autosuggest and, Thrashing, Autocomplete
Yahoo! Glue Pages, Unified Discovery
Yahoo! Mobile, Autocomplete
Yahoo! Search Pad, Actionable Results
Yahoo! Shopping, Pagination
Yale University, Quit
Yelp Monocle, Experience Discovery


zooming user interface (ZUI), Pagination
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