8 Jefferson Wheel Cypher

This chapter covers

  • Thomas Jefferson’s wheel cypher
  • Solving a wheel cypher using a known word
  • Solving a wheel cypher when no words are known

Thomas Jefferson invented the Jefferson Wheel Cypher sometime between 1790 and 1793, while he was serving as secretary of state to George Washington. The device consists of an iron rod or spindle 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter and 6 to 8 inches long with 36 wooden disks about 2 inches in diameter and 1/6 inch thick. Each disk has a hole drilled through its center the same size as the rod so that all of the disks can be placed snugly onto the rod, forming a wooden cylinder. The flat faces of the disks touch one another, with the outside rounded edges visible. One end of the rod has a head, like a nail head. The other end has screw threads so that a nut can be screwed onto the rod, holding the disks firmly in place.

The disks are numbered from 1 to 36 on their flat sides. The round outer edge is divided into 26 equal sections. The 26 letters of the alphabet are written or incised into these 26 sections in some scrambled order, which is different for each disk. The order of the disks on the spindle is the key for the cipher, which is nowadays called a multiplex cipher.

Here is a reproduction of a 26-disk Jefferson Cypher Wheel displayed at the National Cryptologic Museum in Fort Meade, Maryland. (Photo courtesy of Daderot under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 license.)


A message is enciphered with this device by first placing the disks on the spindle in the order specified by the key. The nut is screwed on loosely so that the individual disks can be turned. The first letter of the message is found on the first disk, and the second disk is turned so that the second letter of the message is next to the first letter. Then the third disk is turned so the third letter of the message is next to the second letter, and so forth until the first 36 letters of the message are lined up in an even row. The nut is then tightened to keep them in place.

Turning the cylinder, there are 25 other rows of letters, all of which are meaningless jumbles. Sandra may choose any one of these as the ciphertext. Riva repeats this process, setting up the ciphertext on one row of the cylinder. It will be obvious which of the 25 other rows is the intended message.

Jefferson apparently never put this cipher into use. The concept lay dormant until it was reinvented by Étienne Bazeries in the early 1890s. It was adopted by the French in 1901. Bazeries’s version had two improvements. It had a stand or cradle so the device could be placed on a desk for two-handed operation, and it had a guide that helped the user line up the letters evenly and select the row for reading out the ciphertext. A version of this cipher using 25 aluminum disks was invented by Col. Parker Hitt in 1914 and adopted by the US Army in 1922 as the M-94, and by the US Navy in 1926 as the CSP-488. Hitt’s version was only 4.25” long, small enough to fit in a pocket, and had notches and prongs on the flat faces of the disks that kept them from slipping after they had been aligned.

Here is a photo of a CSP-488 from the National Cryptologic Museum.


A flat version of the cipher was invented by Hitt in 1916 and adopted by the Army in 1935 as the M-138. This version was a flat aluminum board with 25 channels that held paper strips that could slide back and forth to simulate the turning of the disks. Each strip had two copies of the scrambled alphabet. This device was more secure since the paper strips could easily be replaced, and even hand-written in the field if necessary. This was soon replaced by the M138A, or CSP-845 in the Navy, which had slots for 30 paper strips. 100 strips were supplied with the device, designated by 2-digit numbers, so any message used 30 out of 100 possible strips. This allows for 100!/70! = 7.79×1057 possible keys.

The M-138A had a hinge in the center so that it could be folded for easier carrying. Each half had a separate guide that was used for aligning the strips and reading out 15 letters of the cipher. These improvements considerably strengthened the cipher.

These strip ciphers were dropped by the Army around 1942 or 1943, but they remained in use by the Navy as a standby in case a loss of electrical power makes it impossible to use any of their electronic or electromechanical cipher devices.

It is not feasible to solve a multiplex cipher if Emily does not have a copy of the device and does not know the alphabets. If Emily possesses the device, the cipher is relatively easy to solve if she knows some probable words. When Emily possesses a copy of the device and knows some probable words, the Jefferson Cypher Wheel is rated Four to Five. When no probable words are known, the rating is Six to Seven. The more ciphertext Emily has, the lower the rating. Conversely, if the device has lots of extra disks, the rating goes up. For example, if the device holds 30 disks that the user selects from a supply of 100 disks, the rating can go to Eight. For very short messages, less than two times the number of disks, solution may be impossible unless Emily intercepts multiple messages using the same key. This may happen if the sender changes the order of the disks only once per day.

8.1 Known-word solution

You can solve a message enciphered with the Jefferson Cypher Wheel when you have enough text, and you know at least part of the message. Often, just a single known word is sufficient. Suppose you know that Sandra is using the M-94 device, which has 25 disks, and you have intercepted a message:


Suppose you also know the plaintext message begins URGENT. This has been transformed into the ciphertext CLPOXF. Since URGENT is on one row and CLPOXF is on another row, the distance between corresponding pairs of letters must be the same. Let’s call the row with URGENT row 1, and suppose the row with CLPOXF is row 8. The first letter of the plaintext, U, and the first letter of the ciphertext, C, are taken from row 1 and row 8 of the first disk. So, on the first disk the distance from U to C must be 7. On the second disk the distance from R to L must be 7. On the third disk the distance from G to P must be 7, as well as E to O, N to X and T to F.

The easiest way to search is to try each possible distance from 1 through 25 in turn. Start with distance 1. Find all of the disks where the distance from U to C is 1. In other words, where the next letter after U is C. If there are no such disks, then you know the distance is not 1. Then find all of the disks where the distance from R to L is 1. Again, if there are none the distance cannot be 1.

Let’s suppose that you have found 12 sets of disks where the letter pairs are all at a distance of 1. You now need to test these 12 sets to see if any of them are correct. Let the first set of disks be, say, 18-4-21-9-13-11. Start testing with the second block of the ciphertext, letters 26 through 50. This block starts ESIWVI. Set disk 18 to letter E, disk 4 to letter S, disk 21 to letter I, and so on. Now look at the other 25 rows. If they are all gibberish, like HNSAEI or TFPGUW, then you know 18-4-21-9-13-11 is not the correct sequence of disks. On the other hand, if you see some plausible text like NCONDI, which could be part of the word UNCONDITIONAL, then 18-4-21-9-13-11 might be the correct sequence of disks. Test again using the third block of the ciphertext starting with GAFOEM. If the third and fourth blocks all lead to reasonable text segments, then 18-4-21-9-13-11 is probably correct ... but keep searching because you might find better disk sequences.

If you don’t see any likely snippets of text, then try the other 11 disk sequences. If none of these work, try distance 2, then distance 3, ... through distance 25. There will probably be a few hundred combinations of disk order and distance to test. This is tedious, but still feasible by hand. If nothing works, go back and look for disk sequences where 2 out of the 3 tests gave plausible text.

Once you have settled on the most probable sequence for the first 6 disks, and the corresponding distances, then you try to extend this to the 7th disk. For each choice of disk you already know the distance from the plaintext to the ciphertext, so the extension process goes fairly quickly.

*8.2 Ciphertext-only solution

It is also possible to solve multiplex ciphers when there are no known words. This is called a ciphertext-only solution. I was the first person to find such a solution (“Computer Methods for Decrypting Multiplex Ciphers.” Cryptologia 2 (Apr. 1978), pp. 152-160). In the original 1978 paper I used bigram frequencies and worked up to trigrams. Computers today are much faster, and have much more storage, so we can skip the bigram step. The method assumes that you have a table giving the probabilities for each possible trigram in English. You can compile such a table yourself, or just download a trigram table from the internet. Here is the gist of the method.

Let us assume as before that Emily is using the M-94 device with 25 cipher alphabets, and that we have intercepted a message of at least 3 blocks, or 75 letters. All that we know about the message is that it is in English. For example, suppose we have intercepted


Start by trying all possible choices for the first 3 disks. There are 25×24×23 = 13,800 such choices. For each choice, set the disks to the first 3 letters in each block of the ciphertext, namely CLP, ESI and GAF. For each of these trigrams, look at the other 25 rows. These rows contain the possible plaintext trigrams corresponding to the ciphertext trigrams. Since there are 25 choices for each of the 3 rows, the total number of possibilities is 13800×253 = 215,625,000. This can be easily handled by a desktop computer, or even a notebook computer.

For each combination of 3 disks and 3 rows, the probability of that combination is the product of the probabilities for the 3 plaintext trigrams. Equivalently, the logarithm of the probability is the sum of the logarithms of the 3 trigram probabilities. The idea is to keep only the most likely combinations and discard the rest. For example, you could keep only the top 1%, or you could keep a fixed number of good combinations, perhaps the 1,000,000 best. Let’s assume that you chose to keep the top 2,000,000.

One way to do that is to generate all 215,625,000 combinations, then sort them on the probability, and throw out the bottom 99%. That would take a lot of storage. There are better ways to do this. Start by allocating a table that is 10% to 25% bigger than the number of combinations you want, let’s say 2,500,000 combinations. Begin generating the combinations and putting them in the table. When the table gets full it needs to be trimmed by about 20%.

That could be done by sorting the table and deleting the bottom 20%. That is, you sort by descending probability and then just set the number of table entries to 2,000,000. Sorting 2,500,000 items is a lot faster than sorting 215,625,000 items, but there are far faster ways. Select 10 items from the table at random. (If you don’t know how to choose randomly, then choose the items 1/11, 2/11, ... , 10/11 of the way through.) Sort these 10 items from least-probable to most-probable. Call these sorted items a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j. Let P be the probability of item b. Delete every item in the table whose probability is less than P.

Continue generating combinations, but do not add any item to the table whose probability is P or less. Each time the table fills up, repeat the process of sampling, sorting the samples, and resetting the cutoff probability P.

At the end of all this, you will have about 2,000,000 combinations of 3 disks and 3 rows. The next step is to extend this to 4 disks. Try all 22 possible choices for the 4th disk. This will give you about 44,000,000 combinations. Now look at the trigrams formed by disks 2, 3 and 4. For each combination multiply the probability for the trigram on disks 1,2,3 by the probability of the trigram on disks 2,3,4 to get an approximate probability for the tetragram on all 4 disks. Multiply the probabilities for the plaintext tetragrams corresponding to the 3 ciphertext tetragrams CLPO, ESIW and GAFO.

This will give you probabilities for the 44,000,000 combinations of 4 disks and 3 rows. Again, you can keep the best 1% to give you 440,000 sets of tetragrams. Use the same method as you used for the trigrams.

Continue this way to get the pentagrams, hexagrams, heptagrams, and so forth. Each time you add a disk you can keep fewer combinations than the time before. When you get down below 100, you can just pick out the correct combination by sight and complete the solution by hand.

One problem that may cause this procedure to fail is this: even in normal text, a trigram may appear that has a probability of 0 in your trigram table. If Emily is using nulls, this may occur fairly often. This could cause the legitimate plaintext to get rejected.

One solution is to jigger the trigram probabilities so that a 0 probability never occurs. Let’s write P(x) for the probability of a string x. If the probability of a trigram, say XYZ, is zero you can use the greater of P(X)P(YZ) and P(XY)P(Z). I suggest dividing this by 3, say, because XYZ never occurred in your trigram count. If the probability of XYZ is still 0, then use the individual letters. For example, set P(XYZ) to P(X)P(Y)P(Z)/10.

A different solution is not to multiply the probabilities, but to use some other function to combine them. For example, you could add the sum of the squares of the probabilities. This will strongly reward common trigrams, while largely ignoring rare trigrams.

If all of this fails, then simply try the procedure again from a different starting point in the ciphertext. For example, start at the fifth disk.**

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