9 Fractionation

This chapter covers

  • The Polybius square
  • Splitting a letter into smaller parts, such as bits or hexadecimal digits
  • Mixing and recombining those parts

The first two basic tools of cryptography are substitution and transposition, which are covered in chapters 5 through 8. The third fundamental element of cryptography is fractionation. This means breaking the normal units of language, letters, syllables and words into smaller units and operating on those units. The smaller units are commonly bits, decimal digits, hexadecimal digits, or digits in other number bases. This chapter covers fractionation using digits in bases 2, 3, 5, 6, and 16, plus some other forms of fractionation.

9.1 Polybius square

Possibly the oldest method for representing letters as smaller units is the Polybius Square, which we saw in section 4.4. Here each letter is represented by two base-5 digits, making 25 possible 2-digit combinations. (The Greeks did not have a representation for 0, so their digits started at 1.)

Here is the Polybius square from section 4.4. Each letter is represented by its coordinates in the square, that is, by its row and column numbers. For example, the letter P is on row 2 in column 5, so it is represented as 25. When needed for clarity this can also be written as 2,5.


A Polybius square by itself can produce a number of different ciphers. For example, it can produce a simple substitution by replacing each letter in a message by the letter to the right in the square (U becomes V), or below (U becomes Z), or below and to the right (U becomes S) or left (U becomes P), and so forth. This idea can be extended to a polyalphabetic cipher by changing directions, say right, left, down, right, left, down, etc. You can also go 2 letters away or use knight moves, as in chess.

A Polybius square can also be used to produce a Polybius Ripple cipher. Begin by replacing each letter of the message by its coordinates, simply written out in one line. Starting with the second number in this list, add the previous number to the current number. If the sum is more than 5, subtract 5 to keep the numbers in the range 1 to 5. Then turn these numbers back into letters using the Polybius square again.


The Polybius ripple cipher is rated Three. The cipher can be strengthened by using a different Polybius square for converting the coordinates back to letters.

Let’s look at a few hand ciphers from the 1800s based on the Polybius square in sections 9.2 to 9.7. I cover some additional hand methods in sections 9.8 to 9.11. Then I discuss some computer methods in the rest of the chapter.

9.2 Playfair

The Playfair cipher was invented by Charles Wheatstone (pronounced WHIT-stun) in 1854. Wheatstone is well-known among electrical engineers as the inventor of the Wheatstone bridge, which measures electrical resistance. Wheatstone and William Cooke invented the needle telegraph several years before Samuel Morse invented his key telegraph. Cooke commercialized the needle telegraph in England years before Morse began his telegraph company in the US.

Wheatstone’s cipher is called the Playfair cipher because it was Wheatstone’s look-alike friend Baron Lyon Playfair (both had bright red hair and stood about 5'2'') who advocated for its use and convinced the British Foreign Office to use the cipher for diplomatic communications.

Historical aside

Since this cipher was not called the Wheatstone cipher, that left the Wheatstone name available for a second cipher that Wheatstone invented circa 1860 and exhibited at the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1867. The Wheatstone Cryptograph, which resembled a large pocket watch, consisted of two stationary concentric rings made of stiff cardboard and two moveable clock hands connected by a simple clockwork mechanism. The inner ring was erasable, and could be changed for each message. This ring had the 26-letter alphabet in scrambled order, while the outer ring had the standard 26-letter alphabet plus a blank, making 27 positions. You move the long clock hand to indicate the plaintext letter on the outer ring, and the short hand moves to indicate the ciphertext letter on the inner ring. When the long clock hand completes one revolution of 27 positions, the short hand also moves 27 positions, which is 1 complete revolution plus 1 extra letter position. So the short hand starts from a different point on each revolution. An equivalent device with moveable rings and no hands had been produced by Col. Decius Wadsworth, chief of ordnance, in 1817, based on plans made by Thomas Jefferson in 1790, but it is Wheatstone’s name that is forever associated with this concept.

Photo provided by Ralph Simpson. The inscription reads

“The Cryptograph. C. Wheatstone Invr.”


The Playfair cipher is based on the Polybius square, and enciphers two letters at a time. That is, it enciphers bigrams. The square can be prepared by mixing the alphabet using any of the methods of section 5.2. One low-frequency letter of the alphabet such as J, Q or Z is omitted to make the alphabet fit into a 5×5 square. (In French, J, Q and Z are common, so omit W. In German, omit Q, X or Y.) When the omitted letter occurs in the message, some other letter is chosen to replace it. In our case each J is replaced by an I.

The next step is to divide the message into bigrams, for example ME ET ME TO MO RR OW. If a bigram is a double letter, this should be broken up, typically by inserting an X in the middle. (This is a good reason not to omit X from the square.) Also, if the message contains an odd number of letters, an X is added at the end. The message becomes ME ET ME TO MO RX RO WX. Now we are ready to encipher it.

Playfair has 3 rules: (1) if the two letters are on the same row, each letter is replaced by the letter to its right; (2) if the letters are in the same column, each letter is replaced by the letter below it; (3) for all other letters, each letter is replaced by the letter in the same row, but in the column of the other letter of the bigram. It is understood that the square wraps around, so in the square in section 9.1, the letter to the right of Y is U, and the letter below Q is W.

These rules can be restated in terms of the coordinates. Let the bigram we wish to encipher be r1c1 r2c2, so that the first letter is on row r1 in column c1 and the second letter is on row r2 in column c2. Now the 3 rules become

  1. If r1 = r2 then substitute r1,c1+1 r2,c2+1.

  2. If c1 = c2 then substitute r1+1,c1 r2+1,c2.

  3. Otherwise substitute r1,c2 r2,c1.

Let’s encipher our sample message ME ET ME TO MO RX RO WX and see how these rules work. The first bigram is ME. M and E are in different rows and different columns so Rule 3 applies. M is in row 2 column 4 and E is in row 3 column 2. So M gets replaced by the letter in the same row, namely row 2, in the same column as the letter E, namely column 2. The letter in row 2 column 2 is S, so M is replaced by S. Likewise, E is replaced by the letter in row 3 column 4, namely C.

In the same way ET is replaced by DO, and the second ME is replaced by SC. The letters T and O are in the same row, so Rule 1 applies. They are replaced by the letters to their right. T gets replaced by N and O gets replaced by Q. So TO is replaced by NQ.

MO goes by Rule 3. It is replaced by SR. R and X are in the same column so Rule 2 applies. RX is replaced by XM. RO and WX both use Rule 1 and are replaced by TQ and XY. The entire message thus becomes SC DO SC NQ SR XM TQ XY, which is SCDOS CNQSR XMTQX Y after regrouping.

Here are some diagrams to help you visualize how the bigrams LY, TO and RX are enciphered.


The Playfair cipher remained in military and diplomatic use until at least 1960. Next, let’s take a brief look at how a Playfair cipher can be solved.

9.2.1 Solving a Playfair cipher

Notice that each letter can be enciphered by only 5 possible substitutes, namely the 4 other letters on its row and the letter immediately below it. For each letter there are 24 other letters in the grid. Of these, only the 4 letters in its own column will cause the letter to be replaced by the letter below it. So the chance of a letter being replaced by the letter below is 4/24, or 1/6. The chance that it is replaced by another letter on its row is therefore 5/6.

Since there are 5 rows in the square and 9 English letters with frequencies over 5% there must be several rows that contain at least 2 high-frequency letters. If there are fewer than 4 such rows, then there must be at least one row with 3 high-frequency letters. The other letters on these rows will appear more frequently in the ciphertext than any other letters. If you have sufficient ciphertext there is a good chance that the 3 to 5 most frequent letters in the ciphertext appear on the same row in the square.

If we remove all of the bigrams containing these letters, the 3 to 5 most frequent letters in the remaining bigrams are likely to be on the same row of the square. Knowing the high-frequency letters on 2 out of the 5 rows is enough to get started in the reconstruction of the square. The next step would be to try to place some probable words.

The Playfair cipher is rated Three. There are several ways to increase the strength of the Playfair cipher. Let me mention just a few.

9.2.2 Strengthening a Playfair cipher

Here are several stronger variants of the Playfair cipher.

Nullfair or nofair

Nulls can be added to the ciphertext at repeating intervals, like this:


Nullfair is rated Five.


This super-simple enhancement adds a repeating binary key to the Playfair ciphertext. Wherever there is a 1 bit, the next letter of the alphabet is used. Playfair+1 is stronger if the binary key has an odd length.


Playfair+1 is rated Five. Playfair+1 can also be done with ternary numbers. The digits in the additive key are kept small so the addition can be done in your head, without needing a tableau.

Double Playfair

The Playfair cipher can be strengthened by applying it twice. On the second round, the pairs should straddle the bigrams created in the first round. (1) Encipher the message with a Playfair cipher. (2) Either move the first letter to the end, move the last letter to the beginning, or add a null at both ends. (3) Apply another round of Playfair. This is strongest if a different mixed alphabet is used for the second Playfair cipher. Double Playfair is rated Six.

Playfair ripple

This is a variant of double Playfair that takes only one pass through the message, and needs only one Polybius square. Let the plaintext be P1P2P3P4 ... Start at the left end and encipher plaintext bigram P1P2 using Playfair, producing ciphertext bigram C1C2. Then encipher C2P3 as the second bigram, getting D2C3. Notice that D2 has been enciphered twice. Next you encipher C3P4, to get D3C4, and so forth, moving one character to the right at each step. Playfair ripple is rated Six.

Since the first letter C1 and the last letter Cn of the ciphertext have been enciphered only once, you may wish to encipher them as a bigram to complete the cycle.



Use two different Polybius squares and alternate between them by using a repeating key. For example, a key of 11212 means that on each cycle of 5 bigrams the first, second and fourth bigrams would be enciphered with Square 1, while the third and fifth bigrams would be enciphered with Square 2. This can be extended to three or more squares, with a correspondingly longer setup time. Using two squares and a key of not more than 10 digits PolyPlayfair is rated Five. If the key is generated by the Chained Digit algorithm, using the first square when the digit is 0 to 4, and the second square when the digit is 5 to 9, the rating increases to Six. (Note: using the parity of the chained digit sequence has a much shorter period, so it is far weaker.)


After the plaintext has been enciphered with the Playfair cipher the resulting ciphertext can be transposed. The transposition can be as elaborate as the columnar transposition of section 7.2, or as simple as the piecewise reversal of the Bazeries Type 4 cipher in section 4.6.1. With columnar transposition the Playfair is rated Seven. With piecewise reversal the Playfair is rated Five.

9.3 Two Square

The Two Square cipher, sometimes called Double Playfair, is an improved version of the Playfair cipher. It was invented by French amateur cryptographer Félix-Marie Delastelle and described in his 1902 book Traité Élémentaire de Cryptographie. As the name implies, it uses two Polybius squares instead of one, so that there are two mixed alphabets instead of one. The two squares may be placed side-by-side horizontally, or bottom-to-top vertically. The horizontal version is illustrated. In this example the two squares were mixed using the keywords FIRST and SECOND, and the letter Q was omitted to fit the 5×5 grids.


Like the Playfair, the message is enciphered 2 letters at a time. That is, Two Square enciphers bigrams. To encipher the bigram SO we find the S in the left square and the O in the right square. The substitute for S is the letter in the right square in the same row as S and the same column as O, namely T. The substitute for O is the letter in the left square in the same row as O and the same column as S, namely K. Thus the bigram SO becomes TK.

Unlike the Playfair, there is no need to break up double letters. The two letters could be on different rows in the two squares. For example, SS becomes MK. In most cases, a double letter in the ciphertext will not correspond to a double letter in the plaintext.

Here is the substitution process visually.


An important weakness of the Two Square cipher is that when the two letters of a bigram fall on the same row in the grid the substitute is simply those letters in reverse. For instance, ST would become TS. This weakness, called a transparency, sometimes allows an entire word to leak through. For example, SU ND AY would become US DN YA.

To prevent this, I propose this Same Row Rule: when the two letters are on the same row, they are replaced by the letters immediately below them, wrapping to the top row when necessary. For example, ST would now become DY, and VI would become FP.

With the Same Row Rule, Two Square is rated Four. Call this variation Two Square B.

The Germans took the name Double Playfair literally. They enciphered each bigram using the Two Square cipher, and then enciphered that bigram again, using Two Square with the same two squares. The result is essentially a general bigram substitution (section 6.5).

The same methods that were used to strengthen the Playfair cipher may also be used to strengthen the Two Square cipher, such as TwoSquare+1 and Two Square Ripple, with the same ratings. Here is an additional variant.

Playfair TwoSquare

The Two Square cipher uses two Polybius squares. Either of these squares could be used for a Playfair cipher. This suggests a hybrid method that mixes Playfair and Two Square. Again, we will use a numerical key to control how each successive bigram is enciphered. A 1 means encipher the bigram using Playfair in the left square, a 2 means encipher the bigram using Playfair in the right square, and a 3 means encipher the bigram using Two Square or Two Square B. It is best if the numeric key contains at least one of each digit. Since Two Square is stronger than Playfair, 3 should occur more often than 1 or 2 in the key. About 50% would be suitable. Playfair TwoSquare is rated Six.

9.4 Three Square

Three Square is my own idea. Otherwise, it has no special merit. I include it here simply because one of the books I read while researching for this book said that Two Square could not be extended to more than two squares. I love a challenge.

As the name suggests, Three Square uses three Polybius squares. These squares should be well-mixed with independent keys. Three Square enciphers 3 letters at a time, that is, it enciphers trigrams. This makes it stronger than Two Square.


The basic idea is that each letter is replaced by a letter in the square to its right. The replacement letter is in the same row, but in the column containing the next letter of the trigram.

Suppose we wish to encipher the trigram THE. The first letter is T, the second letter is H, and the third letter is E. We encipher using the T in the first square, the H in the second square and the E in the third square, like this.


The substitute for T is on the row containing the T, and in the column in the second square containing the H, so T is replaced by V. The substitute for H is on the same row as the H in the same column as the E in the third square, so H is replaced by R. The substitute for E is on the same row as the E in the column in the first square containing the T, so E is replaced by Z. Thus, THE becomes VRZ.

This can be seen pictorially as follows:


The decipherment goes in the opposite direction. Since the first letter of the ciphertext trigram VRZ came from the second square, we begin deciphering in the second square, like this:


Three Square has a worse problem than Two Square with letters falling on the same row. In a trigram such as XYZ, it is possible that X and Y could fall on the same row, Y and Z could fall on the same row, or Z and X could fall on the same row. This requires two extra rules to prevent a transparency where a letter represents itself.

Rule 1: If two consecutive letters in the trigram fall on the same row, the first of these two letters is enciphered as the letter to the right of the second of the letters, wrapping to the left column, if needed. For example, in the trigram SUB the S is on the top row of the first square, and the U is on the top row of the second square. Therefore S is replaced by V instead of by U. Similarly, in the trigram LET, the T is on the third row of the third square, and the L is on the third row of the first square. So T is replaced by G instead of L.

This diagram illustrates Rule 1. Without Rule 1, in the trigram SUB the S would be replaced by U. Instead, it is replaced by the letter to the right of U in the middle square, namely V. Without Rule 1, in the trigram LET the T would be replaced by L. Instead, it is replaced by the letter to the right of L in the left square. This wraps from column 5 to column 1, which has the letter G.


Rule 2: If all three letters in the trigram fall on the same row, each letter will be replaced by the letter immediately below it, wrapping to the top row, if needed. Thus FUN would be replaced by AZV, and WRE would be replaced by IXL.

With these rules Three Square is rated Five.

Playfair ThreeSquare

The Three Square cipher uses three Polybius squares. Any of these squares could be used for a Playfair cipher. This suggests a hybrid method that mixes the Playfair and Three Square ciphers. You can use a numerical key such as 1,4,1,3,4,2,4 to control how each successive bigram or trigram is enciphered. A 1 means encipher the next 2 letters as a bigram using Playfair in the first square. A 2 means encipher the next 2 letters as a bigram using Playfair in the second square. A 3 means encipher the next 2 letters as a bigram using Playfair in the third square. A 4 means encipher the next 3 letters as a trigram using Three Square. It is best if the numeric key contains at least one of each digit. Since Three Square is much stronger than Playfair, the digit 4 should occur more often than 1, 2 or 3 in the numeric key. About 50% would be suitable. That is, 4 should occur as often as 1, 2 and 3 combined. Equivalently, generate random numbers from 1 to 6, and use Three Square with 4, 5 or 6.

Since Playfair ThreeSquare mixes bigrams and trigrams, about half of the bigrams and two-thirds of the trigrams will not fall on even boundaries. This means the increase in strength is greater than the increase for Playfair TwoSquare. Playfair ThreeSquare is rated Seven.

It is possible to combine Playfair, Two Square and Three Square into an even more complex cipher, no doubt with greater strength, but Playfair ThreeSquare is already pushing the limits of what a human code clerk can do. Both speed and accuracy would suffer.

There is an opposite approach, which I call a Straddling Three Square. Group the plaintext into rows containing four blocks of 3 characters each. Encipher each of the blocks using the Three Square cipher. Now take the last letter of block 1 and the first letter of block 2 and encipher that bigram using the Playfair cipher with the first Polybius square. Take the last letter of block 2 and the first letter of block 3 and encipher that bigram using the Playfair cipher with the second Polybius square. Take the last letter of block 3 and the first letter of block 4 and encipher that bigram with the third Polybius square. This improves the strength of the Three Square cipher without adding much complexity, or much time. Use the Same Row Rule throughout.

9.5 Four Square

The Four Square cipher was invented by Félix-Marie Delastelle circa 1890, and described in his book Traité Élémentaire de Cryptographie, published 3 months after his death in 1902. Delastelle invented the Two Square cipher after the Four Square cipher as a simplified and slightly less secure version. However, with the Same Row Rule described in section 9.3 the two ciphers can be considered equal in strength.

As the name implies, the Four Square cipher utilizes four Polybius squares. Two of the squares contain the standard alphabet, and the other two squares contain alphabets mixed using independent keys. The message is enciphered two letters at a time, that is, Four Square enciphers bigrams.

Here is a sample arrangement.


Enciphering uses the familiar rectangular scheme. You locate the two plaintext letters in the standard alphabets and replace them with the letters at the opposite corners of the rectangle, like this:


Since the two plaintext letters can never be in the same row or the same column of the 10×10 grid there is no need for special rules, or for separating double letters. The only need for a null character is for completing the last bigram. Four Square is rated Five.

Cycling method

To get a little more strength you can use a simple transposition similar to the piecewise reversal in section 4.6.1. This transposition uses a repeating numeric key such as 1,3,1,4,2,6. Divide the ciphertext into blocks of 7 characters, or any other odd length. Write the successive key digits above each block. Then cycle each block left the number of positions indicated by its key digit. For example, if the key digit is 4 you would move the leftmost 4 digits to the right end of the block. Here is an example:


Four Square using the cycling method is rated Six.

Halving method

Another approach to strengthening Four Square is to transpose the message beforehand. Suppose the message is AMBASSADOR WILKINS ASSASSINATED KABUL TODAY. This has 39 letters. Dividing 39 by 2 and rounding up gives 20. Write the message in two rows of 20 letters each, and read off the bigrams reading vertically. Encipher these bigrams using Four Square.


These bigrams no longer have the normal bigram frequencies, or the normal contact frequencies, for English bigrams. Four Square using the halving method is rated Seven.

9.6 Bifid

Let’s look at one more historical hand cipher based on the 5×5 Polybius square. This is the Bifid cipher, also invented by Félix-Marie Delastelle in the 1890s. Bifid is a 3-step cipher where (1) the letters are converted into their Polybius coordinates, (2) those coordinates are rearranged, and (3) the coordinates are then converted back into letters. Originally, Delastelle wrote out the entire message with the coordinates written vertically under each letter, then he combined the pairs of coordinates reading horizontally, first across the top row and then across the bottom row.

The modern method is to break the message into blocks of a fixed size. The block size should be an odd number, such as 5, 7 or 9. If the block size is an even number, then Emily can separate the blocks into bigrams.

The first step is to convert the letters into their coordinates in the Polybius square. Suppose the block length is 5. The 5 plaintext letters can be represented as X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5. Their row and column coordinates can be represented as R1C1, R2C2, R3C3, R4C4 and R5C5. Each of these R and C symbols is a number from 1 to 5, with the row coordinate first and the column coordinate second. These pairs of coordinates are written vertically below each letter in the block, like this:


Then they are read out going across the rows in the order R1R2, R3R4, R5C1, C2C3, C4C5. Here is an example. The word MAJOR is enciphered using a Polybius square that was mixed using the keyword SAMPLE.


Notice that the third set of letter coordinates in the ciphertext, R5C1, is a row/column pair. This means that the third ciphertext letter will come from the same row, R5, in the Polybius square as the fifth plaintext letter, and from the same column, C1, as the first plaintext letter. This concurrence of both row coordinate and column coordinate is called a natural.

Since there are 5 letters in each row and 5 letters in each column in the square, there is a 1 in 5 chance that the third ciphertext letter is the same as the fifth plaintext letter, and a 1 in 5 chance that the third ciphertext letter is the same as the first plaintext letter. That is, there is a 20% chance that R5C1 is the same as R5C5, and a 20% chance that R5C1 is the same as R1C1. In this example, that is exactly what happened. The fifth plaintext letter is R and the third ciphertext letter is also R.

Now look at the first ciphertext letter, R1R2. This is a row/row pair, not a row/column pair. Here only the first coordinate, R1, is in the correct place for a row/ column pair. The other coordinate, R2, is a row coordinate in the column position. Such a single placement is called a half-natural. It means that the first ciphertext letter comes from the same row in the Polybius square as the first plaintext letter. So there is a 20% chance that the first ciphertext letter is the same as the first plaintext letter.

This also happens with the second, fourth and fifth ciphertext letters. Each one of them falls in either the same row or the same column as one of the plaintext letters. Thus each of them has a 20% chance of being the same as that plaintext letter. This happened in the example, where the second ciphertext letter, J, is the same as the third plaintext letter.

This is a serious weakness in the bifid cipher which makes it easy for Emily to guess at and place probable words. On the other hand, if the plaintext and ciphertext letters are different, then you know that they are in the same row or column. In the example, the first plaintext letter R1C1 is M, and the first ciphertext letter R1R2 is S. This means that M and S must be in the same row of the Polybius square. When Emily deduces or guesses a word, that provides several of these equivalences. This, in turn, makes it easier to place additional words. When enough of these letter pairs have been accumulated, Emily can reconstruct the square.

Due to these weaknesses, the bifid cipher is rated Three.

9.6.1 Conjugated matrix bifid

These problems can be eliminated by using a different Polybius square to convert the coordinates back to letters. For example, Square 2 yields the ciphertext VBJEF.


Bifid with two separate Polybius squares is called by the highfalutin name Conjugated Matrix Bifid. In this context, a matrix simply means a rectangular array of letters or characters. The conjugated matrix bifid cipher is rated Five.

There are several ways to boost the strength of the bifid cipher. One way is to vary the block length using a repeating numeric key such as 5, 11, 7. The block lengths would be a cyclic repetition of this key, namely 5, 11, 7, 5, 11, 7, 5, ... If you prefer, you can generate the block lengths by using the chained digit generator and translating the digits to odd block lengths. One possibility is


So, if the generator produced digits 3, 6, 2, 7, ... , then the block lengths would be 11, 7, 9, 9, ...

Using a short repeating key and conjugated matrices the cipher is rated Six. With a long repeating key or generating the block lengths using a random number generator the cipher is rated Seven.

A similar idea is to read out the coordinates starting from a different point in each block. You could use a numeric key to specify the sequence of starting points. If the block length is L, each number in the key may be anywhere from 1 to 2L. A number from 1 to L would indicate a starting position on the top row of coordinates, while a number from L+1 to 2L would indicate a starting position on the bottom row, like this:


The coordinates would be taken out in pairs reading from left to right. Here is the order for reading out the coordinates using the numeric key 4, 9. The starting positions 4 and 9 are shaded.


This method increases the rating to Six.

Another way to strengthen the bifid cipher is to use a stronger transposition to mix the coordinates. The standard bifid using a block of length L takes the 2L coordinates and writes them into a 2×L block. The coordinates are written into the block vertically and read out horizontally. We recognize this as a very simple route transposition, described in section 7.1. There are several stronger transpositions covered in chapter 7, notably columnar transposition. One example of this type of cipher is the ADFGVX cipher invented by intelligence officer Lt. Fritz Nebel and used by the Germans in World War I. In the ADFGVX cipher, the coordinates, represented by the letters A,D,F,G,V,X, are mixed using a columnar transposition, and then transmitted as a string of those letters. This cipher is rated Five.

If you used longer blocks, say 20 characters, that would give you 40 coordinates. (With this method the block lengths may be either even or odd.) This is enough to use columnar transposition effectively to mix the coordinates. Or, you could go back to Delastelle’s original concept and take the coordinates for the entire message as a single block. Either way, using conjugated matrices this cipher is rated Eight. Using a double columnar transposition the cipher is rated Ten. Assuming four long independent keys and well-mixed alphabets, this is an unbreakable paper and pencil cipher. Call it Double Columnar Bifid.

9.7 Diagonal bifid

A variation on the bifid cipher is to write the Polybius coordinates vertically under each letter, as usual, but to read them out diagonally, going from lower left to upper right (or southwest to northeast). This is called a left diagonal or an antidiagonal. (On a heraldic crest it is called bar sinister, and indicates out-of-wedlock birth.) For the last letter, you wrap to the first column (the shaded digit 1). The advantage of this is that there are no naturals or half-naturals to help Emily guess words. Here is an example.


Diagonal bifid is rated Four. With conjugated matrices it is rated Five. With conjugated matrices and periodically varying block sizes it is rated Six. Unlike classical bifid, both odd and even block sizes can be used with diagonal bifid.

9.8 6×6 squares

If your messages contain a lot of numbers, it may be advantageous to use a 6×6 Polybius square instead of a 5×5 square. A 6×6 square allows you to have the full 26-letter alphabet plus the numerals from 0 to 9. There is no need to omit J or Q from the alphabet. If you are enciphering by hand, this requires taking extra care to distinguish the letters O, I, Z, S and G from the digits 0, 1, 2, 5 and 6. Some people adopt special conventions, such as underlining all digits. I find this cumbersome and error-prone. I usually just exaggerate the characteristics that distinguish each of these characters from its mate, such as writing the letter I with extra-wide serifs.

All of the methods from the preceding 5 sections, namely Playfair, Two Square, Three Square, Four Square and Bifid, can be used with 6×6 squares, along with all of their variations.

9.9 Trifid

If you like squares, how about cubes? Another fractionation method, also invented by Félix-Marie Delastelle in the 1890s, is the Trifid cipher. Instead of representing each letter of the alphabet by two digits in base 5 (quinary numbers), each letter is represented by three base-3 digits (ternary numbers). This gives 3×3×3, or 33, different 3-digit combinations. This is enough for all 26 letters of the alphabet plus one extra character. Delastelle used a + plus sign for the 27th character.

The extra character + might be used as a form of punctuation, or it might be a signal that the following plaintext letter should be interpreted as a digit. The correspondence +A = 1, +B = 2, ... , +J = 0 could be used. The rest of the alphabet could also be used as special characters. For example, +K could mean period, +L could mean comma, and so forth.

Just as the 2-digit combinations can be displayed as a 5×5 letter square, the 3-digit combinations can be displayed as a 3×3×3 letter cube. The 3 digits in each triple can be interpreted as the coordinates in the cube where that letter is located. These coordinates are commonly called the layer, the row and the column.

Here are the 27 ternary combinations, in order, with letter equivalents weakly mixed by using the keyword EXAMPLE and alternating columns. For instance, the letter N is represented by the triple 102, so it would be located on layer 1, row 0 and column 2 of the 3×3×3 letter cube.


The trifid cipher works similarly to the bifid cipher. The plaintext is written in blocks of some fixed size. The size may be any number that is not a multiple of 3. The 3 digits are written vertically beneath each letter of the message, and then read out horizontally in groups of 3. Then they are converted back into letters using the same equivalences. Here is an example with the plaintext SEND HELP and block size 4.


The same analysis and techniques that were used for bifid can also be applied to trifid, and they have the same ratings. You can use two separate substitution tables for converting the letters to digits and the digits back to letters. You can vary the block sizes. You can start reading out the digits from different places in each block. You can use a strong transposition to mix the ternary digits.

A natural question is whether there is a diagonal version of the trifid cipher analogous to diagonal bifid. The advantage of diagonal bifid over the original bifid is that the diagonal version does not give rise to the half-naturals that weaken the original version. In the analogous diagonal trifid the middle digit of every group would be a third-natural, so the advantage is lost. The problem of naturals disappears, though, if you use two different mixed alphabets, one for writing in the digits and another for reading them out. Diagonal trifid with two alphabets is rated Five.

9.10 Three Cube

As I was typing the preceding paragraph about the trifid cipher, I realized that the 3×3×3 cubic arrangement lends itself to a 3-dimensional analogue to the Two Square cipher described in section 9.3. It is easy to visualize the Two Square cipher in two dimensions, but much harder to visualize a cube in three dimensions, so I am going to describe the new cipher solely in terms of the coordinates. Let’s call this cipher Three Cube.

Two Square enciphers two letters at a time using two substitution tables, ergo Three Cube will encipher three letters at a time using three substitution tables. Here is a set of three tables well-mixed using the keywords COLUMBIA, STANFORD and HOPKINS. These three substitution tables are designated S, T and U. That’s S for Substitution, T for Table, and U for the next letter in the alphabet.

The substitution tables correspond the 26 letters of the alphabet and the character + with the 27 ternary triplets.


Like trifid, Three Cube begins by writing the 3-digit triplet for each letter vertically beneath it. The 3 digits for the first letter are taken from substitution table S, the 3 digits for the second letter are taken from table T, and the 3 digits for the third letter are taken from U. The pattern is shown here and illustrated by the trigram FLY.


Then the digits are read out left to right, and these horizontal triplets are converted back to letters. It would seem natural to use table S for converting the top row, table T for the middle row and table U for the bottom row. However, that would lead to a 1 in 9 chance that the top row would be identical to the left column, so that the first plaintext letter would be replaced by itself. That is, there is 1 chance in 9 that S1S2S3 is the same as S1T1U1. The same is true for the middle and bottom rows. Let’s call this situation, where one digit is the same, a part natural.

For this reason, substitution table S is used for the second row, table T is used for the third row, and table U is used for the top row. This eliminates the naturals. Here is the pattern.


Since this is hard to keep straight when you are enciphering by hand, I suggest writing the choice of substitution table over each triplet of digits. This is similar to writing the key letter over each plaintext letter when using the Belaso cipher (section 5.5). Here is an example of Three Cube using the plaintext message FLY TO ROME.


The Three Cube cipher is rated Seven.

There is a simple way to strengthen the Three Cube cipher. Instead of converting the triplets back to letters using the three substitution tables in strict rotation as we just did, use a key to set the order of the read-out tables. The key would consist of the letters S, T and U in some scrambled order, for example SUTUTTUUSTS. The length of this key should not be a multiple of 3. I call this variant Three Cube Plus. Here is how FLY TO ROME would be enciphered using this read-out key.


Using Three Cube Plus about 1/3 of the letters will have part naturals. That is, one of the 3 write-in digits will be the same as one of the read-out digits. However, Emily will not know which letters have this defect, and will not be able to exploit it.

Three Cube Plus is rated Nine.

So, you might well be saying, is it possible to nudge the rating up to Ten without making the cipher too complex for hand use? Thank you for asking. First off, let’s increase the number of substitution tables from 3 to 6. Let’s call them S, T, U, V, W and X. Instead of writing in the triplets using a strict rotation STU, STU, STU, ... we will use another letter key consisting of those 6 letters in some scrambled order. The write-in key could be TWXUSTTVWV, and the read-out key could be VWTXXSUSVTU. Ideally, the lengths of these keys would be mutually prime, and neither length would be divisible by 3. Here the lengths are 10 and 11. Let’s call this cipher Three Cube Super. This is an example of Three Cube Super using the plaintext FLY TO NEW YORK.


Three Cube Super is rated Ten. This is another unbreakable hand cipher.

9.11 Rectangular grids

Up to now we have discussed only square and cubic arrays of letters. There is no restriction in cryptography that requires all of the dimensions of a letter grid to be the same. It is basically a historical accident that the English alphabet has 26 letters, and 26 is very close to 5×5. If we used the 33-letter Russian alphabet we might choose a 4×8 or 5×7 rectangle.

If we want to have all 26 letters of the alphabet, then a 3×9 or 4×7 rectangle might be preferable. These give you the full 26-letter alphabet plus one or two extra characters. We have discussed the use of such extra characters earlier, for example for switching between letters and numerals. Most of the ciphers based on Polybius squares work just as well with 3×9 or 4×7 rectangles as they do with 5×5 squares, assuming all of the rectangles are oriented in the same direction. These are the Playfair, the Two Square, the Three Square, the Four Square, and the diagonal bifid ciphers.

In fact, these 5 ciphers may be stronger when used with those rectangles because each letter of the alphabet has more possible substitutes. The downside, when using Playfair or Two Square, is that there is a higher probability that the two letters are on the same row, and therefore are replaced with the letters below them or to their right.

Here is an example of a Playfair cipher done with a 3×9 rectangle:


9.12 Hexadecimal fractionation

So far this chapter has focused solely on hand methods. This meant small arrays using only the uppercase alphabet. For computer use you usually want the full alphabet, uppercase and lowercase, numbers, punctuation, special symbols, diacritics, and perhaps multiple alphabets. In short you may want the full text capabilities of the computer. The simplest way to do this is to represent each character by an 8-bit byte using one of the standard computer codes such as UTF-8 or UTF-16.

A natural way to fractionate an 8-bit byte is to split it into two 4-bit hexadecimal digits, or hex digits. All of the fractionation methods that are based on Polybius squares also work for 16×16 squares, namely Playfair, Two Square, Three Square, Four Square, and bifid. If the 16×16 square is well-mixed using a large key, these methods are stronger than the same methods used with 5×5 squares. This is because there are vastly more arrangements of 256 characters than of 25 characters, namely 8.58×10506 versus 1.55×1025.

A simple method for using hexadecimal fractionation is to (1) convert the characters of the message to hexadecimal digits by using a well-mixed keyed substitution table, (2) scramble those digits using some transposition cipher, and then (3) convert the pairs of hex digits back to bytes using a second well-mixed keyed substitution table.

The simplest transposition is just moving the first hex digit to the end, so that 12 34 56 78 would become 23 45 67 81. This might be called Cycle Hex. It is essentially diagonal bifid (section 9.7) done in base 16 instead of base 5. Cycle hex is rated Five. You could also use the piecewise reversal transposition described in section 4.6.1 to scramble the letter order. This might be called Piecewise Hex. It is also rated Five. A stronger method would be to scramble the hex digits using a columnar transposition cipher. This could be called Columnar Hex. It is rated Seven. With a double columnar transposition the rating increases to Ten.

These methods can be used to encipher any computer file. However, if the files are pure text, the methods can be further enhanced. Pure text will normally use fewer than 100 of the 256 possible byte values. The remaining character codes can be used for nulls, bigrams, trigrams and other purposes described in section 6.4. If done well, this raises the ratings to cycle hex Six, piecewise hex Six, and columnar hex Eight.

9.13 Bitwise fractionation

Fractionation can also be done with the individual bits that represent the characters in a message. The block of N characters would be represented by 8N bits. These can be formed into a rectangle in several ways, such as 2×4N, 4×2N, 8×N and N×8. For example, a block of 5 letters would be represented by 40 bits, which could be written as 2 rows of 20 bits, 4 rows of 10 bits, 8 rows of 5 bits, or 5 rows of 8 bits. This is cumbersome for hand operations, but easily done with a computer.

Here is an example of how 5 characters can be written horizontally into a 5×8 block and then read out vertically. This example uses the standard UTF-8 character codes. For example, uppercase letter A is represented as 01000001. The plaintext is the word DELTA.


The bits are read out going down the columns. Since each column contains only 5 bits, each byte of the ciphertext must span two or more columns. The 8 bits for the first ciphertext byte are found in columns 1 and 2 with medium highlighting. The first column contains 00000, and the first 3 bits in the second column are 111, so the first byte of the ciphertext is 00000111, or hex 07. This is the control character BELL, dating back to the teletype era, when it used to cause the carriage-return bell to sound. It has no graphic representation anymore. I will use the note to represent the bell character.

The second ciphertext byte comes from the darker highlighted section spanning columns 2, 3 and 4. The last 2 bits in column 2 are 11, column 3 contains 00000, and the first bit in column 4 is 0. Combining these, the second ciphertext byte is 11000000. This represents the character À, which is an uppercase A with a grave accent.

Bytes 3 and 4 of the ciphertext are and x, that is, double quote and lowercase x. The fifth byte comes from columns 7 and 8, namely 000 and 01001. The byte 00001001 represents the HTAB, or horizontal tab character, which is invisible. I will use the arrowhead to represent it. Thus the ciphertext is ♪À“x►.

This looks pretty cryptic, but the method is weak because it uses the standard alphabet for both the conversion of the plaintext into bits and the conversion from bits back to characters. It is rated One. If two independent well-mixed keyed alphabets are used for these steps, then this cipher is simply a binary version of the conjugated matrix bifid (section 9.6.1). This method could be called Hex Rectangle. It has the same rating as the conjugated matrix bifid cipher, namely Five.

It is natural to form eight 8-bit bytes into an 8×8 bit square. Write the 8 bits for each character vertically into the square using a mixed alphabet, and read them out horizontally using a different mixed alphabet. This is just an 8×8 square version of the hex rectangle, and has the rating Six.

9.13.1 Cyclic 8×N

It is easy to improve the strength of this cipher. For any block of N characters, write their 8-bit representations into an 8×N rectangle vertically. Shift each row cyclically to the left by some amount from 0 to N-1 bit positions. For example, abcdefgh cyclically shifted, or rotated, left by 2 positions would give cdefghab. Then read each 8-bit column out vertically. Here is an example using an 8×8 bit square. Each row is cycled left by the amount indicated to its left.


This cipher is at the limit of what can be done by hand. It requires 3 keys, namely 2 keys for mixing the 2 alphabets, and an 8-digit key for specifying the shift amounts. It can be called Cyclic 8×N. When N is 6 or larger it is rated Seven. The cipher gets stronger as the block size, N, increases.

When the rectangle is square you can rotate both the rows and columns to get a Bicyclic 8×8 cipher. You should alternate directions for this. Write the bits in horizontally, cycle the bits vertically, cycle the bits horizontally, and read out the characters vertically. The Bicyclic 8×8 is rated Eight.

The cyclic 8×N cipher can be repeated to get a Double Cyclic 8×N cipher. This requires 5 keys, namely 3 keys to mix the 3 alphabets, and two 8-digit keys to control the 2 rounds of shifting. There are 5 steps. (1) Use the first alphabet to do a simple substitution. The resulting N bytes are written into the 8×N bit rectangle vertically. (2) Cyclically shift the rows using the first shift key. (3) Use the second alphabet to perform a simple substitution on the N columns. (4) Cyclically shift the rows using the second shift key. (5) Use the third alphabet to perform a final simple substitution on the vertical columns. Notice that all the shifts are horizontal and all the substitutions are vertical. The double cyclic 8×N cipher is rated Nine.

This can be continued to Triple, Quadruple and beyond, if desired. All of these variations can be further enhanced by varying the block sizes, either periodically or using a random number generator.

9.14 Other fractionation

In sections 9.12 and 9.13 we looked at dividing a byte into two hexadecimal digits or into eight individual bits. There are numerous other ways of partitioning 8 bits, such as 3,2,3. If the 3,2,3 bit representation of each character is written vertically, and then the 3 rows are cyclically shifted left by some number of positions, then each column will still have the 3,2,3 bit distribution, so the 8 bits can be converted back into bytes. Here is an example. Each row is cycled left by the number of positions shown at the left, that is, 1 position, 3 positions and 2 positions, respectively.


Here the plaintext RETREAT has been transformed into the ciphertext @w«θK_. Let’s call this a BitCycle Substitution. This method is rated Five. Like the cyclic 8×N cipher in section 9.13.1, this can be doubled, tripled, or more, and the block sizes can be varied.

This basic idea can be enhanced in two powerful ways.

First, the bytes can be divided in several different ways, such as 1,3,2,2 or 2,4,2. For example, you could encipher the block first using the 3,2,3 split, then reencipher it using the 1,3,2,2 split, then reencipher that using the 2,4,2 split. This would involve 7 keys and 7 steps. (1) Use the first substitution to produce the 3,2,3 bit representation of the message. (2) Shift the 3 rows using the first shift key. (3) Use the second substitution to produce the 1,3,2,2 bit representation of the bytes. (4) Shift the 4 rows according to the second shift key. (5) Use the third substitution to produce the 2,4,2 bit representation of the bytes. (6) Shift the 3 rows according to the third shift key. (7) Use the fourth substitution to produce the final ciphertext bytes.

Second, the message blocks can be divided in several different ways. Suppose you used long plaintext blocks of, say, 32 characters. For Step 2 in the previous technique you could divide the 32 bytes into groups of 6, 14 and 12 bytes. For Step 4 you could divide the 32 bytes into groups of 11, 8 and 13 bytes. For Step 6 you could divide the 32 bytes into groups of 8, 17 and 7 bytes. Each group would be shifted independently. This division could be different for every message.

Or, you could take a more inclusive approach. For Step 2, divide the entire message into blocks of size X. For Step 4, divide the message into blocks of size Y. For Step 6, divide the message into blocks of size Z. X, Y and Z may be any length from 6 bytes up to the full message length.

I will not rate all of the variations of the BitCycle substitution. Suffice to say that the ratings may range anywhere from Five to Ten. In chapter 12 I will describe how you can verify that a block cipher truly deserves a rating of Ten.

9.15 Stronger blocks

Several of the ciphers described in this chapter work on blocks of plaintext. There are several things that you can do to the plaintext blocks to make your cipher just a bit harder for Emily. Here is a short list of ideas:

  • Vary the block lengths, periodically or pseudorandomly.

  • Reverse the first few letters of each block, periodically or pseudorandomly.

  • Reverse the last few letters of each block, periodically or pseudorandomly.

  • Cycle each block left or right, periodically or pseudorandomly.

  • Swap the last N letters of the block with the first N letters of the next block.

But a word of warning: if you are enciphering and deciphering by hand, use these methods sparingly. If you make your cipher so complex that you cannot encipher and decipher accurately, then it becomes worthless.

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