16 Three pass protocol

This chapter covers

  • Three pass protocol based on exponentiation
  • Three pass protocol based on matrix multiplication
  • Three pass protocol based on 2-sided matrix multiplication

Sections 2.2 and 2.3 describe how modern cryptography is divided into 3 branches, Secret Key, Public Key and Personal Key. Up to this point, this book has described only methods for Secret Key cryptography. Public Key cryptography is described in many books, so it will not be covered here. This chapter will discuss Personal Key cryptography, the lesser-known third branch of cryptography. Personal Key cryptography is sometimes called keyless cryptography, since the parties do not need to transmit or share any keys.

The basic concept of Personal Key cryptography is that each of the two correspondents, Sandra and Riva, has her own personal key. This key is never transmitted or shared with anyone else, not even with one another, so there is no possibility that Emily can learn any of the personal keys through wire-tapping, intercepting broadcasts, or any other form of eavesdropping. The great advantage of Personal Key cryptography is that you don’t need to set anything up in advance. There does not need to be any secret, secure channel for exchanging keys. The messages can be exchanged on public channels. No key servers or other infrastructure are required.

Personal Key cryptography is accomplished by means of the three pass protocol, which was invented by Adi Shamir of the Weizmann Institute in Israel, about 1975. To illustrate the method, I devised a little story:

There once was a King who loved the Queen of a neighboring country. To woo the Queen, the King wished to send her a precious gem. The King had an impervious strongbox and a pickproof lock. But how could he send the key? If the messenger had both the key and the strongbox, he could open the box and steal the gem. The King could send the key with a second messenger, but he feared the two messengers would arrange to meet up along the route and steal the gem together. The Queen proposed an ingenious solution.

The King would put his lock on the strongbox and send it to the Queen. She would then add her own lock and send the strongbox back with both locks. The King would then remove his lock with his key, and send the strongbox back with only the Queen’s lock. She could then unlock the box with her own key and get the gem.

Here the two locks are stand-ins for two encryptions, and the two keys represent the corresponding decryptions. The message would be encrypted with the sender’s encryption function, sent to the receiver, encrypted with the receiver’s encryption function, sent back to the sender, decrypted with the sender’s decryption function, sent back to the receiver and decrypted with the receiver’s decryption function. This means the message is sent 3 times, hence the name three pass protocol.

*Let’s break that down. Let the message be M, let Sandra’s encryption and decryption functions be S and S', and let Riva’s encryption and decryption functions be R and R'. On the first pass Sandra encrypts the message M with her encryption function S and sends SM to Riva. On the second pass, Riva encrypts that message SM with her own encryption function R and sends the doubly encrypted message RSM back to Sandra. On the third pass Sandra applies her decryption function S' to the message RSM to get S'RSM. This is intended to remove the S encryption. It will only do that if either R and S commute, or S' and R commute. That would mean S'RSM = RS'SM = RM. This lets Riva remove her encryption and read the message.

So, to get this three-pass scheme to work we need to find a commutative encryption function, or two encryption functions that commute with one another. I can think of 3 commutative encryption functions right off the top of my head: addition, multiplication and exclusive-OR. It is easy to imagine an encryption where there is a key the same length as the message, and encryption consists of adding the key byte by byte to the message, or multiplying the message bytes by the key bytes, or exclusive-ORing the message with the key. These are all simple forms of the one-time pad.

None of these is secure. If Emily manages to obtain all three encrypted messages, she can easily remove the encryptions. If the function is addition, the 3 messages are M+S, M+S+R and M+R. If Emily adds the first and third messages and subtracts the second message, she gets (M+S)+(M+R)-(M+S+R) = M. The result is exactly M. The same method works when the encryption function is multiplication. The 3 messages are (M×S), (M×R), and (M×S×R). Taking (M×S)×(M×R)÷(M×S×R) again yields M. When the encryption function is exclusive-OR, finding M is even simpler, since exclusive-OR is its own inverse. Simply exclusive-OR the 3 encrypted messages together, and the result is the original message, (MS)(MR)(MSR) = M.

Two encryption functions that commute are substitution and transposition. These are also insecure. Since Emily will see the message both before and after the transposition, she can trivially determine the transposition.

What is required, then, is a pair of encryption functions S and R that commute, and such that Emily cannot determine M even if she has SM, RSM and RM.

16.1 Shamir’s method

Shamir’s solution to this problem was to use exponentiation. Let p be a large prime, say in the range of 300 to 600 decimal digits. Sandra will choose an encryption exponent s. The corresponding decryption exponent is s' such that ss'≡1 (mod p-1). This follows from Fermat’s Little Theorem, if 0<a<p, then ap-1≡1 (mod p). Section 14.4.2 describes how to choose the prime p, and section 15.4 describes how to determine s'. In the same way, Riva chooses her encryption and decryption exponents, r and r'. The two encryptions commute because (Ms)r = Msr = Mrs = (Mr)s.

Sandra computes (Ms mod p) and sends it to Riva. Riva computes (Msr mod p) and sends that back to Sandra. Sandra computes (Msrs' mod p) = (Mr mod p) and sends it back to Riva, who finally computes (Mrr' mod p) = M, which is the original message. The method is believed to be secure because determining s or r requires solving the discrete logarithm problem. As discussed in section 14.4, this problem is known to be computationally difficult. No computationally feasible algorithms are known.

This method is very slow. All these exponentiations and modulo reductions of large numbers take a great deal of computing. The next section describes one attempt at a solution.

16.2 Massey-Omura

The Massey-Omura method was invented by James Massey of ETH Zurich, and Jim K. Omura of UCLA in 1982. (His name is listed on the patent as Jimmy Omura. He was my classmate at MIT, although I do not remember him.) The Massey-Omura system is essentially the same as the Shamir system, except that the modulus is of the form 2k. This means that the residue modulo 2k can be computed simply by taking the low-order k bits of the number. This is much faster than computing the residue modulo p, which is done essentially by long division using these 300- to 600-digit numbers.

The question of which method is faster was hotly debated for several years in Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) publications.

16.3 Discrete logarithm

The security of Diffie-Hellman key exchange, the Shamir three pass protocol and the Massey-Omura method all depend on the difficulty of solving the discrete logarithm problem. Three popular algorithms for this problem are exhaustive enumeration, good up to 1012, Daniel Shanks’s baby-step giant-step algorithm, good up to 1018, and John Pollard’s rho algorithm, good up to 1022. However, we need an algorithm suitable for 10300. To give some feel for how difficult the discrete logarithm is, let’s look at a composite method for solving it. This is not something you can do at home with a PC. It takes a mainframe with massive storage, or a network of many PCs working cooperatively. Or, you can skip this section and just accept that the discrete logarithm problem is hard.

16.3.1 Logarithms

Start by considering how people computed ordinary logarithms back before computers. One method was to take a number like b = 1.000001 and laboriously take successive powers of it. You would find that b693148 was the closest power to 2, and that b2302586 was the nearest power to 10. Then you would know that log10(2) was very nearly 693148/2302586, which is .3010302. The correct value is .3010300, so this method gives an excellent approximation.

You can do the same thing in a ring such as integers modulo some prime p. Suppose Sandra sends the message 6 mod 13 and Riva returns the message 7 mod 13. Emily wishes to know what exponent Riva has used for her encipherment. Instead of powers of 1.000001 you would use a primitive root of the modulus 13, for example 2. With such a small modulus Emily can easily enumerate all the powers of 2 modulo 13.


Emily now knows that Sandra sent 25 and Riva sent back 211. So (25)r≡25r≡211 (mod 13). This means 5r≡11 (mod 12). You can solve this in your head. Just think 11+12 = 23, 23+12 = 35. Since 35 is a multiple of 5, namely 5×7, that means r must be 7. You can check it with a hand calculator, 67 = 279936≡7 (mod 13). Sandra sent 6, Riva sent back 7, so this checks out.

16.3.2 Powers of primes

Exhaustive enumeration gives Emily one way to search, but that’s not going to work when p is large. Let’s try an idea from John Pollard’s rho algorithm. The first step is to generate multiple sequences of powers modulo p, and look for repeats. Emily can do that with several primitive roots simultaneously, one root per core. Now let’s double that. If b is a primitive root modulo p she can compute b2, b3, b4, b5, ... (mod p) on one processor, and b2, b4, b8, b16, ... (mod p) on another processor. That gives Emily two separate sequences of powers for each primitive root she uses.

Besides the primitive roots, Emily can also check directly. Sandra sends SM and Riva sends back RSM. Emily can generate the sequences (SM)2, (SM)3, (SM)4, (SM)5, ... and (SM)2, (SM)4, (SM)8, (SM)16, ... , and likewise for RSM. This gives Emily four more sequences of powers.

In addition to these orderly sequences of powers, she can also generate some disorderly sequences. These are commonly called random walks or drunk walks. One way to do this is to square the last power that was generated, and then multiply that by one of the earlier powers. Emily can choose the early power at random, or she could use the middle element of the list. For example, suppose she already has the powers x, x2, x4, x8 and x16. For the next power she could square x16 to get x32, then multiply by, say, x2 to get x34. For the following power she would square x34 to get x68 and multiply that by another list element, say x8, to get x76. And so forth.

Another form of random walk Emily can generate uses 2 or 3 base primes. Each base prime should be a primitive root. Begin with the product of these primes. To generate the next product, she would choose one of the primes at random and multiply by that. The more sequences Emily has going, the sooner she will start to get results.

16.3.3 Crash

Okay, now Emily has all of these sequences. Then what? She is looking for the same number to show up on two lists. This is called a collision, or crash. Say she finds 3172964≡1034298755 (mod p). This lets her express 103 as a power of 3 (mod p) by solving the congruence 172964r≡4298755 (mod p-1). The method is described in section 15.4. Once she accumulates enough crashes she can establish a chain such as RSM≡19a, 19≡773b, 773≡131c, ... , 103y≡(SM)z. Multiply all of the exponents modulo p-1 and she will get RSM≡(SM)r (mod p). That exponent r is Riva’s encryption function. Emily has cracked the cipher!

That’s not quite as easy as it sounds. When p is a 300-digit prime, she needs on the order of 10150 of these powers before she starts seeing any crashes. If Emily had 1,000,000 processors cranking out these powers at a rate of 1,000,000 per second, she could potentially generate 3×1019 per year. This would mean it would take about 10130 years before she started seeing any results, and far more than that until she could establish such a chain. Also, it would take some multiple of 10150 bytes of storage.

16.3.4 Factoring

Instead of searching for crashes, each time a new power is generated Emily could try to factor its residue modulo p. Suppose that she succeeds in factoring the residue of 97a (mod p) and finds 97a≡11b29c83d (mod p). She can solve this congruence for 97. Let the multiplicative inverse of a modulo p-1 be a'. Raise the congruence to the a' power. 97aa'≡97≡(11b29c83d)a' (mod p). After multiplying all of the exponents and reducing them modulo p-1, the result is 97≡11e29f83g (mod p) for some values e, f and g. (The actual values could be up to 300 digits each if p has 300 digits.) Once she has an expression for one of the base primes, in this case 97, she can substitute that value into all of the factored products, both the ones she already has and the ones she will find later.

Emily will not be able to factor the residue of every power. Factoring a 300-digit number is very difficult, meaning very time-consuming. The best strategy is to choose a fixed base set F(B) of primes, say all the primes up to B = 106, or perhaps up to B = 107. F(B) is called the factor base. Try to factor each power using only the primes in the factor base. Numbers that can be factored this way are called B-smooth. As the numbers get larger, the proportion that are B-smooth gets smaller and smaller. Among 300-digit numbers the B-smooth numbers are rare. As Emily finds each factor, the unfactored portion of the number shrinks. If she has tried all of the primes in the base set, and some unfactored portion of the number remains, she should not try to factor it any further. It is more efficient to discard this power and move on to the next power.

Here is what Emily must do: continue generating products and factoring their residues modulo p. Keep only the B-smooth numbers and discard the rest. Check for crashes among the B-smooth numbers. Each time a crash is found, solve the congruence for the largest prime in the product so that fewer and fewer base primes are needed to express each product. She may reserve one or more processors dedicated solely to this task.

Suppose that qn is a power of a prime, and let its residue modulo p be x. Try to factor x using the primes in the base set B. If x is not B-smooth, try to factor the numbers x+p, x+2p, x+3p, ... It is not much harder to factor a 301-digit or 302-digit number than a 300-digit number. Set a fixed number of such trials, say 10 trials, for each residue.

When she generates these powers she needs to place special emphasis on SM and RSM. Remember, the goal of this exercise is to find the exponent r such that (SM)r≡RSM (mod p). She can’t do that until she has expressed both SM and RSM in terms of powers of the base primes. To begin, she should develop numerous sequences of powers of SM and RSM. Once she has succeeded in finding such an expression, she looks for primes within the expression that have not yet been expressed in terms of powers of smaller primes. Place the emphasis on these primes next. Continue until both SM and RSM are expressed as powers of a single prime. She can now find r using the methods of section 15.3.2.

16.3.5 Estimates

Suppose that she uses 106 base primes, that is, primes up to B = 15,485,863. To express all of these in terms of a single prime will require 106 congruences. Storing these requires a 106×106 matrix of exponents. The matrix is initially sparse, but it grows dense as the solution progresses, so sparse-matrix techniques will not be beneficial. Each exponent is a 300-digit number. This requires on the order of 1015 bytes, or one petabyte, of storage. As of this writing (March 2022), the largest supercomputer in the world is the Summit computer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which has 2.76 petabytes of addressable storage.

The running time obviously depends on how long it takes to find B-smooth numbers. The density of B-smooth numbers is given by the de Bruijn function Ψ(p,B), which gives the number of B-smooth integers less than p. It was studied by Dutch mathematician Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn. The value of Ψ(x,x1/u) is closely approximated by xρ(u), where ρ(u) is the Dickman function invented by actuary Karl Dickman. The Dickman function ρ(u) is approximated by u-u. In this case x = 10300 and x1/u = 15,485,863, so u = 41.725. Thus it will take about 41.72541.725 = 4.08×1067 tries to find each B-smooth number.

Altogether it will take more than 1073 trials to find 106 B-smooth powers. Factoring each number may take up to 106 trial divisions, so there are 1079 total trial divisions. Since the numbers are 300 digits, each trial division will take some multiple of 300 operations. Call it 1082 operations altogether. This is a huge improvement over 10150 for the crash method, but still well out of reach for current computers.

This shows that 300 digits are more than sufficient for the foreseeable future, perhaps for the next 20 to 30 years. This may change as quantum computers develop, but for now 300 digits is safe.

16.4 Matrix three pass protocol

The Shamir and Massey-Omura methods for the three pass algorithm both use exponentiation. A different approach to the three pass algorithm is to use matrices. We have seen this before with the Hill cipher, section 15.1. The message is divided into blocks. Each block is treated as a vector of integers modulo 256. This vector is multiplied by an invertible square matrix of integers modulo 256, either on the left or on the right. For the three pass version, Sandra will have a matrix S for encryption and its inverse S' for decryption, while Riva will have encryption matrix R and decryption matrix R'. These matrices are not over the integers modulo 256, but over a ring R of 256 elements, and the characters of the message are treated as elements of this ring. Let the message block be M, so Sandra sends SM to Riva, Riva sends RSM back to Sandra, and Sandra deciphers it with S' to get S'RSM = RM. Now Riva can decrypt it with R', namely R'RM = M.

The tricky part is making S'RSM = RM. Matrix multiplication is not commutative, so Sandra and Riva need to choose special matrices S and R that commute with each other. To be clear, S and R are not commutative matrices. If you choose a matrix X at random, it is nearly certain that SX XS and RX XR. This is an essential point, so let me repeat it, S and R are not commutative matrices. They do not commute with most other matrices. They commute with each other.

16.4.1 Commutative family of matrices

Sandra and Riva will need a large supply of these matrices so that Emily cannot simply try them all. This means that they need a large commutative family Ғ of matrices from which to select the matrix for each block of the message.

Note Ғ is a commutative family of matrices, not a family of commutative matrices. It is essential to understand that it is the family that is commutative, and not the matrices themselves. Nearly all matrices in Ғ will not be commutative. They will commute with one another, but not with other matrices.

The easiest way to construct a commutative family is to begin with any invertible matrix, F, and take its powers, F0, F1, F2, F3, ... , where F0 is the identity matrix I, and F1 = F. Call F the generating matrix for the family Ғ.

Sandra and Riva will each need to use a different matrix for each block of the message, otherwise Emily might solve the set of linear equations R(SMi) = RSMi given a sufficient set of message blocks Mi with known plaintext.

16.4.2 Multiplicative order

To make the family Ғ large, you need to find or to construct a generating matrix F of high multiplicative order. That is, the smallest integer n > 0 such that Fn = I needs to be large, at least 1025, but preferably larger. If the matrix F is invertible, such an n will always exist, and the multiplicative inverse F' of F is Fn-1. A method for finding invertible matrices was given in section 15.8. Determining the multiplicative order of F is a bit of an art. It is clearly not feasible to take successive powers F until Fn = I, certainly not when n > 1025. But it can be done.

To find the multiplicative order, begin with 1×1 matrices, namely the ring elements. Look at the multiplicative order of these elements. These can easily be found by enumeration, since the highest possible value for n is 255. Likely values are 2, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127 and 255. The multiplicative orders for larger matrices will tend to be multiples of these values.

Suppose that the multiplicative orders of the ring elements happen to be 2, 7 and 31. When you try 2×2 matrices, first raise each matrix A to some multiple of the single-element orders, say 247231 = 24304. Then enumerate the powers of B = A24304. Suppose you find that B52 = I. You now know for certain that the multiplicative order m of A evenly divides x = 24304×52 = 267213×31, and that it is a multiple of 2613. You should next try Ax/7 and Ax/31 to see if those are I. If Ax/7 is I, you then try Ax/49. In this case the highest multiplicative order might be 267×13×31.

You next tackle the 3×3 matrices. If no other prime factors besides 2, 3, 7, 13 and 31 appeared in the multiplicative orders of the 2×2 matrices, then a good starting exponent might be x = 2872132312. Enumerate successive powers of B = Ax and repeat the process of narrowing down the exponent. As the matrices get larger, the multiplicative order may increase by a factor too large to find by enumeration. In this case you will need to guess at the new prime factors that will appear.

Watch for patterns that appear in the sequence of multiplicative orders. This requires some detective work. For example, suppose 23-1, 26-1, 29-1 and 212-1 appear. You won’t see these directly, because they are not all prime. 26-1 = 63 = 327, 29-1 = 511 = 7×73 and 212-1 = 4095 = 325×7×13. So finding a 13 among the prime factors is a clue that the “real” factor may be 212-1, and finding a 73 is a strong indicator that 29-1 is a factor. If you see 23-1, 26-1, 29-1 and 212-1 all appear, you should expect 215-1 to appear soon. If all of these appear, they are each divisible by 7, so the multiplicative order will be divisible by 74.

16.4.3 Maximum order

Sandra’s objective in all of this is to make the family Ғ as large as possible so that she and Riva have lots of choices for their matrices S and R. A useful trick is to watch the multiplicative orders for differences in the sets of factors. For example, if the multiplicative order of A is 19m and the multiplicative order of B is 23m, then the multiplicative order of AB just might be 19×23m = 437m. If that doesn’t work, then A'B or AB' may have multiplicative order 437m.

If at all possible, Sandra should choose a generating matrix F whose multiplicative order has a large prime factor, say m > 1035, in order to prevent a Silver-Pohlig-Hellman attack (section 14.4). Sandra will need to factor 2n-1 for various n to find the ones that have large prime factors, and then find a generating matrix whose multiplicative order is divisible by one of those 2n-1 by trying successively larger matrices.

16.4.4 Emily attacks

Suppose that Sandra has chosen F and Ғ, and that she has sent a message to Riva. Since Sandra and Riva are communicating over a public channel, such as the internet, assume that Emily knows F, Ғ, SM, RSM and RM. Her goal is to find either R or S, so she gets two chances. Let’s concentrate on how Emily might find R. Emily knows two things about R. First, she knows the values of SM and RSM, so that gives her a set of n linear equations in the n2 unknown elements of R. Second, she knows that R is in the family Ғ, so it must commute with F, namely RF = FR. If the ring R is commutative, then this gives her n(n-1) additional linear equations in the n2 elements of R.

This works because the left side of the matrix equation RF = FR produces sums of terms of the form rf, where r is an unknown element of R and f is a known element of F. The right side produces terms of the form fr. Since the ring is commutative, the left-side terms rf can be converted to the form fr and combined with the right-side terms to form linear equations.

With n2 linear equations in n2 unknowns it would seem like child’s play to solve those linear equations and find R. It’s not that easy. Recall from section 15.3.1 that there are strong congruences and weak congruences. The same is true for linear equations over any finite ring whose size is not a prime. The more prime factors the ring size has, the more potential for weak equations. In the present case, the ring size is 28, with 8 prime factors, so many of the linear equations are likely to be weak. A typical size for the matrices might be 30×30 if the ring R were well-chosen, or 128×128, or even 256×256 with a poor choice of ring. Even with a well-chosen ring, and even if half of the equations are strong, you would expect to have at least 2450 solutions to the set of 30×30 = 900 equations. In practice the number of solutions is much greater because there can be equations with 4, 8 or possibly 16 solutions.

There is good news for Emily. Emily can solve for R' instead of R, and whichever one of those 2450 or more solutions she gets will be a valid inverse of R, letting her obtain the message by R'RM = M.

16.4.5 Non-commutative ring

It looks like Sandra and Riva are sunk. Emily has won this battle.

One possible answer to this attack would be for Sandra and Riva to use a non-commutative ring. Two examples of non-commutative rings are matrices and quaternions (section 15.7.2). You can form matrices whose elements are themselves matrices or quaternions, or, conversely, quaternions whose coefficients are matrices or quaternions. None of these are good choices. You would need to make them very large to produce matrices of high multiplicative order.

A better route is to construct your own ring N using the techniques of section 15.7. You should choose a ring that has many elements that (1) are invertible, (2) have high multiplicative order, and (3) are non-commutative. It is a tricky balancing act to find a ring that has all of these features. For example, a ring that has elements of maximal multiplicative order (255 for a 256-element ring) could not have any non-commutative elements. If you could find a ring where half of the elements are invertible, half have multiplicative order equal to about half the ring size, and half are non-commutative, dayenu (it would be sufficient). You cannot achieve all 3 of these goals simultaneously, but you may exceed some while coming close on the others.

With a non-commutative ring, the matrix equation RF = FR can no longer be linearized, because it is no longer certain that rf = fr. Instead, the matrix equation leads to a set of bilinear equations. The general term in a bilinear equation takes the form axb, where a and b are elements of the ring, and x is a variable whose value you wish to determine. While linear equations can be solved using a simple systematic approach, namely Gaussian elimination, there is no such method for bilinear equations. There is not even a general method for solving such a simple equation as ax+xb = c with a single variable, x. So solving bilinear equations over a ring is “impossible.”

16.4.6 Solving bilinear equations

That said, I will now show you how to solve bilinear equations. The trick is to change the representation of the elements in the ring N. We have already seen several examples of how this can be done. In the ring R13, elements are represented as a + b√13. Gaussian integers are represented as a+bi. Quaternions are represented as a+bi+cj+dk. Here, i, j and k are abstract units whose products determine the behavior of the ring, and a, b, c and d are commutative elements of the ring. Quaternions can be non-commutative because the multiplication of the units is not commutative, that is, ij ji, ik ki and jk kj. With only one unit, Gaussian integers are necessarily commutative.

The trick is to linearize the bilinear equations by finding a representation for the non-commutative ring N. This is easily done. Start by dividing the elements of N into two sets, A and B, where A contains the elements that have representations, and B contains the remaining elements. Initially A is empty and B contains all the elements of the ring. Begin by taking the commutative elements and moving them into set A. These ring elements will represent themselves. They are the “a” term in the representation. Choose any remaining invertible element as the unit i. Take all of the ring elements that can be represented as a+bi, where a and b are commutative elements of the ring, and move them from set B into set A. So far, all of the elements of A are still commutative.

Set B cannot be empty because N is not commutative. We already noted that a ring with only one unit, like the Gaussian integers, must be commutative. So take a second invertible element from set B and call that the second unit, j. This time you take all elements that can be represented as a+bi+cj and move them from set B to set A. There may still be ring elements remaining in set B. In that case you would repeat these steps, but for simplicity let’s suppose that (1) only two units are needed; (2) all of the elements in the ring can be represented as a+bi+cj, where i and j are the abstract units; and (3) a, b and c are commutative elements of the ring N. In practice, the number of units you get may depend on your choice of i and j, so you should make multiple trials to get the fewest units. This is important because more units means you will have more equations when you linearize. Since the time needed to solve a set of linear equations is proportional to the cube of the number of equations, this has a large impact.

Let’s go back to the matrix equation RF = FR, and put the ring elements into the form a+bi+cj. The unknown elements of R would have the form x+yi+zj, where x, y and z are unknown commutative ring elements. Now a term of the matrix product RF would have the form


where i2, j2, ij and ji would be further expanded as linear combinations of 1, i and j, such as d+ei+fj. The actual expansions, of course, would depend on the choice of ring and which elements were chosen as i and j.

The same must be done with the terms in the matrix product FR. In the end, instead of 900 equations in 900 unknowns you get 2700 equations in 2700 unknowns. This boosts the number of false solutions from 2450 up to 21350. This is bad news for Emily. False solutions do not allow her to recover the message.

16.4.7 Weaklings

The family Ғ will include some weaklings, such as diagonal matrices and triangular matrices, which Emily can easily invert. These weaklings should not be used as keys. When choosing a matrix from Ғ, verify that there is at least one nonzero element both above and below the main diagonal. To make this test fast, just verify that at least one of X12, X13 and X23 is nonzero, and at least one of X21, X31 and X32 is nonzero. Otherwise reject X and choose again. The percentage of matrices that get rejected is negligible.

16.4.8 Making it fast

The advantage of using matrices instead of exponentiation may not be clear yet. Choosing a matrix S or R from the family Ғ requires taking a large power of the generating matrix F. How is that any better or faster than taking a large integer to a large power? The difference is preparation. In the Shamir and Massey-Omura methods, Sandra and Riva must take the number each has received from the other party and raise that to a large power. Since they do not know that number in advance, they cannot make any preparations to speed up the exponentiation.

With the matrix method, however, the generating matrix F is known beforehand. Both Sandra and Riva can generate some powers of F in advance, then keep this base set of matrix powers on hand so that they can generate a new power of F by just 1 or 2 matrix multiplications. For starters, they could generate the set of 16 matrices F, F2, F4, F8, ... , F32768 using just 15 matrix multiplications.

If they did only that much, then Emily could do the same. She would have the same base set of matrices as Sandra and Riva, so she could easily determine their encryption matrices, S and R. To prevent this, Sandra and Riva need to randomize their sets of matrices. They do this by choosing two of their matrices at random and multiplying them. This product will replace one of those two matrices in the base set. Sandra and Riva do this independently. Neither one knows which powers of F the other one has chosen.

This replacement operation should be repeated many times during setup, say 1000 times, so that each party’s set of matrices is thoroughly random. If 1000 seems excessive, remember that in the Shamir method using a 300-digit prime, each exponentiation will require about 1000 multiplications and 1000 modulo reductions. Sandra and Riva also need to keep the inverses of their matrices. Each time they multiply two of the powers of F they need to multiply the corresponding powers of F' so that they never need to invert any of the powers.

This setup step, generating the base set, needs to be done only once, before the first message is sent. When you have this expanded set of generating matrices you can produce a matrix for sending a message using just one multiplication for the matrix, and one for its inverse. You randomly choose two different matrices Fa and Fb from your base set, multiply to get Fa+b, then replace Fa by Fa+b so you generate different matrices each time.

Using this technique, I have found that the matrix method is about 2100 times as fast as either the Shamir or Massey-Omura exponentiation method for a 30×30 matrix versus a 1024-bit modulus.

16.5 Two-sided three pass protocol

The matrix multiplication in the previous matrix method may be done on either the left side or the right side, meaning the message may be enciphered as SM or MS. It is also possible to multiply on both sides. In this case the message is split into blocks of n2 characters, and there are two independent commutative families of n×n matrices, Ғ and Ɠ, with generating matrices F and G. Sandra will encipher the message with matrices S from Ғ and T from Ɠ, and Riva will superencipher with matrices R from Ғ and Q from Ɠ.

Sandra sends Riva the enciphered message SMT. Riva superenciphers this and sends back RSMTQ. Sandra removes her encipherment by using the inverse matrices S' and T', sending S'RSMTQT' = RMQ back to Riva, who deciphers it using her inverse matrices R' and Q', as R'RMQQ' = M. The 2-sided method is not practical for short messages due to its large block size, but for long messages it is much faster than the 1-sided methods because you get n2 characters in each block instead of n characters. For 30×30 matrices it can be 15 times as fast as the 1-sided method, hence about 30,000 times as fast as the Shamir or Massey-Omura method.

Emily must solve for two matrices simultaneously. Let the 3 matrices that Emily intercepts be called X, Y and Z, that is, X = SMT, Y = RSMTQ and Z = RMQ. Emily knows that Y = RXQ and Z = S'YT'. It looks like Emily will need to solve a large set of quadratic equations over the non-commutative ring N, which is much more difficult than solving linear or bilinear equations. However, if these equations are multiplied by R', Q', S and T, respectively, they become R'Y = XQ, YQ' = RX, SZ = YT' and ZT = S'Y. These matrix equations multiply out to yield bilinear equations. We saw how to solve bilinear equations in section 16.4.6.

Emily can recover M if she can find both R' and Q', or if she can find both S' and T'. She has the choice of solving either the first two or the last two of these four equations. Let’s continue the example of 30×30 matrices, and concentrate on solving R'Y = XQ. There are 900 unknowns in R' and 900 more in Q. This matrix equation provides 900 bilinear equations in these 1800 unknowns. Emily also knows that R' is in Ғ, and Q is in Ɠ, so R'F = FR' and QG = GQ. Each of these yields an additional 30×29 = 870 bilinear equations. This gives Emily a total of 2640 bilinear equations in 1800 unknowns. These equations can be linearized by changing the representation of the ring elements.

This results in 7920 linear equations in 5400 unknowns. When there are more equations than unknowns the system is called overdetermined. As Emily reduces the set of equations, the excess equations simply drop away. That is, many rows of the 7920×5400 matrix become all-zero. They may be shifted to the bottom of the matrix and ignored. In the end, the same difficulties appear as the 1-sided case, namely that there are a multitude of solutions. Since the 2-sided equations are overdetermined, they are stronger than the 1-sided equations. On the other hand, there are twice as many unknowns. It is not clear which method is ultimately stronger. You might simply opt for the 2-sided method because it is so much faster.**

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