Chapter Opener Photo

Glossary of Key Terms

Access control

The process of providing and denying access to objects.

Access control entry (ACE)

An individual entry in a DACL.

Access control list (ACL)

The list of access permissions for an object.

Active Directory (AD)

A shared database of domain users, groups, computers, resources, and other information, along with network functionality to centralize and standardize network management and interoperation.

Administrative control

A management action, written policy, procedure, guideline, regulation, law, or rule of any kind.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

An encryption algorithm adopted by the U.S. government in 2002 as the standard for encryption operations.

Agile development

A method of developing software that is based on small project iterations, or sprints, instead of long project schedules.


An acronym for Accounts, Global groups, Universal groups, domain Local groups, and permissions. AGULP is an access control approach that systematically nests individual user accounts in groups that make securing objects more general.

A-I-C triad

See C-I-A triad.

Anti-malware shield

Software that intercepts all incoming (and optionally outgoing) information, scanning each message or file for malware content.

Anti-spyware software

Software designed to detect and mitigate spyware.

Antivirus software

Software designed to detect and mitigate some types of malware, including mainly viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.

Application server

A computer that runs application programs on behalf of remote users.

Application software

Computer software designed to allow users to perform specific tasks.

Asymmetric algorithm

A cryptographic algorithm that uses two related keys—one key to encrypt data and another key to decrypt data.

Attack surface

The collection of all possible vulnerabilities that could provide unauthorized access to computer resources; all of the software a computer runs that is vulnerable to attack.


Any person or program that attempts to interact with a computer information system in an unauthorized manner.


The process of collecting performance information on what actions were taken and storing that information for later analysis.


The process of proving that provided identity credentials are valid and correct.


The process of granting and/or denying access to resources based on the authenticated user.

Authorized user

Any user (person or program) that possesses permission to access a resource.


The assurance that requested information is available to authorized users upon request.


A defined collection of copies of files created in case the primary copies of the files are damaged or destroyed.

Bare metal recovery

A restore that includes the operating system and all configuration settings.


A collection of configuration settings often collected and saved for the purposes of comparing to other similar collections of configuration settings; a structured collection, or collection of specific item versions.


A Windows feature that encrypts entire volumes and normally uses a computer’s Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware to store encryption keys.

BitLocker To Go

A Windows feature that encrypts removable media devices.

Boot device

Any device, typically a CD, DVD, or USB key, from which a computer will boot and load an operating system.

Buffer overflow

A condition in which a running program stores data that is larger than the memory location set aside for the data. The extra data spills over into adjacent memory, causing other data and possibly instructions to be overwritten. An attacker can place specific data in the overflowed buffer to change the instructions a program executes.

Building Security in Maturity Model (BSIMM)

A newly published framework for software development that is the result of a study of large organizations that develop software with a specific focus on security.

Business continuity plan (BCP)

A plan that ensures an organization can survive any disruption and continue operating.

Business driver

Any one of the components, including people, information, and conditions, that support business objectives.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

A California state law, passed in 2018, that protects consumer privacy by requiring any organization that collects or uses private data to adhere to controls restricting private data collection, storage, and use.

Certificate authority (CA)

A computer that stores digital certificates and issues them to authenticated subjects.

Chain of custody

Documentation that provides details of every move and access of evidence.

C-I-A triad

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability, which are the goals of information security.


An algorithm for performing encryption and decryption.

Class Identifiers (CLSIDs)

GUIDs used in the Windows Registry to identify objects and record many of their attributes.


A level of sensitivity assigned to an object by its owner. An example object could be assigned as top secret, secret, confidential, restricted, or unclassified.


A security level assigned to subjects, authorizing them to access objects with an equal or lower classification. Clearance levels include top secret, secret, and confidential.

Cloud computing

The practice of renting computer resources from a provider instead of owning the resources.

Coaxial cable

Network cabling that consists of a single copper conductor surrounded with a plastic sheath, then a braided copper shield, and then the external insulation.

Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation

An international set of standards for functionality and assurance of computer security. The Common Criteria superseded the Orange Book as well as other standards.

Compensating control

An alternate security control that fulfills an original goal without implementing the primary control.


The process of ensuring that the items in each domain of the IT infrastructure meet or exceed security goals.

Computer environment

A collection of computer and network devices connected to one or more networks, generally for the purpose of fulfilling business functions. Also called IT Infrastructure.

Computer security incident response team (SIRT)

A team of representatives from IT, management, legal, and public relations that is organized to respond to incidents.


The assurance that information can be accessed and viewed only by authorized users.

Configuration Control Board (CCB)

A person or group of people responsible for making decisions about changes to the system definition during the course of the development life cycle.


A site, a domain, or an organizational unit in Active Directory.


Any mechanism or action that prevents, detects, or addresses an attack.

Corrective control

A control that repairs the effects of damage from an attack. Corrective controls include virus removal procedures, firewall table updates, and user authorization database updates.


A malware attack in which the malware uses the victim’s computer or device to mine cryptocurrency for the attacker.

Data at rest

Data that is stored on a persistent storage device, such as a disk drive.

Data in transit

Data that is currently being transported from one location to another, as in a transfer across a network connection.


The process of breaking down a software development project into distinct phases.

Decryption key

A piece of information that an algorithm needs as input to decrypt or “unlock” a document to make it readable.

Defense in depth

A security strategy that relies on multiple layers of security that require attackers to defeat multiple controls to access any protected resource.


Any object created as a result of project activities.

Demilitarized zone (DMZ)

A space created by using one or more firewalls to separate an untrusted network from a trusted network.

Deming cycle

See Plan, Do, Check, Act.

Denial of service (DoS) attack

An attack that sends a large volume of network messages that end up flooding the network and making it unusable for legitimate traffic.

Detective control

A control that detects when an action has occurred. Detective controls include smoke detectors, log monitors, and system audits.

Digital certificate

Another term for security certificate.

Directory Service Restore Mode (DSRM)

A special mode that allows administrators to create an offline copy of Active Directory (AD).

Disaster recovery plan (DRP)

A plan that ensures the infrastructure is operational and ready to support primary business functions.

Discretionary access control (DAC)

An access control method based on an object’s owner and permissions granted by the owner.

Discretionary access control list (DACL)

The list of access permissions for an object, based on access granted by the object’s owner.

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack

A DoS attack in which the controller instructs one or more compromised computers to flood a network with packets.

Documentary evidence

Any written evidence, such as printed reports or data in log files.

Domain controller

A server computer designated to handle Active Directory requests.

Due diligence

The ongoing attention and care an organization places on security and compliance.

Dynamic Access Control (DAC)

A collection of features that describe user and data attributes; these attributes help Windows protect files using policies that provide more control over who can access data.

Effective Permissions

The page within the Advanced Security Settings dialog box of Windows that displays calculated permissions for any user or group.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)

A public key cryptographic algorithm based on the structure of elliptic curves.

Encapsulating protocol

A rule that handles addressing and encryption issues.

Encrypting File System (EFS)

A Windows feature that provides transparent file and folder encryption. Encryption keys in EFS are based on a user’s password.


The process of transforming readable information into unreadable information in such a way that anyone with a proper key can reverse the process, making the information readable again.

End-User License Agreement (EULA)

An agreement between the software producer and the end user. The EULA addresses issues regarding approved use and liability. Also called a Software License Agreement.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

An integrated collection of software programs that are used to manage many aspects of a business, including financials, human resources, assets, and business processes.


Any observable occurrence within a computer or network.


To take advantage of a specific vulnerability.

Fiber optic cable

Network cabling that consists of a glass core surrounded by several layers of protective materials.

File Classification Infrastructure (FCI)

A feature of Windows that provides the ability to define classification properties for files.

File History

A primary feature of Microsoft Windows that maintains multiple versions of files for the purpose of restoring files to any previous state on demand.

File server

A computer or hardware device that has one or more connected hard disk drives, a network interface, and software to provide network access to files and folders on the attached disks.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

A popular protocol used to transfer files from one computer to another.


A device or software program to filter data passing through the device or program, limiting network traffic to authorized traffic only.

Full Disk Encryption (FDE)

A form of encryption in which the disk controller encrypts each block. FDE is faster than FVE, since it occurs at a lower level than the operating system.

Full Volume Encryption (FVE)

A method for encrypting a single partition, either physical or virtual, on a hard drive.


A network device that connects two or more separate networks that use different protocols.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

A comprehensive regulation in European Union law that protects the privacy all EU individuals, requiring all global organizations that handle personal data of any EU citizen to comply.

Globally unique identifier (GUID)

An identification value that is unique across all environments to keep track of an object across many computers.


A set of named entities that define a group of users for the purpose of defining permissions that apply to multiple users.

Group Policy

A centralized set of rules that govern the way Windows operates.

Group Policy Inventory tool

A utility used to collect deployed GPO and computer information that is used to verify Group Policy implementations.

Group Policy Management Console (GPMC)

A utility used to create, edit, and manage AD GPOs.

Group Policy Object (GPO)

A named object that contains a collection of Group Policy settings.

Group Policy Update tool

A utility to immediately deploy and apply GPOs.


A hacker who is, or claims to be, motivated by political or social justice concerns and uses hacking skills to reinforce his or her chosen position.


The process of making configuration changes and deploying controls to reduce the attack surface.

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)

Software layer in the operating system kernel that provides the actual access to physical hardware.


The practice of identifying malware based on previous experience.


A network device with several connectors, or ports, that allows multiple network cables to attach to it.


A product that supports creating and running virtual machines in Windows Server 2008.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

An application layer protocol used to transfer content between web browsers and web servers.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

A secure application layer protocol used to transfer encrypted content between web browsers and web servers. HTTPS encrypts traffic by sending HTTP messages over SLS/TLS.


Providing credentials that claim a specific identity, such as a user name.

IEEE 802.11

A set of standards for wireless local area network (WLAN) communication protocols.


An event that results in violating your security policy, or poses an imminent threat to your security policy.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

An organization that defines standards for many aspects of computing and communications.


The assurance that information can be modified only by authorized users.

International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T)

An agency that defines standards for coordinating global communications.

Internet gateway

A gateway that connects a LAN to the Internet.

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)

A framework of open standards for protecting communications over Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

Intrusion detection system (IDS)

A network device or software that can analyze traffic and detect a potential intrusion based on traffic patterns.

Intrusion prevention system (IPS)

A network device or software that can analyze traffic and detect a potential intrusion based on traffic patterns and can also change firewall rules in real time to prevent further damage from an attack.


A computer network authentication protocol which allows computers to communicate in a secure manner across an insecure network, and the default authentication protocol for Windows.


The core part of an operating system that provides the essential services of the operating system.

Kernel mode

The highest privilege at which programs can run, allowing access to the physical hardware and kernel resources. Also called supervisor mode.

Key distribution center (KDC)

A computer designated to authenticate users and, upon authentication, issue Kerberos keys that will allow subjects to access objects.

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

A tunneling protocol used to support VPNs.

Least privilege user accounts (LUAs)

User accounts that are defined using the principle of least privilege.

Local area network (LAN)

A network that covers a small physical area, such as an office or building.

Local Group Policy Editor

Editor for local Group Policy settings.

Local resource

Any resource attached to a local computer—the same computer to which the user has logged on.

Logical control

An alternate term for technical control.

Malicious software

Software that is designed to infiltrate a target computer and make it do something the attacker has instructed it to do.


A common term used to describe malicious software, including viruses, worms, and Trojan horses, especially in combinations.

Managed service accounts

Accounts that administrators can create as managed domain accounts to provide automatic password management.

Mandatory access control (MAC)

An access control method based on the subject’s clearance and the object’s classification. MAC implementations often also require demonstration of a subject’s “need to know” to receive access.

Man-in-the-middle attack

An attack in which the attacker is located between a client and a server and intercepts traffic flowing back and forth between the two computers. The attacker can view or modify data that is transmitted in the clear.

Message digest

A shortened unique string of digits that represents a file or message.

Metropolitan area network (MAN)

A network that connects two or more LANs but does not span an area larger than a city or town.


The portion of an operating system’s kernel that resides exclusively in memory.

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)

An easy-to-use tool that evaluates the current security state of computers in accordance with Microsoft security recommendations.

Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

A graphical user interface framework that provides a centralized method to manage software components on Windows computers.

Multifactor authentication

An authentication process that requires multiple types of authentication credentials.

NetChk Protect

A security scanner from Shavlik that scans and analyzes the patch status of products MBSA does not support. Shavlik also produces the scaled-down version of its scanner called NetChk Protect Limited.


A collection of computers and devices connected by some connection media.

Network access control (NAC)

A solution that defines and implements a policy that describes the requirements to access your network.

Network address translation (NAT)

A technique used in many firewalls that translates internal IP addresses into an external IP address. This feature hides the true IP address of internal computers from outside nodes.

Network Attached Storage (NAS)

A standalone network device with internal storage that is connected to a LAN and accessible to other LAN nodes as a mapped folder or drive.

Network Translation LAN Manager (NTLM)

An authentication protocol used in legacy Windows systems to support secure communications across an insecure network.


An open source utility used to scan one or more computers or network devices for open ports and other information.


Any computer or device connected to a network.


This allows a sender to verify the source of a message.


A resource to which access is controlled.

Online Software Inspector (OSI)

A consumer-based vulnerability scanner from Secunia that searches for vulnerable or out-of-date programs and plug-ins. OSI runs in a web browser and does not need to be installed on the computer it is scanning.

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model

A generic description for how computers use multiple layers of protocol rules to communicate across a network. The OSI Reference Model defines seven different layers of communication.

Orange Book

United States Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, (DOD-5200.28-STD), it was one of the early formal standards for computer security.

Organizational unit (OU)

AD containers that group computers either logically or functionally.


This defines what a user can do to a specific object, such as read or delete the object.

Personal Software Inspector (PSI)

A consumer-based vulnerability scanner from Secunia that searches for vulnerable or out-of-date programs and plug-ins. PSI must be installed on the computer before you can use it to scan for vulnerabilities.

Physical control

A device that limits access or otherwise protects a resource, such as a fence, door, lock, or fire extinguisher.


Unencrypted data, also known as cleartext.

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)

A quality method indicating a continuous process consisting of four repeating steps: Plan, Do, Check, Act. PDCA is also known as a Deming cycle.

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

A tunneling protocol used to support VPNs.


In the context of network protocols, a numeric identifier that programs use to classify network messages.

Pre-shared key (PSK)

A shared secret used by cryptographic algorithms to perform symmetric encryption and decryption.

Preventive control

A control that stops an action before it occurs. Preventive controls include locked doors, firewall rules, and user passwords.

Primary copy

The copy of any piece of information that you use most frequently.

Principle of least privilege

The practice of providing a user or process with only the necessary access required to carry out a task.

Print server

A computer or network device that provides the interface between the network and one or more printers.

Privilege escalation

The process of adding more authority to the current session than the process should possess.


The process of comparing real computer configurations with known baselines for the purpose of documenting the pertinent differences with secure settings and similarities to insecure settings.


A set of rules that govern communication.

Public key

An encryption key that can be shared and does not need to be kept private.

Public key cryptography (PKC)

A cryptographic algorithm that uses two related keys—one key to encrypt data and another key to decrypt data.

Public key infrastructure (PKI)

A general approach to handling encryption keys using trusted entities and digital certificates; the hardware, software, policies, and procedures to manage all aspects of digital certificates.


A statement that accesses data in a database.


A type of malware that attempts to generate funds directly from a computer user by attacking the computer’s files and limiting the user’s ability to access data until some money is paid.

Real evidence

Any physical object that you can bring into court that you can touch, hold, and directly observe.

Recovery key

A key that can be used to decrypt BitLocker-protected data if the primary key is lost or damaged.

Recovery time objective (RTO)

The amount of time it should take to recover a resource and bring it back to normal operation.

Redundant array of independent disks (RAID)

A collection of disks organized in a way that protects data by duplicating it or writing extra information to reconstruct any damaged data.

Registration authority (RA)

A computer that authenticates subjects and directs the CA to issue digital certificates to authenticated subjects.


A database for Windows configuration settings.

Registry Editor

An editor for Windows Registry contents.

Remote resource

Any resource attached to another computer on a network that is different from the computer to which the user is logged on.

Restore operation

The process of copying secondary copies of files back to their primary locations.

Resultant Set of Policy (RSOP) tool

A utility that shows the settings that result from existing or planned GPOs for a specific computer and user.


User rights define tasks that a user is permitted to carry out, such as take ownership of objects or shut down the computer.

Rights Management Services (RMS)

A security feature of Windows, which can encrypt files that contain tagged sensitive data without requiring user interaction.


Any exposure to a threat.


A predefined set of services, programs, and configuration settings that enable a computer to fulfill a specific set of requirements.

Role-based access control (RBAC)

An access control method based on permissions defined by a role, (e.g., manager, authorized user, or guest), as opposed to an individual user, e.g., Michael Solomon.


Software that modifies or replaces one or more existing programs, often part of the operating system, to hide the fact a computer has been compromised.


A network device that examines the destination address and then forwards the packet to the correct outbound port.


A description of components stored in a database.

Secondary copy

A copy of information created to assist in the recovery of the information in the event the primary copy is damaged or destroyed.

Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)

A set of hash functions adopted by the National Security Agency as a U.S. government information processing standard.

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)

VPN protocol that creates an encrypted tunnel over SSL/TLS.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

The predecessor to TLS, SSL is a cryptographic protocol that operates at the transport network layer and provides security for communications across the Internet.

Security Access Token (SAT)

A document used by Windows to store all SIDs associated with a process.

Security administration

The process of implementing the security controls within the IT infrastructure.

Security certificate

A document that contains identity information and a public key, along with other descriptive information. Also called a digital certificate.

Security Configuration and Analysis (SCA)

A tool that helps administrators to analyze a computer and compare its configuration settings against a baseline.

Security Configuration Wizard (SCW)

A Microsoft utility that provides guidance to administrators and creates policies based on the least privilege principle for the server roles you have selected either during installation or afterward using the Server Manager Utility.

Security control

A mechanism used to protect information and related assets.

Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)

A security assurance process that is focused on software development.

Security filter

A GPO filter that limits a GPO’s scope to specific computers or users.

Security identifier (SID)

A unique identifier for each user and group in a Windows environment.

Security Orchestration and Automation Response (SOAR)

Software tools that help CSIRT teams coordinate information from multiple sources, automate initial IR tasks, and organize the steps to effectively respond to incidents.

Security template

A text file that contains a list of configuration settings.

Server core installation

A Windows Server 2008 R2 installation option that provides a minimal environment that includes only programs necessary for the roles you select.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) |

A contract between an organization or individual and a cloud service provider that details the services provided, along with response time guarantees and associated costs.

Service Set Identifier (SSID)

A unique identifier for a wireless network.

Shielded twisted pair (STP)

Network cabling that generally consists of two or four pairs of wires with a foil shielding around each pair to reduce external electrical and radio interference. Pairs of wires are twisted around each other to reduce interference with other pairs.


The unique set of instructions that make up an instance of malware and distinguish it from other malware.

Signature database

An organized collection of malware signatures used by antivirus or anti-spyware (or other anti-malware) software to identify malware.

Smart card

A card or device that stores information used for authentication or encryption.


An administrative program designed to run in the MMC.

Social engineering

The process of an attacker tricking or convincing an authorized user to carry out an action or provide valuable information for which the attacker is unauthorized.

Software configuration management (SCM)

A collection of best practices for handling changes in software projects.

Software Security Framework (SSF)

A component of the BSIMM that organizes the 109 BSIMM activities into a framework consisting of 12 practices in four domains.


The act of masquerading as another identity.


One of the small project iterations used in the “agile” method of developing software, in contrast with the usual long project schedules of other ways of developing software.


Software that covertly monitors and records pieces of information, such as web surfing activities and all data processed by the browser.

SQL injection

An attack that adds SQL statements to input data for the purpose of sending commands to a database management system.

Storage Area Network (SAN)

A collection of one or more standalone network devices with internal storage, often connected to computers via fiber channel, used to provide remote storage. SAN devices appear to computers to be local storage devices, but are actually network devices.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

A computer language for accessing data in a database.


An entity requesting access to an object.

Supervisor mode

The highest privilege at which programs can run, allowing access to the physical hardware and kernel resources. Also called kernel mode.


A network hardware device that forwards input it receives only to the appropriate output port.

Symmetric key algorithm

An encryption algorithm that uses a single key for both encryption and decryption.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

A formal model for the process of creating and modifying software.

TCP/IP Reference Model

A generic description for how computers use multiple layers of protocol rules to communicate across a network. The TCP/IP Reference Model defines four different layers of communication rules.

Technical control

A device or process that limits access to a resource. Examples include user authentication, antivirus software, and firewalls.


Any action that could lead to damage or loss.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

A combination of two separate protocols commonly used in Internet network communication.

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

An option in several database management systems that encrypts all data in the database without any user or application action required.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

A cryptographic protocol that operates at the transport network layer and provides security for communications across the Internet.

Trojan horse

Software that masquerades as an apparently harmless program or data file but contains malware instructions.

Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

A microchip designed to securely store cryptographic keys.

Trusted source

A computer from which digital certificates are accepted.


A technique that creates a virtual encrypted connection and allows applications to use any protocol to communicate with servers and services without having to worry about addressing or privacy concerns.

Two-factor authentication

Authentication process that requires two separate types of authentication credentials.

Type I authentication

Authentication based on information only a valid user knows, such as a password or PIN.

Type II authentication

Authentication based on a physical object that contains identity information, such as a token, card, or other device.

Type III authentication

Authentication based on a physical characteristic (biometric), such as a fingerprint, hand print, or retina characteristic.

Unauthorized user

Any user (person or program) that does not possess permission to access a resource.

Uniform resource locator (URL)

A character string used to identify the location and name of a resource on the Internet.

Universally unique identifier (UUID)

An identification value that is unique across all environments to keep track of an object across many computers.

Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)

Network cabling that generally consists of two or four pairs of wires. Pairs of wires are twisted around each other to reduce interference with other pairs.

User Account Control (UAC)

A Windows feature that prompts users for a confirmation before escalating to administrator privileges.

User mode

Limited privilege for running programs that does not allow direct access to the computer’s physical hardware or certain kernel resources.

Virtual machine

A software implementation of a physical computer.

Virtual private network (VPN)

A computer network that is implemented over an existing network, often to provide an encrypted tunnel to exchange data securely.


The ability to run two or more virtual machines simultaneously on a single physical computer.


A software program that attaches itself to, or copies itself into, another program for the purpose of causing the computer to follow instructions that were not intended by the original program developer.

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)

A Windows service that assists utilities and applications in creating snapshots of a running Windows system.


Any weakness that could allow a threat to be realized.

Web proxy

A server that receives a web request, processes the request based on defined filters, and acts on the request based on defined rules. Rules can include actions such as forward, drop, deny, and translate.

Wide area network (WAN)

A network that connects multiple LANs and WANs and spans very large areas, including multiple country coverage.

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

An algorithm designed to replace WEP by providing secure wireless communications.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

The infrastructure Windows uses to maintain and exchange management and operations data.

Windows service

A long-running program that performs a specific set of functions, such as a firewall, database server, or a web server.

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

A legacy algorithm designed to secure wireless communications.

Wireless local area network (WLAN)

A LAN in which computers and devices communicate using radio frequency transmissions.

WMI filter

A GPO filter that limits a GPO’s scope based on a WMI query’s result.

WMI Query Language (WQL)

A subset of SQL used to query Windows machines for management and operations data.


A standalone malicious software program that actively transmits itself, generally over networks, to infect other computers.


An ITU-T standard that defines the format of public key (digital) certificates.

Zero-day attack

Active malware that either exploits an unknown vulnerability or one for which no fix has yet been released.


A computer that follows the instructions sent from another computer.

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