Creating Efficiencies in Daily Activities

With the million and one activities you do each day as you carry out your phone calls, there are probably as many ways to become more efficient. Some salespeople swear by wireless headsets. Some attest that a pen writes faster than a pencil. Putting A account numbers on speed dial is a good idea, but just ensuring that you have looked up all numbers for your call day in advance will make your day go more smoothly.

The following few hints can improving your efficiency. It will be up to you to determine what you do with the extra time.

  • Monitor your personal calls. These calls not only interrupt your day for the duration of the call, they make even the most focused salesperson procrastinate about getting work accomplished. It may take up to a half hour to return to your pre-interruption rhythm. Set aside a slow time of your sales day to deal with your personal business. You will be amazed at how much more efficient you will become when you plan your days this way. Another benefit is that you can control the amount of time spent on these calls more effectively.

  • Turn the audible signals off. If your e-mail box, PDA, or mobile phone is ringing, it is difficult to concentrate on the customer call. You’ll be interrupted and wondering who’s calling, whether it’s important, and have other distractions. It will wait until your important calls are completed.

  • While you are working, keep your file drawer open and your computer on. Have anything you might need during the course of your daily phone calls at your fingertips for efficiency. Organizational experts say to put the other items away where they are not distractions or clutter.

  • Set time goals for yourself. “I will make twenty-five calls before ten o’clock.” At the end of the time, get up and reward yourself. Be sure to plan your reward in advance, so you do not lose a lot of time figuring out what you would like to do! By stopping at the end of a goal time and returning to calling at the end of your break, you stay fresher and put more energy into your calls. Tired people dawdle. Better to plan time-outs and organize your day around calls, rather than calling arbitrarily until you are too exhausted to pay attention.

  • Clear your desk at the end of every day. Things that become covered on your desk rarely receive proper follow-up. Hunting for misplaced reports, notes, or orders is time consuming. Reduce your paper by recording your call information regularly into your electronic tracking system.

  • Learn to use either hand for minor tasks. There are many things that you could do with either hand if you made a point of it. Efficiency experts have noted significant time gains with people who avoid the extra movements required to reposition the body to use only the dominant hand. (Another reason to invest in a hands-free headset!)

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