
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


# of current logical Threads performance counter, Other useful performance counters
# of current physical Threads performance counter, Other useful performance counters
.config file, Connection groups, Server configuration
<IFRAME> tag, Forever frame


AAA acronym, Unit testing with SignalR
access control, Advanced topics, Access control in persistent connections
in hubs, Access control in persistent connections
in persistent connections, Advanced topics
actions, receiving and processing, Forever frame
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Advanced topics, Client authentication
AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services), Advanced topics, Client authentication
adaptive intervals, Polling: The answer?
Add Counters dialog box, Monitoring performance
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), HTTP operations, Client authentication
AJAX push, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
AjaxMin package, An extensible framework
Android platform, Consumption of services from other platforms
AngularJS framework, AngularJS
API Event Source (Server-Sent Events), WebSockets, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), Forever frame, Forever frame, Transport negotiation
additional techniques supporting, Forever frame
described, WebSockets
forever frame and, Forever frame
push and, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
transport negotiation, Transport negotiation
ApiController class, Web API
appcmd.exe tool, Improving performance in SignalR services
AppFunc (application delegate), OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
application delegate (AppFunc), OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
ArraySegment type, Sending messages to clients
ASP.NET stack, Introducing SignalR
ASP.NET., Improving performance in SignalR services, Other useful performance counters, Access control in persistent connections, ASP.NET MVC
(see also MVC framework)
Authorize attribute, Access control in persistent connections
performance counters, Other useful performance counters
server configuration, Improving performance in SignalR services
async/await construct (C#), Asynchronous event processing, Receiving messages, Sending messages to clients, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Communication with the server using hubs
asynchronous event processing, Asynchronous event processing
communicating with server using hubs, Communication with the server using hubs
creating and opening persistent connections, Creating and opening a persistent connection
receiving messages, Receiving messages
sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients
asynchronous communication, HTTP operations, Sending messages to clients, Receiving messages, Improving performance in SignalR services
AJAX operations, HTTP operations
event processing, Sending messages to clients
hub methods, Receiving messages
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX), HTTP operations, Client authentication
authentication, Sending additional information to the server, Advanced topics, Access control in hubs, Client authentication, Client authentication
client, Access control in hubs
cookie-based, Sending additional information to the server, Client authentication
in SignalR, Advanced topics
OAuth 2.0, Client authentication
authentication tokens, Client authentication
authorization in SignalR, Advanced topics
Authorize attribute, Access control in persistent connections
Autofac IoC container, Inversion of Control containers
automatic proxies, JavaScript clients, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies
Available KBytes performance counter, Other useful performance counters
Available MBytes performance counter, Other useful performance counters
Azure Management Tool, Configuring the service


C# language, Asynchronous event processing, Receiving messages, Sending messages to clients, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Communication with the server using hubs, Example: Windows 8/Windows 8.1 application with C#/XAML
application example, Example: Windows 8/Windows 8.1 application with C#/XAML
async/await construct, Asynchronous event processing, Receiving messages, Sending messages to clients, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Communication with the server using hubs
C++ client, Windows Phone 8 clients
Calculator class, Unit testing with SignalR
camel casing style, Sending messages to the server
CDN (Content Delivery Networks), Growing pains
client authentication, Access control in hubs
client-side processing, Push: The server takes the initiative, Persistent connections, The OWIN startup class, The OWIN startup class, Support for older browsers, Support for older browsers, Support for cross-domain connections, Receiving messages, Sending additional information to the server, Sending additional information to the server, Project creation and setup, Maintaining state at the server, JavaScript clients, JavaScript clients, Generating the proxy, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Sending messages to the server, Sending messages to the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Logging, State maintenance, Project creation and setup, Optional changes in configuration (web.config), Hub, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Creating and opening connections to hubs, Example: Console application, Windows Phone 8 clients, Windows Phone 8 clients, Improving performance in SignalR services
console application example, Example: Console application
hubs, Push: The server takes the initiative, Project creation and setup, Maintaining state at the server, JavaScript clients, JavaScript clients, Generating the proxy, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Sending messages to the server, Sending messages to the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Logging, State maintenance, Hub, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Creating and opening connections to hubs
communication with server, Creating and opening connections to hubs
creating and opening connections to, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
described, Maintaining state at the server
establishing the connection, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies
generating the proxy, JavaScript clients
implementing without a proxy, State maintenance
JavaScript clients, JavaScript clients
logging, Receiving messages sent from the server
manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Generating the proxy
progress bar example, Hub
receiving messages sent from server, Receiving messages sent from the server
security and, Push: The server takes the initiative
sending additional information, Sending messages to the server
sending message to server, Sending messages to the server
shared drawing board example, Project creation and setup
state maintenance, Logging
multiplatform applications, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Windows Phone 8 clients
accessing services from non-web clients, Multiplatform SignalR clients
consumption of services from other platforms, Windows Phone 8 clients
described, Multiplatform SignalR clients
persistent connections, Persistent connections, The OWIN startup class, The OWIN startup class, Support for older browsers, Support for older browsers, Support for cross-domain connections, Receiving messages, Sending additional information to the server, Sending additional information to the server, Project creation and setup, Optional changes in configuration (web.config), Multiplatform SignalR clients, Creating and opening a persistent connection
creating and opening, Multiplatform SignalR clients
cross-domain connection support, Support for older browsers
described, Persistent connections, The OWIN startup class
events available at, Sending additional information to the server
initiating using JavaScript client, The OWIN startup class
older browser support, Support for older browsers
receiving messages, Receiving messages
sending additional information to server, Sending additional information to the server
sending and receiving data, Creating and opening a persistent connection
sending messages, Support for cross-domain connections
tracing requests, Optional changes in configuration (web.config)
tracking visitors example, Project creation and setup
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
Windows Phone problems, Windows Phone 8 clients
client/server architecture, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss, HTTP operations, Polling: The answer?, Introducing SignalR, What does SignalR offer?
HTTP operations, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss
messaging bus, What does SignalR offer?
negotiation, Introducing SignalR
polling technique, HTTP operations
push concept, Polling: The answer?
Clients property (Hub class), Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to specific users, State maintenance, Notification of connections and disconnections, Notification of connections and disconnections, Managing groups, External access using hubs, External access using hubs, External access using hubs, External access using hubs, External access using hubs, Communication with the server using hubs, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
All value, Sending messages to clients, External access using hubs, Unit testing of hubs
AllExcept value, Sending messages to clients, External access using hubs
Caller value, Sending messages to clients, State maintenance, Communication with the server using hubs
Client value, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to specific users, External access using hubs, Unit testing of hubs
Clients value, Sending messages to clients
Group value, Sending messages to clients, Notification of connections and disconnections, External access using hubs
Groups value, Sending messages to clients, Managing groups, External access using hubs
Others value, Sending messages to clients
OthersInGroups value, Sending messages to clients, Notification of connections and disconnections
User value, Sending messages to clients
cloud services, Growing pains
clustering servers, Improving performance in SignalR services
Comet, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
compression, OWIN middleware modules, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
ConcurrentDictionary class, Maintaining state at the server
Connection class, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client, Support for cross-domain connections, Sending messages, Receiving messages, Sending additional information to the server, Sending additional information to the server, Sending additional information to the server, Sending additional information to the server, Sending additional information to the server, Transport negotiation, Transport negotiation, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Sending messages to the server, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Communication with the server using hubs, Communication with the server using hubs, Logging, Example: Windows 8/Windows 8.1 application with C#/XAML
AddClientCertificate() method, Creating and opening a persistent connection
Closed event, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
ConnectionId property, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client, Creating and opening a persistent connection
ConnectionSlow event, Sending additional information to the server, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
CookieContainer property, Creating and opening a persistent connection
Credentials property, Creating and opening a persistent connection
Error event, Sending messages, Sending additional information to the server, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
Headers property, Creating and opening a persistent connection
Logging property, Transport negotiation
Proxy property, Creating and opening a persistent connection
QueryString property, Sending messages to the server
Received event, Receiving messages, Sending additional information to the server, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
Reconnected event, Sending additional information to the server
Reconnecting event, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
Send() method, Support for cross-domain connections, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Example: Windows 8/Windows 8.1 application with C#/XAML
Start() method, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client, Transport negotiation, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Creating and opening a persistent connection
State property, Creating and opening a persistent connection
StateChanged event, Sending additional information to the server, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
Stop() method, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client
Trace() method, Communication with the server using hubs
TraceLevel property, Communication with the server using hubs
TraceWriter property, Logging
connection groups, Asynchronous event processing
Connection Messages Received Total performance counter, Connection activity
Connection Messages Received/Sec performance counter, Connection activity
Connection Messages Sent Total performance counter, Connection activity
Connection Messages Sent/Sec performance counter, Connection activity
ConnectionConfiguration class, Support for older browsers
connectionID identifier, Events of a persistent connection, Asynchronous event processing
ConnectionMessage structure, Sending messages to clients
Connections Connected performance counter, Connection activity
Connections Current performance counter, Connection activity
Connections Disconnected performance counter, Connection activity
Connections Reconnected performance counter, Connection activity
console applications, Hosting in a console application, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Example: Console application
application example, Example: Console application
multiplatform SignalR clients, Multiplatform SignalR clients
multiplatform SignalR servers, Hosting in a console application
Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Growing pains
Context property (Hub class), Accessing information about the request context, Accessing information about the request context, Accessing information about the request context, Accessing information about the request context, Accessing information about the request context, Notification of connections and disconnections, Sending messages to the server, Sending messages to the server, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
ConnectionId value, Accessing information about the request context, Unit testing of hubs
described, Notification of connections and disconnections, Sending messages to the server
Headers value, Accessing information about the request context
QueryString value, Accessing information about the request context, Sending messages to the server
RequestCookies value, Accessing information about the request context
unit testing example, Unit testing of hubs
User value, Accessing information about the request context
Controller class, ASP.NET MVC
cookie-based authentication, Sending additional information to the server, Client authentication
CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing), OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Support for older browsers, Establishing the connection, Hosting in a console application
multiplatform SignalR servers, Hosting in a console application
OWIN middleware modules, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
persistent connections and, Support for older browsers
responding to requests, Establishing the connection
Creative Commons license, Supported platforms
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Support for older browsers, Establishing the connection, Hosting in a console application
multiplatform SignalR servers, Hosting in a console application
OWIN middleware modules, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
persistent connections and, Support for older browsers
responding to requests, Establishing the connection
cross-domain connections, Support for older browsers


EchoConnection class, Mapping and configuring persistent connections, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client, Unit testing persistent connections
Edwards, Damian, Introducing SignalR
Errors: All Total performance counter, Connection activity
Errors: All/Sec performance counter, Connection activity
Errors: Hub Invocation Total performance counter, Connection activity
Errors: Hub Invocation/Sec performance counter, Connection activity
Errors: Hub Resolution Total performance counter, Connection activity
Errors: Hub Resolution/Sec performance counter, Connection activity
Errors: Transport Total performance counter, Connection activity
Errors: Transport/Sec performance counter, Connection activity
events, Events of a persistent connection, Sending messages to clients, Receiving messages sent from the server, Communication with the server using hubs
asynchronous processing, Sending messages to clients
described, Events of a persistent connection
logging, Receiving messages sent from the server, Communication with the server using hubs
EventSource object, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
extensible framework, An extensible framework


horizontal scalability, Growing pains
hosting, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, SignalR hosting in non-web applications, SignalR hosting in non-web applications, Hosting in a console application, Hosting in a console application, SignalR hosting in platforms other than Windows
multiplatform SignalR servers, SignalR hosting in non-web applications, Hosting in a console application, Hosting in a console application, SignalR hosting in platforms other than Windows
console applications, Hosting in a console application
described, SignalR hosting in non-web applications
platforms other than Windows, SignalR hosting in platforms other than Windows
Windows service, Hosting in a console application
OWIN standard, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, SignalR hosting in non-web applications
HTML <IFRAME> tag, Forever frame
HTML5, Push: The server takes the initiative
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss, HTTP operations, HTTP operations, WebSockets, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), Server configuration
503 errors, Server configuration
described, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss
HTTP operations, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss
inefficiencies of, HTTP operations
polling, HTTP operations, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
Server-Side Events, WebSockets
synchronous communication, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss
HTTP push, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
HttpContext class, Access control in hubs
HttpListener class, SignalR hosting in non-web applications, SignalR in a Windows service
Hub class, Sending messages to clients, State maintenance, Accessing information about the request context, Notification of connections and disconnections, Sending messages to the server, External access using hubs, Communication with the server using hubs, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
Clients property, Sending messages to clients, State maintenance, Notification of connections and disconnections, External access using hubs, Communication with the server using hubs, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
Context property, Accessing information about the request context, Sending messages to the server, Unit testing of hubs
OnConnected() method, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
HubConnection class, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Creating and opening connections to hubs, Creating and opening connections to hubs, Creating and opening connections to hubs, Creating and opening connections to hubs, Creating and opening connections to hubs
Closed event, Creating and opening connections to hubs
CreateHubProxy() method, Creating and opening connections to hubs
described, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
Start() method, Creating and opening connections to hubs
StateChanged event, Creating and opening connections to hubs
Stop() method, Creating and opening connections to hubs
HubException exception, Sending messages to the server
HubPipeline class, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs, Intercepting messages in hubs
BuildOutgoing() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
described, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnAfterConnect() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnAfterDisconnect() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnAfterIncoming() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnAfterOutgoing() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnAfterReconnect() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnBeforeAuthorizeConnect() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnBeforeConnect() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnBeforeDisconnect() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnBeforeIncoming() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnBeforeOutgoing() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnBeforeReconnect() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
OnIncomingError() method, Intercepting messages in hubs
HubProxy class, Creating and opening connections to hubs, Communication with the server using hubs
hubs, Two levels of abstraction, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters, Hubs, Hubs, Hub registration and configuration, Creating hubs, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to specific users, Sending messages to specific users, Accessing information about the request context, Notification of connections and disconnections, Notification of connections and disconnections, Managing groups, Maintaining state at the server, JavaScript clients, JavaScript clients, Generating the proxy, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Sending messages to the server, Sending messages to the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Logging, State maintenance, Receiving messages sent from the server, Persistent connections and hubs from other threads, Optional changes in configuration (web.config), Complete example: Progress bar, Hosting in a console application, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Creating and opening connections to hubs, Access control in persistent connections, An extensible framework, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing persistent connections
access control in, Access control in persistent connections
access from other threads, Persistent connections and hubs from other threads, Optional changes in configuration (web.config)
client-side implementation, Maintaining state at the server, JavaScript clients, JavaScript clients, Generating the proxy, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Sending messages to the server, Sending messages to the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Logging, State maintenance, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Creating and opening connections to hubs
communication with server, Creating and opening connections to hubs
creating and opening connections to, Sending and receiving data using persistent connections
described, Maintaining state at the server
establishing the connection, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies
generating the proxy, JavaScript clients
implementing the client without a proxy, State maintenance
JavaScript clients, JavaScript clients
logging, Receiving messages sent from the server
manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Generating the proxy
receiving messages sent from server, Receiving messages sent from the server
sending additional information, Sending messages to the server
sending message to server, Sending messages to the server
state maintenance, Logging
console applications and, Hosting in a console application
Dependency Injection, An extensible framework
described, Two levels of abstraction, Hubs
global configurations, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters
intercepting messages in, Unit testing persistent connections
progress bar example, Complete example: Progress bar
security and, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters
server-side implementation, Hubs, Hub registration and configuration, Creating hubs, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to specific users, Sending messages to specific users, Accessing information about the request context, Notification of connections and disconnections, Notification of connections and disconnections, Managing groups
accessing request context information, Accessing information about the request context
creating hubs, Hub registration and configuration
hub registration and configuration, Hubs
managing groups, Notification of connections and disconnections
notifications of connections and disconnections, Notification of connections and disconnections
receiving messages, Creating hubs
sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients
sending messages to specific users, Sending messages to specific users
state maintenance, Sending messages to specific users, Managing groups
shared drawing board example, Receiving messages sent from the server
unit testing, Unit testing of hubs
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss, HTTP operations, Server configuration
503 errors, Server configuration
described, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss
HTTP operations, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss
inefficiencies of, HTTP operations
synchronous communication, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss


IAppBuilder interface, Persistent connections, Mapping and configuring persistent connections, Connection groups, Hub registration and configuration, Hosting in a console application
described, Persistent connections, Connection groups
MapSignalR() method, Mapping and configuring persistent connections, Hub registration and configuration
multiplatform SignalR servers, Hosting in a console application
ICalculator interface, Unit testing with SignalR
IClock interface, Inversion of Control containers, SignalR with Unity
IConnection interface, Events of a persistent connection, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients, Asynchronous event processing, Connection groups, External access using persistent connections, External access using persistent connections
Broadcast() method, Events of a persistent connection, External access using persistent connections
DefaultSignal property, Sending messages to clients
Send() method, Sending messages to clients, Connection groups, External access using persistent connections
Task object and, Asynchronous event processing
IConnectionGroupManager interface, Asynchronous event processing, External access using persistent connections, External access using persistent connections, External access using persistent connections
Add() method, External access using persistent connections
described, Asynchronous event processing
Remove() method, External access using persistent connections
Send() method, External access using persistent connections
IDataStore interface, Releasing dependencies
IDependencyResolver interface, An extensible framework
IDisposable interface, Releasing dependencies
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), Push: The server takes the initiative
IGroupManager interface, Web API
IHubConnectionContext interface, External access using hubs, Web API
IHubContext interface, External access using hubs
IHubPipelineModule interface, Intercepting messages in hubs
IHubProxy interface, Communication with the server using hubs
IIS (Internet Information Services), Two levels of abstraction, Transport negotiation, Improving performance in SignalR services, Improving performance in SignalR services
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
server configuration, Improving performance in SignalR services
SignalR support, Two levels of abstraction
transport negotiation, Transport negotiation
IIS Express, Windows Phone 8 clients
IJavaScriptMinifier interface, An extensible framework
IJavaScriptProxyGenerator interface, An extensible framework
IMessageFormatter interface, Inversion of Control containers, SignalR with Ninject
Install-Package command, Installing SignalR, Persistent connections
installing SignalR, Installing SignalR
integration with other frameworks, Integration with other frameworks, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET MVC, Knockout, AngularJS
AngularJS, AngularJS
described, Integration with other frameworks
Knockout, Knockout
intercepting messages in hubs, Unit testing persistent connections
Interlocked class, Maintaining state at the server
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Push: The server takes the initiative
Internet Information Services (IIS), Two levels of abstraction, Transport negotiation, Improving performance in SignalR services, Improving performance in SignalR services
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
server configuration, Improving performance in SignalR services
SignalR support, Two levels of abstraction
transport negotiation, Transport negotiation
Internet Relay Chat (IRC), HTTP operations
Inversion of Control (IoC), An extensible framework, Releasing dependencies, SignalR with Unity, SignalR with Unity
described, An extensible framework, Releasing dependencies
Ninject IoC container, SignalR with Unity
Unity IoC container, SignalR with Unity
IoC (Inversion of Control), An extensible framework, Releasing dependencies, SignalR with Unity, SignalR with Unity
described, An extensible framework, Releasing dependencies
Ninject IoC container, SignalR with Unity
Unity IoC container, SignalR with Unity
IoCConfig class, SignalR with Unity
iOS platform, Consumption of services from other platforms
IPersistentConnectionContext interface, External access using persistent connections
IRC (Internet Relay Chat), HTTP operations
IRepository interface, Releasing dependencies
IRequest interface, Events of a persistent connection, Sending additional information to the server, Accessing information about the request context, Advanced topics, Unit testing of hubs
access control in persistent connections, Advanced topics
accessing information about request context, Accessing information about the request context
described, Events of a persistent connection
sending additional information to servers, Sending additional information to the server
unit testing example, Unit testing of hubs
IService interface, Inversion of Control containers
IUserIdProvider interface, Sending messages to specific users


Katana open source project, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Client authentication
Knockout framework, Knockout
ko object, Knockout


manual dependency injection, Dependency Injection
mapping, Persistent connections, Hubs, Hub registration and configuration
hubs, Hubs
persistent connections, Persistent connections, Hub registration and configuration
MbUnit testing framework, Unit testing with SignalR
memory, Maintaining state at the server, Improving performance in SignalR services, Other useful performance counters
performance counters, Other useful performance counters
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
server state and, Maintaining state at the server
Memory#bytes performance counter, Other useful performance counters
Message Bus Allocated Workers performance counter, Connection activity
Message Bus Busy Workers performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Message Bus Messages Published Total performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Message Bus Messages Published/Sec performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Message Bus Messages Received Total performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Message Bus Messages Received/Sec performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Message Bus Subscribers Current performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Message Bus Subscribers Total performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Message Bus Subscribers/Sec performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Message Bus Topics Current performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
MessageFormatter class, Inversion of Control containers
messages, Events of a persistent connection, Support for cross-domain connections, Receiving messages, Hub registration and configuration, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to specific users, Sending messages to the server, Receiving messages sent from the server, Persistent connection (ConnectionSpy.cs), Optional changes in configuration (web.config), Improving performance in SignalR services, Unit testing persistent connections
intercepting in hubs, Unit testing persistent connections
receiving from clients, Hub registration and configuration
receiving from servers, Receiving messages, Receiving messages sent from the server
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
sending to clients, Events of a persistent connection, Sending messages to clients
sending to servers, Support for cross-domain connections, Sending messages to the server
sending to specific users, Sending messages to specific users
tracing requests, Persistent connection (ConnectionSpy.cs), Optional changes in configuration (web.config)
messaging bus, What does SignalR offer?, Connection activity
Microsoft Patterns & Practices, SignalR with Unity
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR namespace/package, Mapping and configuring persistent connections, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client, Hub registration and configuration
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client namespace/package, Installing SignalR, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Example: Console application
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs namespace, Intercepting messages in hubs
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure namespace, Sending messages to specific users
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.JS package, Initiating the connection by using the JavaScript client
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Redis namespace/package, Installing Redis
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.SelfHost package, Hosting in a console application, Hosting in a console application
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.ServiceBus namespace/package, Configuring the service
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.SqlServer namespace/package, Configuring the database
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Utils package, Generating the proxy, Server configuration
Microsoft.Owin.Compression package, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
Microsoft.Owin.Cors package, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Establishing the connection, Hosting in a console application
Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener namespace, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, SignalR hosting in non-web applications
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb package, SignalR hosting in non-web applications
Microsoft.Owin.Security namespace, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory module, Client authentication
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies module, Client authentication
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook module, Client authentication
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google module, Client authentication
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt module, Client authentication
Microsoft.Owin.Security.MicrosoftAccount module, Client authentication
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth module, Client authentication
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter module, Client authentication
Microsoft.Owin.StaticFiles package, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
middleware, OWIN standard, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Client authentication
Model-View-View-Model (MVVM), Knockout
monitoring, External access using persistent connections, Server configuration
connections at server example, External access using persistent connections
performance in SignalR services, Server configuration
Mono project, SignalR hosting in platforms other than Windows, Windows Phone 8 clients
MonoDevelop platform, SignalR hosting in platforms other than Windows, Windows Phone 8 clients
Moq framework, Unit testing with SignalR
multiplatform applications, Real-time multiplatform applications, Real-time multiplatform applications, Multiplatform SignalR clients
described, Real-time multiplatform applications
multiplatform SignalR clients, Multiplatform SignalR clients
multiplatform SignalR servers, Real-time multiplatform applications
MVC framework, Introducing SignalR, Connection groups, Deploying and scaling SignalR, Access control in hubs, ASP.NET MVC
Authorize attribute, Access control in hubs
deployment of web applications, Deploying and scaling SignalR
OWIN middleware and, Connection groups
positioning in ASP.NET stack, Introducing SignalR
SignalR integration with, ASP.NET MVC
MVVM (Model-View-View-Model), Knockout


performance counters, Monitoring performance
performance improvement, Improving performance in SignalR services, Improving performance in SignalR services, Server configuration
described, Improving performance in SignalR services
monitoring performance, Server configuration
server configuration, Improving performance in SignalR services
Performance Monitor, Server configuration
persistent connections, Push: The server takes the initiative, Forever frame, Introducing SignalR, What does SignalR offer?, Persistent connections, Persistent connections, Persistent connections, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Sending messages to clients, Asynchronous event processing, Connection groups, The OWIN startup class, The OWIN startup class, Support for older browsers, Support for older browsers, Support for cross-domain connections, Receiving messages, Sending additional information to the server, Sending additional information to the server, Transport negotiation, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters, Hub registration and configuration, Persistent connections and hubs from other threads, External access using persistent connections, Hosting in a console application, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Advanced topics, Unit testing of hubs
access control in, Advanced topics
access from other threads, Persistent connections and hubs from other threads
adjusting configuration parameters, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters
client-side implementation, The OWIN startup class, The OWIN startup class, Support for older browsers, Support for older browsers, Support for cross-domain connections, Receiving messages, Sending additional information to the server, Sending additional information to the server, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Creating and opening a persistent connection
creating and opening, Multiplatform SignalR clients
cross-domain connection support, Support for older browsers
described, The OWIN startup class
events available at, Sending additional information to the server
initiating using JavaScript client, The OWIN startup class
older browser support, Support for older browsers
receiving messages, Receiving messages
sending additional information to server, Sending additional information to the server
sending and receiving data, Creating and opening a persistent connection
sending messages, Support for cross-domain connections
console applications and, Hosting in a console application
described, What does SignalR offer?, Persistent connections
forever frame and, Forever frame
impression of, Introducing SignalR
monitoring at server example, External access using persistent connections
server-side implementation, Persistent connections, Persistent connections, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Sending messages to clients, Asynchronous event processing, Connection groups, Hub registration and configuration
asynchronous event processing, Sending messages to clients
configuring, Persistent connections
connection groups, Asynchronous event processing
events of, Events of a persistent connection
mapping, Persistent connections, Hub registration and configuration
OWIN startup class, Connection groups
sending messages to clients, Events of a persistent connection
tracking visitors example, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters
transport negotiation, Transport negotiation
unit testing, Unit testing of hubs
WebSockets support, Push: The server takes the initiative
PersistentConnection class, Persistent connections, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Asynchronous event processing, Support for cross-domain connections, Creating hubs, External access using persistent connections, Advanced topics, Access control in persistent connections, An extensible framework, Manual dependency injection, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing persistent connections, Unit testing persistent connections, Unit testing persistent connections, Unit testing persistent connections
access control and, Advanced topics
AuthorizeRequest() method, Access control in persistent connections
Connection property, Events of a persistent connection, Unit testing persistent connections
described, Persistent connections
external access using, External access using persistent connections
Groups property, Asynchronous event processing
Initialize() method, An extensible framework
manual dependency injection and, Manual dependency injection
OnConnected() method, Events of a persistent connection, Unit testing persistent connections, Unit testing persistent connections
OnDisconnected() method, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection
OnReceived() method, Events of a persistent connection, Support for cross-domain connections, Creating hubs, Unit testing persistent connections
OnReconnected() method, Events of a persistent connection
OnRejoiningGroups() method, Events of a persistent connection
unit testing example, Unit testing of hubs
piggy backing technique, Polling: The answer?
polling technique, HTTP operations, HTTP operations, Polling: The answer?, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
adaptive intervals, Polling: The answer?
advantages/disadvantages, HTTP operations
defined, HTTP operations
long polling, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
PrincipalUserIdProvider class, Sending messages to specific users
Processor information / % Processor time performance counter, Other useful performance counters
progress bar example, Complete example: Progress bar
proxies, JavaScript clients, JavaScript clients, JavaScript clients, Generating the proxy, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies, Sending messages to the server, Receiving messages sent from the server
automatic, JavaScript clients, Manual generation of JavaScript proxies
dynamic, JavaScript clients
generating, JavaScript clients
generating manually, Generating the proxy
receiving messages sent from servers, Receiving messages sent from the server
sending messages to servers, Sending messages to the server
pull model, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss, HTTP operations
push concept, Polling: The answer?, Push: The server takes the initiative, WebSockets, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), Forever frame, Transport negotiation
described, Polling: The answer?
forever frame and, Forever frame
long polling and, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
Server-Sent Events, WebSockets
transport negotiation, Transport negotiation
WebSockets standard, Push: The server takes the initiative
XHR streaming and, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)


RabbitMQ, Activating the backplane
real-time multiplatform applications, Real-time multiplatform applications, Real-time multiplatform applications, Multiplatform SignalR clients
described, Real-time multiplatform applications
multiplatform SignalR clients, Multiplatform SignalR clients
multiplatform SignalR servers, Real-time multiplatform applications
Redis storage system, Scalability in SignalR, Redis, Redis, Installing Redis
activating the backplane, Installing Redis
installing, Redis
SignalR backplane support, Scalability in SignalR, Redis
Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Two levels of abstraction, The OWIN startup class
request-response schemas, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss
Requests Current performance counter, Other useful performance counters
Requests Queued performance counter, Other useful performance counters
Requests Rejected performance counter, Other useful performance counters
resource consumption, long polling and, Long polling
reverse AJAX, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
Rhino Mocks framework, Unit testing with SignalR
RPC (Remote Procedure Call), Two levels of abstraction, The OWIN startup class


SaaS (Software as a Service), Scalability in SignalR
scalability, Maintaining state at the server, Maintaining state at the server, Growing pains, Growing pains, Growing pains, Growing pains, Growing pains, Scalability in SignalR, Activating the backplane, Improving performance in SignalR services
custom backplanes, Activating the backplane
death by success and, Growing pains
horizontal, Growing pains
improving performance in SignalR services, Improving performance in SignalR services
in SignalR, Growing pains
scaling on backplanes, Scalability in SignalR
session affinity and, Growing pains
state storage and, Maintaining state at the server, Maintaining state at the server
vertical, Growing pains
scale-out approach, Growing pains, Activity in the messaging bus
described, Growing pains
performance counters, Activity in the messaging bus
scale-up approach, Growing pains, Growing pains
Scaleout Errors Total performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Scaleout Errors/Sec performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Scaleout Message Bus Messages Received/Sec performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Scaleout Send Queue Length performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Scaleout Streams Buffering performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Scaleout Streams Open performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
Scaleout Streams Total performance counter, Activity in the messaging bus
ScaleoutMessageBus class, Activating the backplane
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Access control in hubs
security, Push: The server takes the initiative, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Support for older browsers, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters, Maintaining state at the server, Advanced topics
authorization in SignalR, Advanced topics
client communications and, Push: The server takes the initiative
JSONP and, Support for older browsers
OWIN middleware modules, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
public methods within hubs, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters
push concept and, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
state storage and, Maintaining state at the server
server push concept, Polling: The answer?, Push: The server takes the initiative, WebSockets, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), Forever frame, Transport negotiation
described, Polling: The answer?
forever frame and, Forever frame
long polling and, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
Server-Sent Events, WebSockets
transport negotiation, Transport negotiation
WebSockets standard, Push: The server takes the initiative
XHR streaming and, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), WebSockets, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source), Forever frame, Forever frame, Transport negotiation
additional techniques supporting, Forever frame
described, WebSockets
forever frame and, Forever frame
push and, Server-Sent Events (API Event Source)
transport negotiation, Transport negotiation
server-side processing, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Persistent connections, Persistent connections, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Sending messages to clients, Asynchronous event processing, Connection groups, Project creation and setup, Hubs, Hub registration and configuration, Creating hubs, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to specific users, Sending messages to specific users, Accessing information about the request context, Notification of connections and disconnections, Notification of connections and disconnections, Managing groups, Project creation and setup, Persistent connection (ConnectionSpy.cs), Hub, Real-time multiplatform applications, SignalR hosting in non-web applications, SignalR hosting in platforms other than Windows, Improving performance in SignalR services
hubs, Project creation and setup, Hubs, Hub registration and configuration, Creating hubs, Sending messages to clients, Sending messages to specific users, Sending messages to specific users, Accessing information about the request context, Notification of connections and disconnections, Notification of connections and disconnections, Managing groups, Hub
accessing request context information, Accessing information about the request context
creating, Hub registration and configuration
managing groups, Notification of connections and disconnections
notifications of connections and disconnections, Notification of connections and disconnections
progress bar example, Hub
receiving messages from clients, Creating hubs
registration and configuration, Hubs
sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients
sending messages to specific users, Sending messages to specific users
shared drawing board example, Project creation and setup
state maintenance, Sending messages to specific users, Managing groups
multiplatform applications, Real-time multiplatform applications, SignalR hosting in non-web applications, SignalR hosting in platforms other than Windows
described, Real-time multiplatform applications
non-web applications, SignalR hosting in non-web applications
platforms other than Windows, SignalR hosting in platforms other than Windows
OWIN standard, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
persistent connections, Persistent connections, Persistent connections, Events of a persistent connection, Events of a persistent connection, Sending messages to clients, Asynchronous event processing, Connection groups, Project creation and setup, Persistent connection (ConnectionSpy.cs)
asynchronous event processing, Sending messages to clients
configuring, Persistent connections
connection groups, Asynchronous event processing
events of, Events of a persistent connection
mapping, Persistent connections
OWIN startup class, Connection groups
sending messages to clients, Events of a persistent connection
tracing requests, Persistent connection (ConnectionSpy.cs)
tracking visitors example, Project creation and setup
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
Service Locator pattern, An extensible framework, An extensible framework, Releasing dependencies
ServiceBase class, SignalR in a Windows service
ServiceBusScaleoutConfiguration class, Activating the backplane
session affinity, Growing pains
session variables, Improving performance in SignalR services
shared drawing board example, Receiving messages sent from the server
SharePoint, SignalR support, Introducing SignalR
SignalR, Introducing SignalR, Introducing SignalR, Introducing SignalR, What does SignalR offer?, What does SignalR offer?, What does SignalR offer?, Two levels of abstraction, Supported platforms, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Installing SignalR, Persistent connections, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters, Hubs, Real-time multiplatform applications, Multiplatform SignalR clients, Growing pains, Improving performance in SignalR services, Server configuration, Advanced topics, Access control in hubs, An extensible framework, An extensible framework, SignalR with Ninject, Unit testing persistent connections, Integration with other frameworks
abstraction levels, What does SignalR offer?, Persistent connections, Hubs
adjusting configuration parameters, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters
advantages, What does SignalR offer?
authorization in, Advanced topics
Authorize attribute, Access control in hubs
background, Introducing SignalR
Dependency Injection, An extensible framework
extensible framework, An extensible framework
improving performance in services, Improving performance in SignalR services
installing, Installing SignalR
integration with other frameworks, Integration with other frameworks
intercepting messages in hubs, Unit testing persistent connections
Katana open source project, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
key features, Introducing SignalR
monitoring performance in services, Server configuration
multiplatform clients, Multiplatform SignalR clients
multiplatform servers, Real-time multiplatform applications
OWIN standard, Supported platforms
positioning in ASP.NET stack, Introducing SignalR
scalability in, Growing pains
supported platforms, Two levels of abstraction
unified programming model, What does SignalR offer?
unit testing, SignalR with Ninject
SignalR.exe tool, Generating the proxy, Server configuration
Single Page Applications (SPA) framework, AngularJS
SkyDrive, SignalR support, Introducing SignalR
SMTP, Polling: The answer?
Software as a Service (SaaS), Scalability in SignalR
SPA (Single Page Applications) framework, AngularJS
SQL Server, Scalability in SignalR, SQL Server, SQL Server, Configuring the database
activating the backplane, Configuring the database
configuring the database, SQL Server
SignalR backplane support, Scalability in SignalR, SQL Server
SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), Access control in hubs
Startup class (OWIN), Persistent connections, Persistent connections, Connection groups, Connection groups, Hubs, Hubs, Hosting in a console application, Client authentication
Configuration() method, Persistent connections, Connection groups, Hubs, Client authentication
described, Persistent connections, Connection groups, Hubs
multiplatform SignalR servers, Hosting in a console application
state maintenance (hubs), Sending messages to specific users, Managing groups, Logging, Improving performance in SignalR services
client-side, Logging
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
server-side, Sending messages to specific users, Managing groups
static files, OWIN middleware modules, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
sticky sessions, Growing pains
StructureMap IoC container, Inversion of Control containers
submissions, Forever frame, Improving performance in SignalR services
monitoring, Forever frame
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
subscriptions, managing, Forever frame
synchronous communication, HTTP operations, HTTP: You are the client, and you are the boss
System.Collections.Concurrent namespace, Maintaining state at the server
System.Web.Http namespace, Access control in persistent connections, Web API
System.Web.Mvc namespace, ASP.NET MVC


Task object, Asynchronous event processing, Receiving messages, Sending messages to clients, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Creating and opening a persistent connection, Communication with the server using hubs
asynchronous event processing, Asynchronous event processing
communicating with server using hubs, Communication with the server using hubs
creating and opening persistent connections, Creating and opening a persistent connection
receiving messages, Receiving messages
sending and receiving data using persistent connections, Creating and opening a persistent connection
sending messages to clients, Sending messages to clients
testing, Windows Phone 8 clients, SignalR with Ninject, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
of persistent connections, Unit testing of hubs
unit testing, SignalR with Ninject
Windows Phone solutions, Windows Phone 8 clients
TextWriter class, Logging
TraceLevel property (Connection class), Communication with the server using hubs, Communication with the server using hubs, Communication with the server using hubs, Logging, Logging
All value, Logging
Events value, Communication with the server using hubs
Messages value, Communication with the server using hubs
None value, Logging
StateChanges value, Communication with the server using hubs
tracing requests, Persistent connection (ConnectionSpy.cs), Optional changes in configuration (web.config)
tracking visitors example, Adjusting SignalR configuration parameters
transport negotiation, Introducing SignalR, Transport negotiation
Twitter OAuth 2.0 authentication, Client authentication
TypeMock framework, Unit testing with SignalR


Ubuntu platform, Installing Redis
unified programming model, What does SignalR offer?
unit testing, SignalR with Ninject, Unit testing of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
described, SignalR with Ninject
of hubs, Unit testing of hubs
of persistent connections, Unit testing of hubs
Unity IoC container, Inversion of Control containers


vertical scalability, Growing pains
View-Model class, Knockout
Visual Studio, Introducing SignalR, Windows Phone 8 clients, Access control in persistent connections, Unit testing with SignalR
Authorize attribute and, Access control in persistent connections
Browser Link feature, Introducing SignalR
implementing native clients, Windows Phone 8 clients
testing framework, Unit testing with SignalR


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), Push: The server takes the initiative
Web API, Introducing SignalR, Connection groups, Deploying and scaling SignalR, Access control in hubs, ASP.NET MVC
Authorize attribute, Access control in hubs
deployment of web applications, Deploying and scaling SignalR
OWIN middleware and, Connection groups
positioning in ASP.NET stack, Introducing SignalR
SignalR integration with, ASP.NET MVC
web applications, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block, Deploying and scaling SignalR, Improving performance in SignalR services, ASP.NET MVC
deployment scenarios, Deploying and scaling SignalR
MVC framework and, ASP.NET MVC
OWIN standard, OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
Web Forms, Introducing SignalR, Supported platforms
positioning in ASP.NET stack, Introducing SignalR
update dependencies, Supported platforms
web framework (OWIN), OWIN and Katana: The new kids on the block
Web Pages, positioning in ASP.NET stack, Introducing SignalR
Web Tokens (JSON), Client authentication
WebApp class, Hosting in a console application
WebSockets standard, Push: The server takes the initiative, Mapping and configuring persistent connections, Transport negotiation
described, Push: The server takes the initiative
persistent connections and, Mapping and configuring persistent connections
transport negotiation, Transport negotiation
Windows Azure, Two levels of abstraction, Maintaining state at the server, Growing pains, Scalability in SignalR, Scalability in SignalR, Scalability in SignalR, Configuring the service, Configuring the service, Client authentication
activating the backplane, Configuring the service
Azure Management Tool, Configuring the service
cache system, Maintaining state at the server
cloud services, Growing pains
configuring the service, Scalability in SignalR
Katana project and, Client authentication
SignalR support, Two levels of abstraction, Scalability in SignalR, Scalability in SignalR
Windows Phone clients, Windows Phone 8 clients
Windows platforms, Two levels of abstraction, Example: Windows 8/Windows 8.1 application with C#/XAML, Installing Redis, Improving performance in SignalR services
application example, Example: Windows 8/Windows 8.1 application with C#/XAML
recommendations, Improving performance in SignalR services
Redis and, Installing Redis
SignalR support, Two levels of abstraction
Windows Server platform, Two levels of abstraction
Windows Services, Hosting in a console application
Windsor Castle IoC container, Inversion of Control containers
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Push: The server takes the initiative
ws://protocol, WebSockets
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