Chapter 7. Libraries

One of C’s best qualities is the minimal adornment present in its compiled code. A favorite snipe at some more modern languages like Java is the size of the “Hello, World” program. Our very first program back in “Creating a C ‘Hello, World’” takes up a little over 16Kb on my Linux machine without any optimizations. Achieving the same output from a standalone executable on the same system using Java, though, requires tens of megabytes and much, much more effort to build. That’s not an entirely fair comparison since the Java hello application needs the entire Java runtime baked into the executable, but that’s also the point: C makes it easy to create lean code for a given system.

That ease is great when we’re tackling small things like “Hello, World” or even most of the examples from past chapters. But as we get ready to jump into the world of microcontrollers and Arduino, we’re left worrying about re-creating our own solutions to some pretty mundane problems. For example, we’ve written some of our own functions to compare strings. We wrote a fancier program to encode base64 content. That stuff is fun, but do we always have to do this type of work from scratch?

Happily, the answer to that question is: no. C supports the notion of using a library for quick, friendly expansion of its capabilities—without losing its lean profile for the final executable. A library is a bundle of code that can be imported into your projects to add new capabilities, like working with strings or talking to a wireless network. But the key to using libraries is that you only need to add the one that contains the features you need. That Java hello application would have latent support for creating an entire graphical interface and opening network connections, even though they would not be used just to print some text in a terminal window.

With Arduino, for example, you’ll find libraries for most of the popular sensors like temperature components or light-level resistors and outputs like LEDs and LCD displays. You won’t have to write your own device driver to use a piece of electronic paper or change the color of an RGB LED. You can load up a library and get to work on what you want to display on that e-paper, and not worry about how.

The C Standard Library

We have already used a couple libraries on our path to this point in the book. Even our very first program needed the stdio.h header for access to the printf() function. And our most recent work on pointers in Chapter 6 required the malloc() function found in the stdlib.h header. We didn’t have to do much to get access to those bits. Indeed, we just wrote an #include statement at the top of our program and off we went!

The reason these functions are so easy to incorporate is that they belong to the C standard library. Every C compiler or development environment will have this library available. It may be packaged differently on different platforms (such as including or excluding the math functions), but you can always count on the overall content being ready for inclusion. I can’t cover everything in the library, but I do want to highlight some useful functions and the headers that provide them. In “Putting It Together”, I’ll also cover where to look for other libraries that tackle a wider range of features.


Obviously we’ve been using the stdio.h header from the very start. We have already used the two most useful functions (for our purposes): printf() and scanf(). The other functions in this header revolve around access to files. The microcontrollers we’ll be working with in the coming chapters do sometimes have filesystems, but the types of programs we’ll be writing won’t need that particular feature. Still, if you do want to work with files on a desktop or high-powered microcontroller, this header is a good place to start!


We have also seen a few functions from stdlib.h, namely malloc() and free(). But this header has a few more useful tricks worth mentioning.


In “Command-Line Arguments and main()”, I gave you an exercise to convert a string to a number. The “extra credit” note mentioned using stdlib.h to get access to C’s standard conversion function: atoi(). There are two other converters for other base types: atol() converts to a long value, and atof() converts to a floating point type, but contrary to the final letter in the function’s name, atof() returns a double value. (You can always cast that to the lower-precision float type if needed.)

The solution to that extra exercise, ch07/sum2.c, highlights just how simple converting can be if you include the necessary header file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int total = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    total += atoi(argv[i]);
  printf("The sum of these %d numbers is %d
", argc - 1, total);

Pretty easy! Which is, of course, the hope in using a library function like this. You could write this conversion code yourself, but you can save a lot of time (and a fair amount of debugging) if you can find an appropriate library function to use instead.


Do be a little careful with these functions. They stop parsing the string when they hit a nondigit character. If you attempt to convert the word “one” to a number, for example, that parsing stops immediately and atoi() (or the others) will return a 0 without any errors. If 0 can appear as a legitimate value in your string, you’ll need to add your own validity checks before calling them.

rand() and srand()

Random values play a fun role in many situations. Want to vary the colors of your LED lamp? Want to shuffle a virtual deck of cards? Need to simulate potential communication delays? Random numbers to the rescue!

The rand() function returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and a constant (well, technically a macro; more on these in “Special Values”), RAND_MAX, also defined in stdlib.h. I say “pseudorandom” because the “random” number you get back is the product of an algorithm.1

A related function, srand(), can be used to seed the random number generating algorithm. The “seed” value is the starting point for the algorithm before it goes hopping around producing a nice variety of values. You can use srand() to supply new values every time your program runs—using the current timestamp, for example—or you can use the seed to produce a known list of numbers. That might seem like a strange thing to want, but it can be useful in testing.

Let’s try out these two functions to get a feel for their use. Take a look at ch07/random.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main() {
  printf("RAND_MAX: %d
  unsigned int r1 = rand();
  printf("First random number: %d
", r1);
  printf("Second random number: %d
", rand());
  printf("Third random number: %d
", rand());
  unsigned int pin = rand() % 9000 + 1000;
  printf("Random four digit number: %d
", pin);

And let’s compile and run it to see the output:

ch07$ gcc random.c
ch07$ ./a.out
RAND_MAX: 2147483647
First random number: 1804289383
Second random number: 590011675
Third random number: 1205842387
Random four digit number: 7783

ch07$ ./a.out
RAND_MAX: 2147483647
First random number: 1804289383
Second random number: 590011675
Third random number: 612877372
Random four digit number: 5454

On my system, then, the maximum value returned by rand() is 2147483647. The first number we generate should be between 0 and 2147483647, and so it is. The second number we generate will be in the same range, but it comes after we provide a new seed value to srand(), so hopefully it’s different than r1, and that bears out.

But look at those first two “random” numbers in the output of our second run. They’re exactly the same! Hardly random. As I mentioned, rand() is a pseudorandom generator. The default seed for the generating algorithm is 1 if you never call srand(). But if you call it with a constant like 5, that’s no better. It will be a different sequence of numbers, but every time you run the program it will be the same “different” sequence.

So, in order to get different pseudorandom numbers, you need to provide a seed that changes every time you run your program. The most common trick is to do what I did by including yet another header, time.h (see “time.h”) and pull in the current timestamp (seconds since January 1, 1970). As long as we don’t manage to start the program twice in one second, we’ll get new sequences each run. You can see that seed turned out fine in the two runs above as the third number is indeed different between them.

With that better seed2 in place, subsequent calls to rand() should look random from execution to execution. We can see that benefit with the PIN we generate for our final random number. The PIN is bounded using a popular trick for getting a random number in a range. You use the remainder operator to make sure you get an appropriately limited range, and then add a base value. For the PIN to have exactly four digits, we use a base of 1000 and a range of 9000 (0 to 8999 inclusive).


The final function from stdlib.h that I want to highlight is the exit() function. In “Return values and main()” we looked at using the return statement to end your program and optionally return a value from the main() function to provide some status information to the operating system.

There is also a separate exit() function that takes an int argument that is used for the same exit code value as the return statement in the main() method. The difference between using exit() and returning from main() is that exit() can be called from any function and immediately quits the application. For example, we could write a “confirmation” function that asks the user if they are sure they want to quit. If they answer with a y, then we can use exit() at that point rather than returning some sentinel value to main() and then using return. Take a look at ch07/areyousure.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void confirm() {
  char answer;
  printf("Are you sure you want to exit? (y/n) ");
  scanf("%c", &answer);
  if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y') {

    printf("This will never be printed.

int main() {
  printf("In main... let's try exiting.
  printf("Glad you decided not to leave.

And here is the output from two runs:

ch07$ gcc areyousure.c
ch07$ ./a.out
In main... let's try exiting.
Are you sure you want to exit? (y/n) y

ch07$ ./a.out
In main... let's try exiting.
Are you sure you want to exit? (y/n) n
Glad you decided not to leave.

Notice that when we use exit(), we don’t go back to the main() function or even finish the code in our confirm() function itself. We really do exit the program and supply an exit code to the operating system.

Inside main(), by the way, it mostly doesn’t matter whether you use return or exit(), although the former is more “polite.” (For example, any cleanup from completing the main() function will still run if you use return. That same cleanup would be skipped if you use exit().) It is also worth noting that simply making it to the end of the main() body as we have been doing all along is a fine and popular way to finish your program when there were no errors.


Strings are so common and so useful that they even have their own header file. The string.h header can be added to any program where you need to compare or manipulate strings beyond simply storing and printing them. This header describes more functions than we have time to cover here, but there are some import utilities we want to highlight in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1. Useful string functions
Function Description

strlen(char *s)

Calculate the length of a string (not including the final null character)

strcmp(char *s1, char *s2)

Compare two strings. Return -1 if s1 < s2, 0 if s1 == s2, and 1 if s1 > s2

strncmp(char *s1, char *s2, int n)

Compare at most n bytes of s1 and s2 (results similar to strcmp)

strcpy(char *dest, char *src)

Copy src to dest

strncpy(char *dest, char *src, int n)

Copy at most n bytes of src to dest

strcat(char *dest, char *src)

Append src to dest

strncat(char *dest, char *src, int n)

Append at most n bytes of src to dest

We can demonstrate all of these functions in a simple program, ch07/fullname.c, by asking the user for their full name in pieces and (safely!) putting it together at the end. If we find we’re interacting with Dennis M. Ritchie, we’ll thank him for writing C.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
  char first[20];
  char middle[20];
  char last[20];
  char full[60];
  char spacer[2] = " ";

  printf("Please enter your first name: ");
  scanf("%s", first);
  printf("Please enter your middle name or initial: ");
  scanf("%s", middle);
  printf("Please enter your last name: ");
  scanf("%s", last);

  // First, assemble the full name
  strncpy(full, first, 20);
  strncat(full, spacer, 40);
  strncat(full, middle, 39);
  strncat(full, spacer, 20);
  strncat(full, last, 19);

  printf("Well hello, %s!
", full);

  int dennislen = 17;  // length of "Dennis M. Ritchie"
  if (strlen(full) == dennislen &&
      strncmp("Dennis M. Ritchie", full, dennislen) == 0)
    printf("Thanks for writing C!

And an example run:

ch07$ gcc fullname.c
ch07$ ./a.out
Please enter your first name: Alice
Please enter your middle name or initial: B.
Please enter your last name: Toklas
Well hello, Alice B. Toklas!

Give this program a try yourself. If you do enter Dennis’s name (including the period after his middle initial: “M.”), do you get the thank-you message as expected?


It’s a common mistake to set the maximum number of characters to concatenate in strncat() to the length of the source string. Instead, you should set it to the maximum number of characters remaining in your destination. Your compiler may warn you about this mistake with a “specified bound X equals source length” message. (X, of course, would be the bound you specified when calling strncat().) It’s just a warning, and you might well have exactly the length of your source remaining. But if you see the warning, double-check that you didn’t use the source length by accident.

As another example, we can revisit the notion of default values and overwriting arrays from “Initializing strings”. You can delay the initialization of a character array until you know what the user has done. We can declare—but not initialize—a string, use it with scanf(), and then go back to the default if the user didn’t give us a good alternate value.

Let’s try this with a question about the background color of some future, amazing application. We might assume a dark theme with a black background. We can prompt the user for a different value, or have them simply hit the Return key without entering a value if they want to keep the default. Here’s ch07/background.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
  char background[20];                                     1
  printf("Enter a background color or return for the default: ");
]s", background);                            2
  if (strlen(background) == 0) {                           3
    strcpy(background, "black");
  printf("The background color is now %s.
", background); 4

Declare a string with enough capacity, but don’t set it to anything.


Get input from the user and store it in our array.


If the array is empty after prompting the user, store our default.


Show the final value, either from the user or from our default.

And here are some sample runs, including one where we keep the black background:

ch07$ gcc background.c
ch07$ ./a.out
Enter a background color or return for the default: blue
The background color is now blue.
ch07$ ./a.out
Enter a background color or return for the default: white
The background color is now white.
ch07$ ./a.out
Enter a background color or return for the default:
The background color is now black.

If you are inviting the user to supply a value, just remember to allocate sufficient room in your array to contain whatever response the user might give you. If you can’t trust your users, scanf() has another trick that you can deploy. Just like the format specifiers in printf(), you can add a width to any input field in scanf(). For our previous example, say, we could change to an explicit limit of 19 (saving room for that final '' character):

]s", background);

Easy peasy. It does look quite dense, but it’s a nice option for limited devices where you might not be able to allocate a lot of extra space in case of verbose users.


The math.h header declares several useful functions for performing a variety of arithmetic and trigonometric calculations. Table 7-2 includes several of the more popular functions. All of these functions return a double value.

Table 7-2. Handy functions from math.h
Function Description

Trigonometric Functions

cos(double rad)


sin(double rad)


atan(double rad)


atan2(double y, double x)

Two-argument arctangent (angle between positive X axis and point (x,y))

Roots and Exponents

exp(double x)


log(double x)

Natural logarithm (base e) of x

log10(double x)

Common logarithm (base 10) of x

pow(double x, double y)


sqrt(double x)

Square root of x


ceil(double x)

Ceiling function, next bigger integer from x

floor(double x)

Floor function, next smaller integer from x


fabs(double x)a

Return the absolute value of x

a Oddly, the absolute value function for integer types, abs(), is declared in stdlib.h.

For any situation where you want an int or long answer, you just have to cast. For example, we could write a simple program (ch07/rounding.c) to average several integers and then round them to the nearest int value like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main() {
  int grades[6] = { 86, 97, 77, 76, 85, 90 };
  int total = 0;
  int average;

  for (int g = 0; g < 6; g++) {
    total += grades[g];
  printf("Raw average: %0.2f
", total / 6.0);
  average = (int)floor(total / 6.0 + 0.5);
  printf("Rounded average: %d
", average);

Since we (may) need to help the compiler with this library, let’s take a look at the compile command:

gcc rounding.c -lm

Again, math.h declares functions in the C standard library, but those functions are not necessarily implemented in the same place as other functions. The binary containing most of the functions we’re discussing is libc (or glibc for GNU’s version). However, on many systems, the math functions live in a separate binary, libm, which requires that trailing -lm flag to make sure the compiler knows to link in the math library.

Your system may differ. There’s no harm in trying to compile without the -lm option to see if your system automatically includes libm (or has all of the functions already included in libc). If you try compiling without the flag and you don’t get any errors, you’re in good shape! If you do need the library flag, you’ll see something like this:

ch07$ gcc rounding.c
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccP1MUC7.o: in function `main':
rounding.c:(.text+0xaf): undefined reference to `floor'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Try it yourself (with or without the library flag as needed). You should get 85 as an answer. If rounding is something you do often, you can write your own function to simplify things and avoid littering your code with the slightly clunky business of adding the 0.5 value before calling floor() and casting the result.


This header gives you access to a number of utilities to help with determining and displaying time. It uses two types of storage for handling dates and times: a simple timestamp (with a type alias, time_t, representing the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, UTC) and a much more detailed structure, struct tm, with the following definition:

struct tm {
  int tm_sec;   // seconds (0 - 60; allow for leap second)
  int tm_min;   // minutes (0 - 59)
  int tm_hour;  // hours (0 - 23)
  int tm_mday;  // day of month (1 - 31)
  int tm_mon;   // month (0 - 11; WARNING! NOT 1 - 12)
  int tm_year;  // year (since 1900)
  int tm_wday;  // day of week (0 - 6)
  int tm_yday;  // day of year (0 - 365)
  int tm_isdst; // Daylight Saving Time flag
                // This flag can be in one of three states:
                // -1 == unavailable, 0 == standard time, 1 == DST.

I won’t be using this nifty structure with all the separated fields, but it can be useful if you are doing any work with dates and times, like you might find in a calendaring application. I will be using timestamps from, uh, time to time, as we’ve already seen in “rand() and srand()” for supplying a changing seed to the srand() function. Table 7-3 shows some functions that work with these simple values:

Table 7-3. Working with timestamps
Function Description

char *ctime(time_t *t)

Return a string of the local time

struct tm *localtime(time_t *t)

Expand a timestamp into the detailed structure

time_t mktime(struct tm *t)

Reduce a structure to a timestamp

time_t time(time_t *t)

Return the current time as a timestamp

The definition of that last function, time(), might look a little weird. It both takes and returns a time_t pointer. You can call time() with either a NULL value or with a valid pointer to a variable of type time_t. If you use NULL, the current time is simply returned. If you supply a pointer, the current time is returned, but the variable pointed to is also updated with the current time. We only need the NULL option for our work with random numbers, but you’ll stumble on a few utility functions that use this pattern. It can be useful if you are working with heap memory.


Many situations where you process input from users require you to validate that the input conforms to some expected type or value. For example, a ZIP code should be five digits and a US state abbreviation should be two uppercase letters. The ctype.h header declares several handy functions for checking individual characters. It also has two helper functions that convert between upper- and lowercase. Table 7-4 highlights several of these functions.

Table 7-4. Working with characters using ctype.h
Function Description


isalnum(int c)

Is c a numeric character or a letter

isalpha(int c)

Is c a letter

isdigit(int c)

Is c a decimal digit

isxdigit(int c)

Is c a hexadecimal digit (case-insensitive)

islower(int c)

Is c a lowercase letter

isupper(int c)

Is c an uppercase letter

isspace(int c)

Is c a space, tab, newline, carriage return, vertical tab, or form feed


tolower(int c)

Return the lowercase version of c

toupper(int c)

Return the uppercase version of c

Don’t forget your Boolean operators! You can easily expand these tests to ask questions like “is not whitespace” with the ! operator:

  if (!isspace(answer)) {
    // Not a blank character, so go ahead

As with the math functions and getting a double result where you need an int, the conversion functions in ctype.h return an int, but you can easily cast it to a char as needed.

Putting It Together

Let’s pull in a few of these new headers and use some of the topics from previous chapters to make a more rounded example. We’ll create a structure to store information on a simple bank account. We can use the new string.h utilities to add a name field to each account. And we’ll use the math.h functions to calculate a sample compound interest payment on the balance of the account. Here are the includes this example will require:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

With our headers ready, let’s dive in and get the program itself going.

Filling In Strings

Let’s start our example by creating our account type including a string “name” field. The new struct is simple enough:

struct account {
  char name[50];
  double balance;

We can now use our string functions to load up name with actual content after our structure is created. We can also use malloc() to create that structure in a function and return the address of our account. Here’s the new function, with some of the safety checks omitted just for readability:

struct account *create(char *name, double initial) {
  struct account *acct = malloc(sizeof(struct account));
  strncpy(acct->name, name, 49);
  acct->balance = initial;
  return acct;

Notice I chose to use strncpy() here. The idea is that I cannot guarantee the incoming name parameter will fit. Since I wrote the entire program, of course, I certainly can guarantee that detail, but that’s not the point. I want to make sure if I ever allow user input, say, by prompting the user for details, my create() function has some safeguards in place.

Let’s go ahead and create a function to print our account details. Hopefully, this code looks familiar from our work in Chapter 6. We can also start our main() function to try out everything we’ve written so far:

void print(struct account *a) {
  printf("Account: %s
", a->name);
  printf("Balance: $%.2f
", a->balance);

int main() {
  struct account *checking;
  checking = create("Bank of Earth (checking)", 200.0);

Let’s compile and run ch07/account1.c. Here’s our output:

ch07$ gcc account1.c
ch07$ ./a.out
Account: Bank of Earth (checking)
Balance: $200.00

Hooray! So far, so good. Next up is figuring out an interest payment.

Finding Our Interest

Using the pow() function from the math.h library, we can calculate a monthly compounded interest in one expression. I know I was taught this formula in high school, but I still have to look it up online any time I actually need to use it. Then we’ll update main() to add a year’s worth of interest (at 5%) to our account and print out the details again. Here are the new parts from ch07/account2.c:

void add_interest(struct account *acct, double rate, int months) {
  // Put our current balance in a local var for easier use
  double principal = acct->balance;
  // Convert our annual rate to a monthly percentage value
  rate /= 1200;
  // Use the interest formula to calculate our new balance
  acct->balance = principal * pow(1 + rate, months);

int main() {
  struct account *checking;
  checking = create("Bank of Earth (checking)", 200.0);

  add_interest(checking, 5.0, 12);


That’s looking pretty good! Let’s compile and run account2.c. If your system needs the -lm math library flag, be sure to add it when you compile:

ch07$ gcc account2.c -lm
ch07$ ./a.out
Account: Bank of Earth (checking)
Balance: $200.00
Account: Bank of Earth (checking)
Balance: $210.23

Everything worked! Although you are reading the final output from my code after I fixed the various little mistakes I made while writing it. I reversed the order of the source and destination strings in strncpy(), for example. It’s rare to get everything right the first time. The compiler will usually let you know what you got wrong. You just head back to your editor and fix it. Getting comfortable with mistakes—and with fixing them!—is one of the reasons I encourage you to type in some of these examples. Nothing like actually writing code to get better at writing code.

Finding New Libraries

There are many more libraries out there for your consumption than I can possibly cover here. Indeed, there are more functions just in the C standard library; you can dig much deeper with the GNU C Library documentation online.

Beyond the standard library, though, there are other libraries that can help with your projects. For those situations where you want a specialized library, your best bet these days is to search online. If you want to interact directly with a USB-connected device, for example, you could search for “C USB library” and wind up with the nifty libusb from

You can also find some lists of popular libraries, but those lists vary in quality and upkeep. Sadly, there is no central repository for “all things C” like one has with some languages. My advice is to look over the search results for links to reputable sites like GitHub or And don’t be afraid to just read through the source code of the library. If anything you see raises a flag, pay attention. Most times you’ll be getting exactly what you expected, but a little caution is always advisable when using things you find online.

Next Steps

Helping you get better at writing code is certainly one of the goals for this book. We’ve covered a number of the more common and popular libraries (and the header files that we must include to make use of their functions) in this chapter. There are certainly more libraries out there! Hopefully, you see how libraries and headers interact with your own code.

We’ll be tackling microcontrollers next, and we’ll start looking at writing tighter code along the way. Good code isn’t necessarily a prerequisite for doing optimization work, but it sure helps. Feel free to review some of the examples from past chapters before forging ahead. Try making some changes. Try breaking things. Try fixing the things you broke. Every successful compile should count as a notch in your programmer belt.

1 That algorithm is deterministic and while that’s fine for most developers, it is not truly random.

2 I don’t have space to cover good generators, but searching online for “C random generator” will net you some interesting options. There are better algorithms such as Blum Blum Shub or a Mersenne Twister, but you can also find hardware-dependent generators that are better still.

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