ASET Master Files

ASET uses master files for configuration. Master files, reports, and other files are available in the /usr/aset directory. You can change these files to suit the particular requirements of your site.

The contents of the /usr/aset directory are listed in Table 111.

Table 111. Contents of the /usr/aset Directory
Files and Directories Description
archives Directory ASET uses to store archive files. The aset.restore script uses the original files from this directory to restore a system to its pre-ASET state.
aset The ASET shell script.
aset.restore Script used to restore a system to its original condition before ASET was run. It also deschedules ASET if it is scheduled.
asetenv Script that controls and sets ASET environment variables.
masters Directory containing a list of master files that control the three levels of ASET security.
reports Directory ASET uses to store reports.
tasks Directory containing shell scripts and C executables that perform ASET tasks.
tmp Temporary directory.
util Directory containing ASET shell scripts and ELF executable utilities.

To administer ASET, if you want to change any of the ASET defaults, first you edit the asetenv file. Next, you initiate an ASET session at one of the three levels of security. You can set the security level interactively with the /user/aset/aset command. Alternatively, use the proper option to the aset command to put an entry into root's crontab file to periodically run ASET. Finally, you review the contents of the reports in the /usr/aset/reports directory to monitor and fix any security problems reported by ASET.


ASET tasks are disk intensive and can interfere with regular system and application activities. To minimize the impact on system performance, schedule ASET to run when system activity level is lowest—for example, once every 24 or 48 hours at midnight or on weekends.

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