ASET Security Levels

You can set ASET to operate at one of three security levels: low, medium, or high. At each higher level, ASET increases its file-control functions to reduce file access and heighten system security. These functions range from monitoring system security without limiting file access to users to increasingly tightening access permissions until a system is as secure as file permissions protection can make it.

The following list provides more information about the three ASET security levels.

  • Low security— Ensures that attributes of system files are set to standard release values. ASET performs several checks and reports potential security weaknesses. At this level, ASET takes no action and does not affect system services.

  • Medium security— Provides adequate security control for most environments. ASET modifies some of the system file settings and parameters, restricting system access to reduce the risks from security attacks. ASET reports security weaknesses and any modification it makes to restrict access. At this level, ASET does not affect system services.

  • High security— Provides a highly secure system. ASET adjusts many system files and parameter settings to minimize access permissions. Most system applications and commands continue to function normally, but at this level, security considerations take precedence over other system behavior.


ASET does not change the permissions of a file to make it less secure unless you downgrade the security level or intentionally revert the system to the settings that existed before you ran ASET.

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