System Requirements for a Print Server

You can attach a printer to a stand-alone system, or to any system on the network, or you can connect printers that have their own IP address directly to the network. You can make any networked system that has adequate system resources into a print server. A print server can have printers directly connected to it or can provide service for network printers.

Each print server should have the following system resources.

  • Spooling directory space of 10 MB per user (or more).

  • Memory of 128 MB (or more).

  • Swap space of 512 MB (or more).

If the print server has a /var directory that resides in a small partition, and if a large amount of disk space is available elsewhere, you can use that space as spooling space by mounting it on the /var directory on the print server. Consult the Solaris System Administrator's Guide, Third Edition, for information about mounting file systems and editing the /etc/vfstab file.

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