Author Biography
Dr. Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov is a Professor at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology (Socorro, NM, U.S.) and a Fulbright Fellow. Dr. Bakhtiyarov obtained his
Ph.D. from the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1978, and a D.Sc. from the Azerbaijan
National Academy of Sciences in 1992. His areas of expertise are: multiphase ows,
nanotechnology, nonlinear uid mechanics, tribology, rheology, and self-healing com-
posites. Dr. Bakhtiyarov has taught engineering courses for over four decades in several
countries (Azerbaijan, Russia, China, UK, Turkey, U.S.). Dr. Bakhtiyarov has authored
350+ scientic publications in refereed scholarly journals, books, international confer-
ences and symposia proceedings, and holds 14 patents. Furthermore, Dr. Bakhtiyarov
was elected as a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and In-
ternational Ecoenergy Academy. He served as a Program Director of U.S. DOE and
NASA research projects, and INSRP U.S. DOD coordinator for NASAs Mars Science Lab mission. Dr. Bakhti-
yarov is a lead organizer of the ASME annual symposia and forums, Editor-in-Chief of two international journals,
Mechanics and Solids (IJM&S) and Manufacturing Science and Technology (IJMS&T), and an Editorial Board Mem-
ber of i-manager's Journal on Engineering and Technology (IJET), Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology
(MAST), International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids
(IJDF), and Far-East Journal of Mathematics (FEJM).
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