
Note: an f after a page number indicates a figure; a t indicates a table.



of CEOs, 29–30

types, 81

Alpha personality syndrome, 14–16

and running companies, 15, 16

traits, 15

variations, 15

Arguments. See Food fights

Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 7

Authority attitude chart, 23f

Authority figures

attitude chart, 23f

and presenters, 21–22

as problem, 22–23


Business meetings

bad news, 110–111

bottom line first, 102–105

closing, 113–114

collaboration, 115

data dump model versus executive model, 105f

differences from day-to-day meetings, 100t

follow-up, 114

framework, 100–101, 101f

introduction to, 97–98

key points, 107–108, 108f

opening and context, 101

processing styles, 108–110, 109f

return on investment, 106

rule of three, 112

stories versus data, 112–113, 113f

timing (10/30 rule), 106–107, 106f

types, 99t


C-level backgrounds, 26, 26f

Career advice

aims, 170

empathy, 172–173

family, 171

goals, 170–170

passion, 169–170

personal growth, 174–175

team building, 173–174

Career challenges

balance myth, 163

communication, 166–168

personal price, 162–163

responsibility, 159–161

spouse, 164–165

stress, 161

vision, 168


authenticity, 136–137

balance, 135

confidence, 138

planning, 135–136

preparation, 134–135

supportiveness, 137

Collaboration, 87, 115

Content versus delivery, 77


Data dump model versus executive model, 105f

Decision makers leaving meetings

executive advice, 59

paying attention, 60

reading the room, 57–59

Delivery style

introduction to, 117

pocket myth, 124

sitting, 125

style hierarchy, 118, 119f, 120–125; see also Style hierarchy

visual aids, 126–130


building trust, 72–74

engagement, 74

executive advice, 74

and listening, 71–72


competing interests, 47–49

executive advice, 49

process check, 49

sponsor’s help, 50


Elevator pitch, 43–45, 44f

Empathy, lack of, in executives, 20–21

Executive advice

on decision makers leaving the room, 59

on discussion, 74

on disengagement, 49

on food fights, 54

on side talk, 68

on time cuts, 43

on topic changes, 64

Executive presence, 25f

characteristics of, 24–25

importance of, 25

for presenters, 55–56, 80

Executive presentations versus day-to-day meetings, 100t


alpha personality syndrome, 14–16

as audience, 13–14, 141–144

as authority figures, 21–24, 23f

backgrounds, 26–27, 26f

empathy, lack of, 20–21

job security, 16–17

opportunities, 27–28

power culture, 18

presence, 24–25, 25f

Type A personality, 14


Facilitation skills, 84–85

Flexibility, 40–42

Food fights

executive advice, 54

executive presence, 55–56

issues of, 53

personality types, 51–52

role of presenter in, 52

sponsor’s support in, 55

timing in, 54–55

Framework for business meetings, 100–101, 101f



neurobiology of, 91

and success, 91–93

and topic changes, 61–64


mentors. See Mentors

parents, 145–146


Job security, for executives, 16–17



company, 178–179

employees, 179–180

family, 177–178


active, 86–88

and building trust, 72–74

control versus connection, 90

deep, 88–90, 88f

difficulty of, 72

importance of, in discussion, 71–72


Meeting productivity, 39–40


beacons, 149–150

criticism, 153–154

giving back, 156–157

hard lessons, 152–153

perspective, 148–149

potential, 146–148

role models, 154–155

support system, 155–156

tricks of the trade, 151


Power culture, 18

PowerPoint slides, 63, 77, 83, 126–129

Presentation skills, 82–83

Process mode versus presentation mode, 57, 84, 91


Question behind the question, 88–89


Reading the room, 57–59

READ strategy, 84

Real Glass Ceiling, The (Savage, Adrian), 18

Risk taking, 92, 92f

Rules of the game, 9–12

faulty view of audience, 11–12

mistaken assumptions, 10–11


Seven deadly challenges, 33–35, 36–38

Side talk

approaches, 69

executive advice, 68

poise, 67–68

Storytelling versus data, 1, 112–113, 113f

Style hierarchy

eye contact, 120–121

facial animation, 121–122

gestures, 123–124

movement, 124–125

pausing, 122

stance, 125

vocal variety, 122–123


active listening, 86–88

audience analysis, 81–82

balance of elements, 83–84

coaching, 95

deep listening, 88–90, 88f

dry run, 95

executive presence, 80

facilitation skills, 84–85

improvisation, 91–93

introduction, 79–80

preparation and homework, 80–81

presentation skills, 82–83

process interventions, 85–86

READ strategy, 84

reviews of presentation, 96

risk taking, 92, 92f

sponsor, role in, 93–94

Sun Tzu, 7, 28


10/30 rule, 106–107, 106f

Time cut

anticipation, 44, 45

elevator pitch, 43–45, 44f

executive advice, 43

flexibility needed, 40–42

and meeting productivity, 39–40

and options, 45

Tool of management, 22, 55

Topic change

executive advice, 64

improvisation, 61–64

sponsor’s help, 65

Type A personality, 14


Visual aids, 126–130. See also PowerPoint slides


Whole brain research, 109–110

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