Getting ready

In order to get Dashing to run, we will need to have an environment that has a Ruby 1.9+ installed with RubyGems.

Typically, Ruby should be available on any common distribution of Linux and OS X. If you are running Windows, I would suggest using in order to get the installation bundle.

Once you have such an environment available, we will install Dashing and create a new dashboard application for our use, as follows:

  1. Installing Dashing is very easy; simply execute the gem install dashing command to install Dashing RubyGems on your system.
  2. With the RubyGem successfully installed, we will create the new dashboard named bookpub_dashboard by executing the dashing new bookpub_dashboard command in the directory where you want the dashboard application to be created.
  3. Once the dashboard application has been generated, go to the bookpub_dashboard directory and execute the bundle command to install the required dependency gems.
  4. After the gems bundle has been installed, we can start the dashboard application by executing the dashing start command and then pointing our browser to http://localhost:3030 to see the following result:
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