How it works...

By default, the Spring Boot Actuator, when added to the application, comes with all the endpoints and management services enabled. This includes the JMX access as well. If, for some reason, one would like to disable the exposure of a particular endpoint via JMX, this can easily be configured by adding management.endpoints.jmx.exclude=<id> or in order to disable the exporting of all the Spring MBeans, we can configure the spring.jmx.enabled=false setting in

The presence of the Jolokia library in the classpath triggers Spring Boot JolokiaManagementContextConfiguration, which would automatically configure ServletRegistrationBean accepting requests on the /jolokia actuator path. It is also possible to set various Jolokia-specific configuration options via the management.endpoint.jolokia.config.* set of properties. A complete list is available at In case you would like to use Jolokia, but want to manually set it up, we can tell Spring Boot to ignore its presence by configuring a management.endpoint.jolokia.enabled=false property setting in

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