
5861 Estimated variable
Follows a specific distribution function, e.g. zF( · )
0 Stochastic component of variable
5865 Mean value of variable
lim Limit operator, e.g. 5867
Kronecker product of two matrices
5869 Imaginary unit, 5870
a Vector 5872
A Matrix 5874
I Identity matrix
5876 Diagonal matrix 5877
|A| Determinant of A, N = M
||a|| Length of a, 5883
||A|| Frobenius norm of A, 5886
A Generalized inverse of a matrix,
AA = I if N > M or AA = I if N < M
5892 Orthogonal complement of column or row space of A,
5894 if N > M or 5896 if N < M
trace{A} Trace of A, 5900, N = M
E{ · } Expectation operator, e.g. E{z} = 1.2
vec{A} Vector representation of matrix,
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