Chapter 10

Partial least squares

This chapter provides a detailed analysis of PLS and its maximum redundancy formulation. The data models including the underlying assumptions for obtaining a PLS and a MRPLS model are outlined in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, respectively.

Section 10.1 presents preliminaries of projecting the recorded samples of the input variables, 5278 onto an n-dimensional subspace, n ≤ nx, and show how a sequence of rank-one matrices extract variation from the sets of input and output variables x0 and 5282, respectively. Section 10.2 then develops a PLS algorithm and Section 10.3 summarizes the basic steps of this algorithm.

Section 10.4 then analyzes the statistical and geometric properties of PLS and finally, Section 10.5 discusses the properties of MRPLS. Further material covering the development and analysis of PLS may be found in de Jong (1993); Geladi and Kowalski (1986); Höskuldsson (1988, 1996); ter Braak and de Jong (1998); Wold et al. (1984) and Young (1994).

10.1 Preliminaries

In a similar fashion to PCA, PLS extracts information from the input and output data matrices, 5283 and 5284 by defining a series of rank-one matrices

10.1a 10.1a

10.1b 10.1b

The data matrices store mean-centered observations of the input and output variable sets, that is 5285 and 5286 with 5287 and 5288 being mean vectors. In the above equation, 5289 and 5290 are the rank-one matrices for the input and output matrices, respectively, the n vectors 5292 are t-score vectors which are estimated from the input matrix, 5293 and 5294 are estimated loading vectors for the input and output matrices, respectively, and 5295 and 5296 are residual matrices of the input and output matrices, respectively. It should be noted that the residual matrices have a negligible or no contribution to the prediction of the output data matrix.

To establish (10.1a), the PLS algorithm determines a sequence of parallel projections, one sequence for the observations stored in the input matrix and a second sequence for the observations stored in the output matrix. Reformulating (10.1a)

10.2a 10.2a

10.2b 10.2b

and defining

10.3a 10.3a

10.3b 10.3b

allows determining the sequence of projections for the input and output variables

10.4a 10.4a

10.4b 10.4b

Here, 5297 is the u-score vector of the output matrix, and 5298 and 5299 are the weight vectors for the input and output variable sets, respectively. Finally, according to (10.4a), the score variables, tk and uk, are given by

10.5 10.5

The set of weight and loading vectors, wj, qj, pj and 5305, as well as the set of score variables, tj and uj, make up the jth latent variable set.

10.2 The core algorithm

PLS determines the score variables tj and uj such that they maximize an objective function describing their covariance, which is subject to the constraint that the projection vectors wj and qj are of unit length

10.6 10.6

where 5313. The optimal solution for the objective function in (10.6) is given by

10.7 10.7

which have to be solved simultaneously. This yields

10.8 10.8

Note that 5314. Equation (10.8) also confirms that the two Lagrangian multipliers are identical, since

10.9 10.9

Hence, 5315. Combining the two expressions in (10.8) gives rise to

10.10a 10.10a

10.10b 10.10b

The weight vectors wj and qj are therefore the dominant eigenvectors of the matrix expressions 5318 and 5319, respectively. The score vectors for E(j) and F(j) can now be computed using (10.4a).

After determining the weight and score vectors, the next step involves the calculation of a regression coefficient between the score variables tj and uj. It is important to note, however, that the determination of this regression coefficient can be omitted, as this step can be incorporated into the calculation of the 5324-loading vector, which is proven in Section 10.4. For a better understanding of the geometry of the PLS algorithm, however, the introduction of the PLS algorithm here includes this step. Equation (10.11) shows the least squares solution for determining the regression parameter

10.11 10.11

where 5325. The final step to complete the determination of the jth set of latent variables requires formulation of objective functions for computing the loading vectors

10.12 10.12

The solutions to (10.12) are

10.13 10.13

Working out the relationships yields

10.14 10.14

Before computing the (j + 1)th set of LVs, (10.5) highlights that the contribution of the jth set of latent variables must be subtracted from e(j) and f(j)

10.15a 10.15a

10.15b 10.15b

It should be noted that substituting (10.14) into (10.15a) gives rise to

10.16 10.16

which, however, requires the 5331-loading vector to be determined as follows

10.17 10.17

It should also be noted that the deflation procedure can be applied directly to the covariance matrix 5332 and the cross-covariance matrix 5333

10.18 10.18

The above relationship relies on (10.14), (10.15a) and (10.17).

The steps of the PLS algorithm can be carried out using the NIPALS algorithm (Geladi and Kowalski 1986), the SIMPLS algorithm (de Jong 1993) or the computationally more efficient Kernel algorithms (Dayal and MacGregor 1997a; Lindgren et al. 1993; Rännar et al. 1994). Each of these algorithms are iterative in nature, that is, one pair of latent variables are obtained and the contribution of the t-score vector is deflated from the input and output matrices in one iteration step.

10.3 Summary of the PLS algorithm

The preceding analysis showed that PLS extracts covariance information from the input and output variables, x0 and y0, by defining a sequence of score variables which are extracted from the input variable set (10.5). The contribution of each score variable is maximized by the determination of loading vectors, such that the original variable sets are defined by 5336 and 5337 (10.15).

The calculation of the n score variables, t1, t2, …, tn relies on an objective function that maximizes a covariance criterion between ti and a score variable that is extracted from the output variable set ui, E{tiui} (10.6). In other words, there are a total of n score variables computed from the input variable set and n score variables calculated from the output variable set. These score variables are obtained in pairs, ti and ui and are given by a projection of the input and output variable set onto the weight vectors wi and qi (10.5). The solution for the pairs of weight vectors gives rise to the determination of dominant eigenvectors of symmetric and positive semi-definite matrices.

Unlike the PCA algorithm, the sets of latent variables can only be determined sequentially using the power method (Geladi and Kowalski 1986). This is an iterative method for determining the dominant eigenvector of a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix (Golub and van Loan 1996). Using the basic steps, developed in the previous subsection, Table 10.1 presents a PLS algorithm for determining the weight and loading vectors from the covariance matrix 5352 and the cross-covariance matrix 5353. The next subsection presents a detailed statistical and geometric analysis of the PLS algorithm and introduces a computationally more efficient algorithm to that described in Table 10.1.

Table 10.1 PLS algorithm developed from the steps in Section 10.2.

Step Description Equation
 1 Initiate iteration j = 1
 2 Obtain covariance matrix 5762
 3 Determine cross-covariance matrix 5763
 4 Set-up initial q-weight vector 5764
 5 Calculate w-weight vector 5765
 6 Scale w-weight vector to unit length 5766
 7 Compute q-weight vector 5767
 8 Scale q-weight vector to unit length 5768
If ||1qj0qj|| > ϵ, set
 9 Check for convergence 0qj = 1qj and go to Step 5; else go to Step 10
10 Determine p-loading vector 5771
11 Calculate 5772-loading vector 5773
12 Deflate cross-covariance matrix 5774
Check whether there is significant If so, go to Step 14
13 variation left in the cross- if not, terminate modeling
covariance matrix procedure
14 Deflate covariance matrix 5775
If j < nx, set j = j + 1
15 Check for dimension and go to Step 4
if not, terminate modeling

This algorithm is similar to the Kernel PLS algorithm by Lindgren et al. (1993).

10.4 Properties of PLS

The PLS algorithm, developed and summarized in the last two subsections, has the statistical and geometrical properties listed below. For a detailed discussion of these properties, it is important to note that the preceding discussion has assumed the availability of the covariance matrix 5354 and the cross-covariance matrix 5355. This has been for the convenience and simplicity of the presentation. Unless stated otherwise, the analysis that follows, however, removes this assumption and relies on the available data matrices X0 and Y0, whilst acknowledging that the covariance and cross-covariance matrices can be estimated from these data matrices. Hence, the weight, score and loading vectors become estimates.

1. The weight vectors, wj and qj are the dominant left and right singular vectors and the maximum of the objective function λj is the largest singular value of a singular value decomposition of 5361.
2. The t-score vectors are mutually orthogonal.
3. The matrix vector products 5362 and 5363 are equivalent.
4. The matrix-vector product 5364 for all i < j.
5. The ith t-score and the jth u-score vectors are orthogonal for all i < j.
6. It is sufficient to either deflate the input or the output data matrix.
7. The w-weight vectors are mutually orthonormal.
8. The ith w-weight vector and the jth p-loading vector are orthogonal for all j > i and equal to 1 if i = j.
9. The value of the regression coefficient bj is equal to the length of the 5374-loading vector.
10. The jth q-weight and 5376-loading vector point in the same direction.
11. The t-score variables are asymptotically Gaussian distributed.
12. The PLS q-weight and p-loading vectors and the value of the objective function λj allow reconstructing 5378.
13. If the covariance matrix 5379 has full rank nx and the maximum number of latent variable sets have been computed, the PLS regression matrix between the input and output variables, 5381, is equivalent to that calculated by the ordinary least squares solution, 5382.
14. In contrast to ordinary least squares, PLS does not require a matrix inversion to compute the regression matrix 5383.
15. Comparing with the algorithm, discussed in the previous subsection, the computation of a PLS model can be considerably simplified leading to a computationally efficient algorithm.

The above properties are now formulated mathematically and proven.

Property 10.4.1 – Singular value decomposition of 5384.
If the cross-covariance matrix 5385 is available, there exists the following relationship between the jth pair of weight vectors and the maximum of the objective function for determining these vectors.


Theorem 10.4.1
The weight vectors wj and qj and the value of the objective function in (10.6), λj, are the left and right singular vector and the largest singular value of the singular value decomposition of 5390, respectively (Kaspar and Ray 1993).


Equation (10.10a) shows that the weight vectors wj and qj are the dominant eigenvectors of 5393 and 5394, respectively. Moreover, the largest eigenvalue of both matrices is 5395. On the other hand, a singular value decomposition of a matrix 5396 of arbitrary dimension is equal to 5397, where the column vectors of 5398, that is, the left singular vectors, are the eigenvectors of 5399, the column vectors of 5400, that is, the right singular vectors, are the eigenvectors of 5401, and the elements of the diagonal matrix 5402 are the square root of the eigenvalues of 5403 or 5404 (Golub and van Loan 1996). Note that the eigenvectors of 5405 or 5406 are scaled to unit length. Now, replacing 5407 with 5408, it follows that the first column vector of 5409 is wj, the first column vector of 5411 is qj and square root of the eigenvalue of 5413 or 5414 is λj, is the first diagonal element of 5416, that is, the largest singular value of 5417. This largest singular value, however, is equal to the maximum of the objective function in (10.6), which concludes this proof.


Property 10.4.2 – Orthogonality of the t-score vectors.
The pair of t-score vectors 5418 and 5419 has the following geometric property.


Theorem 10.4.2
The t-score vectors 5420 and 5421, i ≠ j, are mutually orthogonal, that is 5423.


First, revisiting the determination of the kth pair of loading vectors yields

10.19 10.19

With respect to (10.15a), utilizing (10.19) gives rise to the following deflation procedure for E(j) and F(j)

10.20 10.20

The deflation procedure can, alternatively, also be carried out as

10.21 10.21

Next, applying the above expressions for deflating E(j) to simplify the expression

10.22 10.22

by assuming that i < j, yields

10.23 10.23

Now, substituting (10.23) into (10.22) gives rise to

10.24 10.24

It is interesting to note that the orthogonality property of the t-score vectors implies that the estimated covariance matrix of the score variables is a diagonal matrix

10.25 10.25

The orthogonality property of the t-score vectors also results in interesting geometric properties in conjunction with the deflated matrix E(j), which is discussed next.


Property 10.4.3 – Matrix-vector products 5430 and 5431.
The mutual orthogonality of the t-score vectors gives rise to the following relationship for the matrix vector products 5432 and 5433.


Lemma 10.4.3
The products 5434 and 5435 are equivalent


Using the deflation procedure to compute E(j) yields

10.26 10.26


Property 10.4.4 – Matrix-vector product 5437.
The mutual orthogonality of the t-score variable leads to the following property for the matrix-vector product 5438 if i < j.


Lemma 10.4.4
The matrix vector product 5440 for all i < j and 5442 for all i ≥ j.


For i < j, the application of the deflation procedure for E(j) gives rise to

10.27 10.27

Substituting the above equation into the matrix-vector product 5446 yields

10.28 10.28

For i ≥ j, Lemma 10.4.3 highlights that 5448. Equation (10.19) shows that 5449 forms part of the calculation of the p-loading vector

10.29 10.29


Property 10.4.5 – Orthogonality of the t- and u-score vectors.
The mutual orthogonality of any pair of t-score vectors also implies the following geometric property for the t- and u-score vectors.


Lemma 10.4.5
The ith t-score vector is orthogonal to the jth u-score vector, that is, 5452 for all i < j.


With 5454, the scalar product 5455 becomes

10.30 10.30

For j > i, tracing the deflated output matrix F(j) from j back to i gives rise to

10.31 10.31


Property 10.4.6 – Deflation of the data matrices.
The analysis focuses now on the deflation procedure, which yields that only one of the output variable sets needs to be deflated and not both simultaneously. Therefore, the following holds true for the deflation of the data matrices.


Theorem 10.4.6
The deflation procedure requires the deflation of the output data matrix or the input data matrix only.


First, we examine the deflation of the output data matrix. This analysis also yields the necessary condition to show that it is sufficient to deflate the input data matrix only, which culminates in Corollary 10.4.8. Examining the deflation procedure of the PLS algorithm in Table 10.1 highlights that the deflation procedure is applied to the covariance and cross-covariance matrices. These matrices can be replaced by the matrix products 5460 and 5461, respectively. The deflation of these matrix products leads to

10.32 10.32

If j = 1, it follows from (10.32) that 5463. To prove the general case, the deflation procedure allows computing E(j) from the output data matrix X0 using the score vectors 5466, …  , 5468.

10.33 10.33

The above relationship relies on the fact that the t-score vectors are mutually orthogonal, as described in Theorem 10.4.2, and that 5469 for all i < j, outlined in Lemma 10.4.4. Applying the same steps yields

10.34 10.34

The conclusion of this proof requires showing that the calculation of the t-score vectors can be carried out directly from the input data matrix, since

10.35 10.35

which is formulated below.


Lemma 10.4.7
The definition of the r-weight vectors

10.36 10.36

enables calculation of the t-score vectors directly from the input data matrix, that is, 5471, 1 ≤ j ≤ n.


Revisiting the calculation of the kth t-score vector yields

10.37 10.37

which gives rise to the following iterative calculation of the r-weight vectors

10.38 10.38

Equation (10.35) highlights that only the output matrix 5474 needs to be deflated, given that the r-weight vectors allow the computation of the t-score vectors directly, which concludes the proof of Theorem 10.4.6. Moreover, it is also important to note the following.


Corollary 10.4.8
It is also sufficient to deflate X0 instead of 5476.

Corollary 10.4.8 follows from the fact that 5477, discussed in (10.34). Whilst this does not require the introduction of the r-weight vectors in Lemma 10.4.7, it requires the deflation of two matrix products, that is, 5478 and 5479, for computing the pairs of weight and loading vectors. It is, however, computationally more expensive to deflate both matrix products. The following rank-one modification presents a numerically expedient way to deflate the matrix product 5480

10.39 10.39

It should be noted that the scalar product 5481 is required for the calculation of the loading vectors and hence available for the deflation of 5482. The relationship of (10.39) relies on (10.19), (10.29) and (10.32).

Property 10.4.7 – Orthogonality of the w-weight vectors.
We now focus on orthogonality properties of the w-weight vectors and start with the geometry property of any pair, 5483 and 5484, which has the following property.


Theorem 10.4.9
The w-weight vectors 5485 and 5486, i ≠ j, are mutually orthonormal, that is 5488.


Assuming that i > j, the scalar product 5490 can be rewritten as

10.40 10.40

which follows from (10.10a). Next, analyzing the term 5491 reveals that it is equal to zero

10.41 10.41

which implies that



Property 10.4.8 – Orthogonality of the w-weight and p-loading vectors.
The following holds true for the scalar product 5492.


Lemma 10.4.10
The ith p-loading and the jth w-weight vector are orthogonal if i > j and equal to 1 for i = j.


According to (10.19), the scalar product 5497 is given by

10.42 10.42

For i > j, tracing the deflation procedure for E(i) from i back to j yields

10.43 10.43

That 5502 for i = j follows from the computation of the p-loading vector

10.44 10.44


Property 10.4.9 – Calculation of the regression coefficient 5504.
There is the following relationship between the estimated regression coefficient of the jth pair of score variables, tj and uj, and the length of the jth 5509-loading vector


Theorem 10.4.11
The estimated regression coefficient 5510 is equal to the norm of the 5511-loading vector 5512, that is 5513.


Determining the length of 5514 yields

10.45 10.45

However, since 5515 is the dominant eigenvector of 5516, the expression 5517 is equal to the largest eigenvalue. According to (10.6) and (10.10a) this eigenvalue is equal to the square of the Lagrangian multiplier of the objective function for computing the jth pair of weight vectors. Moreover, the eigenvalue of 5519 is (K − 1)2 times the eigenvalue of 5521, 5522, and hence, equal to 5523. On the other hand, 5524 is the estimate for K − 1 times the covariance between the t- and u-score variables. Consequently, (10.45) becomes

10.46 10.46

which is, according to (10.11), equal to the estimate 5526.


Property 10.4.10 – Relationship between the q-weight and 5527-loading vectors.
The following relationship between the jth pair of q-weight and 5529-loading vectors exists.


Theorem 10.4.12
The q-weight vector 5530 and the 5531-loading vector 5532 have the same direction and the scaling factor between these vectors is the regression coefficient 5533.


According to (10.8), the q-weight vector can be written as

10.47 10.47

whilst the 5534-loading vector is given by

10.48 10.48


10.49 10.49

is, according to Theorem 10.4.11, equal to 5535. Equation (10.48) therefore becomes

10.50 10.50

This, however, implies that 5536, where the scaling factor between both vectors is the regression coefficient 5537.


Property 10.4.11 – Asymptotic distribution of t-score variables.
Equations 2.23 and 2.24 describe the data structure for PLS models, which gives rise to the following asymptotic distribution of the t-score variables.


Theorem 10.4.13
Under the assumption that the source variables have zero mean and are statistically independent, the t-score variables asymptotically follow a Gaussian distribution under the Liapounoff theorem, detailed in 9.31, since

10.51 10.51


The calculation of the t-score variables

10.52 10.52

becomes asymptotically

10.53 10.53

Replacing rj, 5539 and e by pj, 5542 and g, respectively, (10.52) shows the same formulation as that for computing the t-score variables using PCA. Consequently, the proof of Theorem 9.3.4 is also applicable to the proof of Theorem 10.4.13.


Property 10.4.12 – Reconstruction of the Cross-covariance matrix 5544.
The focus now shifts on the reconstruction of the cross-covariance matrix 5545 using the sets of LVs computed by the PLS algorithm.


Theorem 10.4.14
If the covariance matrix 5546 has full rank nx, the nx sets of LVs allow a complete reconstruction of the cross-covariance matrix 5549 using the nx p-loading vectors, the nx value of the objective functions function and the nx q-weight vectors.


The reconstruction of the covariance matrix 5553 follows from

10.54 10.54

The above holds true, since:
  • the t-score vectors are mutually orthogonal, which Theorem 10.4.2 outlines;
  • 5555, which Theorem 10.4.11 confirms;
  • 5556 which follows from (10.11); and
  • 5557 which follows from (10.9).


Property 10.4.13 – Accuracy of PLS regression model.
The following relationship between the PLS regression model and the regression model obtained by the ordinary least squares solution exists.


Theorem 10.4.15
Under the assumption that the rank of the covariance matrix 5558 is nx the PLS regression model is identical to that obtained by an ordinary least squares solution, that is 5560.


Starting by revisiting the data structure in 2.23

10.55 10.55

Using PLS, the prediction of output vector y0 becomes

10.56 10.56

Next, analyzing the relationship between 5562 and 5563 as well as between 5564 and 5565 concludes this proof, since

10.57 10.57

which gives rise to

10.58 10.58

With RR−1 = R−TRT reducing to the identity matrix, (10.58) becomes

10.59 10.59


Property 10.4.14 – Computing the estimate of 5567.
Using the nx sets of LVs, computed from the PLS algorithm, the following holds true for estimating the parameter matrix 5569, 5570.


Lemma 10.4.16
If the covariance matrix 5571 has full rank nx, the nx sets of LVs allow one computation of an estimate of the parameter matrix 5574 without requiring the inversion of any squared matrix.


The prediction of the output vector y0 using the nx sets of LVs is

10.60 10.60

The column vectors of the matrices 5577 and R, however, can be computed iteratively

10.61 10.61

The expression for determining the q-loading vector follows from (10.35) and (10.37). Hence, unlike the OLS solution, PLS does not require any matrix inversion to iteratively estimate 5579. Subsection 6.2.2 presents an excellent example to demonstrate the benefit of the iterative PLS procedure over OLS.


Property 10.4.15 – Computationally efficient PLS algorithm.
The preceding analysis into the properties of PLS algorithm has shown that the deflation procedure only requires the deflation of the input or the output data matrix and that introducing the r-weight vectors allows the t-score vectors to be be directly computed from the input data matrix. This gives rise to the development of a computationally efficient PLS algorithm. Table 10.2 shows the steps of the revised PLS algorithm. To cover any possible combination in terms of the number of input and output variables nx and ny, the revised algorithm includes the case of ny = 1 and obtains the w-weight or the q-loading vector using the iterative power method, depending on whether nx < ny or nx ≥ ny, respectively. More precisely, the dimension of the symmetric and positive semi-definite matrix products 5585 and 5586 are nx × nx and ny × ny, respectively. Given that there is the following linear relationship between the weight vectors

10.62 10.62

only one of the dominant eigenvectors needs to be computed. It is therefore expedient to apply the power method to the smaller matrix product if nx ≠ ny. If ny = 1, the covariance matrix 5591 reduces to a vector of dimension nx. In this case, the w-weight vector is proportional to 5593. It should be noted that the algorithm in Table 10.2 assumes the availability of the covariance and cross-covariance matrices 5594 and 5595. As they are not available in most practical cases, they need to be estimated from the recorded samples stored in X0 and Y0 and the computed weight and loading vectors become, accordingly, estimates. It should also be noted that the PLS algorithm in Table 10.2 is similar to that reported in Dayal and MacGregor (1997a).

Table 10.2 Computationally efficient PLS algorithm

Step Description Equation
 1 Initiate iteration j = 1, 5779
 2 Set up matrix product if nx < ny else
 3 Check dimension of y0 if ny = 1, 5785 and go
to Step 9, if not go to Step 4
 4 Initiate power method if nx < ny else
1wj = Mw(0wj)
 5 Compute matrix-vector product if nx < ny else
1qj = Mq(0qk)
 6 Scale weight vector if nx < ny else
if ||1wj0wj|| > ϵ
or ||1qj0qj|| > ϵ
 7 Check for convergence 0wj = 1wj or 0qj = 1qj and
go to Step 5 else set wj = 0wj
or qj = 0qj and go to Step 8
 8 Calculate 2nd weight vector if nx < ny else
 9 Compute r-weight vector 5805
10 Determine scalar 5806
11 Calculate p-loading vector 5807
12 Obtain 5808-loading vector 5809
13 Deflate cross-covariance matrix 5810
14 Check whether there is significant If so, go to Step 15
variation left in 5811 if not go to Step 16
15 Check for dimension If j < nx, set j = j + 1 and go to
Step 2, if not go to Step 16
16 Compute regression matrix 5814

10.5 Properties of maximum redundancy PLS

Section 2.3 introduces MRPLS as a required extension to PLS to model the data structure in 2.51. This section offers a detailed examination of MRPLS in term of its geometric properties and develops a numerically more efficient algorithm. Readers who are predominantly interested in the application of the methods discussed in this book can note the computationally efficient MRPLS algorithm in Table 10.3 or the batch algorithm for simultaneously computing the n q-loading and w-weight vectors in Table 10.4.

Table 10.3 Computationally efficient MRPLS algorithm

Step Description Equation
 1 Initiate iteration n = 1, j = 1
 2 Set up matrix products 5818 and
 3 Set up initial q-weight vector 5820
 4 Compute auxiliary weight vector 5821
if j = n
 5 Calculate w-weight vector 5823
else : 5824
 6 Determine q-weight vector 5825
if 5826
 7 Check for convergence set 5827 and go to Step 4
else set 5828 and go to Step 8
if j = n : 5830
 8 Compute r-weight vector else :
if j = n : 5833
 9 Determine p-loading vector else compute 5834 and
if j = n 5837
10 Determine 5838-loading vector else
if j = n 5841
11 Deflate cross-product matrix else
Check whether there is if so j = j + 1, n = n + 1
12 still significant variation and go to Step 4
remaining in 5845 if not j = j + 1, go to Step 13
13 Check whether j = nx if so then terminate else go to Step 3

Table 10.4 Simultaneous MRPLS algorithm for LV sets.

Step Description Equation
1 Form matrix products 5848 and 5849
2 Compute SVD of 5850 5851
3 Form matrix product 5852
4 Form matrix product 5853
5 Calculate SVD of S 5855
6 Determine w-weight matrix 5856
7 Compute q-weight matrix 5857
8 Calculate w-loading matrix 5858
9 Obtain 5859-loading matrix 5860

The analysis of the properties of the MRPLS algorithm concentrates on the geometric properties of score, loading and weight vectors first. The results enable a further analysis regarding the deflation procedure and contribute to the numerically and computationally efficient algorithm that is summarized in Table 10.3.

It should be noted that the proposed MRPLS algorithm in Table 2.3 incorporates the fact that only one of the matrices needs to be deflated and that the length-constraint for the w-weight vectors 5599 is equal to 5600. This is also proven in this section as part of the analysis of the deflation procedure.

The properties of the MRPLS algorithm are as follows.

1. The t-score vectors are mutually orthonormal.
2. The t- and u-score vectors are mutually orthogonal.
3. The products 5601 and 5602 are equal to 5603 and 5604, respectively.
4. The w-weight, the auxiliary w-weight and p-loading vectors are mutually orthogonal.
5. The q-weight vectors are mutually orthonormal and point in the same direction as the 5605-loading vectors.
6. The constraint of the MRPLS objective function 5606 is equal to 5607.
7. The MRPLS objective function 5608 is equal to 5609.
8. The w-weight and auxiliary w-weight vector are the left and right eigenvectors of 5610.
9. The q-weight vectors are right eigenvectors of the 5611.
10. The w- and q-weight vectors can be simultaneously and independently computed as the left eigenvectors of the matrix products 5612 and 5613, respectively.

Property 10.5.1 – Orthogonality of the t-score vectors.
The first property relates to the geometry of the t-score vectors, which Theorem 10.5.1 describes.


Theorem 10.5.1
The t-score vectors are mutually orthonormal, that is, 5614.


The proof for Theorem 10.5.1 requires a detailed analysis of the deflation procedure and starts by reformulating 5615

10.63 10.63

Now, incorporating the deflation procedure for the data matrix 5616 yields

10.64 10.64

under the assumption that i < j. Applying the deflation procedure a total of ji − 1 times yields

10.65 10.65

The vector-matrix product to the left, however, reduces to 5619, which implies that 5620 if i ≠ j and 1 if i = j.


Property 10.5.2 – Orthogonality of the t- and u-score vectors.
The t- and u-score vectors have the following geometric property.


Theorem 10.5.2
The t- and u-score vectors are mutually orthogonal, that is, 5623


The proof of 5624 commences with

10.66 10.66

Assuming that i < j and applying the deflation procedure for E(j) a total of ji − 1 times gives rise to

10.67 10.67

Equation (2.70) yields that 5628, which yields

10.68 10.68

and hence

10.69 10.69

The above conclusion, however, is only valid for i < j. For the case of i > j, (10.66) can be rewritten as follows

10.70 10.70

Given that the t-score vectors are mutually orthonormal, the matrix-vector product on the right hand side of (10.70) reduces to

10.71 10.71

Finally, for i = j, (10.69) yields 5632. Hence, 5633.


Property 10.5.3 – Matrix products 5634 and 5635
The analysis of the geometric properties of the t- and u-score variables is now followed by examining the effect that mutually orthonormal t-score variables have upon the deflation procedure. Lemma 10.5.3 describes this in detail.


Lemma 10.5.3
The mutually orthonormal t-score vectors simplify the deflation step to guarantee that only one of the cross product matrices needs to be deflated, that is, 5636 and 5637.


Starting with the deflation of the input data matrix, which is given by

10.72 10.72

where 5638. Similarly, the deflation of F(j) is given by

10.73 10.73

Next, incorporating the above deflation procedures gives rise to

10.74 10.74

respectively. It follows from Lemma 10.5.3 that

10.75 10.75

According to Theorem 10.5.1, 5640.


Property 10.5.4 – Orthogonality of the weight and vectors of the input variables.
Starting with the orthogonality properties of the weight and loading vectors associated with the input variables, Theorem 10.5.4 highlights the geometric relationships between the weight and loading vectors.


Theorem 10.5.4
The w-weight vectors are mutually orthonormal to the p-loading vectors and mutually orthogonal to the auxiliary w-weight vector, that is, 5641 and 5642 if i ≠ j, and the vectors 5644 and 5645 are equal up to a scaling factor.


The first step is to show that 5646, which follows from

10.76 10.76

It is therefore sufficient to prove 5647, as this includes the case 5648 for all i ≠ j. Given that 5650, 5651 can be written as

10.77 10.77

Theorem 10.5.1 confirms that (10.77) is δij.


Property 10.5.5 – Orthogonality of the q-weight and 5653-loading vectors.
With regards to the weight and loading vectors of output variables, Theorem 10.5.5 summarizes the geometric relationships between and among them.


Theorem 10.5.5
The q-weight vectors are mutually orthonormal and the q-weight and 5654-loading vectors are mutually orthogonal, i.e. 5655 for all i ≠ j.


Substituting the relationship between the w- and q-weight vectors, that is, 5657, into 5658 under the assumption that i < j, gives rise to

10.78 10.78

Given that 5660 and 5661, for all i ≠ j, (10.78) reduces to 5663. Next, that 5664 for all i ≠ j follows from

10.79 10.79


10.80 10.80

and consequently

10.81 10.81

which completes the proof of Theorem 10.5.5.


Property 10.5.6 – Simplification of constraint 5666.
Theorem 10.5.4 can be taken advantage of to simplify the constraint for the w-weight vector 5667, which is discussed in Lemma 10.5.6.


Lemma 10.5.6
The constraint 5668 is equal to 5669.


Lemma 10.5.3 highlights that 5670 is equal to 5671. Next, incorporating the fact that the w-weight and the p-loading vectors are mutually orthonormal (Theorem 10.5.4) gives rise to

10.82 10.82


Property 10.5.7 – Simplification of the MRPLS objective function.
Theorem 10.5.4 and Lemmas 10.5.3 and 10.5.6 yield a simplification for solving the MRPLS objective function, which is described in Theorem 10.5.7.


Theorem 10.5.7
The relationships of the MRPLS objective function,


with respect to w and q,


are equal to




Directly applying Lemmas 10.5.3 and 10.5.6 to the solution of the MRPLS objective function yields

10.83 10.83

Next, incorporating the results described in Theorem 10.5.4 to the matrix-vector product 5674 gives rise to

10.84 10.84




Property 10.5.8 – Relationship between weight vectors for input variables.
Theorem 10.5.8 describes the relationship between the jth w-weight vector, 5676, and the jth auxiliary weight vector 5678.


Theorem 10.5.8
The jth w-weight and auxiliary weight vectors are the left and right eigenvectors of the matrix product 5680, respectively.


That 5681 is the left eigenvector of 5682, associated with the largest eigenvalue, can be confirmed by solving the relationships of the MRPLS objective function

10.85 10.85

which yields

10.86 10.86

According to the MRPLS algorithm in Table 2.3, the auxiliary weight vector, 5683, is initially determined as the matrix-vector product 5684. By substituting Steps 4 to 8 into Step 3 yields

10.87 10.87

Therefore, 5685 is the dominant right eigenvector and 5686 is the dominant left eigenvector of 5687.


Property 10.5.9 – Calculation of the kth q-weight vector.
Before introducing a computationally efficient MRPLS algorithm, Lemma 10.5.9 shows that q-weight and 5689-loading vectors are also eigenvectors of a specific matrix product.


Lemma 10.5.9
The jth q-weight and 5691-loading vector, 5692 and 5693, are the dominant eigenvectors of the matrix product 5694.


Lemma 10.5.9 directly follows from the relationships of the MRPLS objective function in (10.85)

10.88 10.88

Substituting the equation on the left hand side into that of the right hand side yields

10.89 10.89


Property 10.5.10 – Computationally efficient MRPLS algorithm.
After discussing the geometric orthogonality properties of the weight, score and loading vectors as well as their impact upon the deflation procedure, a computationally efficient MRPLS algorithm can now be introduced. Table 10.3 summarizes the steps of the implementation of the revised MRPLS algorithm. Computational savings are made by removing the calculation of the score vectors and reducing the deflation procedure to the rank-one modification 5695. Finally, this section concludes with the development of a batch algorithm for simultaneously computing the n q- and w-weight vectors.

Simultaneous computation of weight vectors

Recall that the derivation of the MRPLS algorithm in Subsection 2.3.3 consists of two steps. The first step involves the computation of the q-loading vectors by solving 2.63. The second step subsequently determines the w-weight vector by solving 2.66. It has then been shown that both steps can be combined. More precisely, the solution of the combined objective function in 2.68 is equivalent to the individual solutions of 2.63 and 2.66.

Coming back to the facts (i) that the q-weight vectors can be determined independently from the w-weight vectors and (ii) that the jth q-weight vector is the dominant eigenvector of the matrix 5698 gives rise to the following theorem.

Theorem 10.5.10
The kth q-weight vector is the eigenvector associated with the kth largest eigenvalue of 5701, which is a symmetric and positive semi-definite matrix of rank n ≤ ny.


The proof of Theorem 10.5.10 commences by showing that the matrix product 5703 is of rank n ≤ ny. With regards to the data structure in 2.51, the covariance and cross-covariance matrices 5705 and 5706 are equal to

10.90 10.90


10.91 10.91

respectively. The matrix products 5707 and 5708 are equal up to the scaling factor K − 1. As the rank of the true cross-covariance matrix is n, given that 5711, 5712 and 5713, the rank of 5714 is asymptotically n, under the assumption that Sss has full rank rank n, that is, the source signals are not linearly dependent. The jth q-weight vector is an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue 5719, which suggests a different deflation for 5720. Abbreviating this matrix expression by 5721 and defining 5722, the first q-weight vector satisfies

10.92 10.92

Given that 5723 is symmetric and positive definite, the deflation procedure for determining the second q-weight vector that is orthogonal to the first one is as follows

10.93 10.93

which is the principle of the power method to determine subsequent eigenpairs of symmetric and positive definite matrices. After determining the jth eigenpair, the deflation procedure becomes

10.94 10.94

accordingly. Given that the rank of 5725 is n, a total of n eigenpairs can be determined by the iterative power method with deflation. On the other hand, the n eigenvectors and eigenvalues can also be determined simultaneously in a batch mode, for example discussed in Chapter 8 in Golub and van Loan (1996). Once the n q-weight vectors are available, the w-weight vectors can be computed. Before demonstrating that this can also be done in a batch mode, Lemma 10.5.11 shows how to compute the u-scores directly from the output data matrix.


Lemma 10.5.11
If the q-weight vectors are available, the u-score variables can be directly computed from the output data matrix, that is, 5730.


In the preceding discussion, the u-score variables have been computed from the deflated output data, that is, 5731. However, the fact that the q-weight vectors are mutually orthonormal yields

10.95 10.95

The above relationship incorporates 5732, which (10.79) highlights.

Next, incorporating 5733 into the objective function for determining the w-weight vector in 2.66 gives rise to

10.96 10.96

Taking advantage of the fact that 5734 and 5735 for all i ≠ j, (10.96) can be expanded upon

10.97 10.97


where 5737. Equation (10.97) can also be written as

10.98 10.98

which follows from Theorem 10.5.1 and yields in this batch formulation the same solution as those obtained individually. More precisely, defining the maximum of the combined objective by 5738, it can only be a maximum if each of the sum elements are a maximum, according to the Bellman principle of optimality (Bellman 1957). As shown in (10.97), storing the n w-weight vectors to form the matrix 5740, the solution of the objective function in (10.97) is given by

10.99 10.99

Working out the partial relationships, (10.99) becomes

10.100 10.100

where 5741 and 5742.

To simultaneously calculate the n w-weight vectors in batch form, the solution to the objective function in (10.97) is therefore

10.101 10.101

Equations (10.86) and (10.89) outline that the n diagonal elements of the matrix 5745 are equal to the square root of the eigenvalues of 5746 and 5747. The conclusion of this proof requires to show that

10.102 10.102

To start with, Theorem 10.5.5 shows that 5748, i.e. the column vectors or 5749 are mutually orthonormal. Next, (10.83) and (10.84) highlight that

10.103 10.103

which confirms (10.102).

In summary, Theorem 10.5.10 outlined that the q-weight vectors can be simultaneously computed as eigenvectors of the matrix product 5750, which is positive semi-definite, whose rank asymptotically converges to n ≤ ny. On the other hand, it is also possible to simultaneously compute the w-weight vectors as eigenvectors of the matrix product 5752, which is a positive semi-definite matrix with an asymptotic rank of n ≤ ny. Furthermore, the computation of the w-weight vectors is independent of the determination of the q-weight vectors. Equations (10.105) and (10.106) finally summarize the eigendecomposition of these matrices

10.104 10.104


10.105 10.105

For canonical correlation analysis (CCA), a multivariate statistical method developed by Harold Hotelling in the 1930s (Hotelling 1935, 1936) that determines weight vectors to produce score variables that have a maximum correlation, a batch algorithm has been proposed to simultaneously determine Q and W. This solution for simultaneously computing the n q- and w-weight vectors can be taken advantage of by simultaneously computing the weight vectors of the MRPLS algorithm. Prior to that, the next paragraph discusses the similarities between the objective functions for CCA and maximum redundancy.

As outlined in Stewart and Love (1968), ten Berge (1985) and van den Wollenberg (1977), the CCA objective function does not consider the predictability of the output variables in the same way as maximum redundancy does. More precisely, the CCA objective function is given by

10.106 10.106 Similar to the maximum redundancy formulation, the Lagrangian multipliers are identical and the solution of the CCA objective function for the jth pair of weight vectors, or canonical variates, is given by (Anderson 2003)

10.107 10.107


10.108 10.108

It is interesting to note that the difference in the objective function between the CCA and the maximum redundancy is the presence of the matrix product 5758, which results from the different constraint for the q-weight vector. For the simultaneous computation of the n weight vectors, a batch algorithm that relies on a series of singular value decompositions (SVDs) has been developed (Anderson 2003). Table 10.4 summarizes the steps of the resultant batch algorithm for simultaneously determining the n q- and w-weight vectors.

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