Environmental Portrait


Think of this exercise as a portrait with a visual story. The subject can be portrayed in his/her place of work, for example.


The technique is similar to the previous exercise, but you will pay more attention to the environment around the subject. The resulting photograph should contain a clear sense of place to the viewer. Is it the portrait of a hot dog vendor? The cart should be visible and part of the story. Is it a gardener? A close-up of the person will not tell us anything about what they do, so make sure you shoot a bit wider and show the environment, including details such as tools.

This exercise could lead to a wonderful project on “people at work” in your city. If you decide to go the project route, be sure to make some decisions for consistency. Will the photos be in color or black and white? Which focal length will you use for each portrait? I recommend a wide lens such as 35mm to allow for more information around the subject without the shot feeling disconnected.


Havana Encounter / Havana, 2018

This nice woman was doing the dishes outside her kitchen. She greeted me with a smile and I asked to take her picture.

Fujifilm X100F, 23mm, f/2, 1/200 sec., ISO 500

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