Looking In


Photograph an interesting subject through the window of a café or other place of interest (but not a private home!). When walking down the streets of any city, no matter the time of day, I love looking through windows of cafés and restaurants in search of an interesting subject to photograph. A reflection in the window doesn’t bother me as long as it’s not my own or cars parked on the street.


When you’re in an area with good potential for this type of shot, make sure you walk at a slower pace. If you see someone worth photographing, they will probably lift their head and look in your direction if you make a sudden stop. When walking slowly, you barely have to even make a full stop to get the shot and move on. If you are not prepared, don’t panic! Keep walking, cross the street to come back the other direction, then make a second pass slowly with your camera ready. Consider using burst mode to increase your chances. If you shoot in aperture priority, set your camera at an aperture that will give you enough depth of field (f/5.6, for example) and fast enough shutter speed (minimum of 1/200) in case you are not at a full stop when pressing the shutter. Don’t worry about the high ISO. And don’t make a third attempt; it would look too suspicious.


If you plan on shooting through windows, you should wear dark clothing as much as possible. Your camera may show in the reflection, but your clothing won’t if you are close enough. If you want to avoid your reflection entirely, shoot from an angle.


Window Seat / Paris, 2019

This gentleman was paging through a magazine at a café. I shot from an angle in order to avoid my own reflection in the glass and managed a close enough frame without disrupting the scene.

Fujifilm X100F, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/200 sec., ISO 640


Plat du Jour / Paris, 2018

Shot through several panels of glass and into the light, the reflections and signage add to the mood of this silhouette of a woman at lunch.

Fujifilm X100F, 23mm, f/2, 1/400 sec., ISO 400

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