Creative Self-Portraits


You are your most available subject! Let your creativity soar and make a self-portrait.


This assignment is really open. You may decide to stage a scene and set your camera on a tripod with a timer, use the double exposure setting on your camera, or find some reflective surfaces. I invite you to search the internet for some really creative self-portrait series for inspiration. You’ll be amazed and inspired by some of the work that has been produced in recent years.


Just Me / St. Paul, Minnesota, 2016

I’ve had an ongoing Mirrored Me project for several years. It doesn’t require any setup or planning. I approach it as I would street photography. I catch a glimpse of an interesting reflection or framing, and then I click the shutter.

Fujifilm X-Pro2, 35mm, f/5.6, 1/160 sec., ISO 6400

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